Gua number is the choice of favorable directions. The secret of application

The number GUA-3 corresponds to the personality trigram Zhen. It consists of 2 broken yin lines located above a solid yang line. Together they symbolize the growth of yang energy and the rumble of spring thunder.

Zhen is the spirit of thunder. It lives underground, often breaks out and destroys the acquired balance. It reveals hidden sides, gives new meaning to familiar processes and gives strength to complete complex tasks. Its symbol is thunder, its effect is awakening.

  • Element - Wood
  • The symbol is thunder.
  • Direction – east.
  • Color - orange, light green and blue.
  • The season is the spring equinox.
  • Lucky number of the month is 3
  • Body part – legs, pelvis
  • Important character traits are the desire to achieve a goal, responsibility, and fearlessness.

Personality character

The main characteristics of people with Gua 3:

  • activity;
  • sociability;
  • masculinity;
  • hot temper;
  • emotionality;
  • determination;
  • reliability;
  • eccentricity.

Individuals with this number have a bright temperament and a passionate nature. The number 3 gives people energy, inspires them to solve complex problems and situations, and makes a person a leader. People of this number are always full of new ideas, impulsive, make extraordinary decisions and break established rules.

Despite their eccentricity, people of number 3 honor traditions and pay great attention to family and relatives. Gua energy with number 3 makes women jealous and attracts them to people with good looks. For men, having such an energy number means being quick-tempered, truth-loving and fair.

Holders of 3 strive to gain new knowledge and share it with others. Such people do not shy away from problems and solve difficulties with enviable stubbornness. “Troikas” start working early and know how to earn money. They make good teachers, doctors, writers, singers and athletes. They try to open their own business rather than work for others and often achieve success.

Such people are in good physical shape, but they should pay attention to their nervous system. Problems with the lower extremities are also possible. In love, these individuals are assertive and passionate, they are amorous, which leads to early marriages.

The symbol of the trigram is a thunderstorm with flashes of lightning and thunder. This makes people's character unrestrained and hot-tempered.

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Negative qualities

People with a personal Gua number of 3 may also have negative qualities. They are freedom-loving and cannot stand being taught about life. Decisions are made at the last moment, so others consider them secretive. The following character qualities are distinguished:

  1. Tendency to extremes (from laziness to vigorous activity).
  2. Self-confidence in one's own rightness.
  3. Aggressiveness.
  4. Tendency to take risks and overestimate one's strengths.
  5. Unpredictability.
  6. Eccentricity.

The most unimaginable insult for a woman is to say that she is wrong, but they don’t like hypocrisy either.

Such people are advised to gain balance and learn to be flexible when communicating with other people.

Gua number 3 for men and women

Make a promising forecast for the future, determine favorable directions for the development of love relationships, arrange furniture correctly “according to Feng Shui” and decorate your own home - all this can be done with the help of Chinese geomancy. To do this, it is enough to know your energy number - Gua.

Let's look at the features of Gua number 3. Feng Shui practitioners call this number complex. It corresponds to a trigram of two Yin lines (broken) located above the Yang line (solid).

The Zhen trigram (“spring thunder”) characterizes the spirit of thunder, the predominance of a man’s energy, broken free and intended to create an imbalance, to disturb, to force one to take active actions. Gua element 3 is wood. Colours: green, various shades of blue.

People with Gua number 3, belonging to the eastern group, are characterized by an explosive and eccentric character.

Their temperament is so bright and impulsive that it is impossible not to notice them. These are passionate and contradictory natures, capable of recklessness, very hot-tempered and vulnerable, energetic and insightful. However, they do not always manage to direct their energy in the right direction; they are often wasted on trifles.

Troikas are true truth-tellers, capable of bringing to light facts that have long been hushed up and remaining in the shadows. For this they are not very loved; they often acquire many enemies, secret envious people. In business circles, these people can become a godsend: they are purposeful and very responsible, have a leadership streak, and are able to lead and lead.

In love, these people are passionate and tireless, sometimes even overly assertive, which can scare away their loved ones. They value family and comfort, but they strive to organize everything in their own way, sometimes being inattentive and superficial to the needs of others, which causes conflicts and misunderstandings on the part of relatives.

The life task of the Gua 3 personality is not to suppress the desire to act, not to be afraid of non-standard decisions and responsibility, not to be afraid of the energy seething in it. Then, with active hectic activity in society, the Troika will be able to be calm and balanced internally.

Directions in Gua 3 space - opposites of influence

First, let's consider negative vectors in which Threes are undesirable to move.

  • Ho-hai - southwest;
  • Wu-gui - north-west;
  • Liu-sha - northeast;
  • Jue-ming - west.

So, all vectors of the Western direction can make the life of Gua 3 individuals difficult and full of failures. The location of storage areas (dressing room, pantry, safe) in the southwest can provoke stagnation in family affairs and love relationships.

To avoid pressure from influential people and attract their support, it is advisable not to neglect the northwestern direction, but to fill it with benefit: place a bath or toilet in this sector, perhaps a kitchen work area.

The West itself threatens Troikas with illnesses and quarrels in the family, up to the collapse of relationships. Never place a nursery in a westerly direction or place a bed with the head of the bed facing west. The same applies to the entrance to the house.

The Northeast prevents C students (especially children and students) from developing intellectually if the work area or children's room falls under its influence. The best use of the northeast part is the powder room.

Favorable directions promise people with Gua number 3 the fulfillment of all their plans and good luck in business and relationships. They will be able to improve and develop their best sides.

  • Fu-wei - east;
  • Nian-yan - southeast;
  • Tien-i - north;
  • Shengqi - south.

The eastern direction for Threes is the family sector as a symbol of support and support in personal development. To enhance success, it is advisable to place a bed in this zone, with the headboard facing east, and you can also equip the place with talismans of wealth. An aquarium with fish, a blue stone - aquamarine, and a fountain are perfect.

In the southeast, Threes should avoid money symbols. Placing here water talismans for wealth (fountains, aquariums, fish, frogs) will have the opposite effect.

It would be more appropriate to decorate this area with a vase with silk flowers or live plants.

Take care of your health by sleeping with your head facing north or distributing the space in your home so that the dining room (dining table) is facing north. It is better not to place the kitchen work surface or stove here. To attract monetary benefits, the work table and entrance doors should correspond to the southern direction. You can equip the zone with money talismans: a figurine of Hottei, a toad with coins, a money tree.

Gua Number 3 and its partners: compatibility

Feng Shui practitioners and theorists agree that people of the same group are better suited to each other in terms of successful directions. Based on this, it can be argued that for a Three, relationships with numbers 1, 4 and 9 will be harmonious. But love is always unpredictable, therefore, if your Gua number is 3, and your partner is a Seven or Two, this does not mean that your the relationship is doomed.

For a Troika man, it is important to first of all choose a female partner whom he will take care of and who will not reproach him for being excessively quarrelsome and impulsive. The number 2 as a symbol of love fits well in this version. Therefore, take into account the directions and build your relationships - and everything will be great for you!

Meaning of Gua numbers:

  • Gua number meaning 1
  • Gua number meaning 2
  • Gua number meaning 3
  • Gua number meaning 4
  • Gua number meaning 5
  • Gua number meaning 6
  • Gua number meaning 7
  • Gua number meaning 8
  • Gua number meaning 9

Feng Shui for Gua 3

It is recommended to place a bed, desk, seating area or dining table according to the Gua number. For Gua 3, the health zone is north; the southeast is the love zone; zone of financial growth and success - south; stability zone – east.

To attract love, prosperity, money, career growth and health, you need to take into account favorable zones for Gua 3 in everyday life.

Sheng Qi – direction of Success (south), the most favorable direction according to Feng Shui with good energy. Due to the fact that it attracts fame, money and success, you need to turn your desktop in this direction. It’s good if the entrance door to the apartment is located in this direction.

It is recommended to point the door to the bedroom and the head of the bed to the north, i.e. in the direction of health (Tien-I). This adds vitality and activity.

If a person is lonely and dreams of a life partner, then it is better to install the head of the bed in the direction of Love (Yan-Nian). For Gua 3 this is southeast.

Characteristics of “triples” and their features

Owners of this energy number, be it a man or a woman, are eccentric, expressive and unbalanced people. According to Feng Shui, they are quick-tempered and vulnerable, energetic and insightful. However, precisely because of such chaos, they often cannot direct their energy in the right direction and waste it on trifles.

Threes. They are true truth-tellers and therefore the owners of a considerable collection of enemies and haters. They are one of those people who, despite the passage of time and all sorts of obstacles, will bring the truth to light and expose the perpetrators. But this will definitely be beneficial in business circles, where such qualities are always at a premium. Their determination and leadership will make people follow them. Love for representatives of number three in the Fen teaching is the same battlefield on which assertiveness and tirelessness are closely intertwined with passion and the desire to do everything for your loved one.

Both women and men often try to do everything their own way, regardless of the opinions and needs of the family. This, in turn, often causes conflicts in the family. Feng Shui states that the life task of those who represent the gua number 3 is to maintain their vibrant energy. However, at the same time, they need their own tireless control and direction of it in a fruitful direction. Threes need to be active socially and at work in order to feel in harmony with their own self. This will help them become more balanced and thoughtful internally. Oddly enough, it is precisely this beginning that is quite strong in them, because if you haven’t forgotten, then in the trigram of triplets there are as many as two yin lines, which are precisely responsible for calmness, balance and gentleness. The imbalance is caused by the same lower yang, which strives to break free, upset the balance and do everything in its own expressive way. A huge number of productive ideas from women and men of thunder are obtained thanks to such a patronizing element as wood. It is constantly growing and developing, but does not forget its roots and friendships. The main thing for representatives of number three is not to be afraid of the forces raging inside, but to control them and direct them to a good cause.

Favorable directions for Gua 3

There are favorable and unfavorable directions that bring success or failure. Favorable directions for people with personal number 3 include:

  1. East (personal development and stability).
  2. Southeast (love and harmony in the family).
  3. North (health).
  4. South (success and wealth).

The East coincides with the sector responsible for the family. This means that the family is a source of strength and energy. It is recommended to install an aquarium or fish figurines in this area.

Southeast - this direction helps to achieve harmony in relationships. This is where you need to place your bed as a headboard to start a family or build relationships. Additionally, you can place talismans that bring love.

The north has a beneficial effect on health. To prevent illness, it is recommended to connect the kitchen stove in this area, and sit at the table facing north

The South attracts material wealth and financial success. This direction must be used in all important moments of life. It should be taken into account that fire is the element of this sector. Therefore, the choice of reinforcing symbolism should be approached responsibly.

Compatibility with other numbers

And the most interesting thing for everyone, no matter whether a man or a woman, was left for last. This is what kind of partners will suit triplets best. The Taoist practice of Feng Shui is of the opinion that representatives of the same numerical groups get along best with each other, since their indicators of their directions are as close as possible to each other. Fen soul mates for them are ones, fours and nines. However, do not be sad if your loved one is not one of them. Love is an unpredictable and quite powerful feeling, so you should never conclude that your relationship is doomed. Remember, dear representatives of the number three, everything is in your hands, and the teachings of Feng Shui only help in harmonization!

Unfavorable directions

The Eastern group has negative directions for a person with Gua 3, which should be deviated from when planning personal space:

  • southwest;
  • western;
  • northwestern;
  • northeast.

It is believed that such areas should be avoided for Gua 3 to avoid bad luck and misfortune. Characteristics of unlucky directions:

  1. The western direction can lead to collapse. In such a zone there is no need to place an office, children's bedrooms or human creative objects.
  2. The northwest direction is called the ghost sector. Here you can place a bathroom or toilet.
  3. The northeast sector is a killer zone. This place is not suitable for acquiring new knowledge. Such an area can be harmful if a table is placed in it for schoolchildren and students to study.
  4. The southwestern direction threatens failures and life troubles. Garden tools are not placed in such an area. There is no need to store sharp, cutting household items yet.

You need to avoid negative directions, and then all changes in life will be for the better.

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