Feng Shui bed - how to position it correctly and why it is important

According to Feng Shui, the bed is considered the most important detail with which you can create a space that promotes personal growth and harmony with the outside world. Also, according to Feng Shui, proper bed placement can help develop a sense of security, stability and balance.

Correct position of the bed

Think about how many hours you spend in bed. You probably spend more time there than anywhere else. And when you lie in bed, you are usually asleep. When you sleep, you are in a passive "Yin" state and are more receptive to the energies around you. Thus, the placement of the bed affects your conscious and unconscious state.

Command bed position in the bedroom

Command position of the bed
The best position of the bed according to Feng Shui is considered to be the “command position” position. That is, the bed should be positioned so that, while lying in it, you can control the door to the bedroom, but not in line with the door, which is called “feet first” (more on this later).

A good rule of thumb is to position the bed diagonally from the door. See the picture above for the most ideal locations.

Mirror and bed

It is clear that this may not always be impossible. There is still hope! If you can't take a commanding position, you can adjust the bed using a mirror. Place the mirror so that the reflection of the door can be seen in the bed.

Tip: for the bedroom, a free-standing mirror is recommended, rather than one built into the closet or, especially, into the ceiling, which can be easily installed in the right place and at the right angle.

Feng Shui bedroom: rules

In order to feel good and have at least normal performance, you need to get enough sleep. You can't argue with that. The atmosphere should be calm and relaxing, and for this, when decorating a bedroom, light, pastel colors are generally chosen.

But it’s not just color that creates atmosphere. The furnishings, including furniture and other items, are no less important. Eastern philosophy pays great attention to the correct arrangement of objects and decor, and in particular, one of its directions is Feng Shui. There are quite a few rules, here are the main ones that apply specifically to the bedroom:

  • Only necessary things should be there. Any objects accumulate energy, and a large amount of it in the bedroom makes it difficult to relax. Therefore, we take everything unnecessary to other rooms. Especially what is stored under the bed.
  • If the bed is double, there should be one mattress, not two folded together. The border separates the spouses emotionally, which will inevitably cause problems.
  • It is advisable to place the bed in the bedroom so that it is approached from both sides. If this is impossible, a man sleeps under the wall so that a woman, climbing over him, does not take away his energy.

It is important to remember how not to place the bed

How to properly place a bed in a room

Now let's move on to Feng Shui recommendations on how to place a bed in the bedroom. There are also enough rules:

  • It is advisable to place the headboard close to a solid wall without windows or doorways. If you can’t place it against a solid wall, then at least not under a window.
  • Do not put your feet towards the door.
  • It should not stand on the straight line connecting the window and the door.
  • If there are ventilation shafts or sewer risers behind the wall, the bed should definitely not be placed against such a wall. This applies to bedrooms with their own bathrooms. Position the bed so that it is as far away from such a wall as possible.

How to put a bed in the bedroom

Orientation by cardinal directions

According to Chinese sages, the direction of our home in general, and the place to sleep in particular, influences our lives: we spend much more time at home while sleeping than when we are awake. Therefore, choose another place to place the headboard of the bed:

  • to the south - ensures stability of reputation;
  • to the southeast - enhances perseverance, helps achieve goals;
  • to the east - sleep peacefully;
  • to the northeast - activates thought processes;
  • to the north - promotes the development of intuition;
  • northwest - attracts friends;
  • to the west - improves health and promotes the appearance of offspring;
  • to the southwest - attracts love.

Based on all this, you choose to sleep with your head to the north and develop intuition, or to the southwest to find love... or somewhere else.

When choosing the location of the bed, consider its position relative to the cardinal directions

Position of the coffin

Feet towards the exit - bad feng shui!
As mentioned above, your bed should not be in line with the door. That is, stand with your feet pointing towards the door. This is bad feng shui! Some even call this position the “coffin position.” However, there is no need to panic and imagine imminent death! This position only means that you are an easy target for failure, since you sleep “in the open air” and you will not have confidence and support in life.

Advice: if it happens that you cannot change the location of the bed in the bedroom in relation to the door, then to minimize the influence of negative energy, you can hang Feng Shui crystals between the door and the bed.

Foot to the door

There is no need to point the foot of the bed towards the door. This has long been considered a bad omen, since it is customary to carry out the dead feet first. If you turn to Feng Shui, such placement of the bed is also not encouraged, because negative energy can penetrate the door, from which the sleeping person will not be protected. If you still can’t arrange the bed any other way, then at least close the door at night. This will reduce the negative impact.

Headboard and walls

Wardrobe as a support for the headboard
According to Feng Shui, the headboard of the bed should always fit snugly against the wall, otherwise you will not feel supported and supported and, accordingly, will not be able to relax and get a good night's sleep.

Sometimes they place the bed sideways to the wall - this is not a very good location option for a marital bed, since it is best for adults to leave open space to the left and right of the bed.

The space on either side provides balance to your Yin and Yang, your feminine and masculine, and space for each partner (or future partner). If this is not possible, try to leave space against the wall.

Sideways to the wall

However, in a children's room this position of the bed will be normal. You can place the bed here against the wall, either sideways or with the headboard - this will provide support for the child in any case.

Or, if the bed is not for spouses, but for one person, then you can also place it sideways against the wall. Preferably on the left side, so you will have protection from the heart.

Tip: try not to place the head of the bed against the wall behind which your toilet is located.

Correct location - safety of your health

To ensure your body is properly rested overnight, give your brain some rest.
This means that he will not be distracted by imaginary or real threats, remembering his inherent instincts of self-preservation. Sharp corners. In the dark it is easy to trip or hit a protruding corner of furniture. Therefore, surround the bed with objects with smooth front lines. No sharp corners pointing towards the bed and the path to exit the room.



Window. Any openings through which light penetrates are perceived by the subconscious as a potential route for a threat to enter. Close the window with thick curtains so that while you sleep you will have good dreams and your body will feel safe.

Keep in mind that even with tightly closed frames, the glass area is quite large. Cooled air constantly flows from it, forming internal air circulation. Do not place the bed in the path of this flow. If possible, place an impenetrable barrier in the form of high backs, thick curtains, transparent partitions, etc.


Doors. You should see them even through closed eyelids without turning your head or torso. This means that you have everything under control and you can avoid danger in time. Otherwise, part of the brain will remain awake during sleep in an attempt to provide heightened alertness to anxiety.

Placing the bed opposite the door is unacceptable according to the rules of Feng Shui.


Mirrors. Yes, the mind understands that those two in the closet are just your reflection. However, the subconscious perceives them as strangers who have entered your bedroom. Therefore, place mirror surfaces so that you do not see yourself in the reflection. Let your head calm down and relieve tension.

Incorrect - the mirror is located opposite the sleeping person


Electricity. Don't place your bed near the TV. From it to the bed there should be about 3 meters. This means that in the adjoining living room the TV will be placed near the opposite wall.

Chandeliers, mezzanines and shelves. Everything that is above your head is perceived as a potential threat to life. Especially when the fasteners are not visible. In addition, it is not at all uncommon for mezzanines to fall on beds due to poor quality installation. The weight of a wall cabinet with all items can reach over 20 kg. Remember safety.

It’s another matter when the cabinets around the bed form a single structure that forms a niche. In this case, you will feel safe, as if you were hiding from predators in an ancient cave.



Bed in the middle of the room

Bed in the middle of the room
According to Feng Shui, the worst placement of a bed in a bedroom is a “floating” bed in the middle of the room, which is not adjacent to any of the walls.

However, more and more often in modern bedroom designs this bed arrangement is used. In this case, you need to make artificial support for the headboard.

Tip: Place a chest of drawers, a screen or a closet in such a way as to create protection for the head of the bed.

Rules of indoor feng shui

The bedroom is a place where the inhabitant of the house not only sleeps, but also restores strength after a busy day

Arranging such an important room should not be done carelessly. In order to make your sleep as productive as possible, it is advisable to use the recommendations of Eastern sages

In addition, the bedroom is not just a place to relax. For a married couple, this is also a place of solitude, so the marriage bed should be arranged more than carefully.

So, the basic rules for arranging a bedroom:

  • All massive furniture should follow the perimeter of the room. Contrary to beautiful films where the bed occupies a central position, Eastern doctrine does not advise placing it in the middle.
  • It is not recommended to litter the room with unnecessary furniture. Energy should circulate freely, and not get caught in grandma's chest of drawers and a huge suitcase.
  • There should be no piles above the sleeping person's head. It is recommended to move all sorts of shelves and cabinets to another part of the room.
  • The head of the bed should be adjacent to the wall. A pillow “floating” in the air will not contribute to quality rest.

Mirror and bed in the bedroom

Mobile mirror
You need to be very careful when placing mirrors in the bedroom, as they contribute to poor sleep, take energy from the sleeping person and can cause anxiety.

It is especially important not to hang a mirror on the wall opposite the bed. Feng Shui consultants say this could encourage third party interference in the couple's relationship and possibly lead to infidelity.

Tip: place the mirror in the bedroom so that it does not reflect sleeping people. It was mobile (this was discussed above) and could be used for space correction purposes, among other things.

Near the mirror

There should be no mirrors or any other highly reflective surfaces on the wall at the head of the bed or opposite it. It is believed that mirrors reflect energy and return it back, be it negative or positive. For a sleeping person, any energy or information is harmful, because he must rest. A sleeping person reflected in a mirror will wake up tired and depressed in the morning.

And the most basic rule is always your own feeling. If a person sleeps poorly at night, does not get enough sleep and wakes up feeling depressed, a change needs to be made.

Friends, are you comfortable in your own bed? How is it located?

Beams, paintings and everything that can be above the bed

Beams Above the Bed
For the best Feng Shui placement, you want to have no beams, sloped ceilings or bulky chandeliers above the bed. These architectural features above the bed can create unnecessary pressure.

Paintings and large photographs also create a “heavy” and threatening energy, like beams and windows.

Chandelier over the bed

Tip: cover unsightly elements of the ceiling with fabric (it’s great if it’s a light flowing tapestry with an attractive pattern). If it is not a large beam or a slanted ceiling, paint it the same color as the entire ceiling. This will make them less stiff. If it is a chandelier, remove it immediately.

Follow all the listed tips for placing a bed according to Feng Shui in your bedroom and be healthy and confident!

Unsuccessful options

There are several particularly unfortunate options for the location of the berth:

  • You can’t position people sleeping with their feet towards the window or corner.
  • The sleeping place should not be in a straight line between the window and the door. It is not advisable to place it near a wall with an entrance, where opening and closing doors can disturb a restful sleep.
  • You cannot place the bed between two cabinets or windows, so as not to disrupt the free circulation of energy.
  • If we are talking about an apartment or house where there are several floors, remember that the bed should not be in a place under or above which there is a toilet or bathroom. In addition, a bad option would be to be located opposite the front door or with your feet towards it.

The right bed

To avoid disagreements in the family, you should not make a bed from 2 separate parts of the mattress and move single beds together. The matrimonial bed is a single space of classic symmetrical proportions. The size of the bed is determined by the height and weight of the owners.

A round bed design is not acceptable. The absence of backrests that perform protective functions makes the aura of a sleeping person vulnerable, and has a negative impact on energy.

Recommended headboards:
  • in the form of a pearl shell, it harmoniously distributes energy and renews the feelings of the spouses;
  • with a double bend has a beneficial effect on the sleeping couple. The energy of each, flowing, unites in one place, connecting lovers;
  • curved in the middle, meets the requirements of Feng Shui, because energy, moving on the convex side, is distributed evenly among sleeping people.

Orientation by cardinal directions

Centuries-old observations have led Feng Shui followers to the conclusion that placing the bed in the direction enhances or improves the following qualities:

  • north – intuition;
  • south – reputation and health;
  • east - calm and wisdom;
  • West – financial well-being;
  • northeast - ability to science;
  • southeast - perseverance and perseverance;
  • southwest - charm;
  • North-West – communication skills.

To avoid energy stagnation, you should periodically rearrange the situation.

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