They poison the lives of their owners. Why you can’t keep orchids at home: signs and superstitions



Disputes about whether it is worth keeping an orchid in the house divide supporters and opponents into two camps, almost equal in number. Some rightly argue that there are no absolutely safe plants. For example, any substance can cause an allergy, even if it occurs very rarely. But this is not a reason to give up beautiful orchids. After all, they do not harm most people. To which opponents respond with a warning not to take risks, and invite everyone to admire orchids in botanical gardens. Arguing this by the fact that among them there are poisonous and alkaloid specimens that cause headaches.

But other indoor plants can have similar qualities. For example, cyclamen rhizomes, dieffenbachia stems, pelargonium leaves, striped scarlet, etc.

To make the right decision when purchasing an orchid, you need to know the characteristics of its type and variety. The main thing is to take into account its impact on a person.

But, in addition to the biological qualities of the orchid, some gardeners are interested in the superstitions associated with it. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in them or not. In our article we will talk about the scientific features of the orchid and folk signs.

Is it possible to keep an orchid at home?

Orchid: positive
If you have carefully read about the negative effects an orchid can bring and how it is dangerous, and learned from our advice, then an orchid will only bring you benefits. An orchid is a talisman for a woman; it will help develop talents and engage in creativity. To ensure that the plant brings you only the best, learn to care for it properly. Do not allow the flower to wilt or become diseased. It will love its owner and you will have no conflicts in the future. An orchid can even restore youth and health, and most importantly, a good mood. A flower can help you drive negativity out of your home and attract warmth and joy into it. If an enemy shows up in your home, a person who wishes you harm, your orchid will drive him away. No, she will not crawl out of the pot and hit it with roots. But the person will suddenly feel a deterioration in their condition, dizziness, and nausea. Similar abilities are observed in other “our smaller brothers.” As you know, dogs and cats also very subtly sense negative emotions both of their owner and in relation to him.

Also, one of the unpleasant sensations that an orchid causes is anxiety syndrome. If you or your loved ones feel uneasy in a seemingly relaxed and light atmosphere, look at the windowsill. Perhaps the cause of your condition is blooming with beautiful flowers, innocently bending its petals in your direction?

The color of a flower has a huge impact on its properties. Yes, yes, color is one of the most important properties of a plant that can change the atmosphere in your home. The teachings of Feng Shui also tend to this opinion. A houseplant affects people and the atmosphere in the house in different ways.

What are the known signs about the color of an orchid?

The red and purple colors of the orchid help fight laziness. Have you decided to go on a diet? Do you exercise intensely? Or did you decide to declare war on bad habits? Red and purple flowers sharpen your willpower, increase it, and help you achieve your goal. As you know, all people tend to start a new life on Monday. Orchids of these colors will help you get rid of the old way of life.

Do you have financial problems or feel the need for career fulfillment? Perhaps your professional potential has not been fully developed? Yellow orchids will bring you good luck in this matter.

Activity and an active lifestyle are the key to success. If you feel like your energy has dried up, your work productivity is falling, apathy and depression are looming, try making friends with orange orchids. They will help you find a source of strength and inspiration.

A worse option is also possible: deep depression or prolonged melancholy. As you know, in the modern world it is really very difficult to remain calm and positive thinking. Daily difficulties and problems often unsettle us, this is especially true for the more gentle and sensitive half of humanity - women and girls. In addition, they are also more dependent on the body’s hormonal levels, so they are more likely to succumb to the negative influence of the external environment and, as a result, become depressed. If you or someone close to you begins to succumb to this condition, the world becomes darker, and the problems become more and more, be sure to place white or pink orchids in your room. Flowers in beige shades are also perfect. This will help you understand yourself, find a bright path and also decorate your interior with the most delicate and lovely orchid flowers.

Pink flowers will also help women revive lost femininity and charm, and young girls will develop these qualities in themselves.

But do not forget that your flowers will bring you pleasant moments only if they feel warmth, tenderness and care from you. Be kind to your pets and they will be kind to you.

Is it possible to grow an orchid at home and what signs are associated with it?

Despite our enlightened age, superstitions among people are still very common. They apply to everything, including ordinary indoor plants. This rare type of indoor flower is considered by people to be absolutely harmless and even useful.

Usually even the most innocent plant is accused of having the most dangerous properties for humans. Superstitions have not spared orchids either. But many of these signs have nothing to do with real life

Orchids have long been dubbed energy vampires. Is it so? After all, a healthy person, being next to an orchid, does not experience the slightest negative influence. Yes, and other indoor plants normally exist next to orchids. This attitude towards orchids did not appear by chance. Often, even very educated people consider orchids to be parasites.

In fact, there is not a single species of these flowers that lives off other plants.

They are just located on the trunks and branches of trees, clinging to the bark with their roots and not growing to it. They receive nutrients not from a living plant, but from water that flows down the bark during rain and washes their roots.

It is also believed that this flower has a negative effect on men. Allegedly, an orchid can change a man’s character, making him feminine, sophisticated and very soft. What can you say about this?

An orchid is a beautiful, exquisite and unusual flower. She amazes with her beauty.

But she is unlikely to be able to change a person’s character beyond recognition, to make a man look like a woman. Rather, by its appearance it will help to introduce a person to beauty, and this is not so bad.

Where is the best place to put an orchid at home?

There are many beautiful flowers. Not many of us know the place of a flower when purchasing it. But someone prepared this place in advance. Exactly for the orchid. But not for a cactus. Or geraniums. Even chrysanthemums. And still about the place.

What determines the choice of location?

A direct question. Does a lot depend on your desires? Assess the possibilities and environment. What options are there for an apartment or house? You will find many of them:

  • You want to see such a flower of unique beauty in every corner of your apartment or house;
  • And in the most visible place;
  • But they are not always free;
  • Or maybe not entirely suitable for the plant;
  • And for you they are so welcome in this place in the apartment.

And the search begins for a compromise of interests, where it is better to put it. Your personal and flower.

The necessary conditions

The orchid is not purchased and grown for her. And for you. And good conditions must be created for it. So that she makes you happy. And your friends. If you show it to them. And with good flowering, you will definitely do this.

For the flower, try to create conditions close to the climate of its habitat. But it's difficult. You will not create either the Cordillera or Africa at home. But we must strive for this. To achieve the desired flowering of your purchase:

  • Lighting: Bright, long-lasting light is essential for most species. But without direct sunlight hitting the plant;
  • It will be necessary to shade it with curtains and curtains;
  • Installing additional lighting will allow you not to worry about the lack of light.
  • They need a fairly high temperature - 24-26 degrees. And not lower than 15-17 degrees;
  • Humidity must also be combined with temperature. At elevated temperatures, high humidity allows the plant to develop and bloom well;
  • Proper watering and fertilizing. Taking into account the stages of plant development and seasons. Choose suitable methods and fertilizers. Remember about the simplest folk remedies (honey, garlic and others);
  • Carry out timely preventive treatments against diseases. And destroy the pests without delay or delay. Waste time and you will regret it!

What is best for a person?

The search for the best does not always end successfully. No matter how much we want this.

So we do not always arrange flowers in our apartment according to the rules. Or taking into account the knowledge and recommendations of specialists and amateurs. It’s not so rare that it can even be harmful.

But it's beautiful! Their daily contemplation only adds positive emotions:

  • The orchid does not leave anyone indifferent with its original appearance. Reminds me of whoever. And a butterfly, and a soaring bird. And a monkey. And insects. And even women's lips;
  • And also the aroma. Many people like it gentle and unobtrusive. After all, flowers with a strong aroma even cause headaches. There are no such things among orchids;
  • And often we don’t even know about their amazing properties. Useful for all of us. You need to know them.

Our psychology is simple:

  • Beautiful flowers. Are they really still helping?
  • How much they already cost us, but I don’t feel it. I really want to ask. Have you already felt it now? Don't you like the beauty of a flower?

Much depends not only on the properties of the plant. But it also depends on your ability to perceive and feel it. And not only from ability. But also from desire. Try to form positive thoughts. Those contemplating beautiful orchids should not be overwhelmed by negative emotions.

The contemplation of blooming orchids brings only positive emotions.

We can only summarize the centuries-old history of the development and cultivation of orchids:

  • If this plant were unacceptable to humans, it would disappear. And we forgot about him;
  • There is an orchid. She makes me happy. Delights. Surprising;
  • And not only in their places of growth. But also in those places where for many years they knew about it by hearsay;
  • Seeing an orchid these days, even for the first time, few people will be upset. Perhaps only because of the money spent on their acquisition.

Attention! It is imperative to ensure that children do not taste it. They have such habits

Especially if you have Cymbidium, Vanda, Phragmipedium in your collection.

The benefits and harms of orchids

In general terms, everything is also ambiguous.


Is it possible to keep a ficus at home - is it good or bad?

Orchid has such negative properties as:

  • strong odor that can cause anxiety, headache, nausea and panic;
  • although the orchid is not a poisonous flower, some of its varieties can cause allergies;
  • if a person cuts himself on its roots, his wound will heal for a very long time, accompanied by unpleasant pain;
  • Some tropical varieties of orchids can be deadly, as they provoke the development of cancer cells.

Note! All of these negative consequences can be avoided by simply talking to the seller before purchasing and replanting the plant while wearing gloves, as well as keeping it away from animals and children.


The orchid also has useful qualities:

  • she is very beautiful and can decorate any room;
  • there are several varieties of orchids that Mexicans add to their food, and the French decorate ice cream with them;
  • Tincture from the lady's slipper orchid is an excellent remedy for headaches, and it also has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, copes with stress and the effects of depression.

Signs about plant shades

Purple orchid

A purchased escape does not have any influence on a person’s fate. When the orchids in the house begin to bloom, the signs gain power. Only the blooming tropical guest has abilities. Depending on what color a beautiful orchid blooms, its effect on women is determined. It ranges from improved health to increased well-being.

Therefore, everyone who has decided to purchase orchids for their home is advised to pay attention to the shade. Each color has its own effect on the characteristics of the plant.

  • Red shades are a symbol of activity. Suitable if you need to cope with laziness.
  • Orange – assistance in career advancement. If a green pet blooms with a bright tangerine color, career growth and lucrative offers are expected.
  • Yellow - improvement in material condition. Blooms like the sun - expect money.
  • Violet is the embodiment of determination, the desire to move forward. An ideal plant for those who want to lose weight, the orchid blooms in purple; signs and superstitions give it the ability to increase determination.
  • Pink - to gain charm and inner beauty. Blossomed with a delicate color - women will become more attractive in the eyes of men.
  • White - for harmony with yourself and with the world. A white indoor beauty will relieve you of a depressive outlook on life and restore optimism.

Where should the plant be kept?

This exotic beauty requires careful care. For the slipper of Venus to bloom beautifully and not get sick, it needs a lot of indirect light, a stable temperature without drafts, and air humidity up to 90%.

Phalaenopsis is best kept in the following rooms:

  • bathroom – this room has good humidity, but you need to take care of additional lighting;
  • living room - there is a lot of light here, the flower will become a beautiful decoration for the whole house;
  • kitchen or room (window sill), the main condition is to place the pot with the plant away from heating appliances.

The ancient Chinese science of feng shui considers the orchid to be a significant plant. Eastern signs promise love, wisdom, and prosperity to those who have an exotic flower in their home.

To prevent the shoe of Venus from getting sick and to bloom beautifully, you need to choose the right place for it in the house.

  1. Corridor. The plant will be the first to greet guests and study their intentions.
  2. Living room. Will create home comfort.
  3. Cabinet. Will attract success and wealth.
  4. Balcony. It will delight the owner with lush flowering.

Bioenergetics specialists do not recommend placing a pot of phalaenopsis in the bedroom, much less near the marital bed. At night, the flower becomes very active, which can negatively affect the sex life of a married couple.

For those who want to make a profit or make a career, it is better to place the orchid in the north. To find peace of mind or improve family relationships, the plant should be placed in the east. Those who want to develop intuition and unleash creative potential should choose the Western side. The southeast is responsible for achieving success, while the southwest ignites passion. To establish business relationships, the shoe of Venus is placed in the northwestern part of the house.

Negative health effects

Among the objective reasons not to have an orchid at home, it is worth noting the aroma of the plant and its pollen, which spreads during flowering and causes allergies, drowsiness and weakness in humans. In some cases, this effect is so great that it leads to dangerous allergic edema.

The smell of these flowers can cause headaches and nausea. Too strong a scent can negatively affect particularly sensitive people, as it leads to emotional disturbances. The person becomes overly sensitive, irritable, prone to depression, and also tearful. That is why you should not place this plant in the bedroom. Orchid can provoke insomnia, depression, an inexplicable feeling of fear and emotional impotence.

Care instructions

Some time after the plant has been restored, buds will begin to appear. A wilted peduncle should be removed after the petals have fallen. If you cut the stems too early, new ones will be able to form only after six months.

During the dormant period, the flower is placed in a warm, not very lit place. After pruning, the orchid usually rests for two months.

Orchid in a transparent pot

Required rest care:

  • Don't deprive the light.
  • Temperatures during the day – up to 24 degrees, at night – up to 16.
  • The frequency of watering decreases. In winter you can only spray.
  • In order for the buds to form, you can create a stressful situation - a temperature contrast. At night it should drop to 4-6 degrees.
  • Fertilize 3-4 weeks after transplantation.

How quickly the orchid will bloom again depends on how well the care was carried out during the resting phase.

Always before starting resuscitation, it is worth studying all the methods and choosing the appropriate one. Only if the procedure is performed correctly will the flower not disappear further; on the contrary, it will be able to remain viable. Then more than once he will delight his household with beautiful blooms.

Folk signs about the orchid

The list below contains all the signs relating to the plant that do not promise anything good:

  • An orchid that has begun to bloom in the couple's bedroom foreshadows problems in the family and conflicts between husband and wife. To neutralize the sign, you should take the flower into the household. building or throwing it away;
  • A suddenly wilted orchid is a harbinger of a serious illness in one of the family members;
  • The yellowed leaves of the plant warn that there are envious people and ill-wishers in the close circle of the person who brought it home. If you do not stop communicating with them, you can get a bad reputation and become a target for gossip;
  • The strong smell that the orchid began to emit is dangerous not only for the well-being, but also for the material well-being of everyone living in the house. An overly smelling plant can mean health problems and lack of money;
  • Orchid blooming in winter is a harbinger of separation from your spouse. Moreover, the faster the flowers bloom, the closer the separation;

  • Giving a plant to any of your relatives is unacceptable. By presenting a flower as a gift, you can bring trouble to a person, make him unhappy and in need of money. If it is given to someone who once borrowed money, then you can forget about returning the finances;
  • Flowers placed in an apartment, based on Feng Shui, promise conflicts between loved ones, attract negativity and have a negative impact on the well-being of younger family members.

But signs about an orchid do not always have a bad meaning. This plant is imbued with both negative and positive magical energy. This is confirmed by good signs tested by our ancestors over hundreds of years:

  • Orchid is a capricious plant. The quality of its care directly affects what will attract the flower into the house. If you forget to water it, wipe it from dust or do not fertilize it, then you need to prepare for material losses, illnesses and conflicts in the family;
  • If you place an orchid on a windowsill on the sunny side, it will attract happiness and good mood into the house;
  • Phalaenopsis (one of the varieties of orchids) has many positive properties. It brings great benefits, cleansing the house of negative energy and freeing everyone living in the apartment from laziness and absent-mindedness;

  • A woman who regularly touches a flower gets rid of depression, begins to feel better and shows more attention to her children and spouse;
  • Aganisia orchid is a beautiful house plant, popularly called the money plant. By placing it on the windowsill in the kitchen, you can forget about financial difficulties;
  • If a flower suddenly began to fade, and then suddenly recovered, then this is a good omen. It portends improved relationships between loved ones, meeting useful people and the absence of conflicts with superiors or colleagues;
  • A wildly blooming Lelia in a girl’s room means early marriage and the birth of a healthy child;
  • If one of your household members has a serious illness, you need to purchase a Beallaru orchid. This beautiful flower has a positive effect on the condition of internal organs and drives away evil spirits.

Interesting! Pollen from all orchid species is poisonous. If there are a lot of these plants in the house, it is better to take them outside the house during flowering.

Other signs regarding orchids:

  • A plant given to your boss is the key to a good relationship with him and success at work. Perhaps after this gift the donor will receive a career advancement, a bonus or an increase in salary;
  • A woman who buys a blue orchid becomes feminine and sensitive. If such a flower suddenly begins to bloom, then the fair sex should take a pregnancy test;
  • Breaking a pot with a plant means trouble. To avoid misfortunes, you need to quickly collect the fragments, throw them away, and try to replant the flower. If he survives, everything will be fine;

A man who gives a woman a pink or red orchid has serious intentions, including readiness to marry; The presence of a flower in the workplace promises difficulties and conflicts with the team; Creative people are advised to crush a plant leaf in their hands before starting a major project.

This way a person will attract inspiration, and his work will be crowned with success; Before an important meeting, you need to bring a pot of orchid into the room. Let there be only one source of negative energy in this room.

It neutralizes the guest's bad intentions, if any; Despite the fact that in many cultures the orchid is a flower of evil, in India it is considered a talisman. Having a flowering plant in your house, you don’t have to be afraid of evil spirits, envious people and thieves; Those who are faced with a bad mood need to stroke a blue orchid or hold a plucked bud in their hands.

How an orchid can harm

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that orchids are poisonous. Indeed, such specimens exist in nature. But those that are cultivated for growing at home, as a rule, are not. Breeders have made every effort to make them as safe as possible for humans.

However, when planning to purchase a varietal orchid, it is important to consult a specialist about possible negative effects. One of them is allergies.

Although orchid is not a typical allergen, you need to remember that there are no absolutely safe substances. Even if for most people the plant is harmless, it is possible that one person out of several thousand will not have a negative reaction.

It can be caused by orchid pollen.

T. M. Cherevchenko – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Based on the article “Orchids” from the almanac “Flowers. Indoor decorative and flowering plants."

An allergy to orchid pollen may occur in those who are prone to this disease from other flowering plants. In addition, a negative reaction can be provoked by components of the substrate:

  • pine bark,
  • Sphagnum moss,
  • Coconut fiber or chips.

Tip #1 . If there is the slightest doubt, it is better to test for immunoglobulin and suspected allergens.

Orchid in an apartment - good or bad

Many people who are not particularly familiar with the topic often wonder why they can’t keep an orchid at home.

Domestic varieties of this crop raise many doubts

Folk signs

Folklore says that an orchid is an energy vampire that steals the vitality of its owners. This happens because the plant sprays pollen, which has the following properties:

  • slow down human reflexes;
  • cause drowsiness.

The vampiric properties of the flower are especially aggravated at night, so if a person works at night, then this feature of the plant will cause him a lot of inconvenience.

For your information! This is a purely female plant that can harm the relationship between a guy and a girl if given to a representative of the stronger sex.

Although the orchid is a very capricious flower, if you care for it, following all the rules, it will give:

  • happiness and harmony in the family;
  • well-being.

Some signs say that this plant can also:

  • extend life;
  • rid women of wrinkles;
  • improve health and beauty;
  • cheer up;
  • get rid of negative energy at home.

It is also known that orchids can serve as protectors in the home. If the owner has a guest who is planning something bad against him, then the enemy may have a headache, a rise in temperature and a worsening state of mind.

For your information! Most scientists who study plants claim that the orchid affects each person differently. It depends on how one or another person cared for the plant; taking this into account, the color of the flower changes.

For example, an orchid with a purple color helps cope with laziness. This plant will be an ideal choice for women who decide to play sports or get rid of some bad habit.

Plants with orange and yellow flowers symbolize success in career and material wealth. Orchids of this shade are ideal for creative people, as they can awaken inspiration.

Orange orchid is an ideal gift for a creative person

Orchid in the bedroom

When asked whether an orchid can be kept in the bedroom, scientists who study plants answer in the negative. This plant emits a specific odor that has a bad effect on the health of the sleeper and can also cause:

  • depression;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability.

Note! If the florist, even when he found out why you can’t keep an orchid in your bedroom, still wanted to do it, then it will look stylish and elegant on a bedside table or ottoman. But you will definitely need to buy a lamp for it, otherwise the orchid will wither from lack of sunny color

Every gardener decides for himself whether he can keep an orchid at home or not.

In any case, you need to take into account everything described above, since scientists do not take their conclusions out of thin air, but obtain them as a result of long and painstaking work

When buying an orchid, you need to understand how to care for and where to place this plant. If you keep a flower in the wrong place or care for it poorly, it may wither or not bloom.

Orchid looks stylish in any room

Although orchids need sunny color, you should not place them near a window where the sun shines from morning to evening, as this can destroy the flower. The optimal solution would be to place it on the western or eastern side of the house.

And if there is no other choice but to place the flower on the northern part of the apartment, then you will have to resort to artificial lighting so that the plant does not wither from lack of sunlight.

Important! The conditions for keeping orchids may vary depending on the variety. So, for example, in one place a light-loving vanda can feel comfortable, but a phalaenopsis can die from an excess of light

Air humidity

Air humidity should be no less than 60% and no higher than 90%. If such conditions cannot be maintained, you can use one trick: put expanded clay in a tray under the flowerpot and fill it with water.

Can it be kept at home?

The presence of an orchid in the house will add sophistication to the interior, fill the space with peace and harmony , and help the owners to activate additional qualities of life.
The energy of the plant cleanses the room well of negative energies. Protects from external enemies (they become uncomfortable when visiting, pain appears in the body, and they try to quickly retreat from this house). There is an opinion that only one orchid can grow in a house, so much is its “selfish character” manifested. In fact, the experience of many orchid growers has proven that this flower lives remarkably well when “collectively” propagated. Dozens of orchids can live and bloom together in one house.

A well-known spice, vanilla, belongs to the orchid family. A refreshing drink is made from its tubers.

An orchid can become an “energy vampire” if you do not take into account the peculiarities of its breeding. But, like any house plant, this delicate flower needs careful care and the right conditions, and your orchid will bloom delightfully and delight you with its beauty for many years.

Positive signs about the orchid

In addition to superstitions about the negative impact of epiphytes on humans, there are signs about orchids in the house that show them in a more rosy light.

Aura saturation

In India, there is a special attitude towards the orchid. Local residents believe that it cleanses the home of evil and drives away unkind thoughts and feelings. Keeping this flower in the house for them means maintaining a friendly family atmosphere, finding ways to mutual understanding and mutual respect between members of their family.

Impact on women

For women, keeping indoor flowers is, in principle, mandatory, and even more so orchids. This is a kind of amulet that protects health, both moral and physical, bringing inspiration, beauty, charm, femininity and other qualities necessary for every girl.

Orchid does not scare away men

By the way, there is a sign that occurred more likely due to twisting of facts than from real observations. They say that epiphytes can drive away guys, so the girl in whose house he grows risks being left alone.

All fans of orchids can calm down: this is not entirely true. As mentioned above, an epiphyte, with constant contact with a man, affects him as a woman, i.e. turns him into a pampered, perhaps even vulnerable, person, etc. But nothing more. The plant will not harm its owner, who loves and cares for it.

The right place for an orchid

It is quite logical to ask whether it is possible for married couples to keep orchids at home if the flower is not recommended for the male half, but for the female half it becomes a talisman. You can grow these beautiful flowers in every home, you just need to know where to put them.

For their location, you should avoid bedrooms, since at night the flower is especially active, like a vampire, and rooms where a man is most often.

Windows facing east or west are best. True, this is not connected with any beliefs, but with the specifics of cultivation. If you want your pet to bloom, provide it with enough sunny color. A room where the light is neither bright nor dim, but somewhat diffused, is a good choice.

For those girls who have not yet started a family, you can place epiphytes everywhere. The main thing is to look after them carefully and not ruin them, so your reverent attitude towards the plant will return to you a hundredfold.

Feng Shui about orchids

The popular eastern teaching of Feng Shui does not prohibit keeping orchids at home

Chinese sages only mention the importance of the color of a flower for one or another area of ​​our life and its location. As for the latter, we have already mentioned, the rules of Feng Shui are the same here: the bedroom is not suitable as a permanent habitat for a flower

In addition, there are some other tips:

  • plants are placed in the eastern part of the house to improve health or to recover faster when you are already sick;
  • in the north - for career success;
  • in the southeast - so that you can implement your plans;
  • in the southwest - to light a spark in a cooled relationship;
  • in the northwest - for peace in the family.

Expert advice

Almost all house plants are a source of positive emotions. The orchids in the photo are no exception. In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, this flower is used in any room. It is only important to follow some tips for use.

  • According to Chinese beliefs, orchids symbolize harmony, luxury, and elegance.
  • Considering Chinese belief, this flower is often placed in the office to attract wealth.
  • In the living room, this plant will create a harmonious atmosphere.

When choosing the color of an orchid, you should consider that:

  • Snow-white and pink flowers are designed to create a peaceful environment.
  • Bright flowers help cope with depressive moods.
  • Dark red orchids are suitable for creative individuals. They will allow you to continue the creative process and create new masterpieces.
  • For married couples, the best gift will be red orchids, which fill the space with passion, harmony and mutual trust.

The story of the orchid

Orchid is a flower known since ancient times. It has long been a symbol of luxury and worship. If a man presented a flower to a woman, it was a sure sign of his great sympathy and good intentions.

Since humanity has been familiar with the orchid for a long time, there are many stories and legends about it, in which it is almost always described as something that came from the gods, beauty, love or witchcraft. Thanks to such stories, we can better understand the significance of this flower in our lives.

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