Is it possible to give a cross to a man, woman or child?

There are many superstitions and folk signs regarding gifts, since both positive and negative energy can be conveyed with a gift. Signs pay special attention to the cross. As a symbol of the Christian faith, the pectoral cross is of great importance for religious people. To understand whether it is possible or not to give a pectoral cross based on signs, you should find out the reasons for the emergence of many superstitions associated with the symbol of faith, purity and victory of Christ.

Why you can’t give crosses

Since ancient times, people have believed that it is impossible to give and receive a cross as a gift; it is a treasured thing that must be received from God (the Church). There are many negative signs associated with giving on this topic:

  • According to an ancient belief, by accepting the gift of a cross, a person takes away other people’s sins and problems and will be forced to bear them all his life.
  • By presenting such a gift, the donor brings grief to the friend, that is, he forces him to “carry the cross.”
  • There is also a philosophical discussion on this topic. It is believed that everyone has their own cross, and the cross on the body is its embodiment. By giving a cross to another, they pass on their sins along with it.

However, these signs and superstitions are relevant only in those circumstances when the item is given by unfamiliar or even strangers whose intentions are unknown.

Is it allowed to give to loved ones?

When interested in folk signs about giving crosses, you should remember that the cross is a symbol of faith, purity and love, as well as a powerful amulet. The clergy clearly state that it is possible and necessary to give crosses, but on the condition that such a gift is intended for a loved one.

To kid

Neither the Church nor popular superstitions see anything wrong in giving a cross as a gift to a child. By making such a gift with good intentions, the giver, along with the cross, conveys to the baby some of his wisdom and experience in order to protect the child from life’s adversities and help him learn to overcome them. This is why children are usually given godcrosses.

In addition, parents can give their personal cross to the child, giving along with him parental love and protection.

In former times, crosses were passed down through generations, and one item could pass through several generations.

To mom and dad

Among popular beliefs, there are no beliefs that prohibit giving a cross to mom or dad. On the contrary, it is believed that a cross received as a gift from a close relative is:

  • wishes for goodness, happiness and God's blessing;
  • a sign that the giver feels sincere and bright towards the person.

To a man

You can also give a cross to your husband, since in this way the wife expresses a desire to take care of her man in those moments when she is not around. You can present such a gift not only to your legal spouse, but also to the guy with whom you are starting a love relationship, but being sure that the feelings are serious and long-lasting.

To a woman

A man can give a cross to a loved one - his wife or girlfriend. Popular signs say that such a gift will only strengthen relationships and love in a couple. By giving a gift, the husband, by his action, emphasizes the purity of intentions, sincere attitude towards his wife and the desire to protect her. However, before this, you should take into account that the gift will be appropriate if the wife does not have a cross.

What do the signs say?

Folk omens indicate that this is a bad gift. Slanders can be made against him with the aim of harming a person and destroying his life. The person, as it were, transfers his own concerns to the recipient, and he puts someone else’s “cross” on his shoulders.

Such prejudices arose due to the fact that the pectoral cross is a talisman, an intimate part of a person’s space, where others should not interfere

The Church does not say anything about this, but punishes not to take the cross from people of other faiths.

Therefore, before giving such a gift, it is better to ask the person how he would react to it. Then there will be no problems. You should not give a cross to a person whom you do not know well and do not know what kind of life he leads.

On what holidays is it customary to give crosses?

The pectoral cross is a treasured item and a significant symbol for every religious person. It supports the owner in moments of difficulty and is a powerful amulet. You shouldn’t just give a cross as a gift. Considering that this gift carries meaning, you need to wait for one of the following days:

  • during baptism;
  • on the day of an angel or name day;
  • on a religious holiday.

However, in some cases, you can give a gift on a regular day. The clergy assure that this is not a sin.

For example, when returning from a trip to holy places, you can bring with you a cross for a loved one - given with pure intentions, it will only bring happiness and protect you from troubles.

Mix of religion and history for dummies

Almost all the peoples of the world began with polytheism, that is, paganism. Likewise, our ancestors honored numerous gods, demigods, spirits and other sacred entities - they all had a place in the ancient Slavic world order.

As a rule, over time, paganism was replaced by monotheism, that is, belief in a single god. In the case of the Slavs and Europeans, Christianity is indicative: it is the belief in God the Father, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that is most popular in Europe.

By the way, the cross is one of the oldest sacred symbols of fire, revered back in the days of polytheism. He came to Christianity much later, and, of course, under a different “sauce.” It is interesting that Christians, until the 4th century, considered the cross to be an openly pagan symbol and did not use it in any way in religious rituals.

Christianity came to Rus' at the end of the 10th century. Our ancestors were not happy that the sanctuaries of ancient deities were desecrated, the Magi were simply slaughtered, and ordinary people were forced into the water to perform an incomprehensible rite of baptism.

Over time, the ancient gods began to be forgotten, Christianity took root throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, albeit divided into many movements, the main of which were Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Until the twentieth century, Russian people could not imagine giving up baptism, regular visits to church and wearing a cross.

Is the material of manufacture important?

Having decided on such a significant gift, many people think about whether it matters what the cross is made of. After all, these products are made from different materials: gold, silver, metal and wood, and each has its own fans. According to the church, the material of manufacture does not play any role, and you can give a gold, wooden, or silver cross . When choosing a product, the main thing is purity of intentions and a heartfelt message.

It is important to note that crosses purchased in jewelry stores are considered ordinary jewelry. They receive full power only after consecration, so you should warn the person about this or go to the temple yourself.

How to choose

The choice of crosses today is quite large and applicable to any budget. The meaning of this symbol does not depend on the material from which it is made. In this sense, a wooden pectoral cross is in no way inferior to a gold one. However, in order for the gift to be durable, it is better to purchase it made in gold or silver. Along with the cross, you can choose a chain made of the same metal or a cord (leather, rubber, silk, etc.).

When choosing a cross, you should also be guided by who you want to give it to - a man, woman or child. Small and light crosses without sharp elements are suitable for children. It is better for a man to choose a large but laconic product with a simple design. But a wife, sister or beloved will definitely appreciate the grace and elegance of a gift - products made from combined metals, with diamond edges, stones, etc. look very beautiful on women. In addition, you can present the lady with an ordinary decorative cross (without a crucifix), which she will wear simply as a decoration.

Where can I buy

The easiest way is to buy a pectoral cross in a church shop - it will already be consecrated. When purchasing products in jewelry stores or online, do not forget to consecrate it in the temple or warn the person for whom it is intended about this need. A cross bought in some holy place, special temple, church or monastery would be a wonderful gift. (Especially if a person close to you does not yet have the opportunity to visit this place himself).

Birthday cross

Among the holidays on which giving a cross is appropriate, there is no birthday, because in this situation folk signs have different meanings. To understand in what cases you can give a cross for a birthday and in what cases you should not, you need to study this issue in detail.

Why can't you give

Crosses cannot be given as a birthday gift if:

  • the birthday person is not a relative or close person;
  • the donor and the birthday boy have different religions;
  • The person celebrating his birthday already has a personal cross.

Under no circumstances should you give a cross with the desire to annoy someone - this will turn against the giver. Folk signs also say that such a gift can negatively affect the fate of the person who receives it.

When is it allowed?

You can give a cross for your birthday, being sure of two things:

  • the birthday boy is missing a cross;
  • both sides have the same religion.

If everything is in order, then close relatives, godparents or a significant other can give a gift. You need to remember that you should give a gift from the heart - it will definitely bring benefits, but it is always better to warn about such a gift in advance. It may cause conflicting emotions for some religious people.

Is it possible to transfer your personal cross to another person?

If someone easily parts with a cross, considering it a simple decoration, or with the thought: “Just think, I’ll buy myself as much as I want,” the conclusion suggests itself about the insincerity of such an individual’s faith in God.

With such thoughts, it is forbidden to give a cross - a religious attribute. Every Christian should understand this. An object that is precious from a spiritual point of view must be protected, revered, and not separated from it without a good reason.

You can give your cross to support a person in a difficult situation, for example:

  • Protect a friend from harm during a risky operation or a long journey.
  • Help a relative in a difficult financial situation when he spends a lot of effort to get out of debt.
  • Attract help from higher powers to a person who is in a serious psychological state after serious stress.
  • Give it to your spouse as a sign of your deep love.

The most accurate answer to the question: is it possible to give a cross will be given by your conscience. If, at the behest of your soul, you pass on your personal cross to a relative or acquaintance who is in a difficult life situation, this is a good deed.

There has long been a tradition of exchanging personal crosses. After such manipulation, strangers to each other turn into spiritual brothers or sisters, promise to take care and read prayers “for health”, as if they were relatives. At the same time, no one has the fear of gaining someone else’s fate, burdening another with an unbearable cross, or angering God.

Is it possible to give your own cross?

On the question of whether it is permissible to give one’s pectoral cross, folk signs and the Church agree on one opinion: such a gift is unacceptable. This is due to the fact that for a religious person the cross is a symbol of faith, something sacred and significant, and the attitude towards it should be respectful and reverent, which excludes the possibility of transfer to a third party.

In some situations, you can give your cross to another person, for example, if you want to support a close relative who is in trouble.

However, before this you should consult with a priest, who will suggest the right decision.

Should I accept such a gift?

Many people have a logical question about what to do if they are given such a gift. In a situation where a pectoral cross has already been presented, the gift should be accepted. You cannot refuse an offering; you must warmly thank the giver, especially if it was a loved one: parents, spouse, brother or sister. You can refuse to accept a gift only in two cases:

  • the person is an adherent of another faith;
  • the product is too expensive and obliges you to do something.

In other cases, even if there are doubts about the integrity and sincerity of the donor, the gift should still be accepted. A cross from a good person can be immediately put on and worn without any fear.

If there are any doubts, then the decoration is accepted and politely thanked, but not worn. Before hanging the product around your neck, you should destroy the negative energy and only then safely wear it on your body.

Cross as a gift for a child

For the first time, the baby encounters the attribute of faith during the sacrament of baptism. Some mothers put crosses on their children immediately after birth, trying to protect them from the evil eye. However, before a child becomes a Christian, any religious symbolism is considered powerless and does not play a special role.

According to tradition, parents or godparents can buy the first cross for a baby. From other people, such a gift will look too intrusive. Despite their young age, children are usually given gold or silver crosses, because this important decoration should accompany them throughout their lives. Some parents buy an additional inexpensive option that the child can wear daily.

How to remove negative energy

Having received a pectoral cross as a gift from a person whose intentions seem nasty and evil, for safety reasons you need to eliminate the negative energy as follows:

  • If the jewelry has not been consecrated , then the product is taken to the temple and asked the priest to consecrate, after which it is put on. There is no need to be afraid - the holy sacrament removes any negativity and bad thoughts. Even if an acquaintance deliberately wanted to cause harm, his plans will fail.
  • If the cross is consecrated , it is sprinkled with holy water and then worn calmly, without fear of anything.

Sometimes a cross is given by a person whose bad thoughts are obvious, and he himself is not a righteous person. In this case, the clergy advise accepting the gift and then donating it to the temple to calm the soul.

The pectoral cross is a symbol of the victory of Christ, which should be treated with faith and awe, and not with fear. The clergy say that one should not be afraid of such gifts. Crosses can be safely given to loved ones; this will only strengthen the connection and improve relationships. Folk omens, on the contrary, recommend refraining from such gifts, since the cross is a hidden and significant thing. Who to trust more in this matter is a personal matter for each person.

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