Gua number - meaning and application: calculate online

Nines have a contradictory character - on the one hand, they can be sociable and bright, but on the other, they have a tendency to isolation, loneliness and secrecy; at some moments in their lives they love attention, and at others they strive so that no one touches them and does not interfere with their enjoyment loneliness. They can inspire and lead others, and be great friends, but they have contradictory personalities and can be quite cruel and even evil.

  • Determination;
  • Hot temper;
  • Communication skills;
  • Pride;
  • Vanity;
  • Developed intuition;
  • Variability;
  • Brightness and self-sufficiency.

People with Gua number 9 are characterized by impulsiveness - they can light up and cool down very quickly. For this reason, they may not achieve the success they expect. They are easily charmed and disappointed in people. It is not easy for them to assess their abilities and capabilities, since they grab onto everything at once, and when faced with difficulties and problems, they begin to worry that something is not working out and rather quickly change their hobbies. Something similar happens in their personal lives - they quickly get excited about something and immediately lose interest in their business and what they were doing before.

Such people are subject to mood, they can be smart, extraordinary, inclined to create brilliant ideas, but at the same time retreat in the face of difficulties and troubles. In some cases, they are characterized by a lack of objectivity and rationality; they can be either soft or critical of everything that happens around them. Outwardly, they seem to be happy and self-sufficient people, but inside they have a lot of hidden fears and complexes that can hinder the achievement of their goals.

Gua number 9 for men

Nine men are distinguished by the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly, expressed eloquence and goodwill. They can throw around various ideas, lead others, and be very convincing, but in real life they often deviate from what they follow and can succumb to their mood.

These men are characterized by changeable character, amorousness, courage and determination. They can constantly change life directions, lovers, fall in love and cool down.

Four and five

The meaning of the number according to Feng Shui is extremely negative and is associated with death. The Chinese try to avoid both the number itself and any combinations with it (except 44). Here's how you can interpret the meaning of this number:

  • end of the favorable period;
  • failures in all vital forces;
  • emotional depression;
  • incessant troubles;
  • insurmountable barriers to getting what you want;
  • painful lesions.

Five has several important associations. These are the five elements - metal, fire, air, earth and water. There are also five main planets - Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus.

Five is an odd number, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, means “nothing.” Being part of a combination, it cancels out the positive value of the other numbers. However, it cannot nullify the influence of negatively charged numbers.

Gua number 9 for women

Women with Gua number 9 have an optimistic and easy-going character, they are friendly, flirtatious, playful, they are characterized by eloquence and bright attractiveness, however, such women are fickle in their feelings, they are characterized by falling in love, changeable moods, they often do not know what they want. Today it seems to them that a man is the best in the world, and tomorrow they will treat him with coolness, and then completely forget about him.

Such women are fickle in love, but they are devoted to their children. They dream of an ideal family, but in some cases they themselves spoil relationships with loved ones.

Number three

According to ancient Chinese teachings, the troika is the cause of the appearance of all things in the world, a symbol of the three principles (man, earth and sky), a symbol of the triple structure of the family (mother, father, son), a symbol of the three sublime spaces (sacred, real and immortal earth) . It has always been sacred, considered to bring light.

The meaning of the number according to Feng Shui is growth. Three is responsible for the rapid development of life. It has the most beneficial effect on a person in combination with other numbers, enhancing their effect. Here's how you can characterize this figure:

  • moving towards new opportunities;
  • a push to help overcome a period of stagnation;
  • rapid career growth;
  • self-improvement and self-development.

Favorable directions


The south is the main direction of personal growth for such people. This sphere coincides with the area of ​​glory and calling, the most desirable for such people. For people with Gua Number 9 in this direction, it is best to place the bedroom in this direction - it is believed that it will promote love, brightness, and prosperity for the spouses.

You can activate the positive influence of this sector if you make a beige shade the dominant color, and in this zone place aromatic incense, talismans that correspond to the elements of fire and wood, various wooden pieces of furniture and souvenirs.


The East is a sector that is associated with the wealth and success of such people. For them, this sector also coincides with the direction of material well-being, so in this area it is better to place items related to attracting wealth and material well-being, talismans and amulets for money.

It is best to place in this sector large bills that can be used as talismans, various beautiful things, a chest of jewelry or a handbag, gold - it will activate solar energy and contribute to the wealth of such people.


North is the sector responsible for love, personal victories of people with Gua number 9. For such people, the sector of love coincides with the area of ​​their profession, so they should choose a direction in which personal qualities are clearly manifested, for example, sexuality, artistry, the ability to please the opposite sex.

It is best to place a bedroom in this place, but do not use the symbolism of fire in large quantities, as feelings can burn out and turn out to be fragile. To get rid of troubles, it is important to locate your personal office in this area or the door to it, and use professional talismans.


The southeast is the sector that is responsible for the health of people with a Gua number of 9. To feel great, it is better to place talismans made of wood in this area - they will contribute to activity, well-being and joy in the lives of such people. It is important that a bedroom or dining room be located in the health area - this will help strengthen vitality and material wealth in the lives of such people. You can even turn the bed in this direction.

Eastern group





















Unfavorable directions


The Northeast is an unfavorable sector, activating failures, problems in various areas of life and troubles, especially in the field of knowledge and science. People with this Gua number may choose the wrong direction in life and believe other people's advice, which can lead to failure in life.

People with Gua number 9 should not have means in this area through which they receive information - laptops, smartphones, books, otherwise they can direct them in the wrong direction. It is best to install a kitchen in this area.


The West is a ghostly sector that is associated with the zone of public relations and communication. It is extremely undesirable to place a personal office or dining room in this area, as this will negatively affect the implementation of the creative ideas of such people and relationships with others. They are unlikely to support the ideas of such people, which, given their low sense of purpose, can lead to trouble. Under no circumstances should you place a guest bedroom and dining room in this place; this place is suitable for a bathroom or toilet.


South-West - sector of destruction. For people with Gua number 9, this zone is the zone of family relationships and marriage, so people with this number should not have a bedroom here, otherwise love and family relationships can be not only unpleasant, but also scandalous and even dangerous for such people. It is possible to neutralize the negative impact of this sector only if you do not place any doors in this area and use indoor plants or a bathroom or shower.


The North-West is the sector responsible for the collapse of everything that happens in the lives of people with Gua number 9. In this case, it coincides with the area of ​​assistants and friends, so people with Gua number 9 need to locate non-residential premises in this area - sheds, storage places things, cabinets.

To avoid major troubles, it is best to install a toilet in this area, since negative energy will leave along with the water. It is important for such people to never install a door in this area, especially an entrance door - this is fraught with major troubles and even disasters.

Numbers 1 and 2

The unit enjoyed special honor in ancient Chinese culture. She was associated with the starry sky, which was considered the birthplace of everything that exists on Earth. This number was also compared to a sprout, which slowly and gradually develops, becoming tall and beautiful.

According to Feng Shui, the unit is considered a rather successful sign and the primary source of everything that exists. It itself carries a positive load and enhances the positive influence of other numbers. Here's how it can be described:

  • an honest name and unblemished reputation;
  • unity and harmony with the surrounding world;
  • authority in the eyes of others;
  • success in any endeavor;
  • increases luck and luck.

The number two is called harmonizing, providing balance between the energies of yin and yang. If in a combination of several numbers it stands in front of some lucky number, then its positive effect on a person is enhanced. And if it is adjacent to an unlucky number, then the negative influence increases. This even number carries the following meaning:

  • lightness, relaxation and tranquility;
  • life satisfaction;
  • the ability to enjoy the little things;
  • ability to withstand challenges and challenges;
  • achieving results without much effort.

It is interesting that a combination consisting exclusively of twos does not carry any load at all. This is an empty number that has absolutely no effect on a person.


  • Successful compatibility:
    People with a Gua number of 9 are perfectly compatible with those with a Gua number of 1 or 4. Such partners will understand each other perfectly and put up with almost any misunderstandings and scandals, so it is very important for such people to feel and understand each other and almost never do not conflict;
  • Average compatibility:
    People with Gua number 9 are slightly less compatible with people with numbers 3 and 9. Such people will develop normal relationships, but over time they will begin to conflict and provoke each other into constant discontent and quarrels among themselves;
  • Poor compatibility:
    The least favorable compatibility develops for such people with numbers 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Such partners will constantly quarrel with each other and not understand each other, it will be very difficult for them to be together.

Western group






















One of the most auspicious numbers according to Feng Shui philosophy is eight. It attracts all the good things into a person’s life - well-being, prosperity, material values, personal happiness, and so on. It is not surprising that the Chinese are ready to do anything to get a phone number with an eight, live in an apartment or work in an office with such a number. Here's what else you can say about the eight:

  • the totality of all the best that there is in the world;
  • constant luck;
  • feeling of happiness.

Six and seven

Among the numbers, six is ​​one of the most favorable. This is a Feng Shui money number. What does this number mean? The main signs will be:

  • material well-being;
  • success in business;
  • rapid career growth;
  • profitable investments;
  • big profit.

The number seven has a powerful semantic and energetic load. It symbolizes the unity of the five main planets and two celestial bodies. It also means the number of days of the week and the number of planetary cycles.

The odd number 7, according to Feng Shui, means guarantee or confidence. Neighboring with other lucky numbers, seven guarantees their positive impact on a person. By itself, it carries the following semantic load:

  • luck and luck;
  • self confidence;
  • valuable opportunities;
  • realizing potential;
  • wisdom, knowledge and learning;
  • creative talent;
  • assistance in finding your calling;
  • achievements of goals.

Differences between Western numerology and Feng Shui

Business and career do not know small things. In China, choosing meaningful number combinations is very important. .

Important! Residents of the Celestial Empire go to any lengths to ensure that their personal phone number ends with the same lucky “eight” or “nine”.

Feng Shui differs from Western numerology in that the very meaning of numbers here is closely intertwined with their arrangement and the order in which they follow each other.

It is also important that in Feng Shui there are different interpretations of numbers. Eastern numerology in its classical version interprets them completely differently from how we do it in everyday life, limited only by the phonetics of sound.

Practical application of knowledge

Number combinations are found everywhere in human life. In this regard, people try to surround themselves with positively charged combinations as much as possible. Here are some useful tips:

  • Car plate numbers. It is believed that they should consist exclusively of “white numbers” that carry a positive meaning. It's good when there is a unit at the end. It allows the driver to better feel both the car itself and the road, and brings good luck on trips. But it is better to avoid fours (especially in combination with a two).
  • Phone number. Followers of Feng Shui teachings are very scrupulous in choosing these numbers. In order for business and personal communication to be as successful as possible, you should choose numbers containing sevens, as well as those ending in nine. Ones and threes also contribute to a fruitful conversation.
  • Apartment number. According to Feng Shui, the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 are the most favorable in this capacity. Their proximity to 1, 2 and 3 is also welcome. Try to avoid fours and fives. With the exception of the number 44, because the sum of its numbers gives a lucky eight. There is no need to be afraid of zero in the room.

Lucky combinations

Combining in combinations, the numbers complement and correct each other. The following combinations are considered the most successful:

  • 11 - symbol of success;
  • 21 - favor of the Universe;
  • 23 - increases efficiency and attracts professional luck;
  • 28 - easy money;
  • 29 - provides vital energy and helps maintain good health;
  • 33 - quickly getting what you want;
  • 39 - unprecedented spiritual heights;
  • 67 - Feng Shui number means guaranteed wealth;
  • 68 - continuously growing wealth;
  • 78 - fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • 168 - luck and success in all areas of life, a feeling of harmony and well-being;
  • 639 - incredible financial success;
  • 789 - a positive sign without a specific semantic load, internal energy balance.
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