How to arrange a bed according to Feng Shui for favorable sleep and relaxation

Greetings, dear friends! A person spends 1/3 of his life, about 15-30 years, on sleep, so it is very important to equip the bedroom for excellent rest. If you're a rough sleeper, you might want to consider rearranging your furniture, and especially the feng shui placement of your bed. The room where you rest should have a peaceful flow of energy.

There are two correct ways to place a bed in a bedroom according to the cardinal directions according to Feng Shui.

The criticality of choice, from the point of view of common sense

Pessimists, guided by a sober mind and proven phenomena, rely only on their own feelings, and lay down as convenient for them, listening to the body.
When you wake up in the morning, you can understand whether your body is rested or not. As a result of a negative answer, you need to reconsider the position of the bed, change your head to the other side, change your body position. After waking up, a person should not feel drowsy - complete rest is needed. You also need a feeling of strength, activity, and absence of pain.

It is important to listen to your feelings and go to bed in the direction that is comfortable

How to place a bed in a narrow bedroom?

A long but narrow room also does not contribute to freedom in interior design. A certain problem that arises in this case may be the question of how to place the bed in a narrow bedroom .

In this case, 3 rules apply:

  1. location of the bed under the window;
  2. a bed on the wall opposite the window;
  3. bed in the center of a narrow bedroom.

Properly arranging your sleeping area

In order for your life to be long, healthy, rich and happy, you need to take a responsible approach to arranging your sleeping place. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • locate the sleeping area as far as possible from the entrance;
  • the doors of the sleeping room and the bathroom should not mirror each other;
  • When choosing colors, give preference to beige and coffee shades. These colors promote good energy flow;
  • When choosing a tone for the floor, also give preference to light shades. Remember, dark colors absorb positive Qi energy, which negatively affects your well-being;
  • a bedroom in bright colors will negatively affect your well-being, bring insomnia and nightmares;
  • use a little red in your decor. This will strengthen the family unit and fill the relationship with passion and harmony;
  • When decorating a bedroom, you should not clutter it with furniture. It is enough to install a comfortable bed and a good-quality wardrobe;
  • It is advisable to purchase furniture for the room from natural wood.

And lastly, you should not sleep on furniture made of metal, since such objects have a negative electromagnetic effect on the human body.

What circumstances influence the choice of location?

A person may experience discomfort or feel unsafe if the bed is in the wrong place.
From the point of view of Feng Shui, the sleeper may be hindered by the incorrect rotation of energy flows. If a person sleeps poorly and feels groggy the next morning, it is necessary to check whether the sleeping place is located correctly. How to properly place a bed in a room?

There are many options for a comfortable bed position. In different situations, it can be placed in the center of the bedroom, by the window or in the corner, or moved against the wall. The choice of location is influenced by the size of the room, the number of windows and doors, and their location.

For some, cardinal directions and recommendations regarding Feng Shui are important. Any area in the bedroom has an impact on the sleeping person. The final location option should be chosen taking into account all the circumstances.

Which side of the world is better to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui theory?

Yogis believe that the energy field of people is directed from the head to the feet. They recommend sitting in bed with your head facing north, this way a person will get a good night's sleep, feel energetic, and gain financial wealth and mutual understanding in the family. If it is not possible to lie down to rest with your head facing north, the sleeping place should be placed with its back facing northeast or east.

Scientists of ancient India said the opposite. If you sleep with your head towards the northwest, northeast or north, you may not get enough sleep, wake up with a headache and feel like a vegetable all day. Ring fields also play an important role in the sleeping position. According to scientists:

  • if you sleep with your head to the west, a person’s degree of selfishness increases;
  • if you sleep with your head to the east, a person develops a spiritual world;
  • if you sleep with your head to the north, a person’s excessive sensitivity goes away, and it is replaced by rational thinking;
  • If you sleep with your head facing south, a person can live for a very long time.

The Orthodox Church does not give advice on where it is better to sleep with your head in order to get enough sleep. Some people believe that you should not lie down with your feet towards the door, however, this is just a superstition.

The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui recommend that everyone sleep with their head towards the wall, thereby protecting themselves. There are also a number of points that explain how to properly lie down in bed and where to place the sleeping place.

According to Feng Shui, you should not place your bed in front of a mirror. The ceiling above the bed should be flat and smooth, without overlaps. It is not recommended to place a bed between two doors, or between a window and a door. It’s good if the bed has a backrest. It is highly undesirable to lie with your head facing the window. You should avoid a body position in which your head and legs “rest” against the door.

The teachings of Feng Shui give the following recommendations:

  • sleep with your head to the east - to get rid of nightmares, insomnia, an influx of energy and vitality;
  • sleep with your head facing south - for quick career advancement;
  • sleep with your head facing north - for good mental activity, harmony, financial stability;
  • sleep with your head to the west - to improve family relationships, inspiration and a surge of emotions.

Chinese and Indian scientists recommend sleeping with their heads facing south for those who want to attract money, success, prosperity to the family, and also develop intelligence and mental abilities.

Spouses should go to bed with their heads facing north. This will allow them to revive their former love, refresh their feelings, and establish mutual understanding. This body position also improves health.

For a child and any adult, the ideal body position in sleep is one in which the head faces east. The East brings vigor, longevity, happiness and health. But for older people, it is best to sleep with their heads facing northeast. In this situation, they are not afraid of depression, fatigue and flabbiness.

In general, the Orthodox canons say nothing in which direction you should turn your head during rest or how to make your bed correctly. But it is known that a dead person is carried out feet first. Therefore, clergy recommend not to lie down with your feet pointing towards the door.

Feng Shui sets many requirements for a sleeping area. Experts believe that there should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, and sharp furniture corners should not be directed towards the bed. In addition, the stock is best placed diagonally. This will allow visitors to the bedroom to be seen.


  • You should not install the bed so that your legs point towards the door. After all, in China this is how they take the dead out of their rooms.
  • In addition, thick curtains should be hung on the windows. You need to sleep in the dark
  • There should be free space under the bed to promote air circulation
  • The headboard should be pressed tightly against the wall, and there should not be a high side at the feet

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and replenishing energy. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Sleep rules according to Vastu:

  • You can't sleep with your head facing north. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the subtle energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head pointing towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • You should not sleep in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.

The Vedas are not a religion at all, but ancient true knowledge. According to this teaching, you need to rest with your head to the South or East. This will cause saturation with vital energy. During sleep, you can cleanse yourself of dirty and bad thoughts.

Not recommended bed locations

The following taboos are relevant both from the point of view of Feng Shui and from the point of view of psychologists. The rules are suitable for apartments with a standard layout. In studios where the kitchen is often woven into the fabric of the living space, they may not work.

Foot to the door

Within the Slavic cultural tradition it is considered a bad omen. Since this is how the bodies of the dead are removed from the room, people try to avoid such analogies. In Islam, for example, it is bad form to show bare legs. This is especially true for older people. Therefore, such a location of the bed in eastern countries is unacceptable. According to Feng Shui, this position is favorable for the penetration of negative energy. The exception is the doors to the dressing room.

Feet to the door - the most undesirable position for a night's rest

If rearranging the bed is not possible, it is recommended to close the door while sleeping. It is advisable to install a screen in front of the door leaf, and next to it a large indoor plant with round leaves.

In studio-type apartments, there is often no wall between the bedroom and the adjacent room. In this case, the bed will stand with the foot facing the door.

Some studio layouts make it impossible to place the bed in the right place

Headboard to window

A bed placed near a window does not have close contact with the wall. This fact at the subconscious level causes negative emotions in a person. In this position he does not feel protected. In addition, lying with his back to the opening, he does not visually control this entrance to the room. This is especially true for panoramic structures. To remove feelings of anxiety, it is recommended to hang thick curtains in the room.

Sounds coming from the window will distract you while you sleep

In the summer, when many people prefer to sleep with the windows open, such close proximity can be annoying. The noise of the wind, the light of lanterns, the conversations of passers-by - all this does not contribute to proper rest. Even in sleep, the brain continues to process incoming information. In this situation, every rustle does not allow the body to completely relax.

If the bed is not under the opening, but not at a great distance, this position is also incorrect. Cold air coming from the window is fraught with the development of colds.

An alternative option for placing a bed by the window

On the same line between the window and the door

In small apartments, bedrooms are often shaped like a pencil case. A sleeping place located in this way is in the path of air flow. According to Feng Shui, this situation is unfavorable from the perspective of unwanted energy effects. From the point of view of common sense, when ventilating, a strong draft is formed.

Between the window and the door is one of the most unfavorable locations

Adjacent to a wall with a door

Lying on a bed that is on the same side as the door, it is difficult to see the person entering the bedroom. To do this, you either need to stand up or sit up, which creates unnecessary discomfort. When there is no full view of the entrance to the room, a person unconsciously experiences anxiety. In the long term, for sensitive people, this can lead to the development of cardiac arrhythmia.

Psychologists recommend placing bedroom furniture at the maximum distance from the door. In this case, the doorway should be clearly visible. If there is a window in the room, it is desirable that it is also visible. With this arrangement of a place to rest, a person is in a calm state and confident in control over life events.

A door out of sight is a source of increased anxiety

The designer's position is somewhat different. According to interior design gurus, it is not advisable for the bed to be completely visible when the door is open. This violates the intimacy of this area.

Common wall with bathroom or kitchen

The joint wall will let in the sounds of the refrigerator being turned on or the sound of water in the pipes. The operation of household appliances will also interfere with proper rest. Considering that the kitchen is an area for active pastime, sleep can be interrupted by the clink of washing dishes. The abundance of sockets in these areas creates a harmful electromagnetic background, even in a passive state. According to the canons of Feng Shui, such close proximity to these zones contributes to the leakage of wealth and power.

To remedy the situation, you need to purchase a bed with a thick wall. It will reduce the influence of unwanted noise.

Proximity to the bathroom is not advisable

In the center of the bedroom

One of the worst interior solutions. With this location, the product does not have the necessary support in the form of a wall or partition. Such placement has a negative impact on the psyche. From an ergonomic point of view, this position of the bed is considered impractical. It “eats up” most of the functional space.

The bed in the center of the bedroom prevents the creation of a comfortable environment

Under a sloping ceiling

On a subconscious level it puts pressure on people’s psyches. When going to bed, a person experiences slight anxiety every time. This is especially true for rooms with low arches or sharp beams. According to Feng Shui, energy, starting from sharp edges, negatively affects the sleeper. From an aesthetic point of view, the room space looks chopped up, which is not suitable for a quiet relaxation area.

A tilted bedroom is not the best option

The way out of this situation is to install a canopy. During sleep, a person is surrounded by 4 pillars, which create a feeling of security and neutralize the negative effect of a hanging ceiling.

The footboard is adjacent to the wall

In addition to the fact that such placement is inconvenient and impractical from an ergonomic point of view, it is also harmful. Chinese practitioners claim that looking at the wall reduces vitality. This can also negatively impact career growth. The larger the area in front of the sleeping place, the better the quality of life becomes. Simultaneously with the expansion of the framework of consciousness, life is filled with new possibilities.

Foot to the wall - the most irrational option

Top destinations

There is no definite best direction for sleep, just as there is no best time of year or best element, everything is individual. You need to choose the position of your head based on whether it is even possible to correctly place the bed itself. After all, if it is poorly positioned, then no matter where you sleep with your head, your rest will be of poor quality. You also need to take into account the energy characteristics of each direction.


While the bedroom itself is best located in the northwestern part of the house, sleeping with your head to the west is not suitable for everyone. This position of the body contributes to the accumulation of sexual energy and single people will find it difficult to cope with it.

But for a couple in love, it is perfect - the sex life will be active, and the relationship itself will be harmonious.


If we take the universal position of the body, where it is better to sleep with the head, then this is the north. So the magnetic fields of the human body are located in strict accordance with the magnetic fields of the Earth, and throughout the night there will be an active accumulation of energy.


A person who sleeps with his head to the east reveals his spiritual capabilities. This direction gives additional energy and promotes success in all endeavors. On the other hand, it increases the level of personal ambition. So people with big Egos should avoid this position of the head.

The eastern position is very useful in the heat - it will give you a feeling of additional coolness, as energy flows in its natural direction.


A head located to the south will attract energy during the night for the implementation of the most daring projects. This position is perfect for those who have grandiose life plans. But it does not promote partnerships and is more suitable for ambitious singles.

In addition, the energy of the south can sometimes be too hot and aggressive and can cause anxiety and even nightmares.

Intermediate head positions: northeast, northwest and southeast, southwest combine the energies of the component directions. Their effect on humans is softer and more harmonious. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui is determined only by you.

When the head is comfortable

You can't get a good night's sleep if your head is lying incorrectly. For proper rest you need a comfortable pillow. Tight highs will cause the head to be unnaturally bent. And this is fraught with problems with the spine and headaches. But you can’t sleep on thin ones either, because lying on your side will cause your neck to hurt, and lying on your back will cause your tongue to sink.

You need to select flat pillows with an individually selected thickness and a seal under the neck. It is necessary to lie so that the anatomically cervical spine maintains the correct position, without pinching the vessels, without impairing the blood supply to the brain.

A person is interested in everything related to sleep. After all, we spend half our lives sleeping, and how we do it affects our mood, mental state, and health. This is why it is important to correctly adjust the headrest of the bed to a certain side of the world at home. The choice of pillow for the headboard also plays an important role.

Feng Shui and sleep

Bedroom according to Feng Shui
Where to sleep with your head according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui in order to have good dreams and make a person feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic? Eastern sages advise which side of the world you should lie your head on, how and where exactly to place the bed so that those sleeping are not disturbed by bad, nightmare dreams.

According to Feng Shui, the bed should never be positioned with its feet or headboard facing the door. In addition, it is not recommended to sleep on a bed without a headboard - Eastern teachings claim that the headboard is a kind of protection that reliably protects a person during sleep.

How should you go to bed according to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui - sideways, on your back or on your stomach? There are no exact recommendations on this matter; the optimal body position is determined individually

In order to choose for yourself how best to position yourself during a night's rest, you can take a simple test: go to bed in any comfortable position and pay close attention to the position in which you wake up. This position will be the ideal position for a good night's sleep.

One of the most interesting and unusual methods that allows you to determine which side of the world you need to sleep with your head for best health is determining the so-called Gua number. This is a well-known technique, built on the principles of numerology and used by ancient sages.

Direction depending on Gua number

According to this Chinese teaching, all men and women are conventionally divided into two main categories - Western and Northern. Each of these groups has its own characteristic features

It is very important to know where to lie down for proper rest, since a certain position can bring love, joy, material well-being or troubles and illnesses to a person.

In order to find out where you need to sleep with your head, you should write the year of your birth on a piece of blank paper, then add the last two digits so that you get a two-digit number, which also needs to be summed. Then the fair sex adds 5 to the resulting number, while men subtract their number from 10.

  • East - this category includes all people who ended up with the numbers 1,3,4,9.
  • West - men and women who got the number 2,5,6,7,8.

Where should people who fall into the first category sleep? The best option is considered to be east, northeast, south. Those who fall into the second group are recommended to lie with their heads towards the southwest, west, northeast direction.

How to place the bed relative to the door?

The most versatile bed placement is in the middle of the room with a headboard that fits flush against a full wall (not good if it has a window). However, there is enough space on both sides to accommodate bedside tables. It is important that you can easily approach the bed from anywhere in the room and that you can see the entire room while lying on the bed.

This arrangement is very functional, especially in a double bedroom where two people need to have easy access to the bed. In the case of a child’s bedroom, the matter is no longer so clear. In the children's room, slightly different rules apply.

The focus here is not on the bed, but on the play or study corner (depending on the age of the child). So how are you going to set up your nursery bed to ensure your little one gets a good night's sleep? It is enough to press its longer side as far as possible against the wall, observing the rule of maintaining the appropriate distance from the window and radiator.

Feng Shui

Among the rich variety of oriental teachings, the famous Chinese Feng Shui is especially popular.
It is with him that they often consult when the need arises to decide how to sleep correctly. According to Feng Shui, all people can be divided into 2 groups:

  • western;
  • eastern

For each group there is a very specific direction in which you need to sleep with your head. You can find out which group a person belongs to by calculating his ideal Gua number. It is calculated using a special formula.

So, you will need to add the 3rd and 4th digits from the year of your birth (for example, you were born in 1985 - add 8 and 5). If the result of this arithmetic operation is a 2-digit number (13 in our example), you need to add it again (1+3 = 4). Then the man needs to subtract this last digit from 10 (it turns out 6). And the woman must add the number 5 to it (it comes out to 9).

Now the most interesting part:

  • the eastern group includes those whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4 or 9;
  • The Western group includes people who received a score of 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

Thus, the man born in 1985 from our example is enrolled in the Western group, and the woman is in the Eastern group.

Easterners should go to bed with their head facing north, south, east or southeast. And Westerners can go to bed with their heads only in the West, North-West, South-West or North-East. It is highly undesirable to confuse these directions. After all, if, in accordance with ancient teachings, the north heals one, then it may present an unpleasant surprise to another.

An ordinary compass purchased in a store will help you not to miss the cardinal directions in a city apartment. If you don’t have time for shopping, you can install a special program on your smartphone (tablet) and use it.

Can I place it near a window?

It is not recommended to place a sleeping place near a window for several reasons.
If you place the head of the bed towards the window, then at night a person may be haunted by a feeling of danger and insecurity, because various things can happen outside the window that are not visible to him. This location puts the person in a vulnerable position that causes anxiety. There should be space next to the window so that a person can freely approach it. Also, through microscopic cracks in the windows, cold air and a draft can enter the room, which at night will affect people sleeping nearby.

As a result, such exposure in a constant manner will negatively affect health, and constant colds and illnesses may begin. The noise coming from the street interferes with sleep; it prevents a person from going into the stage of deep sleep, which allows the body to rest. It is not very pleasant to wake up in the middle of the night because of concerts organized by animals or walking people.

Ideally, the sleeping place should be at least one and a half meters away from the window.

What does the Chinese philosophical doctrine of Feng Shui advise?

Experts in ancient Chinese philosophy claim that correct head position during sleep will definitely improve health and quality of life. A person is a small piece of the Universe, which must obey its laws in order to harmonize the space around and protect itself from troubles.

Each side of the world has its own energy, which affects the sleeper differently, although he does not realize it. Energy passes through a person and gives him health, success, well-being or brings illness and failure. If you've hit a rough patch in your life, try sleeping according to Feng Shui and directing the energy flow to restore your health and your own well-being. Adherents of Eastern teachings recommend that, before determining which way to sleep with your head, you should properly arrange the room for sleeping. To create a calm and peaceful environment in the bedroom, you need to create dim lighting, hang thick curtains and remove the computer and TV. Somnologists agree with these requirements.

In Chinese teaching, there are several general recommendations for where the head of the bed should be placed:

  • North; It is recommended to choose for sick people in order to recover faster. The energy of the north will bring harmony, stability and regularity to life.
  • Northeast; The direction is suitable for indecisive people who are slow to analyze the situation and make a decision.
  • East; A good opportunity to recharge yourself with the energy of the sun and gain a surge of new strength.
  • Southeast; People who are unsure of themselves should place the head of the bed in this direction in order to get rid of complexes and psychological problems.
  • South. Helps improve your financial situation, become a leader, and climb the career ladder. Sleeping with your head to the south is not recommended for impressionable people.
  • Southwest. A favorable direction for those who want to become more reasonable, wise, and practical.
  • West. Not enough romance, new ideas, adventures? Try sleeping with your head facing west to fill your life with interesting events. The Slavs have an opinion that it is impossible to sleep with your feet facing east, because this is how they bury the dead. This has nothing to do with sleep and burial rituals differ among the peoples of the world.
  • Northwest. Sleeping with your head in the northwest direction helps improve your financial condition and develop leadership qualities.

These are the general provisions of Eastern teaching. If you want to change your life, put your thoughts in order, and improve your well-being, Feng Shui experts advise choosing the direction of the cardinal direction based on your year of birth.

How to calculate the optimal place to sleep

To find out where to sleep with your head, you need to calculate your personal gua number. It will indicate a favorable direction. To determine your number, add the last two digits of your year of birth

But it is necessary to take into account an important circumstance. Those born in January or early February will have to use the Chinese calendar, which is based on the lunar months

The Eastern New Year begins from January 20 to February 20. The birthday may fall on the previous year. It must be taken into account when determining the number of gua. For example, you were born on January 21, 1990. According to the Chinese calendar, the year began on January 27, which means that when calculating, you take the last numbers of 1989. Add the last two digits of the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, the numbers are added again: 8 + 9 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8. Women must add 5 to the resulting number, and men must subtract the resulting number from 10. If the calculation results in a two-digit number, the last two digits are added.

One more nuance. If during the calculations the number came out to be 5, then men change it to 2, and women to 8. Knowing the personal number, you can decide which way you should go to sleep with your head. The Western group includes people whose personal gua number is 2, 6, 7, 8. For this group, the favorable direction is: western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. People belonging to the eastern type, in order to activate the power of energy, will have to place their heads in the following directions: east, southeast, south, north.

What to consider when choosing

When choosing a bed, think about what width, length, height you want. Do you need a headboard, what material do you prefer, the rigidity of the base and mattress:

  1. Single beds have a width of 70 to 100 cm. Check if there is not enough space for you.
  2. One-and-a-half-length beds range from 100 to 130 cm. In such a bed, one will definitely be comfortable, and newlyweds sleeping in an embrace will also be comfortable.
  3. Double beds from 140 to 180 cm will appeal to couples of any size. But don't forget to consider the size of the bedroom.
  4. There are also family beds with a width of 180-200 cm, especially for those who like to lie down with the whole family on weekend mornings.

Before purchasing, check whether the length suits you by adding 30-40 cm to your height. Is it comfortable to get out of bed, isn’t it too low?

Correct sleeping position and what you need to know about the position of the bed?

We spend a third of our entire lives sleeping, and therefore the correct positioning of the body is very important. Many people like to read, watch TV and even eat without getting out of bed, while saying that they are ready to spend half their life without getting out of it

Many people like to read, watch TV and even eat without getting out of bed, while saying that they are ready to spend half their life without getting out of it.

But first, it is important to understand what the position of the body itself should be. You can often wake up even more tired and the reason for this is what you fall asleep on and how you do it

If you constantly curl up, your head ends up on the hard back of the sofa or, much worse, hangs slightly off the bed.

In such cases, there is no need to talk about good condition throughout the day.

During such sleep, the body begins to experience a lack of oxygen, the neck is in constant tension and takes an unnatural position for itself.

Finding out where to sleep with your head correctly

In the future, this could develop into serious health problems. It is better to purchase a bed with an orthopedic mattress if you do not already have one.

Try to sleep in a level position, this will be a big plus

The position of the bed itself is also important.

Many old folk beliefs say that if its head is directed to the south, you will have an excellent reputation, enough respect and honor.

To the north - intuition will continuously develop, to the east - you are guaranteed a healthy, restful sleep.

West means prosperity. Therefore, decide what you are missing and start turning the bed around to get what you want.

As you can see for yourself, it is important to correctly position your place for the night; try to point the head of the bed in the direction in which you will only have good dreams. Only in this way can you find peace of mind and have a wonderful rest from all the problems and hardships of the past day.

Only in this way can you find peace and have a wonderful rest from all the problems and hardships of the past day.

A good night's sleep can be considered the key to a successful day.

Healthy sleep, of course, has not been canceled. This is all good if you live alone.

A location that is great for you may not always be a great location for someone else, especially when it comes to a night out.

Your energy fields may differ from each other and have a significant impact on the state of the body during sleep.

Tip: the right bed can provide not only a comfortable sleep, but also a peaceful life.

Before you buy a brand new bed, figure out what your goal is.

If it is a success in work, it should be square and have a wooden back.

A metal or round bed will bring good luck in business. If you see this, be sure to buy it, believe me, you won’t regret it.

If your soul gravitates toward creativity, fame, and prosperity, a wavy back is what you need.

When you see a bed with a headboard in the shape of a triangle, turn around and leave, there is no need for such an item in the interior.

The bed is of no small importance for a comfortable sleep.

How to place a bed in a small bedroom?

The bed in a small bedroom is arranged according to the same rules as in other rooms. If possible, place them in the center of the wall opposite the entrance to the room . How to place a bed in a small bedroom where such a solution is impossible for various reasons?

A bed under a window in a small bedroom or on a wall without windows or doors seems to be the most practical solution. If the bed is double, it is better to place it under the window . However, be sure to leave enough space on the sides to accommodate bedside tables. If it is a single bed, it is better to place it sideways against the wall.

Small spaces always seem to be more of a challenge. The same applies to the arrangement of the bedroom. If your bedroom is in the attic, numerous slopes will definitely not help in choosing a place to place the bed. Still, you need to remember that the bed should not be located too close to a window or radiator, because this can have a detrimental effect on health during the heating period.

If your bedroom is narrow, you don't have a lot of room to maneuver, and all sorts of rules, such as how to set up a bed to sleep well, should take a backseat - in such a situation, the main thing is to fit your dream bed into the available space.

Luckily, there are a few tricks you can use when decorating a small bedroom. In the case of a room with sloping walls, a good option would be to buy a low bed or abandon its frame and install the mattress itself directly on the floor. Thanks to this, you can get more space between the wall/ceiling and the bed, thus creating a slightly more functional interior.

The idea for making a narrow bedroom look bigger is to add a mirror (however, feng shui rules require you to cover it while sleeping). It is also worth abandoning the wardrobe with traditionally opening doors in favor of sliding ones.

The main thing is, even in small rooms, do not bring the head of the bed too close to the wall with a window or to the wall on which the radiator is installed. However, if you have no other choice, keep a sufficient distance (preferably 50 cm).

Body position in sleep according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui divides all people into two groups: Western and Eastern. Each person has four favorable directions for sleep. The side of the world that will bring health to one will contribute to career success for another, and for a third will mark a change in love.

To determine the correct directions, you need to calculate the individual Gua number; when calculating, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Add the last two digits of your year of birth. For a more accurate result, it is recommended to clarify the year in accordance with the Chinese solar-lunar calendar;
  2. If the number turns out to be two digits, add its components again. The result should be one digit. For example, if you were born in 1993, the calculation would look like this: 9+3=12; 1+2=3;
  3. the resulting value for men should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 if you were born after 2000), and for women added to 5 (or to 6 for girls born in 2000 and later). If you get a double-digit result, add the indicators again so that you end up with one figure.

The Gua number cannot be equal to five. If the calculations led you to this value, then either the number 2 (for men) or 8 (for women) is suitable for you. The Western category includes people whose Gua number is 1, 3, 4, 9. The Eastern category is 2, 6, 7, 8.

Favorable head positions for sleeping according to Gua number:

  • 1, 3, 4, 9 – north, east, southeast, south;
  • 2, 6, 7, 8 – northeast, southwest, west, northwest.

Sleeping in a favorable direction ensures good luck in all areas of life, gives good health, energy, and promises success in love and work. It is recommended that a married couple go to bed in a position suitable for the man. Feng Shui rules advise not to place the bed between a window and a doorway.

The energy of this direction brings poor health and discord in personal relationships. For the same reasons, you should avoid a layout in which the head of the bed is located opposite the window.

Sleeping on a bed immediately outside the door will be accompanied by anxiety and unpleasant dreams. If possible, you should avoid furniture with sharp corners near the bed, and do not place various overhanging objects above the headboard: bookshelves, ceiling beams, sconces, decorations.

The location of the bed in the bedroom relative to the door and window

A resting place located opposite a mirror can adversely affect a person’s mental state. For those who lack security, it is better to go to sleep against the wall.

It is better for husband and wife to choose a solid wide bed. A bed consisting of two halves will have an adverse effect on family relationships and will bring discord and misunderstanding.

In addition, the teaching attaches importance not only to the position of the sleeper’s body, but also to the direction in which the head of the bed is turned:

  • the north develops intuition;
  • the northeast patronizes researchers and experimenters;
  • the east is suitable for those who have lost a restful sleep;
  • the southeast imparts persistence in professional activities;
  • the south promotes a positive reputation in society;
  • southwest improves the state of love relationships;
  • the West helps couples trying to have a child;
  • the north-west helps you find reliable friends.

According to Feng Shui, even the shape and material of the head of the bed can affect the quality of life. Thus, a wooden square back contributes to success in the profession and career advancement. A semicircular metal headboard can influence the financial condition of the sleeper and provide additional profit. And the headboard in the form of waves helps artists develop their creative abilities.

How to place a bed in a children's room?

First of all, make sure that your child has easy access to the bed. After all, such a piece of furniture is used not only for sleeping, but also for relaxation; children listen to music or watch movies on the bed. The best place for a children's bed is a corner. This arrangement near the walls will allow the child to feel safe and provide him with privacy. It is also worth considering that children often hang posters with their favorite fairy-tale characters or headbands above the bed, and by placing this piece of furniture in the middle of the room, we will disturb them.

Bottom line

As a result, it is worthwhile to outline the main provisions of this article in a brief summary. Of course, they will not convey all the versatility of the material, but they will serve as a source for a quick answer to the question “Which side of the world should the head be turned to when sleeping? ".

  • South - longevity and health. By choosing this particular direction, you can “rebuild” the body’s energy for a long life and bright thoughts. This rule was used by many government officials to make their reign as long and beneficial to the country as possible;
  • The north is the side of healing, both physical (wounds, injuries) and moral (mental illness, stress). Many doctors used (and even now) this technique in order to add effectiveness to standard treatment. It was believed that this is how the body will return to normal faster;
  • West - the emergence of vanity, envy and malice. This is the worst direction when choosing a cardinal direction for sleep, because it does not carry positive qualities. It is recommended to refrain from such sleep;
  • East - the emergence of the divine principle, wisdom. The eastern direction is considered the most correct when choosing a side to sleep. It will bring activity to the body and lightness to the mind!


How to place is not recommended?

How can you not place a bed? It is not recommended to place it under a triangular roof that is sloping; you cannot place it under the stairs. This placement causes a feeling of something massive and heavy hanging over the sleeper, which does not add comfort to sleep.

For the same reason, large pieces of furniture are not placed next to the bed: cabinets, shelves and chandeliers. They are especially careful when choosing a place for the bed if there is a large mirror in the room.

A sleeping place is not placed opposite this piece of furniture. The mirror absorbs energy of any nature - both positive and negative . It stores all this and gives it back to the person during sleep.

For a sound and healthy sleep, a person must get enough sleep and be freed from unnecessary thoughts. A person sleeping in front of a mirror will wake up broken and tired. In addition, he may be disturbed by the reflection in the mirror, which takes on different forms at night.

There is no need to place the bed next to the wall in which the pipeline or air vent is built in, so it is placed against the opposite wall if the room shares a wall with the kitchen or bathroom.

The sleeping place is placed away from central heating devices.

According to Feng Shui, batteries burn Qi energy, but this rule is also scientifically based: while sleeping, a person will constantly feel either hot or cold due to the proximity of the radiator.

It is undesirable to place sockets that emit negative energy flows and a TV next to the bed.

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