Folk signs: 10 things that bring happiness to the house

A bell can become a reliable talisman for your home. It has long been known that dark evil forces cannot stand loud sounds and prefer silence. Therefore, people have learned to scare them away using ordinary bells. However, bells can not only scare evil spirits, but also attract pure positive energy. Today we will talk about how bells can be used in one case or another. The main protective property of bells is contained in their rhythmic sounds.


According to popular belief, it brings good luck and health. It is believed that luck is always on the horse, and the horse needs a horseshoe. She will show luck the way to your home. Placing the horseshoe correctly is very important. With a successful choice of its location, there will be happiness and prosperity in the house, and sorrows and illnesses will be avoided. To activate the amulet, you need to introduce the horseshoe to the whole house, show it the location of the rooms and ask for protection and well-being. Don't forget to tell the horseshoe how it helps.




“Representatives of evil forces are cowardly people, they love silence and are afraid of loud sounds.
It becomes especially bad for them if the sounds are repeated regularly, so every home should have bells,” said Vanga. She talked about Slavic bells - clay, silver, steel, glass. How they can be used to protect your home and family from negative energy, read in this article. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the practice of Feng Shui, a variety of bells are constantly used: to scare away evil forces and to attract light, positive energy qi. In past centuries, when there was no motor transport yet, and one of the main methods of transportation was horse riding, bells were an integral part of horse harness. According to legend, their purpose was to protect travelers from evil forces that might meet them on the road. And indeed, there were quite a few cases when trouble happened to a person who forgot to attach bells to his horse harness along the way. Either he himself will fall ill, or the horse will sprain his leg, or suddenly frost will strike. It only seems like an accident - in fact, it is evil forces that are interfering. Evil forces do not want to cede their territory to humans, especially in places where the human foot rarely sets foot. And they start to scare. And in this the evil forces have no equal: and the traveler himself is no longer happy that he was not able to sit in the same place, and he is in a hurry to return and leave the forbidden land. Yes, what miracles - he just returns home, all the troubles are gone, he doesn’t even believe that yesterday he couldn’t move from the wild pain. And the horse neighs contagiously and kicks its hoofs provocatively, as if it wasn’t the horse that was barely trundling along yesterday. And there is another tradition, which each of us is probably familiar with since childhood: when you come to school on the first of September, the first bell does not ring, but the little first-grader picks up a bell and rings it. No, this is not just a tribute to school traditions: at the heart of this ritual is the desire to drive away all negativity from the school, which in the coming months will become a second home for many children. But it is children who are most susceptible to the influence of otherworldly forces, which is why schools become a tasty morsel for all kinds of evil spirits. Many people become familiar with bells at an even earlier age, when kind mother’s hands hang them from the cradle in which the baby rests. The cradle swings - the bells ring, scaring away evil forces. Rattles, which at a certain age are every child’s favorite pastime, have the same effect later. The main protective property of bells is their rhythmic sounds. By the way, rhythmic repetitions (sounds, gestures, etc.) can be used in other ways for one’s own protection. Many people know, for example, that when communicating with an energy vampire, a great way to block your energy is to start making rhythmic movements accompanied by sounds: for example, tapping your fingers on the table, stamping your feet, cracking your fingers. And even the most powerful energy parasite will not be powerless in this case: your energy will remain inaccessible to it. Do you remember how to sleep peacefully on trains? The sound of wheels lulls us to sleep, removing all fears and apprehensions, and we sleep peacefully in a sleep that we cannot sleep at home, in silence and on a soft feather bed. The sound of wheels scares away evil spirits, and also encourages intimate conversations, communication without the fear that your openness will be used against you. Bells can and should be used to ward off negative energy from your home. It is best to take a small silver bell for this. However, steel can also be used. If you have a choice and don’t know which bell to choose. – listen to their ringing. It should be pleasant to you and evoke positive emotions. The housewife must activate the bell. First you need to take a glass of red wine, two-thirds full, and put a bell in it. Say over the wine: Wine has strength and wisdom, wine improves health and blood, wine gives us happiness and joy, so give wine, the bell, your strength, so that with its ringing it scares away evil forces and attracts happiness to our home. The housewife should drink this wine in one sip at lunch the next day. The bell needs to be rinsed with running water, rubbed between your fingers, as if removing from it everything that has settled on it before. Now the bell needs to rest and gain strength: at night the hostess should put it under her pillow. If that night she has a pleasant dream and wakes up in a good mood, it means the bell has worked and can be used for protection. The bell needs to be hung in a draft: either on a window, or at the front door - in general, where it will ring often. The string on which the bell will hang should be 7 cm long, but its color does not really matter. You can take not just one rope, but three, and braid them into a braid to strengthen the protective powers of the bell. Just pay attention to the colors here: one thread should be red, one white and one black. You can also hang 3 bells at once to strengthen the protection: it is known that God loves a trinity. Then the strings on which the bells are suspended must be tied tightly with three knots. It is impossible for direct electric light to fall on the bells - then their strength is “exposed”, but in the sun they can hang as long as they want. Also, the bell should not be hung next to curtains of dark colors - they themselves absorb negativity. It is advisable that the bells be handmade. A bell, like any object, must be alive, warmed by human hands, absorbing a part of the soul of the master who made it. And even if it’s not a lot of work to make a bell, it fills it with its creative energy. The bell should ring often, with every movement of air, ring cheerfully - you yourself will understand when you hear whether it rings cheerfully or sadly. If sad notes have appeared in its ringing, or even stopped ringing altogether, this is a sure sign that it is not coping with its functions, it’s time to change it. And it is better to take a new bell larger than the previous one. And the one that has stopped working needs to be filled with bread crumb from the inside and hidden in a safe place where no one can find it. A year later you need to return for it, clean it, activate it again - and it is ready for use. A small bell will be a wonderful gift for a family that has recently welcomed a child. Tell the hostess how to set it up and let her hang it in the nursery, near the crib where the child sleeps. For women, you can attach a bell to a hairpin that you wear in your hair all the time—then it will be discouraging for any evil spirits to try to ruin her life. A silver (steel) bell can be replaced with a clay or crystal bell, but only a small one. A clay or crystal bell must be handled with doubly careful handling. God forbid it splits - a sure sign that someone has sent damage to your home. And they need to be hung not on a string, but on a red satin ribbon. The edges of the ribbon should be sewn with a thread of a contrasting color: black or white.


The most likely cause of discord in the house is evil spirits. Many have encountered the fact that household chores are not going well - the dishes slip out of their hands, there are quarrels, or the mood worsens. According to signs, garlic is used to pacify evil spirits, as well as from the evil eye and damage. With its addition, you can make a strong amulet that will protect your home from negative energy. For general cleaning of the house, garlic is hung in a secluded place under the ceiling, asking for protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. Eating garlic improves immunity and clears away the negative effects of ill-wishers.

Signs about why the sound of a bell is heard at night

Ringing at night is unfavorable. It is believed that it is evil spirits who send troubles and illnesses, so it is highly recommended not to call after sunset.

Sign meaning:

  • accidentally touching a musical object promises trouble for a person. You need to be careful with your surroundings: friends and acquaintances spread gossip;
  • if the bell rings from the wind or draft, financial problems will come to the house: theft, loss of property is possible;
  • Pets warn about illnesses and expenses. They can wake up their owners at night using a ringing object.

If no one has approached the bell, and it does not stop ringing, it is better to move for a while. Higher powers warn of possible disasters. Troubles can be neutralized by clearing the space with the help of ringing on a church holiday.


For those who want the house to be a full cup, you should stock up on honey. Honey is an excellent love spell for the person you like. By treating him with a sweet delicacy, the hostess shows herself to be welcoming, and the guest remembers the house as cozy and hospitable.

It serves as a treat for the brownie. As people used to say: “Honey in the house means prosperity in the house.” Fresh honey is poured onto a beautiful plate with a pattern, saying kind words to the brownie: “Taste the honey, Father Brownie, and protect our home from adversity, bring us happiness and prosperity. And may it be as sweet as honey.”


According to the legend, keeping apples in the house means having plenty of everything. With their freshness, they will provide you with a good mood and will not allow you to be sad. The positive energy that they were filled with during the summer will penetrate the house and cleanse it at all energy levels.

Place a smooth, plump apple without wormholes in a beautiful bowl, tie a bow from a satin ribbon on the stem and say: “I tighten the knot tightly, I lure happiness into the house. A pourable apple is in the kitchen - it will preserve order and contentment.”

Why does ringing bells have a miraculous effect?

Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been a good custom of ringing bells during Bright (Easter) week. People called this “chasing demons,” because the latter are actually afraid of the ringing of bells and cannot stand it. It turns out that these blessed melodies are special, noticeably different from, for example, store-bought bells.

However, this does not mean that absolutely everyone likes the ringing of bells. There are also ardent opponents of this sound, especially when it comes to large church celebrations: Easter processions, patronal feasts.

Atheists literally hate bells, which is often evidence of their obsession. A person can live peacefully and not even suspect that he is possessed. It is the reaction to the call to worship that brings all its secrets to light.


The most common remedy for the evil eye is a pin. Happiness is brought to the house not only by wealth, but also by the health of the residents. Bad thoughts often enter your home as uninvited guests, and sometimes it can be very difficult to get rid of them.

To activate a pin as a protective amulet, you should heat it over a fire, rinse it in running water and cover it with a mixture of salt and pepper overnight. The next morning, ask for a pin to protect against unclean thoughts and pin it over the front door so that it is not visible.


The melodious ringing of a bell can restore the mood in the house, ward off all evil spirits and resist the encroachments of evil forces. People believed that it was better to choose a bell from silver or iron. It should have a clear, non-irritating ringing sound.

To activate the amulet, just hang it in a place where it will ring frequently. Listen for his call back. If the melody changes, becomes plaintive or stops altogether, it’s time to change the defender, as he has absorbed too much negative energy.

The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable!

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