Mantras that will open the chakras: how to read correctly

Chakras, or padmas, as they are also called, are a kind of gate through which energy fills the human body. But, like any mechanism, they are not immune to malfunctions.

Just as a gate may begin to creak or become askew, which will require repairs, so the chakras need attention from a person, and if they are disturbed, they need treatment. One of the effective medicines is mantras for the chakras.

Each chakra has a specific mantra.

How mantras affect human chakras

Everything in the Universe sounds with a unique frequency and rhythm - followers of Hinduism are sure. Therefore, the key to harmonizing any aspects of life is the selection of the necessary sound for each occasion.

By reproducing these sounds, a person tunes himself, like a musical instrument, allowing the body to synchronize with cosmic vibrations.

Regular chanting of healing mantras removes blocks from the padmas, cleanses them, and returns them to proper functioning. This releases the flow of prana - life-giving energy - in the body, which helps heal both the body and the mind.

About Teacher Rendawa

While visiting Nyapon Kunga Pel Monastery in Tsechen, Tsongkhapa met the famous teacher Rendawa of the Sakya tradition, whom he later came to consider as his main spiritual mentor. Listening to Rendava's explanations of Abhidharma and Madhyama, Tsongkhapa developed deep respect for him. In turn, Rendawa was so stunned by the wisdom of his student that he recognized him as his teacher. Changing the roles of teacher and student, Tsongkhapa and Rendawa established a special level of relationship between themselves, based on humility and the absence of hierarchy.

Signs of imbalance in the chakras

If a person feels dissatisfied with any area of ​​life or health, it is necessary to analyze the complaints and understand in which chakras malfunctions are observed.

Muladhara – root chakra

Muladhara is the first, fundamental padma. When its work is disrupted, the remaining chakras do not receive enough energy, which leads to disorders in all systems of the body.

Muladhara is associated with basic human needs.

The main signs of problems with it are:

  • anxiety, unreasonable, obsessive fears;
  • sleep disorders;
  • spontaneous aggression;
  • lack of self-confidence, fear of expressing one’s own opinion;
  • disorders in the genitourinary system, in the intestines;
  • deterioration of health and immunity, bad teeth, nails and hair.

Svadhisthana - sex chakra

Svadhisthana chakra is directly related to intimate life and communication. Anyone who has this padma in harmony does not experience difficulties with the opposite sex, is always open and sociable, and has natural magnetism.

If there are problems with svadhisthana, then you can notice the following:

  • dissatisfaction with sex life;
  • jealousy, excessive possessiveness;
  • difficulties in contacts with people of the opposite sex, inability to express oneself, feeling unattractive, tightness.

Manipura – solar plexus chakra

The chakra of personal power is responsible for the positioning of the individual in society.

We can talk about disharmony in the work of manipura if a person:

  • has problems with social interaction;
  • not confident in himself;
  • afraid to take on even minimal responsibility, to lead, to be the center of attention;
  • unable to realize his potential.

Solar chakra Manipura.

Anahata – heart chakra

Anahata, padma, located in the area of ​​the heart, is responsible for loving oneself and, as a result, loving others. If the initial 3 chakras relate to basic, natural human aspirations, then the highest padmas begin with anahata, which are responsible for the individual’s connection with the cosmos, deities and higher power.

Signs of anahata failure:

  • heart and lung diseases;
  • lack of love for oneself, one’s self;
  • dislike for oneself, inability to show kind feelings towards others.

In people who are cruel and do not know how to love, anahata is partially or completely blocked, and the risk of heart attacks and coronary disease is increased.

Ajna - third eye

The famous “third eye” is located between the eyebrows. The main aspects of the mental sphere are associated with it.

An imbalance of the ajna chakra is indicated by:

  • lack of empathy, inability to show compassion for people;
  • difficulties with intuition, a person cannot predict events and often suffers losses because of this;
  • confusion of consciousness, chaotic thoughts;
  • problems with self-control;
  • frequent headaches, heaviness in this area and depressing, meaningless dreams.

Vishuddha – throat chakra

This padma helps in self-expression and supports oratory skills, since it is located in the throat area. The realization of creative potential also depends on Vishuddhi.

Signs of a blocked chakra:

  • diseases of the throat and mouth;
  • loss of voice is not only physical muteness, but also the inability to express thoughts and give weight to one’s words;
  • lack of inspiration, creative crisis.

Sahasrara – parietal chakra

The seventh padma, located at the crown, is considered the window to the higher layers of consciousness. When Sahasrara is blocked, it is impossible to achieve divine enlightenment and to reveal the power inherent in the human brain. Disturbances in mental activity and psyche also signal problems with this padma.

The action of wonderful pyramid talismans.

A very long time ago, having learned about the wonderful properties of pyramids, people learned to make small pyramids similar to large, giant ones. And such small figures work for the benefit of people, very well. They heal people and the energies of the surrounding space, increase efficiency and can even make wishes come true, and also work to attract big money and success in love. When installing a pyramid talisman at home or in the office, orient it so that its sides are parallel to the cardinal points, and since the pyramid enhances the positive effect of the sectors, it can be placed in almost any place, room, or zone.

Features of mantras for chakras - how they work

When for some reason it is impossible to sing independently, it is permissible to listen to prayers performed by someone else. But your own practice will bring much more benefit.

Regular chanting restores the correct vibration in the padmas, thus opening the path for prana. You should not try to work with all the chakras at once, this will only reduce the chances of success.

The energy in the body moves from bottom to top, from the root muladhara to the chakra of the highest knowledge of sahasrara. You need to start with the first padma, after normalizing its work, move on to the second, and so on.

Only after the complete opening of all psychoenergetic centers can you use an integrated approach - chanting all the chakras in turn in one meditation.

Establishment of Monlam

In 1409, in Lhasa, Je Tsongkhapa established a great prayer holiday - Monlam Chenmo, which is celebrated for 15 days in the first lunar month of the new year. During Monlam, an episode from the life of Shakyamuni Buddha is celebrated, in which he performed miracles and gave teachings to everyone present for 2 weeks.

During the 1409 festival, Lama Tsongkhapa made offerings of gold and pearl royal ornaments in front of a statue of Jowo Rinpoche depicting Shakyamuni Buddha at the age of twelve at the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa. Thus, Tsongkhapa sought to show the Tibetans that, despite the fact that the Buddha left his human body 2000 years ago, he is present here and now in his heavenly form.

The Monlam Festival symbolizes Tibetan beliefs about the direct presence of enlightened beings in their lives, who help each practitioner realize his or her potential through dedicated personal practice. Professor Robert Thurman expressed the Tibetans' faith in the help of enlightened beings as follows: “The Tibetans think like this: “We should not wait for the coming of Jesus Christ, but imitate him. Jesus is all around us in subtle form, and we have maximum support to put into practice and try to live as he lived” (Thurman 2019).

Rules for Meditation and Chanting

Singing mantras is a long process that requires concentration not only of the body, but also of the mind, so it cannot be done in the bustle and on the run.

Meditation rules:

  1. Practice should be carried out if there is no time limit. If the brain, instead of focusing, counts the minutes until the alarm clock, there will be no benefit from such meditation.
  2. Privacy is another important condition. The place for singing should be quiet and calm, preferably in nature.
  3. The best time is at dawn. The first rays of the sun will charge you with energy and fill the chakras with their strength, giving you vigor for the whole day.
  4. It is worth taking care of comfortable clothes. It should be made of natural fabrics, loose fit, and, if possible, light colors. Meditation robes should not restrict movement or cause other discomfort.
  5. It is recommended to let your hair down and comb it. This increases blood flow to the head and removes possible energy blocks, relieves tension, and calms thoughts.
  6. Practices should be carried out on an empty stomach, no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. After meditation, it is also advisable not to eat for an hour; it is permissible to drink clean water.
  7. Yoga or even just a little warm-up is good to prepare the body and spirit. Physical exercise will help you concentrate and awaken your muscles.
  8. Each padma has its own asana, which best activates the energy center. But it is not forbidden to meditate in the traditional lotus position.
  9. Even if physical activity is not practiced, you need to do several breathing exercises - this is important for correct, powerful singing. A deep slow inhalation lasting 2 seconds, the same breath holding and exhalation for 4 seconds is enough. You need to repeat the cycle about 6-12 times, taking your time and trying to relax your whole body.
  10. It is necessary to control the internal mood. All negative, evil thoughts, anxieties and distracting images need to be released and tuned in to harmonize your consciousness, prepare to receive higher energies.
  11. It is allowed to use all attributes that help harmonize a particular chakra. Each padma has its own color, stones and aromas, so their use can enhance the effect of meditation.
  12. Music, candles, rosaries and singing bowls can help in concentration and opening the mind.

The singing bowl promotes higher concentration.

How to read bija mantras

Bija mantras are formulas aimed at activating and healing the chakras. They should be recited like a melody. In this case, the vowels are stretched, and the final consonant sound “m” should be extended and vibrate. You should not focus on volume; clarity of pronunciation and sound vibrations are much more important.

At first, such singing may seem unusual and confuse the practitioner. There is no need to be ashamed of this “mooing” - it has a powerful healing effect.

It is worth getting imbued with the vibration, directing it to the part of the body corresponding to each mantra, feeling how the sound vibrates in the energy center.

Number of repetitions

Recommendations for the number of repetitions may vary from school to school. Thus, it is sometimes stated that each prayer needs to be repeated 5 or 7 times for each cycle. However, this is not a strict rule.

You need to focus, first of all, on your own feelings.

First, inhale and chant the mantra as you exhale. To begin with, you can perform 3-5 such approaches, after which a break is necessary. At this time, they restore breathing, observe how the vibrations of sounds spread throughout the body and subside. After 1–2 minutes, they begin voicing the mantra again.

It is most effective to spend about 10 minutes on meditation. It is not particularly important how many cycles can be completed during this time.

Where to put the pyramid talisman.

1) In the east of your apartment, the pyramid will improve the health of all household members and improve family relationships.8) The color of the talisman is desirable, any shade of green and brown, the material is wood and glass. 2) In the southwest of the room - a red, pink, terracotta pyramid (made of clay or ceramics) will attract good luck in love or strengthen existing romantic relationships. 3) In the west - protects children. The pyramid should be made of any metal, white, metallic, silver, gold. 4) In the southeast - brings extraordinary luck in financial matters, fulfillment of desires. The material of the pyramid is wood, the color is lilac, violet, gold, all shades of green. 5) In the north of the room - for career success. The pyramid is made of glass or stone, black. 6) At home, on your desk or in the office at work: place a pyramid for good luck in any business, increasing your salary - stone, black or red. You can keep it in a desk drawer so that your co-workers do not touch it with their hands. 7) But the best place for the pyramid is the glory zone - the south of the room. Place a crystal or red pyramid, stone or wooden, here, and success is guaranteed. It is highly undesirable to place a pyramid only in the bedroom; in any other room - please. Choose the color and material of the pyramid in accordance with the sector where it will stand, and first, of course, decide on your goals and desires. 9) Before installation and every week, clean your pyramid with water (+ two tablespoons of salt), or a Chinese incense stick (smoke the pyramid on all sides with a lit stick). 10) The pyramid should be solid, heavy, weighty, with smooth, perfectly polished edges, and the top should not be chipped or knocked down, but sharp, while for a shungite one, on the contrary, it should not be sharp (blunt).

Mantras for chakra development

Each padma, in addition to its unique bija sound, has its own prayer formula that restores balance in the work of the chakra, eliminates stagnation of energy, cleanses and revitalizes.


When chanting, you need to feel a pulsating clot of energy in the tailbone area - the chakra is located there. As it is activated, the vibration, originating in this area, will spread up the spine until it hits the crown.

Such sensations can be considered an indicator that muladhara is functioning correctly and it is time to move on to the next stage.

We learn the words of the mantra by heart.


When working with this padma, visualize an orange ball in the stomach, 4 fingers below the navel. Warmth at the location of the second chakra signals progress made.

We repeat the words in a chant.


The yellow chakra is located in the solar plexus area.

At first, you may experience discomfort in the stomach when singing this prayer, but later the unpleasant sensations will be replaced by a gracious warmth.

Manipura mantra is recited 108 times.


The heart chakra is represented by the color green, but it is also possible to imagine pink swirls of energy in this area.

Often the removal of blocks in anahata can be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. Don’t be afraid of this; you should stop exercising only if the sensations become unpleasant.

Anahata is the heart chakra.


Mantras for cleaning the blue padma are recommended to be pronounced with lips folded so that they form an oval.

Vibrations in the throat chakra can cause a coughing attack. You should restore your breathing, take a sip of warm water if necessary, and continue the activity.

We pronounce the mantra using a certain practice.


To open the “third eye,” concentration must occur at the point between the eyebrows. It is useful to close your eyes and focus as much as possible on the blue glow in this place.

If you are not used to it, you may experience a buzzing in your ears or a slight headache. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you should pay more attention to breathing exercises and flexibility of the cervical spine.

Mantra for activating the third hole.


Harmonization of the last padma involves chanting the Om mantra and visualizing a violet glow at the crown of the head. By the time training reaches this chakra, the rest should already be sufficiently worked out, so discomfort most often does not arise. However, some new sensation of consciousness, previously unknown, cannot be ruled out.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the last exercise, it is the most difficult compared to the others, since it opens a direct channel for energies coming from above. Balancing the Sahasrara is the culmination of healing the chakras, and therefore the soul and body.


After a ten-minute meditation session, you should rest for about the same amount. There is no need to immediately move on to activity; you can sit quietly in silence, observing the distribution of prana in the body, analyzing your sensations.

It is also good to give up stimulating drinks: coffee, strong tea, energy drinks, alcohol. This will help you more easily establish contact with your body and emotions, control your thoughts and aspirations.

Limiting rough animal foods, primarily meat, will also benefit. You don’t have to give it up completely, but reducing these types of foods in your diet will help you cleanse your body faster and pacify your turmoil.

You should not expect that 2-3 sessions will help completely improve the functioning of energy centers. Only regular practice can give lasting results.

There is no need to despair if progress is not visible. Each body is unique, and changes at subtle levels may take longer than planned.

It is important to remember that working with chakras and meditation is not a marathon, it is a way of life and thoughts. Only by putting your consciousness in order can you open the way to higher powers into your body.

Construction of monasteries

After the celebration of the first Monlam Chenmo, Tsongkhapa's disciples invited him to found a monastery in Tibet. In the 52nd year of his life, in 1409, 47 km east of Lhasa in Tibet, Zhe Rinpoche founded the Ganden ('Good') Monastery. Thus, another prophecy of Buddha Shakyamuni for Tsongkhapa was fulfilled.

Subsequently, Ganden turned into a huge monastic complex, on the territory of which 4,000 monks lived. A few years after the construction of Ganden, two more monasteries were erected near Lhasa - Drepung and Sera. Ganden, Drepung and Sera became the main monasteries of the Gelug school. Unfortunately, in 1959, during the Cultural Revolution, the monasteries were looted, but were subsequently restored. Tibetan refugees recreated all three monasteries in India, where they continue to teach students according to the Tsongkhapa system.

Harmonizing mantras

If for some reason chanting mantras is impossible, it is permissible to limit yourself to pronouncing the bija. These sounds, unique for each of the chakras, will act as a tuning fork and will help set the padmas to the desired rhythm of work.


With this sound, the petals of the first and main chakra - muladhara - move. It must be repeated 5 to 7 times per cycle, paying attention to the length of the last consonant.

The pose for practicing the Lam mantra is ardha matsyendrasana, or half-pose of the king of fish.

To do this you need:

  • sit on the floor with your legs stretched out;
  • bend your left leg at the knee;
  • do the same with the right leg, bring it under the left and lay it on the floor so that the heel is facing the outer part of the left buttock;
  • move the foot of the left leg over the right thigh and lower it to the floor;
  • clasp your left knee with your right hand;
  • place your left hand behind your back and use it as a support;
  • perform a twisting movement with your torso, as if continuing the movement of your left arm.


Not far from the upper station of the K-5 cable car there is the Gorky Fly Megazipline attraction. Here you can fly over a mountain valley from an altitude of 2360 m. The length of the path is 1027 m. The zipline finishes at an altitude of 2180 m near the upper station of the K-3 “Vershina” cable car. The descent speed reaches 80 km/h.

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 18:30, zipline access until 17:00. The cost is 2000 rubles. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the start (at the top station “Black Pyramid 2375”). Detailed information about the attraction and the conditions for visiting it are listed on the official website.

View of the village of Esto-Sadok, © Olga Potempa

The Life of Je Tsongkhapa - an Example of Spiritual Practice

Lama Tsongkhapa dedicated his entire life to reviving Tibetan Buddhism and preserving the purity of the Buddha's teachings. Thousands of students, monasteries built, a huge number of books and the creation of an integral system of spiritual education testify better than words about the selfless service of this great master.

His biography is a reminder of the importance of practicing tirelessly, never resting on your laurels, and continuing to learn to realize your highest potential. Through his example, Tsongkhapa showed his followers the value of not only meditation, studying philosophy and learning from many teachers, but also deep faith through connection with enlightened beings. His whole life is a standard of asceticism, ethics and piety. In Tibet, Tsongkhapa is revered as a saint.


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  7. Powers, John (2007). Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca, New York, Boulder, Colorado: Snow Lion Publications.
  8. Sparham, Gareth, “Tsongkhapa,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
  9. Thurman, Robert A. F. (2019). Module 5: Indian & Tibetan River of Buddhism. edX.
  10. Thurman, Robert A. F. (Ed.) (2018). The Life and Teachings of Tsongkhapa. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.

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