The relationship between colors and elements in esotericism! Reiki Circle “Filling with Colored Energy”  

It has long been known that the color of clothing can influence our mood, well-being and inner world. You should select clothes according to your color type, style, and figure. When choosing a fabric and style, we rely on many nuances - the main wardrobe, the accessories available, the comfort of clothing, etc.

When choosing an outfit, we try not to repeat common mistakes and try to combine colors correctly. And we succeed, often simply at the level of intuition. This is not surprising, because usually what we like is what suits us best. Those who are accustomed to trusting their inner voice and intuition often have good artistic taste, a sense of style and color, so they can easily choose clothes in suitable shades.

But color also has the ability to influence our energy field, helping to reduce or increase physical and mental activity. The correct choice of clothing color according to the principles of Feng Shui can bring you self-confidence, success, lift your spirits and maintain strength. But an inappropriate color scheme, on the contrary, can take away your strength and energy, leaving you feeling depressed, dissatisfied and lethargic.

Before you find out which color is right for you, you need to determine exactly what element (element) you are according to Feng Shui. Who are you - Metal, Water, Fire, Earth or Wood? We will help you sort this out.

The influence of color on a person

Human life is affected by flowers. One brings wealth, fame and success, while the other seems to take away all spiritual strength.

The influence of color on a person

You need to learn to understand the meaning of each one. By applying this knowledge in practice, you can independently model your destiny.

Each element has its own color

Each of the five elements has its own color scheme:

  • Water is blue or black.
  • The soil is brown and peachy.
  • The tree is green.
  • Fire - purple.
  • Metal - silver, gold, white.

The interaction of the elements is extremely important to consider when choosing the color scheme of a room. You need to start from the Circle of Generation U-sin, consisting of five elements. In it, each element is strengthened by the previous one: Wood feeds Water, Fire feeds Wood, the Earth element is strengthened by Fire, Wood influences Earth, Fire controls Metal, Earth controls Water, Wood is destroyed by Metal.

When decorating an apartment or house, you should definitely take into account the influence of the elements on each other. This impact is based on three principles.

Principle of birth

From one element another is born:

  • from the ashes that Fire leaves behind, the Earth is born;
  • Earth forms Metal;
  • thanks to Metal, Water appears;
  • The Tree feeds on water.

Principle of destruction

One of the elements suppresses the other, thereby maintaining the natural balance:

  • Metal has a disastrous effect on Wood;
  • The Earth is destroyed by the roots of the Tree;
  • The Earth stops the flow of Water;
  • Water extinguishes Fire;
  • Fire melts metal.

Weakening principle

The element that feeds another gives it its strength and weakens:

  • The tree feeds Fire;
  • Earth takes from Fire everything it needs;
  • Metal is fueled by the Earth;
  • Water is born thanks to Metal.

What does it take to achieve a state of harmony between Yin and Yang?

In order for a person to achieve this balance, he must harmoniously combine the five elements of Feng Shui, the different ratios of which shape everything in our Universe and influence all the processes taking place in it. Bringing these elements into the correct ratio, into a stable balance, is one of the most important goals of the followers of the teachings of Feng Shui. The movement of vital energy Qi corresponds to five phases of its passage, and they are defined as five elements. The beginning of its movement has the symbol of Tree, the highest point is the symbol of Fire. The period of immutability is the symbol of the Earth, the movement towards decline is the symbol of Metal. The last fifth phase is those future possibilities that it stores in itself, the symbol of which is Water. The combination of feng shui elements can form both destructive flows and creative ones aimed at the formation of something new. The creative flow is formed according to the following chain: Fire gives birth to Earth, which in turn gives birth to Metal. Metal helps Water to appear, Water gives birth to Wood. Wood, completing the cycle, forms Fire.

What do Feng Shui colors mean?

An ancient Chinese teaching says that every color has its own meaning. If you choose the right design, you can activate a certain energy. The Feng Shui meanings of colors are given below.


It personifies peace, tranquility and wisdom, setting you up for relaxation and positivity. Blue is preferred by people seeking spiritual enrichment. It is best suited for decorating living rooms or bedrooms.


Has the strongest energy. Attracts happiness, gives power. However, there is a flip side to the coin: the color red also represents anger and passion. It should not be abused; it can incite quarrels and conflicts, and cause illness. If you absolutely want to decorate any room in this color, let it be the living room: this is where the main vital energy accumulates.


Pink can be called one of the varieties of red. This is a shade of tenderness, it is particularly romantic and sensuality. It is generally accepted that it relieves attacks of aggression, eliminates misunderstandings and helps achieve harmony in relationships.


Aristocratic, Cleopatra's favorite color. It personifies a rich inner world and well-developed intuition, directs the flow of thoughts in the right direction, and inspires new achievements. Purple is the color of creative people.

However, according to Feng Shui, decorating the interior of your home in purple is not recommended. This color is more suitable for decorating a workshop or office.


Orange is the color of happiness. Encourages decisive action, enhances brain activity, and activates sociability.

Suitable for decorating any room in the house. However, for example, it is better to decorate the bedroom in soft colors.

Living room in orange


Yellow is a very positive, cheerful color. It is believed that it can improve brain activity. Yellow will bring light and optimism to any corner of the house.


The blue color symbolizes the fulfillment of desires and spiritual elevation. And it is also the color of health.

However, with all its positive qualities, according to Feng Shui, it is better not to decorate the premises in blue, otherwise you may get the impression that the walls are pressing on you, and this will cause discomfort.


Green color represents harmony, balance, and wisdom. It relieves nervous tension, has a calming effect, and helps to relax. This is a symbol of everything new.

This color scheme can be used to decorate absolutely any room.


White color is a symbol of purity and purity, virtue and lightness. It cleanses the energy. Creation, freedom, joy, happiness - these are the meanings of this color. This is the absolute, in it the beginning and the end of everything merge into one. White sets you up for activity, but not stormy, but harmonious.

It is most suitable for decorating rooms that need additional lighting, as well as small rooms, as it visually makes them larger. A bathroom decorated in white will also be a good solution.


Black color cannot be interpreted unambiguously. It personifies sophistication and a sense of style, and at the same time is a symbol of the unknown, the mystical.

It is unlikely that there will be anyone who wants to decorate the room entirely in black. But when decorating it is used quite often: the eternal classic never becomes outdated.


The color brown evokes associations with fertile soil, trees and stones. This color represents stability in relationships, work, health and finances.

For the interior of rooms

Shades depend on the purpose of the room

There are several universal rules that Feng Shui advises to adhere to when decorating your interior.

  1. Balance of Yin and Yang energy. All bright, light and sunny shades are carriers of Yang energy, while dark and muted shades correspond to Yin energy (the former tend more towards white, and the latter towards black). In the interior of a house or apartment, both types of energy must be balanced.
  2. Features of Ying and Yan premises. Yang rooms include the living room, kitchen, dining room, hallway - it is better to use brighter shades here. The Yin room is the bedroom - here the main color scheme is Yin. Depending on the child’s temperament, the children’s room can be yang - for calm characters, or yin - for hyperactive children.
  3. The principle of Heaven and Earth. The ceiling and walls should be decorated in light shades, and the floor in darker shades.


According to Feng Shui, colors for the hallway should be chosen in accordance with the direction of the front door. For example, if the door of the house faces south, it can be painted in any shade of red-orange and the hallway can be decorated in the same colors. It is advisable to choose light shades for wallpaper and furniture so that the hallway and corridor do not seem dark and cramped. A painting, a decorative item or additional lighting can add brightness to the room.

Living room

To attract stable well-being, it is better to choose wallpaper in calm tones (beige, sand, peach, etc.) for the living room. By and large, this is a matter of personal taste - cheerful wallpaper is also quite acceptable here. Furniture and decorative items can and should complement the color scheme, adding brightness and variety to it, emphasizing the meaning of the room (guests and household members gather here, so the design should be dynamic). It’s good when the living room has elements of lush green, golden, red, blue, as well as the colors of the household according to the zodiac sign.


For a relaxation room, a pastel tone in combination with darker elements is favorable. You don't want to go all white in your bedroom, but cream, light blue or a soft peach will do just fine. The design can be complemented with a small amount of yellow or green, as well as color compositions in calm, muted tones. Curtains mean a lot for a relaxation room: they should not be too light or dark (the ideal option is several shades darker than the wallpaper).


The interior of a children's room should be dominated by clear and pure colors, depending on the child's character, bright or muted. For very active children, a room in blue or green colors is suitable, for calmer children - in yellow, orange, bright green. At the same time, the most important thing is to discuss the main background with the owner of the room. Regardless of the choice of main colors, the design of walls, wardrobes and other furniture can be fun and creative: they can be decorated with bright drawings and your own crafts.


Don't be afraid of bright colors

This is a yang room, which can also be bright: orange, yellow, and red tones are welcome. However, we must not forget about harmony and balance: keep the design in warm colors, but combine bright shades with muted ones. In addition, it is recommended to add several green elements to the kitchen decor (this could be a painting on the wall, a vase on the windowsill, beautiful dishes displayed in plain sight, etc.). Blue and dark tones are not suitable here, as they reduce appetite (except when kitchen owners want to lose weight).


As for the bathroom and toilet, it is recommended to decorate them in light colors. One of the best solutions is the blue color scheme: it harmonizes perfectly with white plumbing fixtures and the element of Water that reigns here. In addition, tiles and decorative items in the bathroom can be made in light green or beige tones, and furniture can be made of light varnished wood.


When decorating an office or office, you need to create a favorable environment for the work process and making a profit. Feng Shui colors for business are red-brown, beige, yellow, and green. If the work requires internal search and reflection, pay attention to the purple elements. If you need to apply intellectual effort, you should add metallic to your cabinet design.

Color by gua number

The gua number is determined by the year of birth: the last two digits are added until the result is a single digit number.

Further calculations are made based on gender and age:

  • men subtract the resulting value from 10;
  • women add 5 to it;
  • young men born after 2000 subtract the resulting value from 9;
  • girls born in 2000 (and later) must add 6 to it.

If the final number is 5, the number of gua for women will be 8, and for men - 2.

We look at the results in the table.

Gua numberFavorable colors
1All shades of blue, black
2; 8Beige, yellow, pink, red
3; 4Brown, green
6; 7White, metallic, silver
9Pink, purple

Color combinations

Colors are interconnected and may or may not be combined with each other. Sometimes their union is favorable, and positive energy is born from it, and sometimes, on the contrary, negative energy.

Favorable combinations

  • Gold and red are a successful union, promising money and good luck. To activate the zone, you can use gold coins tied with a red ribbon.
  • Green and blue, when combined, can bring harmony and happiness into the home. It is recommended to decorate the eastern or southeastern part of the apartment in exactly this color scheme.
  • Green and red - an unusual combination of colors will help you achieve fame and popularity.
  • Red and yellow are a powerful combination that helps attract good luck. Design in this color scheme is recommended for the southwest or northeast direction.
  • Yellow with white. This combination symbolizes the desire for power and control. Sometimes gold is chosen instead of yellow. It is necessary to maintain a balance when designing sectors in this combination, listen to yourself, and if any discomfort arises, look for another color solution. You can use other shades of these colors. If you feel great, you can, on the contrary, try to enhance the golden or yellow tones. After all, these colors attract good luck.
  • Purple shade with silver. An interesting design option can be obtained by combining them. In addition, such a neighborhood promises material well-being. It is best to design sectors related to the element of Water in a similar way.
  • Black and white symbolize yin and yang. Water corresponds to black, Metal - white. This combination is ideal for decorating sectors of the water element. With it you can activate money energy.


This element means stability, reliability and stability. It gives strength and endurance, confidence, and a sense of responsibility. The main colors of the Earth are brown and yellow, but also ocher, sand, beige, terracotta and other shades of yellow-brown. Under the influence of the Earth is the north-eastern side of the world - the Knowledge sector, the south-western - the Love sector and the central part, which is responsible for Health.

In the northeast, yellow and brown tones can be complemented with red elements. It is not recommended to combine yellow with blue shades in the north of the room. For the center of the Health zone, Feng Shui recommends a bright but harmonious design using peach and golden shades.

Combinations to avoid

Cannot be combined:

  • red and blue (the elements of Water and Fire conflict);
  • white and green (Wood is at odds with Metal);
  • blue with brown (Water in contrast with Earth);
  • blue and yellow (Earth and Water do not get along well);
  • pink with blue (Fire is at enmity with Water).

Color combinations


This element symbolizes wisdom, intuition, life-giving energy, and wealth. Its colors are blue, light blue, turquoise, violet, lilac, gray, lilac, black. Under the influence of the elements is the north - the Career zone, as well as the southeast - the Wealth sector.

In the north, blue can be combined with silver and gold, moderately accentuated with black. The element of violet in the Career zone will be especially useful to a leader: it will give wisdom and spiritual strength, and strengthen authority. In the southeast, the blue-violet color scheme is used as a complement to the main green color.

Rules for working with color in Feng Shui

There are a few simple rules to remember:

  1. One color should not dominate the others.
  2. Shades for decoration should be selected based on your goals and purpose of the room.
  3. The chosen shade can be more or less bright, dull or saturated - everything will depend primarily on your own feelings.
  4. Lighting also plays an important role. This factor must be taken into account.
  5. A ceiling painted in dark colors will visually appear lower.
  6. Light shades visually enlarge the room.
  7. You cannot use more than five colors to decorate your home.
  8. Interior doors look better if they are light.
  9. Before you start decorating your children's room, you need to check how your child reacts to the chosen color.
  10. Small rooms cannot be decorated with curtains or dark-colored carpets.

How to choose colors: three principles

Usually, when deciding on the design of premises, the following rules are adhered to:

Darker shades are used for the floor, lighter shades for the ceiling. These colors correspond to Earth and Sky. Thus, we bring their interaction into space.

The main shade for decorating the room is selected according to the recommendations for the cardinal directions, however, other colors should also be partially present in the interior. This is necessary to achieve harmony in space.

In combination, you need to proceed from what is dominant - yin or yang. For the latter, brighter shades are chosen, for yin rooms - calmer shades.

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