Wood, fire, metal, water, earth - the main 5 elements of Feng Shui

The five elements (5 types of energies) are not something static. They interact with each other - they can create and feed, control, weaken and destroy each other.

The figures below show three main cycles of interaction between the 5 elements, which we will consider in more detail later.

Although the elements follow each other and there is neither end nor beginning in their ring sequence, the first element is still considered to be Tree, since it is a symbol of spring and the beginning of the year.

Feng Shui Elements Destruction Circle

Each Element also destroys the other in sequence.
Wood is destroyed by metal tools, which are melted by Fire. The fire is extinguished by Water, which can be blocked by a dam from the Earth, from where the Tree, that is, vegetation, takes its nutrients. In this case, the destroyer is the parent of the parent of the element being destroyed. For example, Metal is the parent of Water, which in turn is the parent of Wood. Therefore, Metal is the grandfather of Wood, but it also destroys Wood. This circle is sometimes called the circle of Dominance, or the circle of Control. Use this circle to weaken the Element by adding its grandfather, but just don't overdo it as this is a really destructive way to achieve the goal.

Wu Xing as the basis of Chinese metaphysics

Chinese metaphysics is a vast body of knowledge that includes many different areas. All of them are closely interconnected with each other. But the basis of everything is the Taoist system of Wu Xing, five elements, five rotations, modifications.

All sections of Chinese metaphysics, in turn, help together to improve various areas of a person’s life and bring him closer to success in life. Get the results you want from life with less effort in a shorter period of time.

One of the sections of Chinese metaphysics, ba zi, describes the connection between the individual energy acquired by a person at the moment of birth with his subsequent fate, character, health and potential in various areas of life. Knowledge of Ba Zi allows you to increase personal effectiveness and find ways to solve life's problems in the financial sphere, personal relationships and health. And in the absence of balance in energy (and almost most people do not have it!) it is necessary to “strengthen” or “weaken” a certain element.

Analysis of a birth chart allows you to find out almost everything about a person and his destiny! Anyone interested in analysis, please contact us for a consultation.

Circle of generation of feng shui elements

Let's take a look at what the generating circle of feng shui elements is:

  • Fire. When burned, it creates ash that goes into the Earth.
  • Earth. Metal is born in its depths.
  • Metal. Condenses Water.
  • Water. Nourishes the Tree.
  • Tree. Serves as food for Fire.

Destructive Circle of Elements:

  • Fire. Melts Metal.
  • Metal. Cuts down a tree.
  • Tree. Draws strength from the Earth.
  • Earth. Blocks the path of Water.
  • Water. Puts out the Fire.

And one more point that must be kept in mind. Each subsequent element draws energy from its “parent”. Thus we get:

  • Fire burns Wood.
  • Wood absorbs Water.
  • Water wears away metal (rust).
  • Metal cuts the Earth.
  • The Earth extinguishes (throws in) the Fire.

Elements give rise to each other in the order shown in Figure 15.1. In the feng shui circle of elemental generation, Wood is burned to produce Fire. The result is Ash (or Earth) in which Metal can be found. Metal can also be found in the veins of the earth, from which (according to the Chinese worldview) underground streams (Water) emerge, feeding vegetation and in turn giving rise to Wood. In a certain sense, each Element is the parent of the Element next to it in the Circle. This order corresponds to the order of the seasons and their Elements. Thus, the Water of winter gives birth to the new vegetation (Wood) of spring It gives birth to the heat (Fire) of summer until the harvest is harvested with metal tools in the fall.

Use this circle to strengthen an Element by adding a Parent Element to it.

Why do we need the Taoist system of 5 elements of Wu Xing?

The system of five primary elements explains all the relationships that are formed in our world:

  • Change of seasons in nature;
  • Development of man and society as a whole;
  • Distribution of energies in the human body among organs and systems;
  • Relationships between organs in the body;
  • Relationships between various social phenomena.

From the point of view of the development of any person, there are also certain patterns that are subordinate to the system of five elements. First, a child is born and grows - this is spring, the beginning of the cycle, the element of Wood. Then he becomes a teenager, it’s summer, the element of Fire, maximum development, the joy of being in this world, the feeling of the infinity of this life, everything is ahead. Next comes the harvest from your life and your achievements, the fruits of life, the epochs of development, this is the off-season, the elements of the Earth.

Next is the period of autumn - Metal - withering of the body, dryness, slowdown of all life processes. And at the end of life comes winter, the element of Water, old age and dying. When you really want to be reborn again and manifest through a new spring. The natural cycle of development and flow of elements from one to another closes.

Thus, we are convinced that the Taoist Wu Xing system is a matrix through which we can analyze any phenomena of the surrounding nature (nature itself, society, the human body). Therefore, on its basis, the ancient thousand-year Chinese calendar was built, which helps in choosing dates for various important life events. And also this system is the basis for an extensive block of knowledge of Chinese metaphysics and the basis of all oriental medicine.

Feng Shui Elements Weakening Circle

The third circle of weakening feng shui elements is the exact opposite of the circle of generation, and it is this circle that is most often used in feng shui when choosing a correction remedy. Each Element in this circle weakens the Element from which it originated, that is, the parent Element. Use the Feng Shui Elemental Weakening Circle to weaken an Element by adding its child to it. This is a more natural way to achieve your goal than the Circle of Destruction. These Circles provide a practical key to the choice of corrective means in Flying Star Feng Shui, so it is very important that they are clearly imprinted in your imaginative memory.

Energy exchange between the Elements really occurs, and if it seems strange and even mysterious to you how some Elements embodied in specific objects, when in the company of others, can strengthen or weaken them, think about acupuncture. After all, there is a purely physical object - a needle inserted into the right place causes changes in the intensity of the flow of qi passing through this place of the body. So neither acupuncture nor feng shui are just speculative theories, they are very real and concrete things.

By remembering the above Circles, you can easily create adjustments for different combinations of Stars. But any remedy is used only against Stars interacting within the same Palace. Face Stars tend to react to changes much more quickly than Mountain Stars, who are slower and calmer in nature. It is better to use the Circle of Weakening where you constantly influence the negatively affecting Element with its descendants in the same way as you would divert the attention of a mother to her children, instead of entering into Direct confrontation with her. This is a question of both subtlety of approach and practicality.

© Ogudin Valentin

Five elements

So, the time has come to figure out what the five elements are in Feng Shui, the embodiment and influence of their energy in various objects and symbols.


Water is one of the main elements of Feng Shui.

If you need this element to correct an imbalance in the house, then you need to use real water, and not its image. Clean circulating water is much more effective than standing water. This is why it is recommended to use fountains and aquariums in every Feng Shui school. This is a good way of placing water in a place where there is usually none.

Blue or black in large quantities can replace the energy of water on a vibrational level. So if you paint the walls in a room, for example, blue, it will create the energy of that element.


This is a feng shui element that is somewhat misunderstood. Wooden furniture, for example, is mostly passive, so it won't cause any harm even if it is placed throughout the apartment, including the floors.

If you want to use wood as a balancing element, then a live plant is quite suitable. A painting or carpet in green tones will not only decorate the room, but will also become a source of energy for the tree.


This is a contradictory element, and its location can bring either a lot of benefit or harm.

Most people from Western countries who have not thoroughly studied the art of Feng Shui do not know how to properly use this element. In Chinese culture, the color red symbolizes happiness, wealth and success.

Beyond any cultural or psychological associations, fire vibrations produce more heat. Painting doors red to make up for the lack of this element is a common myth in Feng Shui - such actions will not bring any benefit.

Fire colors that are used in the wrong places can cause accidents, divorces and other unwanted occurrences. This element can be represented by a large object in red, burgundy, hot pink or cranberry color.


This feng shui element is found in any object that is made using earth or stone. Things made of clay, ceramics, brick, marble, concrete also emit vibrations of the elements. Rose quartz and amethyst crystals also represent the element of Earth. This beginning is symbolized by the colors yellow, orange and brown. Artificial crystals do not have healing powers, although their use is very popular in some modern schools of feng shui.


Things made of copper, brass, bronze, tin, steel, silver and gold carry the energy of the metal. White or gray can improve the atmosphere where this element is not enough, but it is still better to use real metal. Furniture and decor in the room often have details made from this material, which will have the corresponding energy.

Metal file cabinets in the workplace can also be used to restore the strength of metal. Simply put, there is no need to buy special Chinese attributes. Even a set of metal golf clubs in an appropriate location can have as much of a positive impact as special copper coins and mandarin duck figurines.

I like people who have a raw piece of copper or brass and feel free to use it, thereby capturing the energy of the metal. 11-13 kilograms of this element is enough to improve the vibration of a room measuring 3 m2. Larger rooms therefore require more metal.

The Law of the Five Elements and Eastern Medicine

Ancient healers used the Wu Xing circle for diagnosis, treatment of diseases and painful conditions, as well as for their prevention.

Let's see how the law of the five elements can be applied to the health of any person. From the point of view of analyzing health and diseases that occur based on the characteristics of a person’s birth chart. And also, how can you approach restoring health using the system of five primary elements?

First, by analyzing your birth chart, it is specifically determined which system of the body is the weakest and requires support, which elements are useful, and which need to be controlled. Through treatment, specifically which organ or system the entire body needs to be restored. After all, according to the principles of Eastern medicine, we treat not what hurts, but precisely what gives rise to this disease, the weakest link of the body.

From the point of view of Eastern medicine, there is no concept of illness and health. There is always some balance in the body that we should strive for. 90 percent of health problems are a consequence of our lifestyle. And here the main factors are immobility and poor nutrition .

From the system of five primary elements we can deduce that the leading one in the Wood system is wind, movement, in the Fire system - fire or warmth, restlessness, Earth - stability, the system of the meridian of the stomach and pancreas. Modern man is focused on excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods (Earth element), especially fast carbohydrates.

It turns out that we are artificially strengthening the Earth’s system, thereby overloading it. The consequence of this: obesity, excess weight in the form of deposits in different places of the body. This starts a chain of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, osteochondrosis and others.

Why is this happening? All relationships between elements are rigidly defined in the body. An excess of the Earth element leads to a deficiency of the Water element (kidneys and bladder). This is excessive control of the Earth!

And the weakening of Water leads to an excess of Fire (cardiovascular system), because weak Water cannot control it. In turn, strong Fire overcontrols Metal and weakens the lung and colon systems.

Thus the circle is closed. From wrong preferences in eating behavior we acquire a bunch of diseases, since everything in our body is interconnected!

How can we stop the excess accumulation of the Earth element in the body? Through its control by the Tree, creativity, perseverance, growth, development. And through movement - Water! This is where we need to look for resources to eliminate the onset of diseases in the body.

Circle for making wishes come true

You are all already familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui; in our articles we wrote about Lo Shu, Bagua and much more. But today we will talk about such a concept as a circle and, more precisely, as a circle of generation. So what is it? You already know, of course, that Feng Shui has a section on the elements. There are five elements: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. And depending on how they are located, these elements can interact, resulting in a circle of creation or generation (i.e., one element generates another), if this order is disrupted, a circle of destruction and negativity is obtained. But today we are interested in the circle of creation so that we can fulfill our good and wonderful dreams and desires. So

Professions and activities based on the 5 elements (ba-tzu)

Dear colleagues! I would like to note that the opinions of different masters regarding the belonging of professions to one or another element in the ba zi chart , namely: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal , often do not agree. I tried to analyze this issue as much as possible and bring to your attention a simple method for determining whether professions belong to elemental elements . Of course, I cannot include all existing professions and specialties in this review. But if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. So...Have you ever asked yourself the following questions: “Did I choose my profession ? Does it bring me moral satisfaction and good income? If such questions arise, most likely your profession or field of activity does not suit you in elements. If work as an element is not favorable for you, you will never earn much. There are good periods in the life of any person, but they pass, and again everything becomes the way it was, unfortunately. about choosing a profession according to Ba Zi is that it not only helps you find a suitable profession that will bring you a good income. By doing your own thing, something that is beneficial for yourself, you can still correct an unfavorable period in your life and maintain your health. Let's try to sort out this difficult issue. Important! When determining a profession and type of activity: - it is necessary to determine the main (leading) element of the personality - this is the goal of the activity; - it is necessary to determine the auxiliary elements - these are materials and tools, as well as the place and style of work. The purpose of the activity prevails over tools and materials. It’s difficult to say in percentage terms, about 70/30% approximately, but not 50/50%, that’s for sure. The basic rules for determining which element a particular activity or specialty belongs to (also applies to additional work/earnings and hobbies) are as follows: 1. It is necessary to determine what the person is in contact with. If the profession is working, then according to the material that is processed by a person. Let's say, when a person deals with metal parts or tools, if he is a car mechanic, for example, then such a person deals with the Metal , and if a person is a mason and builds brickwork, then with the Earth element. However, if a person is a crane operator or excavator operator by profession, then he works in Metal , but on Earth. What is the leading element in this case? Metal? But no. Earth, because these specialties are applicable exclusively in construction - buildings, structures, roads, bridges, and any construction is the Earth. It’s even more difficult with welders: they work where - in construction, i.e. on Earth, works with something – Metal, works with something – Fire. All of the listed specialists are first and foremost builders, and their leading element is the Earth, and only then are they crane operators, welders, masons, etc. I hope the principle is clear. In other words, we must not lose sight of the fact that at present the interpenetration of different elements in modern specialties and activities is a fairly common phenomenon.

2. Consideration should be given to where the person works. If a person, for example, is a lawyer (or more correctly, a legal consultant), and jurisprudence is always Metal, but he does not work in the field of criminal law (which is also Metal), but in companies operating in other areas, then our lawyer adds to himself auxiliary element: - Land, if he works in a construction company or in the field of land law; — Water, if he works in medicine, in the service sector or in the field of water law; - Wood - in agriculture, textile production, etc., - Fire - in energy, chemical industry, etc.

3. It is necessary to analyze the profession or specialty into its components in more detail. For example, some masters classify most engineering and technical specialties as Metal, but this is far from true. After all, electricity and energy are Fire. It is interesting that computers, tablets, smartphones and other gadgets also belong to Fire, and information technology as the transfer of information, as well as software, should be classified as Water. Here you can return to paragraphs. 1 and 2, and carry out a similar analysis. Who, what, on what and where our engineer works. Since we started with construction, let’s continue and look at the example of a civil engineer (let him be a designer). In any case, the leading element of his specialty is the Earth. If he works in a design institute or company whose main activity is the design of buildings and structures, this is again the Earth. If our designer is mainly involved in calculations and design of reinforced concrete structures, this is again Earth, and if metal or wooden structures are involved, Metal and Wood, respectively (but these factors add the corresponding elements no longer significantly). If an engineer draws or calculates on a computer, he adds Fire, if manually on paper, he adds Wood (these factors are also not so significant). And if the designer works in the design department of a metal structures plant, then the percentage of additional Metal will be higher.

Let's look at medicine. Some masters believe that medicine is Wood and Water, because Wood is associated with health and a patient attitude towards other people, and Water is the flow of life. I am among those who believe that in the medical profession the leading element is only Water. But medicine and medical practice always consists of several elements (at least two), depending on the direction. An additional element is: in cardiology - Fire (since the circulatory system and the heart belong to Fire), in surgery, orthopedics and dentistry - Metal, in homeopathy, naturopathy, rehabilitation, alternative medicine - Wood, in endocrinology - Earth. And if the surgeon, for example, is a military man, then this is already twice Metal, and it becomes very significant. There is an opinion that Eastern medicine is Wood, and Western medicine is Metal, which is completely wrong, this is too narrow a view.

4. You should definitely take into account exactly how you are busy at work, what your position and job responsibilities are, and what your working style is. This is an opportunity for correction, even if you cannot or do not want to change your profession, the work suits you, but you would like to make it more profitable. For example, if you need Water, but the element of your profession is different, you can at least get a job where you will need to go on business trips more often or communicate more, work with clients, partners, etc., and such activity will already correspond to the expressed energy Water. If you manage a team or consult, add Metal to yourself. Metal is associated with precise planning and punctuality. Land is associated with the preservation of values, stability, immobility. To add Earth, you need to become more diligent, immobile, choose a style of work so that you don’t run around the office or enterprise yourself, but so that people come to your office. Don’t go to clients’ homes, but have them come to your work or office. Fire is associated with activity, the ability to “light up” others, arouse in them enthusiasm and interest in work, and lead them. And finally, if you start offering interesting creative solutions and ideas (at absolutely any job), you will add the Wood element to yourself. Of course, this way you won’t be able to add a large percentage of the required element, but it’s still better than nothing.

5. And one more thing. If there is absolutely no opportunity or desire to change your main job, you can find an additional one, or start a hobby in your useful element.

Approximate list of professions and areas of activity by element:

Wood - growth and development, an element that creates new things: Joiners, carpenters, wood carvers, wood sculptors Paper production Construction of wooden houses (+ Earth leading) Nannies and teachers of kindergartens, nurseries, tutors Any child care institutions Doctors of oriental medicine, homeopaths, naturopaths (+ Leading water) Massage therapists Pharmaceuticals - production of herbal preparations Any design Architecture (unique projects) Drawing Cooking, canteens, cafes (non-alcoholic) Cook, confectioner (+ Additional land) Physical education workers (not professional sports) Fitness Hairdressers Plant growing, landscape design , floristry Agronomists Nutrition and dietetics Weaving (especially natural fabrics) and textile industry Casual fashion, clothing production Writers, poets Translation, creative writing, journalism (article writing) Butchers Huntsmen

Fire - expansion of consciousness, nature of transformation, chemical reactions: Church, religion Chemical industry Pharmaceuticals - production of drugs of non-plant origin Plastic production Oratory Professional sports Any mental activity Circus Satire Educational activity Scientific research, any exact sciences Scientific journalism Cosmonautics, astronomy, space research Beauty salons High fashion (haute couture) Show business, organization of events Production of fireworks, explosives Welders Computer work, programming Finance Psychology Analytics of any kind Livestock (+ additional wood) Hunting Work with natural fur, leather, silk, wool Production of synthetic products Computer technology Solar energy Energy Oil and gas industry (+ Additional water) Exchange (+ Additional water) Meat industry

Earth - sustainability, stability, preservation and care: Vegetable growing, soil cultivation Real estate, realtors Construction Manufacturing of building materials Architecture, interior design (standard projects) Mining Miners, geologists, archaeologists, surveyors, reclamation surveyors Topographers (on the ground) Jewelers, craftsmen stone, stone sculptors Ceramics production Librarians (+ Leading tree) Hotel business Warehousing activities Pawn shops Confectionery production Road and municipal services

Metal - structuring and order: Army, military personnel Administrative and legal system Heads of enterprises (+ element of the enterprise's field of activity) Managers, managers, administrators Order takers Steelworkers, heavy industry, rolled metal Defense industry, aviation Metal jewelers, metal sculpture Hostess (reception service guests) Banking activities Human Resources departments Programmers (+ Fire leading), system administrator Electricians (+ Fire leading) Accounting, audit Tax service Social services (pension, children's + Wood) Financial markets, economists, statistics, reporting (+ Fire) Manufacturing of metal products , weapons, money Car service Politics Law enforcement agencies Official sphere, executive power Lawyers

Water - information, changes, adaptability, flows: Drinking restaurants, glass bars Discotheques Trade, purchase and sale Drivers, pilots (+ Metal) Firefighters Fishing and fish production Travel Theater, cinema, music Baths, laundries Hydrogeology, oceanology Marine and river business, shipping Treatment facilities Drinking water production Plumbers Construction and maintenance of hydroelectric power station fountains Transport flows, any transportation Cash flows, trade flows Information flows, journalism, media Internet, telephony, television, mail Logistics, couriers Logistics and technical supply Network marketing Gambling business Any professions related to communication Writing music, lyrics, romance novels Literary activity Tourism

To summarize, let us once again repeat the algorithm for determining the elements that a profession or field of activity contains : 1. Determine the leading element. 2. Determine additional elements, taking into account such circumstances as: - materials and equipment with which the person works; - the place where a person works. 3. Determine the person’s work style and, if necessary, adjust it.

That's all. Health, good luck and, of course, great success in your work!

Best regards, Earnwulf (c)

Circle of desires.

On the waxing moon, wear comfortable, clean clothes, choose any surface in your living room. For example, it could be a small table or bedside table. I also advise you to use a small tray; it can be rearranged anywhere, for example, hidden if you have guests (negative looks and inappropriate questions, I think you don’t need it). So, on your tray (you can pronounce your desire and affirmations) place a small cup (glass) with clean water (Water element); next to the right, place a twig, or place a wooden frame or any other small object made of wood (Wood element); then place a red pyramid or candle (Fire element) in a circle; then follows any ceramic or clay product, for example a small vase (Earth element); and any metal object (not a knife or any weapon) closes the circle (Metal element). The circle of desires is closed! Collect these items into a beautiful composition, you should like it.

Safety precautions.

*Place the composition in the sector that corresponds to your desire, for example: your dream is connected with money, wealth - the south-eastern sector of the room; the dream is related to career and fame - northern or southern sector...

* The water in the glass should always be clean, and wash and dust off other items more often.

* Make only your own wishes, and they should not harm anyone, neither people nor nature.

* As soon as the wish is fulfilled, it is best to disassemble the entire composition and create another one for a new one. And hide your circle of desires from immodest eyes, that’s why I advised you to place the composition on a tray.

Be sure to make such a composition for yourself and make wishes, and have your dreams come true, and become even happier! Congratulations to you!

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