How to choose favorable feng shui paintings and their location in the house

Greetings, dear readers! If you, like me, love to harmonize your home, then you are in the right place. Today I want to talk about Feng Shui paintings, how to choose them and their meaning. The ancient Roman poet Horace, who lived several decades before the birth of Christ, the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, and many other outstanding representatives of philosophy, art, and culture highly valued painting, called it silent poetry, and equated the image with a wordless poem. Hanging paintings according to Feng Shui, the ancient Taoist teaching of the harmonious distribution of energy flows within a space, are also considered more than just beautiful decor. They contain a deep meaning, one way or another influencing our entire lives.

What kind of feng shui paintings are there?

It is believed that any image is the fruit of the creative imagination of a certain person - the author, therefore feng shui paintings can be:

  • Oil engravings;
  • Illustrations created using a computer program;
  • Printed reproductions;
  • Various photographs;
  • Pictures on photo wallpapers, other images.

In such work, the artist’s energetic message, a piece of his soul, his worldview is unconsciously laid down. Contact with this energy of people living at home can lead to various consequences.

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How to choose feng shui paintings for an apartment or house

Feng Shui paintings
Almost all Feng Shui masters claim that mindlessly following all the instructions to attract good things into your life is not enough. In order to understand what paintings should be in the house, you need to listen to your inner feelings. For example, when choosing an image you like at first glance, you can close your eyes and try to imagine which wall, inside which room you want to hang it. So, let's focus on general recommendations.

Special nuances

You need to be very careful when using still lifes, portraits and abstract images in the interior. All these paintings are specific for the interior, and therefore you need to remember that they are suitable for rooms that are completely designed in a certain style.

  • Still lifes look great in classic designs with a restrained palette of colors in the decoration, in rustic and Provence style kitchens. Light pastel colors that serve as the background for such an interior will only benefit from the view of a picture with fruit in a vase and scattered coffee beans in the foreground. In kitchens with bright colors, such images will be lost at best, and at worst they will be annoying in appearance.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Interior design in minimalist style

  • A portrait or family photo is hung in the kitchen, made in subdued colors, and an appropriate design is selected for them. They must be soloed indoors; free space must be left around. It is advisable that there are no other decorations on the wall on which you plan to hang them.
  • Modern beautiful paintings with abstract images can be hung in kitchens designed in the style of minimalism, hi-tech, or Scandinavian style.

Rules - how to choose a painting according to Feng Shui

What you should pay attention to first of all in order to choose favorable feng shui paintings:

  1. Rely on your inner voice - you should experience only positive feelings, a sense of peace, satisfaction when looking at her. If anxiety, unpleasant associations or discomfort appear, then it is better to discard this specimen;
  2. You should not purchase prints with aggressive or hostile themes, even if you like the artist’s style. Skulls, predators killing their prey, graves, battles, and similar gloomy things have no place inside the house;
  3. It is not advisable to place photographs of deceased actors, writers, musicians, even deceased relatives in the apartment. As a last resort, they can be hung in the work area;
  4. Artistic paintings on abstract themes do not carry much negativity, but their uncertain energy, the so-called “borderline state,” is unlikely to attract or enhance the influx of positive energy;
  5. If you like an image with incomprehensible symbols - hieroglyphs, then before taking it home, find out the meaning of this text, and then think carefully about whether it is suitable for you;
  6. You should avoid still lifes with broken old dishes, broken objects or cracked mirrors that reflect decay, decline and desolation;
  7. Power lines, pointed roofs of castles, and intertwined corners can form “secret arrows” that cause directed aggressive “Sha” energy.

The influence of kitchen furniture on the choice of reproduction

Classic subjects for paintings in the kitchen are still lifes, flowers, vegetables and fruits, or kitchen utensils and utensils. The selection of paintings for the kitchen (photo) depends on the color palette of the room and the main style that is maintained in it.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Sliding partition for zoning a room: options and price

The main influence on the choice is the kitchen unit.

  • If its facade is in no way noticeable against the background of the walls and merges with them, as for example in a kitchen in the Provence style, then you need to choose contrasting paintings that focus attention on yourself. Such an accent can be a canvas depicting a coffee set or a mug of coffee.

  • When selecting images for bright facades, you need to choose the same color scheme as them. The selected paintings for the kitchen should not be lost against their background.
  • Canvases depicting citrus fruits, exotic fruits, apples and still lifes, with their inclusion, look good against the backdrop of furniture with rich, bright colors.
  • It is better to decorate a kitchen decorated in pastel colors with berry images.

When choosing images with flowers, you need to look at the entire style of the kitchen. Orchids, which are a wonderful addition to Art Nouveau, will look pretentious in a room designed in the Provence style. And at the same time, wildflowers and meadows, which look so good on the walls in a classic or rustic style, will be lost against the background of a modern kitchen set.

The only flower that suits any style is the rose. It looks equally good in solo performance and as an addition to other images.

Optimal arrangement of paintings according to Feng Shui

For a harmonious space, a necessary condition is the presence of all five elements on your territory. But quite often it is very difficult, almost impossible, to fulfill this rule. This situation can be corrected with the help of paintings by placing the image of the missing element in the correct sector.

Arrangement of paintings according to feng shui

Illustrations can also be used to activate or enhance a specific element. You need to purchase a compass and use the Bagua grid to find out the location of your home and premises. Basic principles of placement:

  • In the west, metal rules with the support of air;
  • The north is ruled by water;
  • South - fire;
  • The East is the element of wood in interaction with the earth.

Examples of incorrect placement of reproductions

What are some mistakes when decorating a room with designer paintings:

  • On the southern wall of the room there is a fireplace, enhancing the element of fire, and in the north there is an engraving with flames. Here scandals can reach a critical point, and the atmosphere can become incredibly tense. To enhance the background, you can replace the flames with a landscape with a calm river flow that can balance the elements;
  • The work area with a picture of a bag of bills is located on the north or south side. Therefore, all efforts made to increase the financial contribution simply burn out in flames or flow away. To make adjustments, it is worth moving the reproduction to the east or west zone.

What picture to hang in the kitchen

What painting to hang in the kitchen
So what paintings should hang in the kitchen according to Feng Shui? The range of choice here is quite large. Still lifes with bright fruits, berries, spices, sweets; landscapes with endless fields, flowers, various sketches of cafes, restaurants, glowing hearths and fireplaces will create a unique atmosphere and warm relationships in the family.

Symbol of longevity - painting of the tree of life according to Feng Shui

Image of a tree according to Feng Shui
Image of a tree according to Feng Shui is considered a symbol of longevity, health and a cloudless, measured life. This element is able to balance the power of fire, so such paintings can be hung in corridors, living rooms, especially in the kitchen.

Painting with flowers according to Feng Shui meaning and location

Paintings with flowers
To maintain harmony between spouses or attract romantic luck, flowers should be placed in the bedroom or southwestern zone of the room.
Raspberry peonies and red roses are considered the strongest.

Favorable sectors and zones

Earthly energy forms harmonious and inharmonious structures - it is impossible to change their location in space, but you can change the places of active life in the house - so that the necessary objects fall into a harmonious flow.

Each home has zones responsible for certain areas - love, wealth, children, creativity, family, wisdom, career. The areas of these zones are the same - that is, if you work equally on each of them, you can achieve harmonious development. To determine these areas, feng shui experts use a compass (to determine the cardinal directions) and the Bagua grid - a zoned octagon that allows you to correctly divide the room into sectors.

To determine the zones of the house, you need to use a compass to indicate where the north is and, according to the cardinal directions, apply a Bagua grid to the floor plan. The Bagua grid and the room plan should be in corresponding scales - for example, A4 format. Once the zones of the house have been identified, you can begin to activate them.

Career zone

Location - north. The main element is water, the nourishing element is metal. The palette is blue and black in various shades. The sector is responsible for professional success, career growth, and development of professional skills.

Paintings in the quarry area are always hung on the wall (not placed on the table). Images of a turtle (symbolizes endurance and forward movement), the underwater world (the zone refers to the water element), fountains, waterfalls, ships and sailboats are appropriate. You can hang in this sector images of bridges and tall buildings, a road going into the distance or stairs going up - these are symbols of determination and forward movement.

To activate the zone, canvases with blue-black and black-and-white paints are suitable; images of all “water” shades are suitable - blue, cyan, black. Considering that the nourishing element of the zone is metal, “metallic” shades can also enhance energy flows in this zone. Pay attention to the paintings in white, golden, silver tones. The presence of earth tones - sand, terracotta, brown, green - can weaken the zone.

Travel area, assistants

Location - northwest. Element - metal, number - 6. Color palette: white, silver, gray, gold. Activation of the zone helps to receive timely help from friends, promotes the development of intuition and the implementation of travel plans.

If you’ve been wanting to go on a trip for a long time, but something always gets in the way—either you don’t have enough money, or you don’t have enough time—it’s worth hanging a new picture in the travel area. These could be panoramic photographs of cities you dream of visiting, or a beautiful landscape. Canvases with angels are appropriate, which will symbolize the traveler's guardian angel, as well as photographs of famous personalities that impress you. A picture with dolphins (animals that intuitively guess human needs), a horseshoe (located upside down), and a lotus will help strengthen the energy flow.

Pay attention to the color palette of the canvas - the most successful shades will be terracotta, white, brown, grey, gold and silver. The presence of orange, red, blue, and black colors can weaken the sector.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

Location - northeast. Element - earth, number - 8. Color palette - brown, terracotta, sand, beige.

Activation of this sector is necessary for students, schoolchildren and other students. When decorating, you should use sand, yellow, brown, and red decor. The presence of golden, silver, white, and green colors can weaken the sector. Here are several subjects for a painting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge: an image of a world map, gems, a snake, a dragon, books, libraries.

Zone of family, health, well-being

Location - east. The element of wood, the nourishing element is water. The main color of the palette is green, the number is 3. Activation helps to maintain well-being and improve the health of each person and family as a whole.

Images of fresh flowers, fish, trees, family portraits, paintings on real canvas and in a natural wood frame can enhance the flow of beneficial energy. It’s great if the images are made in these colors - blue, green, brown, a little red is allowed. You should not place in this zone decor made from dried flowers, portraits of deceased people (even relatives), paintings depicting wrecks, conflict situations, sharp objects and drawings of bags of money - in this case, the vector of family relationships may shift towards the money channel, which will lead to conflicts and scandals. “Fiery” and “metallic” shades can weaken the energy in the sector.

Glory Zone

Location - south. The main element is fire, the nourishing element is wood. Color palette - green, red, orange, number - 9. The sector is responsible for social status, reputation, influence. Activating the Glory Zone will promote clarity of goals and progress on the path to success.

Personal diplomas, certificates, awards will help activate this sector - they are hung directly on the wall. Personal photographs taken at moments of success are suitable, as well as images of birds (eagle, phoenix, firebird), pyramids, sunflowers, fire sources, paintings depicting the harvest.

The glory sector will be enhanced by yellow, red, orange, green tones and natural wood decor (wooden baguettes). “Water” and “earth” shades, such as purple, black, brown, can weaken the zone.

Children's and creativity zone

Location - west. The main element is metal, the feeding element is earth. Number - 7. Color palette - white, golden, yellow, gray, silver. This sector is responsible for relationships with children and creativity; the absence of problems with education and conception, the realization of personality in art and sports depend on it.

Activation of the zone is necessary if there are difficulties with conceiving and bearing a child, or if there are difficulties in raising existing children. This sector is also responsible for creativity, so its energy is needed by creative people - those who need inspiration and new ideas. To activate the sector, we recommend using canvases with white, yellow, and gray colors. You can also use “earth” tones - yellow, terracotta, brown.

The presence of “fiery” and “watery” shades can weaken energy flows in the children and creativity sector. Undesirable colors include purple, blue, black, orange and red.

Zone of love and marriage

Location - southwest. Element - earth, feeding element - fire, number - 2. Color palette - brown, terracotta, beige, sand.

Paintings made in “fiery” and “earth” tones will enhance activity in the love zone, while paintings in metallic shades will weaken it. Unfavorable colors are silver, blue, black, green, and white.

In the love sector, we recommend hanging decorative elements in pairs - this can be a picture of two or more modules, the main thing is that their number is in pairs. Suitable subjects include images of doves, cranes, swans, beautiful butterflies, and your own wedding photographs. If you don’t have a couple yet, you can hang a drawing or photograph of two people in love in this area, but they should be impersonal - the faces should be darkened or flooded with light, hidden under a veil or hat (this is necessary so that love is attracted to you , and not to specific people in the photo).

Wealth Zone

Location - southeast. Element - wood, generating element - water, number - 4. Color palette - green and its shades. Activation of the zone helps improve well-being and resolve material problems.

To activate the sector, you need to hang pictures on the walls, symbols of wealth. Canvases depicting the riches of nature are suitable - wheat fields, dense forests, flower plantations, pay attention to paintings with mills, green meadows. We recommend choosing canvases with images of water, because in the teachings of Feng Shui it symbolizes money. The energy in the sector will be enhanced by the presence of green, blue, purple, and light blue colors. The presence of silvery, fiery shades will weaken.

Painting with a ship according to Feng Shui, choose a marine theme

Despite the fact that Feng Shui positions a painted ship or sailboat as a symbol of good luck and material well-being, you need to know some features and nuances.

Painting with the sea

You can place this canvas inside any sector, but it is best in the hallway. The main condition is that the bow of the ship should be directed towards the house, and not towards the door or window.

Painting "Sailboat at sea"

Pay attention to the time of day - morning or afternoon will be the right choice. Morning symbolizes the beginning of prosperity, and afternoon is the peak of wealth. Evening and night carry the exact opposite meaning - sunset, the end of well-being. From the point of view of Feng Shui, the most profitable talisman is considered to be a sailboat with sails fluttering in the wind, decks full of chests with gold bars, and gems.

Painting with the sea

Weather phenomena are considered an important point here - a calm sea promises order and stability, but a storm can provoke imbalance, stressful periods, partial downturns, and failures.

Bridge according to Feng Shui - what does this drawing mean?

Although all water themes promise financial well-being, you should be careful when purchasing paintings with bridges. Some experts argue that the bridge represents the transition to the other world, others - that it is a symbol of mutual understanding and connection. But for the most part, everyone agrees that this direction is not for an apartment. Moreover, you should beware of raised bridges.

Using frames to decorate images

When using a painting in a kitchen interior, you need to remember which paintings are self-sufficient without frames, and which ones require additional framing.

  1. Posters and modular paintings are used without frames. The image on the latter should smoothly transition from one to another, so the frames will interfere with the integrity of the perception of the overall picture. Such paintings for the kitchen look great on the wall in any room, the design of which is close to modern design.
  2. Universal straight plain frames, in discreet shades of white and black, are suitable for paintings decorating kitchens in minimalist and high-tech styles.
  3. For classic and modern styles, voluminous frames with inserts are ideal. These frames cause many problems in care, so it is better to hang them in the kitchen-dining room, at a great distance from the stove.
  4. You can make a picture frame yourself. Since it will be used to decorate the kitchen, you can use pasta, cereals, and coffee as improvised means. A frame decorated with coffee beans is perfect for furniture in the Provence style.

Another good luck talisman - a picture of a horse according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui paintings with horses
The image of a horse will help create the mood to increase endurance and perseverance in achieving goals, because since ancient times this animal has been considered a symbol of nobility and greatness. A rising horse will help increase wealth and bring victory in competition. A pair of horses will strengthen mutual understanding between spouses and household members.


Bagua or Lo Shu square is a table of nine segments corresponding to different cardinal directions. It has south, east, north, west (main directions), southeast, northeast, northwest, southwest (additional directions) and center. The Bagua grid is superimposed on the plan of the home as a whole or the room separately. In our case, this is the kitchen.

Feng Shui bagua grid

Five elements

In Feng Shui there is the concept of the theory of five elements. Our whole life is subject to their interaction. These are earth, water, wood, fire and metal. One energy flows into another, supporting or destroying it. There are direct (supportive), reverse (oppressive) and control (destructive) cycles.

  • Direct cycle. Wood supports combustion, Fire burns everything and turns it into ashes, that is, the earth. The earth is the birthplace of metal. When melted, the metal becomes liquid. Water promotes tree growth.
  • Reverse cycle. Fire burns everything wooden. A tree absorbs water as it grows. Water spoils iron (corrosion). Metal weakens the earth by being born in it. Earth can put out fire.
  • Control cycle. As the tree sprouts, it depletes the earth. The earth absorbs water. Water extinguishes fire. Fire melts metal. A metal ax cuts down a tree.
  • How to apply Bagua to the kitchen. Draw a kitchen plan, indicate the cardinal directions using a Lo Pan compass or a regular compass. And transfer the Bagua grid with all the designations to the plan. Now you will understand which areas in the kitchen exist, which can be left untouched, and which should be corrected.
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