Imperial sizes - favorable and unfavorable, Feng Shui ruler for measuring them

Feng Shui is not only a study of symbols and invisible matters, but also an entire science based on numbers and precise mathematical calculations. Even in ancient times, the great Chinese emperors learned all the secrets of signs and numbers, carefully passing them on only to their descendants. This knowledge enriched the guardians and filled their lives with joy, prosperity and happiness.

Today you also have a chance to positively influence your destiny and attract real luck in all matters. The secret lies in the unique properties of the imperial size .

Imperial sizes are measured with a special ruler of 43.2 cm, divided into eight parts, each of which carries certain information, and is also subdivided into four more parts.

Why do you need to consider imperial sizes?

As you remember, the teaching of Feng Shui is based on the interaction of a person with the surrounding space. All objects around you have not only a shape, but also a certain size. If you make sure that these dimensions are favorable, you can change your whole life for the better. You don't have to take into account every detail, just focus on reconstructing what is of great importance to you or what you use often.

Before we move on to the examples, consider the meanings of Imperial sizes:

Segments and parts that are included in it

As mentioned earlier, each segment has its own purpose, as do the parts into which it is divided. Let's describe them:

  • Feng Shui Table of Segments

    The first segment (5.37 cm) is responsible for Wealth:

  1. Wealth will come to the house, you will be lucky with money;
  2. Symbolizes a chest of jewelry or a safe;
  3. 6 types of luck and 6 types of harmony;
  4. Symbolizes the increase in wealth, prosperity and good luck.
  • The second segment (10.74 cm) is responsible for the Disease:
  1. Property may be lost, money may disappear;
  2. The authorities will treat you poorly;
  3. Threat of prison and failure;
  4. Widower, orphan or widow;
  • The third segment (16.11 cm) symbolizes Separation:
  1. The accumulation of wealth is hampered by circumstances, constant bad luck;
  2. Money may be lost or taken away;
  3. Possible deception;
  4. Losing everything.
  • The fourth segment (21.48 cm) is responsible for Generosity:
  1. Responsible for rich offspring, many children;
  2. There will be income;
  3. Descendants will be gifted;
  4. Lots of prosperity and happiness.
  • The fifth segment (26.85 cm) symbolizes the Power of the authorities:
  1. Food is plentiful;
  2. You will be especially lucky with various additional incomes; you may win the lottery;
  3. Income will increase;
  4. Power and prosperity, as well as special respect for the family.
  • The sixth segment (32.22 cm) is responsible for Disaster:
  1. Possible death and departure;
  2. Loss of food and offspring;
  3. It is required to leave the ancestral home, possible dismissal from work or expulsion from the previous place of residence.
  4. Money will be lost more or well-being.
  • Comparison of segments on different feng shui rulers (not for measurements)

    Seventh segment (37.59 cm) – Injury and Harm:

  1. Disasters and failures;
  2. Death is not excluded;
  3. Health problems and susceptibility to disease;
  4. Quarrels, scandals or litigation are possible.
  • Eighth segment (42.96 cm) – Capital:
  1. Attracting money, big income will come to you;
  2. Significant profit or promotion;
  3. Riches and decorations;
  4. Everything is conducive to the accumulation of gold, great prosperity and good luck.

Using these sizes, you can choose the favorable dimensions of any item. For example, you can adjust your hairstyle, the size of your heels or headdress. It is possible that you only need a few centimeters to be happy. But let’s approach the issue in a more general way and start with what surrounds us all the time - with our home.

How to use imperial sizes?

First of all, calculate the size of those things that you often use, for example, a wallet, bag, notebook and even a wish notebook (imperial size can have a very beneficial effect on the fulfillment of your plans).

Look what you got. Let's say your notebook is 40x30 cm. Based on the values, we find that 40 brings good luck in exams, and 30 portends shame. Correct the situation!

If you cannot cut off the “extra” centimeters, then take a piece of red fabric, adhesive tape or plain paper and stick it on your notebook so that it turns out not 30, but, for example, 25 cm (promising income). The red color “burns” the excess area, and, as it were, excludes it from the overall dimensions. By the way, you can also use a red marker, pencil, etc.

Or “grow” the desired piece. You can take a ribbon, as well as a piece of paper (just not red!), a keychain or something else, and carefully attach it to the edge. This is how you will adjust your item to favorable sizes.

Secrets from Violetta

Chinese Feng Shui practitioners believe that everything depends on the size of the so-called “Feng Shui ruler”.

There are several different segments that indicate certain things that are more or less favorable for us:

  1. A segment from 0.00 to 5.4 cm means wealth, prosperity;
  2. A line from 5.4 to 10.8 cm means illness;
  3. A line from 10.8 to 16.2 cm means separation;
  4. A segment from 16.2 to 21.6 cm means justice, help;
  5. A segment from 21.6 to 27.0 cm means advancement, success, strength, power;
  6. A segment from 27.0 to 32.4 cm means robbery, disaster;
  7. A segment from 32.4 to 37.8 cm means misfortune, darkness, damage;
  8. The segment from 37.8 to 43.2 cm means happiness, source, beginning.

You can make a feng shui ruler with your own hands. You need to take a regular tape measure and mark it into the segments given above.

You can mark them with different colors and label the meanings of each segment.

We must remember that after the 8th segment, “happiness, source, beginning,” the 1st segment follows again, “wealth, prosperity,” then the 2nd, and everything repeats again.

Knowing the meanings of different sizes, we can understand that he is carrying any object that we often use by simply measuring its length and width.

But if we are not talking about a wallet or business card, we are usually dealing with segments larger than 43.2 cm.

Then we take each of the dimensions of the object (length, width, height) in centimeters and divide by 43.2, but not on a calculator, but with the remainder, as we did in 1st grade.

It is precisely by the remainder that you need to determine the “favorability” of a given item.

In the Feng Shui line, favorable sizes are divisions from 0 to 5.4 cm, from 16.2 to 27.0 cm, and from 37.8 to 43.2 cm.

The meanings of each of the segments were described above. A round table should be measured by its height and diameter, a bed by the size of the mattress frame, and a door by the doorway.

So, if we have a bed that is, say, 1.98 meters long, then we divide 198 cm by 43.2 cm and get 4, plus the remainder of 25.2 cm.

And since 25.2 cm belongs to the 5th segment, which means success, strength, this means that such a bed has a good length.

If the width of the bed is 1 m, then we divide 100 by 43.2 and get 2, the remainder is 13.6 cm. 13.6 cm refers to the 3rd segment, meaning separation, so the width of the bed is unfavorable.

It turns out that a good bed size according to Feng Shui is, for example, 198 cm (success, strength, power) X 130 cm (wealth, well-being).

Even a business card made according to Feng Shui dimensions will be more attractive to those to whom you give it, which means you will get more clients. The standard size of a business card is 5X8 cm, that is, its width means wealth and prosperity, but its length can bring illness.

Thus, ideally, the size of a business card according to Feng Shui is a square, for example, 5X5 cm. But custom sizes usually significantly increase the cost of printing them and business cards do not fit into business card holders. To avoid this, the business card can be visually divided along the length into 3 favorable sizes - 1.5 cm, 5 cm, 1.5 cm, highlighting its central part of 5 by 5 cm with color. You can also make the business card “folding”, so that again, the central part would be 5X5 cm, and the 1.5 cm sides would be bent inward. According to Feng Shui, the color of business cards should be chosen taking into account the favorable elements of the Bazi, which are calculated based on the individual data of the person’s Bazi card.

Also, favorable sizes can be used to create important documents, handouts, contracts, for publishing books and more. The width of a standard A4 sheet falls into the favorable segment 5, meaning success, strength, power, but its length belongs to segment 6 - robbery, disaster.

Therefore, by slightly reducing the length of the standard sheet, you can bring its dimensions to ideal, for example, cutting it to 26.5 cm.

This will contribute to sales, advertising effectiveness, and the success of our business or any particular transaction.

Wallet material and quality according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui wallet material

Buy only a quality, well-made wallet, the best you can afford. This does not mean that you need to overpay for a well-known brand, it just needs to be made well. Smooth seams, high-quality leather, no protruding threads, durable coloring, correctly installed and well-functioning fasteners - these are signs of an item of excellent quality. Everyone would like to live in a durable, comfortable and beautiful home, and money is no exception.

The best material for a wallet is genuine leather or suede. A wallet made of polyethylene, plastic or leatherette is a bad choice. These materials act as a kind of screen that reflects the flow of energy. In general, they will not bring you wealth. If you're on a budget, choose a fabric wallet. Its purchase will not hit the family budget so much, and it will “work” almost on a par with a leather one. If you have enough money to spend on a leather wallet, give it preference; you shouldn’t skimp on your future well-being. Money respects thrifty people, but does not like greedy people.

Choosing a color

To each his own color

According to Feng Shui, a money wallet should have a color that matches the element of its owner.

The colors and shades of the Earth elements are universal - they attract money and prosperity for everyone.

How relevant is a black wallet to Feng Shui? Deep black color characterizes the Earth, and black with blue would not be the best option.

It is better to determine your personal element according to Feng Shui using special tables. In addition, anyone born after February 20 can pay attention to the last digit of the year of birth. People born before February 20th need to look at the last digit of the year of the previous year of birth. The numbers 0 and 1 indicate that their owner belongs to the element of Metal; 2 and 3 – characterize the element of Water; 4 and 5 are numbers of the Wood element; 6 and 7 – belong to the elements of Fire; 8 and 9 represent the element of Earth.

The main colors of this element are brown and green. This also includes peach, white, soft pink and purple. According to Feng Shui, a brown wallet is one of the most suitable options, since this color also belongs to the element of Earth. Additionally, bright green, peach, and pink are good choices.

The color scheme of this element includes all shades of red and orange. Each of them is perfect for a wallet - it charges the financial sphere with active fiery energy. A red or orange wallet attracts attention. In this regard, additional decor on it will be unnecessary. For those who do not like to attract attention, we can recommend a light coral shade, burgundy or muted red.

This element includes brown and yellow colors, as well as beige, golden, green, apricot, and black. According to Feng Shui, a brown or yellow wallet is considered the best choice for people of this element. In addition, you can purchase a wallet with a natural pattern or animal print. Another suitable option would be a product made of corrugated leather (crocodile, python, etc.).

When choosing a new wallet according to Feng Shui, do not forget to buy a money talisman for it. This will immediately turn on monetary energy and help smooth out the influence of parameters (color, size, shape) that are chosen incorrectly.

Which talisman is the most powerful? In this matter, rely on your own intuition - buy the one that inspires the most confidence and creates a feeling of joy.

Secrets of storing money

Almost everything that Feng Shui teaches regarding the accumulation of wealth is simple rules for choosing a wallet. However, even a decent accessory will not be able to overcome the negative energy that accumulates when it is not filled correctly. Therefore, it is recommended to follow simple tips to keep your wallet in order.

  • Always handle money very carefully, maintaining due respect and attention to it. Even the ends of the bills should not be bent, and the papers themselves should be placed face up, in order of increasing denomination.
  • Considering the feng shui for money, your wallet can also be filled with bank cards. They also attract positive cash flows and do not interfere with energy circulation.
  • Never part with all your money at once. An empty wallet has negative waves, so at least a few kopecks in it should jingle.

What talisman should you put in your wallet?

When you have decided on the wallet that you need and purchased it, it’s time to think about what kind of talisman you will put in it in order to enhance the energy of attracting money.

  • The first bill or coin you earned yourself. If you already have such a talisman, be sure to put it in your wallet. This kind of thing has very powerful energy. To enhance the effect, you can even smear the money with a drop of honey.
  • In specialized Feng Shui stores you can always find such a talisman as 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. A strong talisman that can attract money.
  • To prevent wallet theft and to avoid thoughtless spending, you can put a bean pod in your wallet. However, if it prevents the money from lying flat and free, it is better to place an image of a pod.
  • Money loves the scent of mint very much, it literally attracts them. Place 2-3 drops of essential oil on the lining of your wallet.
  • To enhance the effect of attracting money, you can put in one of the wallet compartments a picture depicting any monetary symbol - a monetary hexagram, rune or hieroglyph.
  • Another strong talisman for multiplying money is a special Feng Shui mirror. Buy it at a special store and put it next to the money.
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