Puzzle of waiting among peach blossoms in Genshin Impact

Ananga Ranga is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyan Malla in the 15th and 16th centuries. The poet created this work in honor of Lad Khan, the son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. He was associated with the Lodi dynasty, which ruled India from 1451 to 1526.

Later commentators said that the purpose of the book was to prevent a husband from divorcing his wife. This work is often compared to the Kama Sutra, which she often refers to.

Ananga Ranga was translated into English in 1885, edited by Sir Richard Francis Burton. The book is intended to prove that it is enough for a man to have one woman. The book contains instructions on how a husband can increase his love for his wife through sexual attraction. A husband can enjoy life with one woman as if he were living with 32 different women. A variety of sexual pleasures can create harmony, thereby preventing a married couple from becoming tired of each other.


He who wants to live has three goals: Knowledge, Love and Acquisition of Wealth. The first honor of life is devoted to knowledge. The second part of life is devoted to love. The third part is devoted to acquiring wealth.

Human drives have three sources: Soul, Mind and Body. The attraction of the soul gives rise to friendship. The attraction of the mind generates respect. The attraction of the body gives rise to desire. The combination of three attractions gives rise to love.

What are the pleasures of love? The two pleasures of the soul are infliction and patience. The two pleasures of the mind are attraction and giving. The three pleasures of the body are touch, friction and suction. The three complementary pleasures are taste, smell and color.

What is the state that leads to love? Tension and passion. What is the state produced by love? Relief and tenderness.

Determining the animal sign according to Feng Shui

You can find the location of the Star of Love by year and birthday. The effect of a star determined by day is much more powerful, but there are situations when it is impossible to use it. For example, there is no day sector in the apartment. In this case, you will have to resort to yearly activation. If the annual and daily signs coincide, the plant’s location zone will be the same.

Rooster is the symbolic star of Peach

Following the instructions, determining the star’s location area will not be difficult:

Calculation algorithm by year

  1. Find in the first column of Table 2 the year of which animal you were born.
  2. In the second column of Table 2 is the Flower of Love, and in the third is the place in the apartment that corresponds to it.

table 2

Animal of the year of birthPatronSectorFavorable monthNumber of flowers
Rat Dragon MonkeyRoosterWest 2 (262.6-277.5°)September 8-October 82, 5, 8 yellow or white
Bull Snake RoosterHorseSouth 2 (172.6-187.5°)June 6-July 63, 4, 9 green, purple or red
Tiger Horse DogRabbitVostok 2 (82.6-97.5°)March 6-April 41, 3, 4 blue or blue
Rabbit Sheep PigRatNorth 2 (352.6-7.5°)December 7-January 66, 7 blue or white

Calculation algorithm by day

  1. Using the Ba Zi map of the 4 Pillars of Destiny, find the animal located at the intersection of the Earthly Branch and the Day Pillar (see table 3).
    Table 3
    Heavenly Pillar
    Earth Branch
  2. Find this sign in the first column of Table 2.
  3. By analogy with paragraph 2 of the annual methodology, the required Sector is determined by day.

Laundryhead: First Weasel

The first caress involves touching the girl's body with your hand. If a young man puts his hand on a girl’s head, this caress is called “awakening.” If a young man puts his hand on a girl’s shoulder, which is closer to him, this caress is called “approaching.” If a young man puts his hand on a girl’s shoulder, which is further from him, that caress is called a “declaration of love.” If a young man takes a girl by the hand above the elbow, this is a request to stay with him. If he only touches your hand, then please be more friendly. If a young man puts his hand on the side of the girl that is farthest from him, this caress is called “the language of intimacy.” Less modest caresses are called "disturbing movements." If a young man runs his hand over a girl’s forehead, strokes her head and pats her cheek, this caress is “protection.” If a young man runs his hand along the back, arms and sides of a girl and inadvertently touches her breasts, this is “hope”. If a young man lifts a girl’s chin with his hand, this caress is called “a meeting of glances.” If a young man runs his fingers along a girl’s neck, this is a caress “bringing the game closer.”

How can I get through the dungeon?

Once the puzzle is solved, the player will have access to a bridge made of light. Climbing this bridge, you will have to use your geo-abilities. This is necessary for monsters to appear. Other than the final boss, the monsters aren't much of a challenge. By combining abilities, you can remove the absorbing shield. For example, you can use pyro and electro effects, but don’t forget about food. Freezing can also help. In total, it will take two hundred and forty seconds to complete the task; along the way you will need to defeat about fifteen monsters.

The main reward for completing the Winding Path dungeon is the Crown of the Brave artifact with four stars. Players are attracted to the high stats of the artifact.

In Genshin Impact, the Winding Path is a must-play dungeon. The main thing is to cope with the test, in which the riddle is related to the position of the columns.

If it is difficult to solve a puzzle with monuments on your own, then it is better to use step-by-step instructions.

The first step is to send the character to the entrance to this location. The entrance to the cave is located between Tianheng Mountain and Lingju Pass. In this area you can find a gate with which you can interact and begin completing the desired task. In the first stage, the player is faced with five pillars that will need to be activated.

In order not to fall into a trick that activates two adjacent columns, you need to hit them in a strictly defined sequence. Geo character will help solve this puzzle. The Traveler is also good for this. Before starting the puzzle, only three columns will be activated. There is one in the center, and also one in the lower right and left corners.

It's better to start with the column, which is located in the upper left corner. After this, two adjacent ones will light up: the upper left and lower right. Then you need to influence the lower left column and only one monument will remain activated. When the character activates the lower right corner, the pillar in the upper right corner also lights up. The last thing left to do is activate the upper left monument so that all three totems light up.

Below is a short sequence of solving the puzzle:

  • top left column;
  • lower left column;
  • lower right column;
  • top left column.

Laundryhead: Sitting and standing hugs

Hug is an affection that involves pressing the body, arms and legs. We will talk about standing hugs, and from them about those that are called “internal”. If a young man, holding a girl’s head in his hands, kisses her on the lips, this is a modest hug, “enjoying the scent of flowers.” If the hands of a young man, passing under the arms of a girl, hug her behind her back or waist, this hug is called “perfect.” If a young man hugs a girl by the shoulders, this is an “inner freshness” hug. If a young man’s hands fall from his waist onto a girl’s hips, this is a “midday heat” hug. If a young man hugs a girl to himself, this is a “royal” hug. If a young man, holding a girl close to him, squeezes her palms, and the girl stands with her hands down, this hug is called “secret.”

The “enjoying the aroma of flowers” ​​and “morning freshness” hugs are tender. “Perfect” and “midday heat” are full of passion. “Tsarskoye” is rude and imperious, but perfectly expresses frenzied passion. “Secret” makes you dizzy. The hands of a young man, overcome with passion, roam over the girl’s back. The hands of a young man trying to seduce a girl move from top to bottom. Here is a technique used by seducers: putting her stomach forward, press the girl to herself so that she feels the hardness and warmth of the young man’s erect penis.

The girl’s dangling hands express relaxation of will and trust; hands placed on the shoulders of a young man - friendship; placed on the chest in trust; wrapped around the neck expresses tenderness.

If both hands are placed on the shoulders, this is a “brother and sister” hug. If a girl hides her face on a boy’s chest, this hug is called “bashful.” If a girl, cuddling, puts her breasts forward and the young man feels the elastic softness of the girl’s breasts and the pressing alternates with friction, this hug is called “drill work.” If a girl, cuddling, puts her stomach forward and breathes with it, and rubs it so that it presses against the boy’s stomach in different parts and with different strengths, this is called an “exciting hug.” If a girl, during a hug, allows her thighs to touch the hips of a boy and her knees to touch his knees, this hug is called “alluring.” If a girl, with both arms around a boy’s neck, draws her legs up and hangs on him like that, this is a “leap to happiness” hug. If, during the same embrace, a girl entwines the boy’s knees with her feet, this embrace is called “the entanglement of vines.” If a girl, having wrapped her arms around her lover’s neck and stepping around impatiently, suddenly puts one leg on the boy’s leg and wraps the other around his thigh, this hug is called “tree climbing.”

The “shameful” and “brother and sister” hugs are gentle. “Alluring”, “drill work” and “exciting” inflame the young man. “Jumping to happiness” and “climbing a tree” express the girl’s passion.

External hugs - if a young man stands behind a girl’s back and presses her to him in such a way that his hands caress her breasts, stomach and pubis, or one hand caresses her in front and the other behind her - this hug is called “animal hug”.

Sitting hugs - sitting hugs repeat standing hugs. If a boy distracts a girl's attention with kisses and caresses and puts his knee under her knee, this hug is called a “trap.” If a boy and a girl press their bodies together and he pushes her back with chest pressure to varying degrees and with varying strength, this hug is called “hawk circles.”

Special hugs - if lovers walk in a crowd or walk through crowded places, if, continuing to walk, they push off with their hips, then rub their arms and legs, sides and thighs against each other - now clinging, now moving apart, forgetting about the world around them - then this is the hug is called the "swaying of the tribal tongues." If a young man, overwhelmed by passion and incapable of restraint, presses a girl against a wall or tree with his body, and his hands touch her breasts, hips, back, and his lips seek her lips - this embrace is called “the approach of a storm.”

Alternative solution to the puzzle

If for unknown reasons it was not possible to solve the puzzle using the previous method, then there is an alternative option.

Columns can also be emphasized in the following sequence:

  • Top right column.
  • Bottom right column.
  • Top right column.
  • Bottom left column.

When the riddle is solved, the cube is automatically activated. The character will have access to a light bridge that will lead him to the next goal.

Laundryhead: Embrace on the bed

If the bodies of lovers are spread out on the bed and they, having embraced, lie motionless, this embrace is called “jungle”. Such a hug is good when intertwined bodies overcome fatigue.

If both lie on their backs and the girl lies on the boy’s arm or his shoulder, and places her legs on his thigh; if the young man lies on his side, and the girl hides her face on his chest, and both also use hip hugs; if a girl lies on her side with her back to the young man, and he holds her by the chest and puts one leg between her thighs, and if the lovers passionately press against each other, pressing body into body; if a girl lies on her stomach, and a young man lies next to her and caresses her breasts with his hands, or, running his hands under the girl’s armpits, strokes her back, buttocks and thighs, runs his hands over her stomach from top to bottom and presses his penis to her between intertwined legs - such hugs are called "evening call"

If a girl lies on her back and a young man lies on her and he presses and strokes her breasts, puts his hands under her back and buttocks, intertwines her legs and touches her neck with his penis - this embrace is called “iris”. If lovers gently rub against each other, this embrace of the prostrate on the bed is called “sezan.” This hug is gentle when both are lying on their sides, more passionate when the boy is lying on the girl or vice versa. During these embraces, lovers rub against each other with all parts of the body, rub along the stomach and chest and across them, rub face against face and legs against legs. These hugs are good when quiet movements alternate with fast ones, gentle movements with strong ones, and friction alternates with pressing. These hugs are complemented by rubbing the buttocks.

Puzzle of a winding path

At the very beginning of the mission, the main character is faced with a small puzzle. The sequence for solving the riddle is quite simple: when each monument is activated, it will change the state of the two adjacent ones. Knowing this secret, finding solutions to the problem will not be difficult. However, to stick to this plan, you need to be careful not to touch unnecessary monuments, as this can lead to a similar condition. To make the passage easier, you can re-enter the dungeon.

How to start the quest "Octave Maushiro"

The first thing you will need to do is complete the quest “A Extremely Exceptional Writer.” Then on the next calendar day, Paimon will want to know how Sumida is doing, and you should have a new task in your diary.

Go to the capital of the archipelago again and talk to the girl. We decide to help her solve the mystery of Tsurumi and the disappearing musical instrument.

How to remove fog the next day

The island will be covered in fog again. Teleport to the statue of the seven Archons. Then follow the quest marker and go through the stone gate again to clear the fog from the island map. Talk to Ru again. He will tell you about the mausiro and the thunderbird. We remember that during the mission “Storm Hunters of Seirai” we found a Strange Feather.

We are talking about a new tool that will appear in your inventory in the corresponding section. Also check out the entry in the Learn menu. You will learn that with the help of this unusual feather you can reveal various secrets on Tsurumi.

How to use the Strange Pen

So, follow Ru to the thunderbird statue. Go to "Tools" in your inventory and equip your new gadget. Now press the "Z" key (default) to activate the Strange Feather next to the stone figure.

An illusion of Kama will appear. Apparently this feather works the same way as the Lens of Memories. Head to the place where the boatman buried something and dig up the mausiro. Next, head to the ritual site.

Here you have to eavesdrop on the conversations of local residents. To do this, you just need to chat with 3 pairs of children. You will find out that Ru has disappeared somewhere. You will need to find it by visiting 3 locations where various puzzles will await you.

Activation principles

Before proceeding with activation, study the following conditions in order to achieve the desired result and not cause trouble:

  1. If the sector is in the bathroom or toilet, activation cannot be performed.
  2. It will have a negative impact on your relationship if the star of love gets into those parts of the apartment that have plumbing: a sink, a bathroom. Such damp spots threaten the emergence of a tendency to drink and dissolute behavior. Ideally, they need to be moved. But if this is not possible, manage your emotions without letting your feelings get out of control.
  3. Do not activate if the sector outside the apartment includes dilapidated abandoned buildings, muddy ponds, power poles and dried out trees.
  4. Remove massive furniture from your sector, because such items hinder positive changes in relationships.
  5. If you are not single and have already found love, activation is prohibited. Determine where these sectors are located so that you know where to place bouquets and potted plants. But you can put photos of them together there to refresh your family life.
  6. In the south, it is recommended to periodically remove a vase of water, since this side of the world, according to Feng Shui, is not intended for placing containers with water.
  7. If you suspect your husband of cheating, investigate whether there are energy activation devices installed, such as a pendulum clock, an aquarium, a television, or a stereo system.
  8. Based on your personal calendar, select a favorable day for activation to increase its effectiveness and speed up the process of developing relationships.
  9. Check whether it is possible to activate this year or month, as other stars may be superimposed, causing harm to health, financial waste or other troubles.
  10. Define sectors for the entire area of ​​the apartment if you live in an apartment, or for the entire house if you have a private house. If the building is multi-story, place a vase of water where you are most present.

Peach Blossom Compass

Using a compass, coordinates from the table and an apartment plan with markings of 24 mountains, find the sector where you need to activate the Peach Blossom. The size of the sectors is 45°, but for these purposes only the central part of 15° is selected.

There are two activation options:

  1. Place the bed so that your head is in the desired sector and move it to another place when you find love and a strong relationship is formed.
  2. Place a pot with several inflorescences or a large vase. It can simply be filled with water, but it is better to put flowers there, which must be replaced with fresh ones as soon as the plants begin to fade. Moreover, the buds should open directly in the sector, personifying the birth of love and relationships. The water in the vase should be clear, so it should be changed every few days if there is only water, and daily if there is a bouquet. Red or pink roses are best suited for this task; there should be as many of them as possible, but preferably at least three. The last column of Table 2 indicates the number and shades of plants required to create the necessary atmosphere.

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Once upon a time this place was the kingdom of peach flowers from someone's dreams. Find its flowers and restore the lost peace of this kingdom.

The Winding Path dungeon in Genshin Impact is located west of Li Yue. Near the teleportation point on one of the peaks. Recommended squad level: 50. You will also need a character with the Geo skill.

Passage of the quest “Nine World Columns”

How to start a task

There is a stone tablet in the center of this area. The map above shows its exact location. Interact with her to read the text and begin completing the desired mission. Let us note in advance that this will take quite a lot of time.

Unlock nine world columns

So, do you see the pillars around? They are very difficult not to notice. There are 9 of them in total, and on each of them you will find a bright slab that looks like a face.

Climb all 9 pillars to insert the stones of the past into them. Surely you are wondering how you can get them. You can get the required number of stones by upgrading the Statues of the Seven Archons to level 10. This means that you have to collect all the geocules. We have indicated their locations in a separate guide.

As soon as you get 9 stones of the past, immediately place them in all the pillars. After this, the door that you could see earlier will finally open. However, this is not the end of the quest. A series of battles awaits you inside. Here are some useful tips:

  • The enemies will be at the maximum level for your world level (for example, at world level 6 they will be level 85-89), so get ready for a serious fight.
  • Throughout the battle, mutation stones will appear and strengthen your opponents. Therefore, quickly destroy them as soon as you see them.

At the beginning of the battle you will have to kill the Ruin Guardian. Nothing special. After this, two Geo Vishap cubs will attack you. You've fought them all over Li Yue, so you should know how they attack. Collect the pieces to protect yourself from their attacks, and everything will be fine.

Once you kill them, a Ruin Hunter mini-boss will appear in the center of the room. In the middle of the battle, two more Geo Vishap cubs will appear with him, which will significantly complicate the battle. Don't forget to destroy the mutation stone to make your life a little easier.

Once the battle is over, a new door will open and you will be taken to a room with 3 chests and a 5-star "Royal Flower" artifact. You will also find a Dark Ring in one of the chests.

Sell ​​the Dark Ring for a good price

Teleport to Li Yue Harbor and 2 new markers will appear on the map, indicating sellers ready to purchase the jewelry. They will give you different prices:

  • Lin Lan will offer you 200,000 mora for the ring.
  • Bo Lai will offer 180,000 Mora and 5 Adept Temptations (food).

As a reward for completing the quest, you will also receive 450 adventure points and 50 source stones.

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