How to attract success and profit: conspiracies for brisk trading

If your sales income has ceased to please you, they will come to your aid trade conspiracies – a powerful magical tool for attracting trading luck. The effectiveness of such methods has been proven for more than a decade.

After all, when you pronounce magic words, you include many sound and energy vibrations in your work. They penetrate your biofield, as well as subtle realities, which activates a set of mental layers.

Your faith in the effectiveness of conspiracies should be maximum. Even the slightest doubt about them will not allow the ritual to work. The peculiarity of such methods of attracting success is their absolute safety. That is, you will not cause damage to yourself or your competitors. All magic is a light manifestation of magical energy.

Features of conspiracies

Rituals for attracting clients have their own characteristics:

  1. Belief in effectiveness. If the entrepreneur feels doubts, the conspiracy will not bring any benefit. Before you start casting spells, you need to believe in success.
  2. Respect for customers. The seller's task is to treat customers with respect, and not to try to sell them a hated product. Only in this case will the ritual be crowned with success.
  3. Following the rules and features. The ritual must be performed correctly for it to be successful.
  4. For the ritual to be effective, the texts of the spells must be memorized. They need to be said in a whisper in a quiet environment.
  5. During the ritual, it is important to feel harmony and peace. Special meditations will help with this.
  6. Rituals are prohibited from being performed on the waning moon.

Bottom line

The success of bargaining often depends on chance encounters and opportunities. The main thing is to correctly attract what you want so that the situation works in your favor and not against you. A trading spell can open doors of fortune that you could never open alone. Miracleworking can support you with energy so that you not only work hard, but achieve what you want.

Watch also a video with a ritual for attracting clients to your business:

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Spells on goods

If business is going badly and the store is not making a profit, you need to cast a strong spell for successful trading:

“I will cross the product, I will cross it for sale! For good luck, the mirror image will make the product look better and customers will like it even more! So that the first client buys a lot, the second even more, and the last one buys the most. I baptize the goods so that not a single client leaves me without purchasing! So that you can come back many times for more!”

Such a ritual for the baptism of goods will help attract many customers. The spell is cast every morning, and it is important to make the sign of the cross over things for sale - clothes, furniture, food. To ensure that positive energy does not go beyond the outlet, hang a bell. According to legends, this thing scares away negative energy with its ringing.

If there is a product in a store or market for which there are no customers, you need to perform the following ritual. In the first half of the day, go into the forest and find an anthill. Collect a few insects in a bag, bring them home and release them on the thing they don't want to buy. At the same time say:

“As there are many ants in that house, so many buyers for my goods, Lord, send me. Amen".

To sell an expensive item, you need to take a piece of meat, throw it into boiling water and say:

“Just as a person cannot live without meat, so he cannot be here without (name of thing). Just as you people cannot exist without food or without water, you can also exist without (name of thing). Amen".

The water after the magical procedure is poured into a jar. Before each trip to work, you must wash your hands with this water.

How to understand that a love spell worked

You can understand that the love spell worked if you pay attention to how your life and successes are changing for the better. After a love spell, the moral condition of the bewitcher may even improve.

Of course, there is a difference in what kind of conspiracy was carried out. After the white and black conspiracy, the results and consequences are completely different.

If possible, you can turn to a fortune teller for help. Contact and trust or just tell your fortune from a photo online

For clients

In order for there to be an increase in the number of clients, it is necessary to sprinkle coins on the floor of a trading place or beauty salon every Wednesday at dawn. Before opening them, you need to move them into a corner, saying:

“I take money to my house and invite buyers. One will come - he will bring money, another will come - he will bring money, a third will come - he will bring money, and the fourth will bring a thousand people with him, and those will also bring half a thousand and a quarter of a thousand, and a hundred times a thousand, and so many more, and half as many, and a quarter so much, and so on endlessly, for you to get hold of goods, and for me to get rich. Amen".

After this, the change is collected and hidden in a dark place.

To ensure that customers are never transferred, take a piece of sugar and natural fabric. Crush the sugar on the workbench and wipe it with a rag. Say this prayer:

“Dashingly beggarly, dashingly unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, don’t invite me with you, take the dead crayfish and lie under a snag. So that I don’t experience poverty, my goods don’t linger, I send away poverty and misery, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Strength, water, language. Amen".

After the ritual, the rag must be disposed of. Drown her in the river or burn her at the stake. You will feel the effect immediately if all conditions have been met.

For money

This ritual is popular among sellers who want to sell goods more profitably. Take a five-kopeck coin and at midnight say:

“Pyatak Pyatakovich, give me (say your name here) good luck without giving up. For now and forever, forever. Amen".

Repeat the spell at least three times. Put the coin in your pocket or wallet and always carry it with you.

The following ritual is suitable for hairdressers, taxi drivers, waiters and other service industry workers. Pick a plantain leaf, dip it in honey and glue it to a large denomination banknote. After this, whisper:

“As grass reaches for the sun, as bees reach for honey, so merchants would reach out to me (name). Truly."

Fold the bill in half to fold the paper inside. Carry this talisman in your wallet or hide it in your workplace.

Money from the sale of goods can also be charmed so that it flows like a river. At dawn you need to go to a pedestrian intersection, throw three coins and say:

“I give my tribute to the trade roads. As my money goes, so may luck come. For upward trading, for crowds of clients, for a lot of sales. Amen".

After that, return home without looking back along the way. As soon as the revenue reaches the desired size, you need to go to church and pray to Archangel Michael.

Vanga's tips to attract a grateful buyer

The Bulgarian clairvoyant strictly warned that black spells are unacceptable. Don't wish for people what you don't wish for yourself.

His magic is strong because of the light. It cleanses the soul and the environment. But at the same time, control yourself so as not to subject yourself to punishment.

Sugar plot

You'll need a handful. Place it on a saucer on the windowsill under the full moon. Say the following:

Sweet life of the servant of Allah (name), semolina. The money is scattered, they want to go out. I use sugar as bait.

May it fill my pocket. I'll be rich, sugar will pay.

In the morning we sift sugar into paper. Take it to the trading floor. Scatter it in the corners. If you don't have enough money for everyone, you can't lose your happiness.

For candy

It is suitable for those who buy customers. Take popular sweets. Place it in front of you. Read Psalm 90 (to cleanse yourself of negative feelings). Then say it like this:

Whoever misfortune loves will be spared forever. Bereginya protect me. In the evening of the same day you will have a lot of money. Money is like water in the sea. Amen!

Note: You can remove an evil competitor by healing yourself with candy.

On poppy

You must donate seeds to the church. Scatter them near sold items with the inscription:

If you don't have a candle, you should buy one from me.

If an item is not sold in some way, it is scattered around. This can be done any day.

On the red thread

You need wool. You can buy a special thread in Jerusalem or use regular thread. Tie it around your right hand (which you consider to be the change). Tell:

Run, take, put money.

Hint: the red thing is also enchanted. Keep it in a visible place so that envious people do not annoy you.

For millet

It works just as well as the mac. On the full moon, buy millet. Go to the cemetery. Find a grave with rich decorations. Sprinkle the grain on the cross. Re-read:

The dead lie in honor, in wealth, in good decoration. “The deceased is revered by his relatives and respected by the people.

This way I will live in contentment and acquire wealth from sales. Millet is for the bird, and the spirit soars into the sky. He will fly all over the world to collect clients. The cemetery will be filled with the dead, and my wallet will be filled with money. Amen.

Tip: If a woman reads this while on her period, she'll immediately sell out. Witchcraft works best on Thursday.

Per coin

Prepare a nickel. In the morning say the following:

In the morning, all the merchants came to me, praised my goods and lured buyers. The merchants lined up and took all my goods. The boxes are rich and full.

Put it in your shoes, under the heel. And in the evening, make a donation at church.

Other rituals

Home rituals using food products are considered one of the most effective. Food serves as an energy store. Therefore, it is important to put good thoughts into it during the ritual.

With salt

For good trading, you can read the spell on salt. To do this, take some salt, wrap it in a napkin, hide it in your pocket and go to the temple, where you will pray to the Mother of God. After this, return home, take out the salt and say the following words:

“Those on foot, those traveling, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. I get money, you get goods. Amen".

After this, sprinkle salt at the place where the goods are sold. Repeat the procedure when the number of buyers decreases.

With poppy seeds

This ritual must be performed on the waxing moon. Buy a poppy seed, pour it onto a new scarf spread on the floor. Cross the poppy and say:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Most Holy Theotokos, save and preserve! I am baptized with crosses, I bow to you. Mother of God, You know all my needs, how much money I need, without a coin in my wallet I can neither get dressed, nor put on shoes, nor a piece of bread, nor a sip of water. Give me as much poppy in your scarf, as much money in your wallet. Amen".

After this, the poppy is tied in a scarf and taken to the place of trade. There you need to hide it and wait for profit.

With holy water

This white magic ritual is performed using water. To quickly sell a product, you need buyers with positive energy. They will launch the energy of money, which will bring great profits to the seller. Pour water from the church into a plate. Drop your silver jewelry into it. Start rotating the jewelry clockwise in the water and say:

“As the mill turned and ground the grain day and night, so let my money and my goods turn day and night. Let them not lie in a bag, but circle around the world, meet other money, and bring other money to me. Like bees fly to honey, so everyone looks at my product, like moths fly to the light, so money comes to me. Just as you cannot count the stars, just as you cannot hug the earth with your hands, so no one can take away my strong word. Everyone comes to me, brings their money, takes away the goods, bread, salt, water are here. Everyone come here to me, here is water for you. Water for you, money for me. Amen".

After the ceremony, wear the jewelry on yourself until things get better, and pour the water out the window.

With bread

You can attract good luck with bread. Take a piece of bread and place a candle from the church in it. Light it and read the plot:

“You, my God, are tasty and reliable! Bread, salt and water will never let you down!”

After this, eat a piece of bread, anticipating success at work.

Conspiracy against the envy of competitors

In order to protect your business from the evil thoughts of competitors, you can charm the pen you use to sign business papers. The conspiracy is carried out every morning before the start of the working day. To do this, take a pen and say:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please protect me, protect me from witchcraft damage. I take the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the witch, from the red and black, from the fair-haired and white, from the bare-haired girl, from the self-made woman, from any sorcerer's villain. The prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus. Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, God’s servant (name), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God’s gift, with your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and terrible demon driver and conqueror; Rejoice at the arrival of bright goodness into my home. Make me worthy of all joys and to be a partaker of the Kingdom of Heaven, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Against the evil eye in trading

To prevent unscrupulous competitors from jinxing the success of an entrepreneur, you need to pray to the Lord:

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel to help me, to help me, to save me and preserve me. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, protect and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from their sinful thoughts, from failure and the cruel hour. I will approach the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not give in to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, be with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Knowledgeable people claim that the outcome of the ritual depends on the person’s mood and thoughts. In order to attract success, it is important to sincerely believe in it.

And don’t forget about the negative consequences for your business if you want to persuade your competitors to fail.

Prayer over holy water

This ritual is widely used in white magic, as it is considered the most harmless method of improving one’s financial situation:

Fill a glass with holy water and throw an iron coin into the container. After this say:

You were the rule of faith and the image of meekness in word and life for your flock, O humble and wise Father Mitrofan. In the same way, in the brightness of the saints of the sun, you have shone most brightly, we adorn you with the crown of incorruption and glory, pray to Christ our God that our country and your city will be saved in peace. By abstinence he enslaved the body to the spirit, and created the soul equal to the angels. You have dressed yourself in holy clothes, like the crown of the priesthood, and now, standing before all, pray to the All-Blessed Mitrofan to pacify and save our souls. Amen

Apply a few drops to goods. And pour the remaining holy liquid throughout the store.

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