Ba Zi is the destiny of a person. Analysis and adjustment of fate » Feng Shui » Ba Tzu calculator: learning to read and understand

Feng Shui has many different techniques that allow you to influence a person’s life and destiny. But none of them is as complex and at the same time interesting as the Ba Tzu calculator, which allows you to literally calculate your destiny by year and find out what awaits a person in the future. If this is your first time hearing about it, read on and you will find out what it is and why it is of such interest to so many people.

What is the Ba Zi calculator and how to use it correctly

Today the Ba Zi calculator can be found on many online resources dedicated to esoteric sciences and in particular the basics of Feng Shui. It is nothing more than an ordinary calculator, which is based on calculating the fate of a person born in a certain place and at a certain time.

The most basic data it needs is the person’s date of birth and gender. But a more complete map of fate can be obtained if you indicate the exact time of birth and the geographical coordinates of your hometown (where the person was born). Thus, the algorithm will compile a very detailed table with the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Luck, by analyzing which you can learn a lot of interesting things about your past and future life.

Therefore, using the calculator itself is not difficult: you just need to enter all the available data into it and the information will immediately appear on your screen.

As for the interpretation of the data obtained, you can really get confused here, because on different sites they are presented in slightly different forms (some more, some less) and also contain a lot of Chinese characters and Feng Shui concepts that are difficult to understand it's that simple. But this is quite possible if you get acquainted with at least a small part of the theory about the Four Pillars of Destiny.

Money in the element Water

If the element of money in the birth chart is Water, money comes and flows away like water. They come from different sources, and then diverge for different purposes, plans, purchases. It’s difficult to retain them, so it’s better to plan useful purchases in advance and then implement them.

If Water is useful in a chart:

✅Sociability, diplomacy, the ability to change, negotiate, and adaptability will lead to money.

✅ try to conduct all negotiations orally, not in correspondence. The better your speech is, the better your communication skills, the more clients and sales you will have.

✅Water people will give useful advice in money matters

✅you can earn more on trips and business trips than sitting in the office

✅for your wallet and Moneybox of Wealth, choose blue or black colors

Four Pillars of Human Destiny

The calculation of the Ba Zi calculator is based on the definition of the Four Pillars of Destiny, each of which corresponds to the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth. For each of the pillars, the guiding element and animal are determined, and the corresponding symbol is also indicated. So, for example, the resulting table may indicate: some hieroglyph, Yin Tree, Snake.

Each pillar consists of two parts:

  • Heavenly trunk , located at the top of the table
  • and the Earthly Branch , defined below (also indicated by one of the hieroglyphs).

In total, Feng Shui considers 10 different Heavenly trunks (5 Yin and 5 Yang elements each), as well as 12 Earthly branches, corresponding to 12 animals that govern a particular year in a person’s life.

The most important Trunk is the Heavenly Trunk, which corresponds to a person’s birthday. It determines his personal characteristics and relationships with other elements of the elements.

Therefore, first of all, Feng Shui experts pay attention to it. And on the basis of its analysis, they determine the insufficiency or redundancy of certain elements in a person’s life and ways to harmonize them.

Money in the element Wood

People for whom the element of money is useful, expressed by the element of Wood, want their money and income to grow and develop. They need to master investing, use profitable deposits so that money not only accumulates, but also multiplies.

If the Tree is strong, such a person can be generous, spend money on gifts for loved ones or on charity. But at the same time, he does not forget about developing his skills in handling money.

To enhance the element of money, if it is useful in the map:

✅The desire for growth, self-development, flexibility of thinking, determination, and kindness towards others will help in financial matters.

✅ keep notes in a notebook, notebook (preferably green). Be sure to write down your monetary goals on paper. Or draw in pictures if you know how.

✅you can make money from your creativity, hobby in the Wood element (knitting, drawing, sewing, floristry or gardening, etc.). Or while doing creative work, money ideas will come to you.

✅read books about financial literacy

✅consult with Tree people on financial matters

✅a wooden piggy bank and a green wallet will suit such people. It is better to save money in “green” dollars

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