Personal favorable directions and their use.

Feng Shui (Feng Shui, “Wind and Water”) is an ancient Chinese philosophy, art and practice of organizing a harmonious living and working space for a person. According to traditional teaching, the environment (landscape, interior design and its details) has both positive and negative influence on us. The main goal of Feng Shui is to maximally protect the human environment from negative external influences and organize the living space so that it becomes a place for energy restoration and accumulation of strength.

Feng Shui is based on the concept of the interaction of two principles, Yin and Yang. According to traditional ideas, the entire world around us is the result of the cyclic movement of Qi energy, which, under the influence of various conditions, is transformed into active Yang or passive Yin. Yin and Yang are extreme states of manifestation of the same Qi, which in turn always strives for balance, which is the basic principle of harmony and balance in Feng Shui.

In this article we will not pay special attention to the philosophical side of Feng Shui; it is a rather deep and complex art that requires a special systematic approach. If you want to seriously understand this multifaceted teaching, you should undoubtedly choose serious courses with certified and experienced specialists. On our website we will provide information on the practical use of Feng Shui laws in your home, which will allow you to improve your life and the lives of your household without wasting time, money and effort.

Personal directions and Gua number

Each of the cardinal directions corresponds to a special type of energy, which affects the life, health and well-being of a person. The degree of influence on different people is different and depends on the personal Gua number of a particular person. This table will help you determine your Gua number. Please note that if you were born between January 1 and February 7, you need to look at the previous year


The table below and a description of the directions will help you determine the positive and negative influences of energies.

What is this number

Calculation and correct application of knowledge help you quickly and effectively adjust anything in your life in order to choose the right directions and not follow those that predict obstacles.

Those who know the personal Gua number understand why there is no luck in some areas of life. For example, there is no success in love, or good sleep does not bring the desired rest. The career does not work out, and new meetings bring disappointment.

This is the number of fate, it helps to determine how compatible a person is with the house in which he lives, the workplace where he works.

Personal directions in Feng Shui

SHENG QI is the best possible direction in Feng Shui. Brings prosperity, luck and success in business. At your desk, try to sit in this direction. It activates your vitality and your inner energy. This energy is very strong, you should not go to bed in this direction. Perhaps at night you will have brilliant dreams, but getting enough sleep will be problematic. If you feel low or depressed, it will be helpful to sit facing this direction and relax.

TIAN Yi – direction brings harmony in relationships and health. Sick people should be put to sleep with their head in this direction. For chronic diseases, plan the placement of the TV or home theater so that you sit facing in this direction, combine business with pleasure!

YAN NIAN – the direction of longevity and love. This direction is favorable for sleep, especially if you have not yet met your soul mate. It is good to orient the seating area in the living room in this direction; position the sofa so that you sit facing in this direction.

FU WEI - the softest of the positive directions in Feng Shui, is the direction of personal development. It is best for sleep and relaxation.

HO HAI is the least harmful energy. Orienting the front door or head of the bed in this direction can result in minor injuries and troubles. If you are unlucky with the door, see if you can rehang it so that when it opens, it will let more positive energy into the apartment. If this is not possible, install a second entrance door; it will open mirror-like and minimize negative flows.

LIU SHA - this direction brings meetings with unwanted people, which can lead to sexual disorders and breakup of relationships.

Wu Gui - This energy can bring fires, accidents, loss of friends and family.

JUE MING is the most negative energy in Feng Shui. Brings losses in all areas of human life. Avoid this direction, especially its long-term exposure. Do not sit facing or sleep with your head in this direction.

The most important areas in the house are the relaxation (sleeping) area and the dining area, where people spend most of their time. Analyze which way you look when eating, watching TV or reading books. Maybe you like to look out the window for a long time? Check to see if these activities are harmful to you. Sometimes, in order to improve your life, it is enough to lie with your head in the opposite direction and change places at the dinner table with your spouse. We are all individual and it may turn out that yours and your spouse’s directions are radically opposite. Do not despair. Look for compromises, because your happiness is directly related to the happiness of your husband, wife and children.

Favorable destinations, or Feng Shui for travelers

Every traveler has his own preferences. Some people are eager to go to Europe, but for others, Europe, on the contrary, is boring, they are attracted by the exotic. Some people dream of beaches under palm trees, while others like the harsh romance of the Arctic.

Somehow I came across a book about Feng Shui, the Taoist science of harmonious arrangement of space. The Chinese themselves strictly follow the rules of Feng Shui, I was convinced of this during my trip to China.

According to Feng Shui, for each person there are favorable and unfavorable directions, 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable.

Favorable directions are divided into: the direction of success, healing, romantic and the direction of personal growth and development.

Unfavorable directions - to: unlucky (there we are set up by minor failures, inconsistencies, misunderstandings, annoying losses), the direction of the “five ghosts” (conflicts, relationship problems, thefts), the direction of the “six killers” (litigation, illness, quarrels, major losses money) and the direction of complete collapse.

In everyday life, the rules of Feng Shui are used to arrange an apartment, for example, it is recommended to install a toilet in the direction of the “five ghosts”, and a matrimonial bed - in a romantic direction, a desk - so as to sit in the direction of success or development, etc.

I decided, based on my trips, to analyze how much my personal experience confirms the Feng Shui theory about the favorableness of certain directions specifically for me.

And this is what happened.

According to calculations (I will explain the calculation of the favorability of directions a little later), I belong to the Western group. Agree. Definitely.

The best direction for me is southwest. Oh yeah!

The healing direction is northwest. As for the northwest, it seems to me that this is the place of my soul, a place where I feel comfortable and sincere. First it was Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, the Leningrad region, then Scandinavia was added. Moreover, if before I was not too interested in Finland, I passed by on my way to Norway or Sweden, but in recent years I took a closer look at it and somehow became very imbued with its quiet, unobtrusive beauty. Staying there harmonizes the space inside me.

The direction of love and romance is West. If you look at the map, these are the Pskov region, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Great Britain. Little statistics have been accumulated in this area; I can’t say anything definite. I haven’t been to Lithuania for a long time, I was in Denmark for three days (I really liked Odense, but Copenhagen was somehow not so much). There was nothing romantic about Great Britain and Ireland, but I liked the trip itself. It was fantastically interesting in London. And provincial Ireland is definitely a romantic place, or rather even a reserved one.

The direction of development is northeast. There was practically no one either. But latently in her youth she aspired to the Polar Urals, to Komi. At one time I even really wanted to. But it didn’t work out.

In my youth, I spent a month in the Pinezhsky Nature Reserve (I got a job there during my student holidays) - it was a special life experience. A city dweller, a “child of asphalt,” I found myself in the taiga, spent the night in winter huts, fished on lakes, went down into caves, and took part in making hay. I discovered a layer of a completely different life. An unforgettable and bright month of life. In this case, the northeast definitely turned out to be the direction of development.

Let's move on to unfavorable directions.

The “weakest” of the unfavorable ones, the direction of obstacles, for me is south. Yes confirm. I didn’t get any joy from staying in our south. There were thefts, there were obstacles, but mostly there was a feeling of boredom.

However, if we go further south, we end up in Turkey. I also avoided Turkey for a long time, until one winter I ended up in Kemer, where I walked a section of the Lycian Trail and saw three ancient cities - and was completely delighted. After this short trip, my attitude towards Turkey changed. However, Istanbul (I was there twice) was rather disappointing.

Cyprus also did not make me want to return there.

Further. North is the direction of the “five ghosts”. A direction not mastered by me.

East is the direction of the “six killers”. I was never particularly drawn to that direction. I was on the Angara and in the Tomsk region. Did not like.

But I was lucky enough to visit quite in the east – Kamchatka. It was an amazing trip, we climbed 4 volcanoes, went hiking, and saw so many unusual things! However, Kamchatka is so far away that you don’t even know whether it’s in the east, or almost in the west.

Yes, and one more exception is a trip to Ergaki. Ergaki is a wonderful corner in the Sayan Mountains, and the trip turned out to be wonderful.

And finally, my direction of complete collapse is southeast. It matches completely. I almost died during a mountaineering training camp in Central Asia. I went to Nepal twice – and both times there was some kind of unfavorable moral background. The first time (we went to the foot of Everest) this was overshadowed by the unusualness of the situation and landscapes. But the second time (trekking around Annapurna) everything was somehow “against the grain”.

We went on a big tour of China. Again, something always interfered, irritated, caused rejection. I didn’t like the country (although we saw a lot of beautiful and unusual, and even grandiose things). By the end, in Shanghai, I was simply languishing; the city seemed completely empty and uninteresting to me. I really wanted to go home.

It no longer gravitates to the southeast. Sometimes you listen to another friend who has returned from Vietnam, India or Thailand, and you think: I should go and see. But then you listen to yourself - and you realize that you don’t want to. When there are places in which you are guaranteed to have fun and are drawn to, you don’t want to waste your vacation by staying in countries that are not interesting to you - just to get an idea and form your own opinion. Brodsky wrote well (about Argentina): “I have already seen more than I am able to comprehend.” Yes, there are other great cultures, and it’s probably great to get acquainted with them at least superficially, but still, my greatest interest is in European civilization, its history and culture. I want to use my free time to immerse myself in them.

Thus, we can say that in most cases Feng Shui has quite correctly designated my favorable and unfavorable directions (with some exceptions). My life experience shows that the best direction for me is southwest, and the worst direction is southeast. I would outline the sector of my interest with the border along Hungary-Croatia in the southwest and to the Arkhangelsk region-Komi in the northeast.

I would be interested to know how well Feng Shui theory holds up for other people traveling. Write whether your best directions coincide with those determined for you by Feng Shui.

How to find out your Feng Shui directions?

To do this, you need to calculate the Gua numbers.

It depends on your year of birth and gender.

Moreover, the calculation is made according to the Chinese calendar, and the Chinese New Year can fall on different dates in January-February. Therefore, if you were born, say, on February 5, 1950 (before the Chinese New Year, which in 1950 fell on February 17), then you must take the previous year for the calculation, i.e. 1949. The table below shows in which year the Chinese New Year fell on what date.

1957Jan 31
1976Jan 31
1995Jan 31
2014Jan 31

For women: add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add up the digits that make it up. To the resulting number we add 5 (if the year of birth is more than 2000, then – 6). If it’s two-digit, then we add it up again. If it turns out to be 5, then we take 8.

This will be your Gua number.

For men: add the last two digits of the year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, add up the digits that make it up. The resulting number is subtracted from 10 (if the year of birth is more than 2000, then from 9).

This will be your Gua number.

If you get 5, then your Gua number is 2.

Westerners are those with Gua numbers: 2,6,7,8.

People of the eastern direction are those with Gua numbers: 1,3,4,9.

Favorable directions
Gua NumberSuccesshealingLoveDevelopment
Eastern group
Western group
Unfavorable directions
Gua NumberComplete collapse6 killers5 ghostsUnlucky
Eastern group
Western group

As you can see, the determination method is simple. It turns out that people of the same gender and the same year of birth should have the same preferences, which is doubtful.

I was surprised that in my case everything worked quite accurately, with minor exceptions. I would be grateful if you share your results.


Level.Travel launched the sale of tours to Goa and Thailand

Flights to Thailand are already available on December 2, and to Goa on December 29 (currently available only from Level.Travel). Promotional codes for purchasing tours will be valid until December 31 :

  • LT-HAPPY-TH for 5000 ₽ – for tours to Thailand, from two adults;
  • LT-HAPPY-IN for 3000 ₽ – for tours to Goa (India), from two adults.

From December 6, Level.Travel is launching a promotion with interest-free installments for 120 days. There is no need to pay when booking a tour! Promotion period: 06.12.21 – 19.12.21. ______________________ I organize my trips using these sites:

  • flights - Aviasales
  • hotels – Booking and Hotellook
  • travel insurance – Cherehapa
  • taxi/transfer - KiwiTaxi or
  • car rental - Myrentacar, Economybookings and Rentalcars
  • excursions – Tripster and Sputnik
  • tours – Travelata and YouTravel.Me


Honest criticism for gua 8

Gua people are conservative to the core. As a wild example: the world has long been switching from Viber to Telegram, and Gua 8 is finally trying ICQ. Then he says: “You told me about ICQ 10 years ago, I just checked, there’s no one there, and I was right that it’s complete bullshit.”

You may not understand the essence of time. When you are young, you live as if it were a rehearsal, and you will return the wasted years, as if you had a magic remote control in your bosom, where you just have to press the “rewind” button. And when you realize that youth has waved its hand, you pretend that nothing happened.

This behavior is also inappropriate for one’s age: running around nightclubs when peers are busy building careers, and dressing “inappropriately for one’s age.”

Then the realization of old age comes as a shock. What a surprise... So we strongly recommend thinking about your goals for the next 5 years and asking yourself: What am I doing to turn my dreams into plans?

For one of our clients, such carelessness looked even sadder. It was necessary to move out of the apartment by the 1st, but instead of looking for housing, he went on vacation.

I instructed a friend to find an apartment for him while he was on vacation and didn’t even pack his things in boxes: “I’ll return from vacation, I don’t have enough things, I’ll pack it that same day, find transportation and move by evening.” The story after the vacation ended with a visit to friends to stay for a couple of days until housing was found.

Sometimes you act childish. It’s like a kind nanny who allows you to eat candy before breakfast and doesn’t swear if the kids lose their hat. Friends of friends are friends, the world is a continuous holiday in which a truck with sweets overturned, gentle and caring. This is true, but please, without rose-colored glasses.

Learn to take responsibility and clearly see the psychological boundary that people are trying to break (and you can do this). If you are accused of something, do not allow yourself to feel guilty.

Made a mistake - yes, we all make mistakes. But don't accept the guilt. But “not accepting the feeling of guilt” specifically for Gua 8 also means “you will still have to change.” Because very often they find different excuses to leave everything as it is.

A lack of understanding that they are trying to manipulate you can develop into a desire to rush into battle and finish everything offhandedly so that they can see the result. This gives the illusion that you can move mountains and dry up the seas, you work yourself to death and overestimate your capabilities and take on even more bumps.

Just don’t confuse the result and the process. Doing something all day does not mean being effective at the end of the day.

Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that you have a natural tendency to find money, plan and predict the situation. There are high chances of acquiring a large amount of real estate at the end of your life. And the second half of life, due to full cones, perseverance and correct conclusions, usually becomes happier.

You are self-sufficient. In the sense that you are comfortable going through life alone, you will find something to do with yourself, and you will not worry too much if your other half is not nearby. As a result, you become either a complete pedant, or an indifference and a lone wolf.

Gua 8 life simply forces you to develop initiative and will of character. And this is very difficult, because children’s complexes prevail. Before it becomes easy, it is always difficult to step outside your comfort zone and try something you don’t know how to do.

Why does this happen? Let’s say your life could be spent in a family with an authoritarian mother: “Don’t go there. I told you it's not necessary. I know better where you should go.”

And there are two outcomes. Either your parents have completely taken away your independence, or a protest pressure has developed. As a result, you pursue selfish goals so much that you don’t have time to look at yourself from the outside. A defensive position develops, it is difficult to understand others and make contact.

Moreover. While others are making connections and being valued, you are losing these opportunities because you live only for yourself. You don't expect help and you don't give it.

If you do not solve your childhood complexes, envy will develop in your character, and the result will be stupid decisions and a small number of friends. Between the ages of 42 and 56, a crisis and loss of wealth occurs. As an option, a young man who spends time having fun with a cool company, and in order to meet its level, gets into more and more debts and loans that he is no longer able to bear.

Of course, the above are just trends. Everything will depend on the Feng Shui in your home: how the front door, bedroom and stove are located.

Remember, Feng Shui talks about dangers not to tempt fate, but to look at yourself from the outside and correct in time what leads to trouble.

Optimal places in the house

If you know your Gua number, according to Feng Shui, you can designate zones in your living space so as to receive maximum energy. There are 8 sectors: 4 favorable and unfavorable.

For example, according to Eastern teachings, it is considered favorable for the number 1 when the bedroom is in the south. It is worse to arrange a place to relax in the northeast and southwest. You should choose an office for work in the northern part of the apartment or in the southeast.

For number 2, the bedroom should be located in the northwest. And it is undesirable - in the southeast. The direction of the wealth sector is southwest or northeast. In these sectors it is worth placing an office where a person will work, negotiate and resolve important issues, and conclude contracts. The work area should not be located in the north or east. The entrance door to the apartment should be in the southwestern sector. Then all incoming energy flows will flow correctly, and the family that lives in such a house will experience prosperity.

People whose number is 3 need to arrange a room to resolve work issues in the south or east direction. If the task is to find a bedroom for a child whose calculation results in such an indicator, then it is better to choose the eastern part of the house. The health sector is in the northern part of the room. If a person is sick, he is recommended to spend most of his time in this area. When determining locations for toilets and baths, it is worth looking to the northeast of the house.

Those with the number 4 arrange their bedroom in the east. You can’t - in the southwest or northeast. The southern part of the house is considered the health zone. It is better to arrange an office in the southeast or north of the apartment, but not in the northwestern or northeastern sector. The toilet room should be installed in the west wing.

People with number 6 arrange their bedroom in the southwest. The place of health is the sector in the northeast of the apartment. The toilet room should be located in the northern part of the house.

For those who came up with the number 7 when counting, the health zone should be placed in the southwest. If you plan to work in a residential area, then the office should be equipped in the northwest or west. It is better to arrange a bedroom in the north-eastern sector.

If the calculations result in the number 8, then it is better to choose the northeast or southwest for the workroom. The bedroom should be located in the western sector.

For number 9, the work area is northern or eastern. The bedroom cannot be placed in the west wing. It is better to place the toilet in the east.

Unfavorable directions

The law of life is that along with good there is always evil. But knowing the enemy by sight, you can easily avoid trouble.

What are the unfavorable directions in Feng Shui?

  • Small obstacles. This direction brings minor quarrels, misunderstandings, and troubles. They, of course, are not critical, but they greatly spoil life, disturbing the peace of mind.
  • Five ghosts. This is a more dangerous direction, which brings financial difficulties and various emergencies into life: fires, floods.
  • Six killers. This direction brings a whole series of adversities. In such cases, it is customary to say that “trouble does not come alone.” Finding himself in such a destructive and difficult zone, a person will one day experience various types of troubles and sorrows: illness, financial problems, legal misunderstandings.
  • Collapse. This is the most dangerous direction, which threatens not just complete destruction and bankruptcy, but even death.

Compatibility of people with different numbers

If you calculate the Gua number before getting married, you can understand whether the union of people will be successful. For example, when a combination of 1 and 6 occurs in a couple, it is believed that the future for such people will be rich. If people with numbers 2 and 7 are married, this combination promises a happy and harmonious, long family life.

People with numbers 3 and 8 will not be bored together; a passionate union is expected. In the union of 9 and 4, strong, happy relationships prevail. The husband and wife will go all the way in such a way that they will achieve everything together, and they will succeed.

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