Why can't you eat from chipped dishes? Cracked dishes in the house

Why do dishes break in the house?

The sign of broken dishes is quite well known. The main version of its interpretation says that joy and happiness will come to the house. But there is also an opposite point of view, which claims that broken dishes are the work of a brownie, an omen of not entirely good changes. The version about the machinations of the spirit of the house is confirmed by the fact that the dishes break often and for inexplicable reasons.

Important! According to esotericists, if dishes break in a closed space, then this is an unfavorable sign. Broken cutlery in the house indicates too much negative energy. As a result, conflicts and misunderstandings often arise between residents.

As a result, the negative meaning of the sign can result in one of the consequences:

  • someone close to you gets sick;
  • there will be a separation from a loved one;
  • problems will begin in the material sphere, up to major losses.

What to do if the dishes are cracked

If, despite all precautions, the dishes still crack or break, the fragments should be collected and immediately thrown into the trash. Parts of broken utensils bring negative energy into the house, so the bucket should be emptied on the same day. The floor in the room where there were fragments should be wiped with a damp cloth - this will help collect the smallest particles. If you find a plate or cup that has been broken for a long time, you can neutralize the negative in this way:

  1. All the fragments, down to the smallest, are collected into a fabric bundle, carefully tying the corners. This is necessary so as not to lose anything or leave anything at home.
  2. The assembled unit should be taken to a deserted place or to a trash can. It is advisable that no unauthorized persons be present there.
  3. The bundle with shards must be thrown over the back. Sometimes it is advised to say, “If I leave broken dishes, I drive away trouble from myself.”

Similar manipulations are carried out in the form of a ceremony at weddings. The wine glasses from which the newlyweds drank are broken and the number of fragments is counted. If the number is even, then everything will be fine and a joyful event awaits the newlyweds. Otherwise, a breakdown in relations is possible in the near future. To ward off trouble, the couple jointly throws the odd fragment through their backs with a curse.

All folk signs associated with broken dishes are, for the most part, of a warning and advisory nature. If kitchen utensils have been broken, then such an item should be thrown away, as it is no longer useful. All negative and positive changes occur more because a person tunes himself to certain events. When there is still a fear of a bad omen, you should follow the basic recommendations for protection.

Why is he struggling at work?

Your favorite mug can break not only at home. At work, during a break or coffee break, a similar nuisance can happen. The sign can be interpreted in different ways:

  • co-workers are unkind to the owner of the splintered object, there is a high probability of conflict;
  • the owner of broken utensils has envious people who can create troubles at work;
  • if a plate breaks, a conflict with the boss is possible due to his dissatisfaction with the work of his subordinate.

Important! In any case, the interpretation of superstition in this situation does not promise pleasant events.

Home cleaning ritual

The situation can and should be corrected urgently. During the waning moon, do a thorough cleaning of your apartment. Ideally, it would be to throw away all the old stuff, leaving only the most necessary, as new as possible. As a last resort, if you can’t part with them, at least remove them from the house. Take it to the dacha, take it down to the garage, to the basement - anywhere away from the place where you live.

Take a church candle, light it and walk throughout the house, not missing a single corner. The flame will tell you how bad things are energetically. If the candle crackles, and the light jumps and twitches, you have heavily cluttered your home with negative vibes. The ritual will have to be repeated several times until the fire becomes even and calm.


You can consider the detailed meaning of the belief using the example of specific tableware.


The interpretation of the meaning of the sign with a broken plate depends on how and under what circumstances it happened:

  1. It shattered into pieces and hit the floor - a good sign for the arrival of guests.
  2. Hitting a piece of furniture symbolizes rash financial investments that will suffer losses.
  3. If fragments are found under the table, someone will ask to borrow money.
  4. A broken plate during a quarrel means unspoken dissatisfaction.
  5. At a wedding, plates are specially broken for a happy life for the newlyweds.


A broken mug also has several meanings:

  1. On the floor - to good news or events.
  2. About the table - ill-wishers are plotting or spreading gossip.
  3. Under the table - to theft in the house.
  4. Shards of a child's cup mean the danger of the child's evil eye.


A broken vase is not such a common occurrence, but still foreshadows certain events:

  1. A randomly broken piece of furniture foreshadows a series of happy events.
  2. A broken non-glass vase means monetary losses.
  3. An old vase bursts - to scandals in the house.
  4. If a pet took part in the incident, especially a cat, this means a lover will appear.
  5. Damage to a crystal object foreshadows the emergence of circumstances that will force you to lie.

Glass or glass

Unlike breaking plates at a wedding, such actions with a glass foreshadow negative emotions, perhaps even the separation of lovers. But if you deliberately break glasses filled with champagne, the marriage will be strong and durable.

Important! A broken glass is a good omen, good luck and success in business.

What happens if you break a plate on purpose?

Breaking dishes in a fit of indignation or in an upset state is a bad omen. Usually, utensils split under such circumstances attract trouble - quick troubles, financial problems. But there are beliefs according to which this should be done specifically:

  1. To attract success and financial wealth to your home, you should break the most expensive and beautiful plate into small pieces.
  2. The bride and groom break their own wine glasses at a wedding to attract happiness, good luck and family well-being.
  3. The newlyweds jointly break a plate filled with food in order to leave all the bad things outside the threshold of family life.

You should not store fragments even from specially broken dishes - they are thrown away taking into account certain rules.

Why you shouldn't keep broken dishes

The fragments attract negative energy. The longer they are stored, the more destructive the consequences will be. Here we should answer the question of why you should not drink or eat with broken or chipped dishes. According to belief, this will bring poverty into the home and quarrels in the family.

Magicians and psychics compare broken utensils to a seriously ill person. Like his, the energy field is disturbed and attracts negative impulses. Such contact with food and drink is dangerous to human health.

Important! Another argument why you should not store broken dishes in the house is that positive energy leaks out through chips and cracks, and over time, family, financial, health, and relationship problems may begin.

What to do with the fragments?

If any dishes break in the house, you need to quickly sweep away all the fragments, collect them, wrap them in a piece of new cotton fabric and take them out of the house. If possible, they should be thrown out in the wasteland. It is believed that along with the fragments, a large amount of negativity that has accumulated in it for a long time will leave the home.

According to popular belief, dishes that break before the sun sets should be thrown away immediately, and those that break after sunset should be thrown away the next morning.

Why do you dream about broken dishes?

Dishes seen in a dream are associated with the family hearth and relationships between relatives. Therefore, dreams of broken tableware foreshadow problems in family relationships. If we consider the interpretation in more precise meanings, then it all depends on what kind of object it is and under what circumstances you dream:

  • old shabby dishes with cracks and chips are a harbinger of poverty;
  • if a glass breaks, a scandal with a loved one is possible;
  • beaten porcelain dishes warn of the need for a loyal attitude towards loved ones;
  • broken glass or crystal dishes - to trouble;

If a sick person dreams of broken dishes, he will soon get better, but if it is a cracked object, it will get worse. There are several dream books by different authors, in which this belief is interpreted from different points of view:

Miller's Dream Book· picking up a broken plate in your hands - you will catch luck in reality;
· seeing a plate fall and break - to success in life;

· clean broken objects are a good sign, dirty ones are a bad sign

Freud's Dream Bookbroken dishes are associated with problems of an intimate nature, broken glass objects are a symbol of good sexual health
Dream Interpretation XXIthe belief has a good meaning, especially breaking empty dishes - to replenish finances and material well-being

Energy reasons

Everyone already knows that everything around has its own energy. They constantly repeat this from television screens; an entire feng shui culture is built on this. So what is the energy of your home if everything in it breaks down, disappears and becomes unusable? Obviously not positive. Most likely, there are one or more energy vampires living in the family. Moreover, you may not even realize that you yourself are the cause of your own troubles.

Sometimes it's not about people, but about things. If a house is littered with old rubbish, this also worsens its energy. It is especially dangerous if things were brought from different places; they are old, having accumulated everything that remains from their old owners. Then, inside the room where this whole “dump” is located, real energetic chaos reigns. Things break, break and get lost all the time, because they cannot find a place for themselves among the different energies that “clog” each other.

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What to do to avoid a bad omen meaning

A bad value is not interpreted in all situations, so you should pay attention to what broke and under what circumstances. The next rule is not to regret a damaged item, even if it was very expensive, and not to complain to the person who is guilty of the incident. Yelling at your beloved husband for breaking his favorite vase will not bring peace to your home.

If the dishes break due to the fault of the brownie, you should appease him with a treat, for example, put a saucer of milk. And at the same time, do not forget to wash the dishes on time and do not leave them overnight. To prevent negative consequences, immediately after the incident you can say: “Where the dishes break, life is great.”

Important! Well, the last rule is that you cannot store broken dishes in the house.

Whether or not to believe in a sign is everyone’s business, but most representatives of extrasensory perception are convinced of one thing: in order for a sign not to bring negative consequences, you must sincerely believe in it, because thoughts are material. But still, you shouldn’t keep broken dishes at home.

A broken plate is a sign

Why do dishes break regularly and by themselves? Plates are the brownie's favorite item. If the owner is not happy, then he begins to express his emotions with the plates. The brownie breaks them, trying to attract the attention of the residents. In this case, you should think about what caused this behavior. Brownies may be offended by the following:

  • the family often quarrels and shouts loudly;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • residents do not pay much attention to order and cleanliness in the house;
  • There is negative energy in the house.

If anything from this list matches, then the residents must eliminate the reasons for the entity’s dissatisfaction. The brownie lives in the kitchen, you need to talk to him, he hears everything and understands everything. You should apologize to him for your behavior and, as a sign of reconciliation, leave milk and sweets for the night. If dishes in the house are constantly breaking due to evil spirits, then the brownie is asked to throw them out. Afterwards, a ritual of cleaning the room is carried out.

If a crack appears on the plate, then the person needs to wait for news about a sick relative or financial collapse. Such a plate is also immediately thrown away. But if a plate breaks at a wedding, then the guests shout: “For good luck!” This is a sign of wealth and love.

Psychological reasons

Everything is simple here: you are upset, tense, your thoughts are confused - everything is falling out of your hands. When depression sets in, a person simply does not remember where he puts things and what he says. Some fragments of life may fall out of memory altogether if the case is really difficult. Some even forget how to speak. Words are spinning in the head, but the person cannot say them. Of course, this is a question for medical specialists.

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Coordination of movements at such moments is also impaired, hence broken dishes, broken electrical appliances and other everyday troubles. If in a calm state a person handles things carefully, then in upset feelings he squeezes harder, pulls, knocks and sometimes he doesn’t even notice it.

No rituals can correct the situation here - only a good psychologist will help. He will determine the true cause of negativity and depression and indicate ways out of it. When a person calms down, he will begin to radiate positive energy, everything will fall into place by itself.

Interpretation by days of the week

Each day of the week has its own interpretation of broken household items:

  1. On Monday - good news.
  2. On Tuesday - for a pleasant meeting.
  3. On Wednesday - to profit or a successful transaction.
  4. On Thursday - to the guests.
  5. On Friday - a declaration of love.
  6. On the weekend - to success in business.

However, it must be remembered that these predictions do not apply to those cases when parts of the service are beaten intentionally, for example, during family squabbles.

Why can't you store, eat or drink from such an item?

Here's why you shouldn't keep chipped, cracked, or damaged kitchen utensils. It is believed that dishes accumulate energy, which a person absorbs along with food. This can be either good energy or negative - it depends on the owner. When cracks or chips appear on the dishes, it means the energy has become very bad.

Broken dishes attract poverty, deterioration of health and family well-being . Therefore, it is best to get rid of defective dishes immediately. Even if it’s your favorite plate or mug, there’s no need to skimp on the dishes, this way you’ll get rid of everything bad in the house.


From the perspective of folk signs, a broken mug promises both positive and negative events:

  • Broke on the floor - expect pleasant and sudden changes;
  • Crashed on the table - perhaps someone will soon gossip behind the person’s back, he will have ill-wishers;
  • When a cup bursts from boiling water poured into it, it means that all the efforts that a person makes to resolve a particular situation are meaningless;
  • If it cracks under the table - you should be more careful about the safety of your wallet and savings. Perhaps the man and his family will soon be overtaken by thieves;

  • If the cup unexpectedly breaks, the girl has a secret admirer;
  • If a child's mug breaks, it is possible that the child has been damaged;
  • A cup specially broken at a wedding means well-being in the family life of the newlyweds;
  • A mug that bursts while pouring boiling water promises a person minor troubles.

Superstition or precaution?

You already know about folk superstitions and myths, but there is a more common, understandable reason for refusing to use chipped dishes - it’s dangerous. For example, you might cut your lip while drinking tea from a cracked cup or cut your finger while washing dishes.

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In addition, a chip almost always results in at least one large crack, which means that at any moment the tableware can literally explode in your hands. It’s good if there is cool water in the mug, but you can burn yourself with hot tea. Is it worth taking such a risk for your favorite mug?

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