How to make your own talisman for good luck in your studies?

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How to make a talisman for good luck in studies interests both teenagers and students. For some children, learning is easy; they do not need to make any special efforts to consolidate the material. Such children have excellent grades and good characteristics. Speaking of them, they are lucky. And some people need to cram all day, but the material is still not absorbed early. Teachers call such students hopeless and give up on them. The usual assessment of such a child is no higher than satisfactory, which is very disappointing.

How to make a talisman-amulet for good luck in studies

To help children and teenagers, you can make an amulet for studying, which will help increase mental activity, improve memory, and help them believe in themselves. Teachers will look at the child with different eyes, and luck will always accompany him.

Talisman for studying

To attract good luck in your studies, you can buy an amulet or talisman, and then speak to it. But it’s better to make such a thing yourself. An amulet made with your own hands will initially be connected to the energy of its owner. Moreover, such an amulet is quite simple to make.

To make an amulet for good luck and help in studies, you can use the following materials:

  • roots and branches of various trees;
  • favorite items in the form of keychains, coins, small toys;
  • Various pebbles or objects made of leather or even cardboard can serve as a talisman.

If you decide to make yourself an amulet from a stone or from tree branches, then it is recommended to choose a stone that suits you energetically, using a horoscope. Each zodiac sign has its own stones that have a beneficial effect on a person. Trees also carry a certain charge for a particular zodiac sign, so the choice of such things must be approached with all responsibility.

A talisman for good study can be bought at an esoteric store. These can be various wood products with special symbols. You can buy your child an ancient coin or pendant that you like. Such a gift can help with its strong energy not only in school, but also in life, protecting your child from a bad word or unclean look.

Rite of Activation

Activation of talismans of various directions has its own characteristics for each of them, but the predominant features for activating all magical objects are common. You need to stock up on the following things:

  • container for liquid;
  • holy water;
  • candles: church candles (1 pc.), white (3 pcs.), blue (2 pcs.) and red (3 pcs.);
  • a thing intended for a future talisman;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • incense sticks (the aroma should be pleasant to you);
  • sea ​​salt (coarse).

Choose a time when you can be home alone. Remove all distractions: turn off the computer, TV, turn off phones. Make sure in advance that no one comes to you at this time or choose the optimal time of day for this ritual.

You will need to build an altar of elemental forces.

Bow four times - to each cardinal direction. Light colored candles; they should be located throughout the room. On the table in the form of a quadrangle, place (strictly clockwise) a church candle, water in a prepared container, sea salt, and an incense stick.

In the center of the resulting figure, place the talisman you made for good luck in your studies. Then light the candle and incense stick. Address the four elements with the words:

“Element of Fire, Element of Water, Element of Earth, Element of Air, please, be witnesses of this ritual!”

Then you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy in accordance with the future function. Conspiracies differ among talismans of different directions, but this preparation can be considered universal.

Cardboard good luck talisman

A talisman for good luck in studies can be made from cardboard. To do this, you need to draw a small tree on cardboard. The crown of this tree should be made from branches of those trees that match the horoscope. We glue the tree around the entire perimeter with red woolen thread, and at the end we tie three knots and tear it off.

The made talisman must be placed in a special bag made of cotton or chintz. Such a bag should be sewn so that it can be tied at the top with a thread or string so that good luck does not disappear.

A good luck talisman for exams is made from apple, elm and pine branches. Small tree branches are folded into a secret bag and placed on a book or notebook with notes for the night. In the morning, the bag is worn around the neck or placed in a pocket so that no one can see it. The branches of these trees contribute to:

  • improving memory;
  • increasing mental and intellectual capabilities;
  • will give you self-confidence;
  • will help you cope with anxiety.

Mercury ↑

Astrology says that one of the planets is responsible for each type of energy and activity. It is believed that the planet Mercury is responsible for intellectual activity. Mercury's task is to make the mind react faster, that is, a person becomes more intelligent. Objects that symbolize mental activity will help develop the energy of Mercury. This could be a ballpoint pen, a pencil, a ruler or other office supplies.

You yourself can assign an item that will be responsible for the energy of Mercury. It is advisable to buy new stationery for this. It is important that no one else uses this accessory except you. Then you will be the sole master of Mercury's energy.

You can also develop the energy of Mercury using its color. These are gold and yellow shades. Try to have as many of these shades on your desktop as possible. From time to time, concentrate on an object with such a shade to increase the energy of Mercury in yourself.

Good luck bag

A talisman for good study or passing an exam can be sewn simply in the form of a bag. A note with a subject for which the grades are not very good or for which a test or exam is coming up is placed in such a bag. The good luck bag should be sewn from yellow fabric.

In addition to a note, it is advisable to put in it the root of a lucky calamus plant or a hazel nut to impart wisdom and prudence. A sprig of rosemary will also help, as it improves brain activity and gives confidence.

But we should not forget that any amulet activates the underlying knowledge. And if you haven’t learned anything, there will be nothing to activate. Any magic helps to reveal the hidden reserves of a person. But if you rely only on an amulet, then no enchanted stone or made amulet will help you.

Five kopeck coin ↑

Mothers and grandmothers know that for success in school they can take a five-kopeck coin as an amulet. This is an age-old way to protect yourself academically. A five-kopeck coin is placed under the left foot in the shoe. This sign will help the student pull out the ticket that he has memorized. Accordingly, the points for answering the ticket will be high. The historical origin of such an amulet is associated with traditions at a wedding in the 19th century. When a girl was married off, a patch was also placed under her left heel. This ritual brought happiness and prosperity into the lives of the young. Students still wonder why this penny tradition applies to them, but many notice that five-kopeck amulets work.

Amulet amulet

You can make an amulet in the form of an amulet. You need to sew it yourself from leather or natural fabric. The amulet is filled with herbs that suit the person’s horoscope. You can recite a prayer - a final request so that he understands his purpose and helps his owner. You need to wear such a talisman on a string around your neck. The bag itself can be embroidered with patterns or beads, so that you will be pleased to wear it as a decoration, and others will not ask unnecessary questions.

The most powerful amulet is considered to be the one with a runic symbol on it. It can be either stone, wood or hand-sewn. Such a runic sign is applied in the center of the talisman to concentrate the energy inside. In this place it will increase and multiply.

This amulet should be worn around the neck or close to the body. After the amulet is made, it must be charged. To do this, you need to whisper words of request to him in order to direct the action of the talisman in the right direction. It is advisable to do this on a full moon, when higher powers are more favorable towards people.

Three mountain peaks

The Chinese consider it great fortune to live in a house whose windows overlook three distant mountain peaks: they symbolize movement towards new achievements. If your windows “look” onto a vacant lot or onto a noisy highway, as is often the case in megacities, nothing terrible: just hang a picture in your house depicting 3 peaks - and it will begin to attract the energy of knowledge, wisdom and professional growth to you. Haven't found a suitable painting? Draw it yourself! The main thing is that the peaks do not come out very pointed. And don’t worry if the sketch is far from a masterpiece: in Feng Shui, what matters is the sign itself, and not the photographic accuracy of the image.

The image of the 3 peaks must often be charged with your positive ideas, look at them, dreaming of achieving the latest current and professional heights.

Amulet for study

Parents can give their child an amulet for good studies. For successful studies, you can buy a special stone that matches your child’s horoscope. Place it in a cloth bag. It is advisable to embroider runes on the bag, asking higher powers to help you study and give you self-confidence.

You can make a talisman for your child against the envy of peers and bad thoughts. This amulet is made of leather or red fabric. Also, talismans for good luck in studies can be made in the form of a bracelet or amulet around the neck. Patterns are embroidered on the bracelet with beads or bright threads to attract good luck and help your child study. Herbs are placed in the amulet: valerian, white water lily, St. John's wort, thyme.

By sewing such a talisman for your child, you will put your energy into him, which will protect him and give him confidence.

To help you study well, you can use a pebble on the road or found in the sea as a talisman. Usually such finds are given to us for a reason; they are intended by higher powers for a specific person. And the main thing is not to miss the hint.

What is the significance of such a talisman?

In the modern world of progress, learning is structured in such a way that the learner must receive and process a huge amount of information (most often independently), as it is constantly updated. And there is much less time left for processing it than the information itself.

You have to rely only on a miracle and the favor of fate in order to remember everything, pull out a lucky ticket with easy tasks in the exam and get a high score from the teacher.

Amulets, talismans and amulets can work wonders:

  1. increasing attentiveness, perseverance, and desire to learn;
  2. increasing the desire to work for excellent results;
  3. supporting self-confidence;
  4. revealing inner potential;
  5. helping to tune in to the learning process.

In other words, with the help of amulets for studying you cannot conjure the coveted grade , but they help:

  • attracting good luck;
  • concentration;
  • support or help from the most strict teachers;
  • activating the perception of the flow of knowledge to solve assigned problems.

Trees talismans according to zodiac signs

  • Linden, spruce, pine and oak energetically correspond to Aries. These trees are powerful energy helpers. By taking a twig from such a tree and making yourself a talisman, you can be sure that things will get better and your studies will soon improve.
  • Poplar is energetically suitable for Taurus, but it is still better to take a nut or chestnut, especially for the stronger half. Poplar is a very insidious tree; it can both energetically feed its owner and devastate him.
  • Energy helpers for twins are apple tree, pear tree and maple tree. Especially if the twig for the talisman is taken closer to autumn, when the trees bear fruit and the strength of the sun and earth is gained.
  • Alder and willow correspond to Cancers. It is these trees that will help people born under the sign of Cancer gain self-confidence, develop intelligence and mental abilities.
  • Leos correspond to elm and oak. Talismans made from the bark or branches of these trees will give its owner strength and conquer new heights.
  • For those born under the sign of Virgo, the best energy helpers are alder, plum and hazel.
  • Libra can only take branches for their amulet from birch and linden. Only these trees will help a child realize his full potential, give him mental strength, and help him in his studies.
  • For Scorpios, the best energy drinks are rowan, rosehip, pine and chestnut. It is recommended to take twigs for the talisman in early spring, before the buds swell.
  • Cedar and hornbeam are suitable for Sagittarius, which help the owner of a talisman from these trees in maintaining spirit and moral satisfaction.
  • Birch and fir are suitable for Capricorns. Amulets made from such trees will help improve memory, making it easier to assimilate material in class and at home.
  • For Aquarius, the best energy tree is poplar.
  • Viburnum, honeysuckle, larch, and yew are best suited for fish.

Variety of school extracurricular activities

Topics for creative assignments can be very different. These are the seasons, women's holiday, New Year, various dates and events related to both the life of the country and the life of one school.

Thematic assignments may also refer to work performed using certain techniques or materials. They often refer to various trades such as sewing, knitting, weaving, pastry making, carpentry, designing and modeling.

The list can be endless, just like human imagination, which finds creative application in any field of activity.

Stones talismans according to zodiac signs

  • Rock crystal, ruby, zircon, and diamond are most suitable for Aries.
  • Taurus is associated with stones such as agate, turquoise, and bull's eye. Malachite, opal, emerald, selenite, and hair are very good energy sources.
  • Agate, carnelian, tiger's eye, rhodonite, cat's eye, beryl are suitable for Gemini.
  • Cancers can get an energy boost from aquamarine, pearl, sunflower, moonstone, ruby ​​and chrysoberyl.
  • Stones such as rock crystal, sunflower, tourmaline, garnet, peridot and citrine are suitable for Leos.
  • Virgos are highly recommended to wear talismans with agate, garnet, rock crystal, jade, and carnelian.
  • Libra is helped by aquamarine, rhodonite, tourmaline, malachite, jade, rhodochrosite.
  • Alexandrite, turquoise, malachite, garnet, moonstone, topaz, beryl and rhodochrosite are energetically suitable for Scorpios.
  • For Sagittarius, turquoise, garnet, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, topaz and tourmaline are energy assistants.
  • Those born under the zodiac sign Capricorn receive energy boost from malachite, tourmaline, and garnet.
  • Aquamarine, garnet, zircon, amber, and hawk's eye are most suitable for Aquarius.
  • Aquamarine, pearls, coral, opal, moonstone, and peridot are recommended for Pisces.

Study stones are charged in a special way. On a waxing moon, a stone is placed on a stack of books and left on the windowsill. At the same time, they ask higher powers to give the stone special energy power, which will always be next to you and nourish you through the stone. All this is said in your own words, no special spells are needed. The main thing is to strongly believe that this amulet will bring good luck and help in studies.

Owl image ↑

Probably everyone knows that the owl symbolizes wisdom. So students can ask the image of the owl for some wisdom that will help them pass the exam.

Any figurine of this bird that you like will do. Choose a figurine or decoration from the material that you like best. To be sure, give preference to a figurine where the owl is located next to the book. To place this figurine in your apartment, use your knowledge of Feng Shui. This philosophy suggests that it is better to place an owl in the North-East of the room, where it best stimulates mental activity.

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