The name of a beauty salon that makes a profit is real

When opening their own business, owners find themselves face to face with a seemingly insignificant problem: choosing a company name. The task is simple only at first glance. After all, the profitability of their work depends on whether the name of a hairdressing salon, beauty salon or any other Feng Shui establishment is chosen correctly. Sometimes, to save yourself from losses, it is enough to rename the business.

The famous phrase “Whatever you name a yacht, so it will sail” is not so funny. Names have a huge impact on their bearer.

This applies not only to people, but also to inanimate objects, as well as organizations and enterprises. It’s not for nothing that there is a whole branch of marketing – naming. And specialists in this field do not work in vain either.

How to name a beauty salon: general recommendations

The name of the beauty salon is his name. The client must remember the “name” of your business in order to come back again, find it at home via the Internet, or recommend it to friends.

The name of a beauty salon that generates income should be short, easy to remember and understandable. It carries a strong emotion, assessment or characteristic of the business and its specifics. When developing a name, think about how easy it is to read, pronounce, and pronounce.

The name is a very short description of the entire salon. If it meets all the listed requirements, clients will easily remember it. Therefore, before coming up with a name, write down the business concept and read the analysis of the beauty salon market. How does it differ from others, what is its style and what audience is it intended for. What is its design associated with, what associations do you want to evoke.

General rules for choosing a name

However, you can choose a successful name for a hairdressing salon according to Feng Shui without the help of marketers, if you know the basic rules of naming and combine them with the rules of teaching.

  • A name that generates income and profit should be easy to remember.
  • Excessively long, complex composite structures are undesirable.
  • The melody of the sound is important.
  • It is necessary to match the name with the local mentality.
  • It’s good if the name matches the activity or evokes associations with it.
  • The patron element should be taken into account.

In addition, you should avoid platitudes, which include the tradition of naming a salon after the owner. This tradition is also bad because female and male names have their own meaning. It may be completely incompatible, or even contradict the energy of the business.

Profit-generating salon name: less creativity

We hear dissatisfied murmurs. And we will explain. The time has come when the creativity in the name has crossed all boundaries. “Baba Yaga”, “Magdalena” and “Tsintskaro Style” (Tsintskaro is a Georgian village) appeared on the city streets.

Of course, these names stand out among others. They're even easy to remember. But such fame is unlikely to have a positive impact on the image of the beauty salon. Such creative names have a strong emotional connotation, they are figurative, and they are easy to pronounce. However, few people want to go to a beauty salon that promises service in a Georgian village. Even if the quality of services is high.

Why does excessive ingenuity only harm the image? Salons offer services and a level of service above average. That is, this business itself is positioned as elite. This also applies to salons designed for the middle class. The initially inherent respectability should be reflected in the name. Creative naming is more suitable for businesses in the middle and low price segment. Or for a young target audience. When going through options for naming a beauty salon to attract success, be extremely careful with your creative thought.

Examples of successful naming

The richest source of suitable names is mythology. There are water goddesses in any ancient culture. It is only important to remember the euphony and ease of remembering their names before naming a Feng Shui beauty salon in honor of, for example, the Aztec ocean goddess Aquecuquiotisiuati.

Here are examples of sonorous, easy-to-remember names:

  • Dana - Slavic goddess of water, wife of the Danube;
  • Asia, Hesione, Dione, Perseid, Thalia - oceanid nymphs from Greek myths.
  • Galatea is a Nereid, a water nymph, but this name is also known from another myth, about the sculptor and his beautiful creation;
  • Ariel is a lovely little mermaid who decided to make big changes for the sake of happiness.

How to name a beauty salon without using names

Names are a big problem for beauty salons. You just have to come to terms with the fact that women don’t like establishments named after other women’s names. Whether it's Love or Marisabel. The many “Cleopatras” that appeared at once made this name forbidden. But that doesn’t mean that names like “Victor” or “Vincent” will double revenue.

In what case will someone’s name act as a name for a beauty salon that generates income? Only if it is a profitable image move. For example, a studio named after Sergei Zverev will be successful, since the name is a brand. A guarantor of a certain level and quality will not have such success. Moreover, it is not clear why to write completely Russian in completely Latin letters.

Often the names of world stars are used in the name, which should create a certain atmosphere and set the general tone of the beauty salon. For example, “Tiffany”, “Brando” or “MARLEN”. Although, the name “Strauss” still raises some questions.

Ritual to attract clients

Place one insert of the red envelope at your workplace so that you can see it clearly. Place the second one in your wallet or purse. Thus, you seem to reinforce your intention to intensify your business and financial success at all costs. Then the Universe will not have any questions for you and will not have doubts regarding the purity of your intention.

Remember also that the red envelope also activates cash. But you need to fill it not with simple bills, but only with those that you would like to receive from your customers or customers. Don't put small money there - it's better to put big ones. After this, the accumulated funds need to be spent on purchasing something, albeit small, but very necessary for your work. Let it become a talisman that attracts money. Think carefully about what this item could be.

As for the ritual of activating the red envelope, it would be better to start it on the waxing Moon, on Sunday or Thursday. You will need to determine how much of the profit you will save, and then always put this amount in an envelope. The funds that are in the envelope should under no circumstances be spent on purchasing food, clothing, or for other purposes that have nothing to do with work.

The envelope with money should be kept in the Prosperity and Wealth sector. This is the south-eastern part of the room, but make sure that the envelope is in the corner of the room. You can also visualize how many clients your talisman magnet can attract. Draw in your mind what they will look like, what they will wear, and so on. Visualization is a powerful process that will definitely help you.

We suggest you read: Read the poppy spell so that you have clients

Beauty salon name: safe words

Among all the names that look either outdated or inappropriate, there are words whose use is strictly prohibited. They are the anti-answer to the question of what to name a beauty salon to attract success. We strictly prohibit them.

  • Firstly, about the remnants. Many ideas smell like mothballs. Unfortunately, the mothball smell has not yet been eradicated and new names are appearing on old themes. Let's be honest: the play on words looks very sad; it was good in the 2000s, when it seemed new. All “Swifts” are sad and reek of the post-Soviet space.
  • Secondly, about various kinds of prefixes that indicate the high quality of the establishment. For example, “Elite”, “Gloris-Lux”, “Di Lux”, “Fashion Avenue Vegas”, “Best”. These words reek of extreme budgeting.
  • Thirdly, about obviousness. Entrepreneurs can go to great lengths to demonstrate the uniqueness and individuality of a business. This is how mysterious, intricate, unpronounceable names appear. They are meaningless. They are forgotten immediately after reading. No name - no salon. Consider your business non-existent if your brand is not memorable.

For you: “Solisun”, “Ottone”, “Lette”, “Etisel”. What associations, emotions and synonyms do these words evoke? No way.

Red envelope

This small and seemingly insignificant attribute can make a significant difference in your business. In particular, you will have more clients. In the very center of such a red envelope is a deity called Cao Shen. This is the most famous god of wealth in Chinese philosophy. It: - brings prosperity; - protects from poverty; - adds happiness.

It also helps in business matters and protects against the unfavorable machinations of competitors. So feng shui to attract clients in the form of such an envelope can help you a lot. You also need to use three lucky coins, which are tied with a red ribbon. You've probably heard of these. They attract material wealth. According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, to attract customers you need to use coins that have a square hole in the middle.

Profitable name for a beauty salon: be careful, Latin!

English, Italian and French words sound mysterious and noble. However, often it is almost impossible to pronounce them, or only a few people know the translation. Euphony for the sake of euphony does not promote memorization. If you decide to name your beauty salon with a foreign word to attract clients, make sure it is easy to pronounce and the meaning or message is clear to the target audience. So, “De lame” is translated as “blade”, “APACHES” is just “Apaches”, and “Le Chantage” means “to blackmail”.

Another problem associated with the Latin alphabet: the creation of neologisms or the writing of domestic words in non-national letters. In theory, this gives the name significance, in practice it causes bewilderment in most cases: “Rai”, “COSMOS SPA”, “GMTClinic”, “SEREBRO”, “Sugar”.

Or the opposite effect. Writing foreign words in Russian letters: “Elephant”, “La Belle”, “EpilCity” or “Di Lux”.

Is it worth registering a trademark?

It is worth registering a trademark if you are going to sell a franchise and do not want someone else who also has an aesthetic medicine clinic or beauty salon to have the same name. But that's not all. If the names are the same, buyers will confuse you, and you can get a subpoena for the same or similar brand name.

What other court?

Example: you opened a hairdressing salon and called it “Golden Scissors”. They did not register. A month later, someone also opened a hairdressing salon and registered the trademark “Silver Scissors.” The names are not the same, but similar.

The owner of Silver Scissors, if he decides that he really needs it, can sue you and will have to pay compensation of up to 5 million rubles. In addition to compensation, you have already spent money on a sign, decorated the premises, printed business cards, and paid for contextual advertising on the Internet. Everything will have to change.

How to check a trademark

You created a general chat for friends on VKontakte, consulted with your mother, and together came up with 14 options. The next morning, only 3 names remained, the rest were eliminated by themselves. What to do next? Check through the Rospatent database. On the website you will find all the information about registration and rules.

Magic names of beauty salons in Moscow

In fact, here we will not talk about the secrets of magical naming, but about the literal use of words that have a controversial relationship to the sphere of beauty. Let us repeat that we are talking about beauty salons. The following salons do not provide any specific procedures that would justify the names: “Magic”, “Mystery”, “Yin-Yang”, “Mantre”, “Wild Magic”.

Why are we talking about them separately? Toward adequacy. The name should reflect the essence of the services and the concept of the salon. If there is no connection between the name of the salon and the services provided, it will cause confusion. The entire salon will also cause confusion.

Cafe and restaurant

In China and many other countries around the world, Chinese restaurant owners use the services of Feng Shui masters. The results of such an examination have a double effect - they are reflected both on the financial and culinary side of the business.

The movement of Qi energy flows in the kitchen and in the customer service hall has a significant impact on the popularity of the restaurant, so the task of Feng Shui is to create the most favorable atmosphere for visitors. For example, corner structures in a restaurant interior can be sources of “secret arrows”, which negatively affects business development. Protruding corners can cause service personnel to become inattentive to customers, which can adversely affect business. In such cases, Feng Shui masters advise covering rectangular columns with mirrors: this helps reduce the negative effect created by the corners of the columns. It’s better to put the counter in the bar not rectangular, but with rounded edges.

It is advisable to place the cash register in a restaurant diagonally from the entrance so that the cashier faces the incoming customers.

In order for Qi to circulate freely in the premises of a restaurant or cafe, the passages for visitors and waiters must be wide enough and free. The passage from the kitchen to the hall should also not be difficult. The kitchen should be located fairly close to the living room, but the smells of the food being prepared should not penetrate into it.

Restrooms should be well marked, but it is not recommended that they be visible from the customer service area.

The waiter's seat should be located in such a way that he can see everything that is happening at each table.

Realizing that the interior design of a restaurant largely determines the success of a business, Chinese restaurant owners often use a favorable combination of gold and red colors, which symbolize happiness and good luck. Walls can be decorated with images of Taoist gods, flowers or landscapes associated with longevity, peace and prosperity. It is also quite common in Chinese restaurants to see golden hieroglyphs on the red wall, denoting these same happy concepts.

Mandatory elements of the interior of Chinese restaurants are various aquariums and fountains. This is not an accident, because water, according to Feng Shui, is a symbol of money. Although the Chinese are not alone in their ideas about the basic property of money: the Slavic peoples also have the expressions “money flows like water” or “money flows away like water.” By placing various symbols of Water in the wealth zone, the owners of Chinese restaurants attract more visitors and thereby increase their wealth.

In Chinese restaurants, food is prepared just before serving. Often visitors have the opportunity to observe for themselves the process of preparing the dish they ordered. And this is not just a ploy used to attract as many customers as possible to your restaurant. The thing is that, according to the theory of Feng Shui, any product (both plant and animal origin) has a certain energy potential. And the fresher the product, the higher this potential, the more positive energy will pass from it to a person and the more benefits the food consumed will bring to his health.

The location of the stove in the kitchen of a restaurant or cafe

Feng Shui pays special attention to choosing the right place for the stove in the kitchen and the chef's workplace. A kitchen stove is considered a source of wealth in China. This is because food is cooked on it, and the word “food” in Chinese sounds the same as the word “wealth”. In addition, food affects human health, emotions and behavior, so gastronomic satisfaction is given great importance. The Chinese say: “Our health and the effectiveness of our actions depend on our food. If the food is of good quality and properly prepared, then we will eat well and earn more money to eat even better.” The relationship between food and wealth also manifests itself in the opposite case: “If you are poor, you eat worse and live poorly. You are so lacking in initiative that you end up getting fired from your job.”

The smooth movement of Qi in the room where food is prepared affects the mood of the cooks and, accordingly, the quality of energy that is transferred to the dishes.

According to Chinese tradition, the stove should be located in the middle of the kitchen so that it can be approached from any side. This gives a person the opportunity to see what is happening around him, and also allows him to stand at the stove in the direction that is most favorable for him. This requirement is due to the fact that the cook should not feel vulnerable when preparing food. After all, food is the main source of strength and health for a person, and if the cook experiences a feeling of anxiety, then the dishes will turn out tasteless and will carry negative energy.

The location of the stove is especially important for restaurants, since if the chef’s work is interrupted by someone’s unexpected intrusion, there is a “chain reaction”: the cook’s nervous state is transmitted to the waiters, and this negatively affects their relationships with customers. If the chef is in a good mood, this has a positive effect on the quality of food and service, and as a result, the restaurant's profit increases.

Fashionable name for a beauty salon that generates profit

Among all the capital's trends, we will name three. However, we caution: using a trendy name is not always profitable. Why? Today - on the crest of a wave, tomorrow - irrelevant and outdated. Let us remember the widespread appearance of “Swifts” and “Aphrodite”.

  • Mention the location in the title. Informative, no frills, easy to remember. At the same time, from an image point of view, not every location should be included in the name. An example of maximum information content: “Economy class beauty studio on Dekabristov Street.”
  • Field of activity. For what? Feigning seriousness. Unfortunately, there are an overwhelming number of such names in Moscow. So, instead of standing out, it’s easy to get lost: “Lena Lenina Manicure Studio”, “Bonnita Beauty Studio”, “World of Beauty and Health”, “OSOBA lab”, “Nikolaeva Natalia Manicure and Pedicure Studio”.
  • Food. In particular, all kinds of desserts have already become a tradition. Themes and associations, as well as room design options, can easily be linked to desserts and fruits. What we are about: “Chocolate”, “Choc Chocolate”, “Parfart”, “SPA Cocktail”, “Orange”, “Pomegranate”.

The influence of color on sales

According to a study by Kissmetrics, when purchasing a new product, 93 percent of buyers make a decision based on the appearance of the product. While for only 6 percent tactile sensations are important, and only 1 percent want to taste or listen to the product. But what’s most surprising is that 85 percent of consumers put color first when purchasing a product!

ColorWhat associations does it evoke?How to use
YellowOptimistic and youthfulTo attract attention to the window
RedThe color of energy, quickens the pulseFor total sales
BlueHas a striking effect of inducing a feeling of trust and securityTo create a sense of trust in the company, association with serious activities (for example, a multidisciplinary medical center)
GreenRest, relaxationTo sell products that are marketed as natural or services such as spas
OrangeAggressiveFor calls to action: “call”, “buy”
PinkRomantic and feminineTo promote products for women and young girls
BlackPowerful and glossyTo promote luxury goods
VioletCalm and peaceUsed in the beauty and anti-aging products industry

Color has the unique ability to attract a certain type of buyer and change their behavior.

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