Money toad for attracting finance: location and meaning

Sometimes many of us so often do not have enough money, not only for some frills, but also for the most necessary things. We bend over backwards to make money, but it doesn’t always work out.

Often you seem to make good money, but you still don’t have enough money - it slips away like sand through your fingers. How can we attract money energy and then hold it so that this capricious substance never leaves our home? There is an exit.

The money frog is a powerful amulet that attracts wealth, but in order for it to work at its full potential, you need to know how to use it correctly.

What is a money frog?

The money frog or three-legged money toad is one of the most common symbols of prosperity and material well-being. Even in ancient times, it was believed that this amphibian comes to houses on a full moon and promises their residents prosperity and wealth.

To this day, in Asian countries you can see the image of this symbol on houses. A money frog located in a home purifies the “qi” energy of the room and also attracts cash flows, relieving all family members of financial problems.

Where to place the three-legged toad

The figurine of a three-legged toad should not stand too high; a coffee table would be an excellent option; place a bag of any dry grass under it. Well, if you have an aquarium in your house, then the most effective place for the toad will be on it. The aquarium itself is considered a talisman that brings cash and good luck, and if you also put a toad on it, its effect will be doubled. There may be several three-legged toads in a house, but the total number should not be more than nine. They come in a variety of sizes, it doesn't matter which one.

There is no need to place a three-legged toad looking at the door or window, otherwise this amulet will not attract cash into the house, but rather drive it out of the house. You cannot install the amulet in the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or bathroom. It will not give a remarkable effect in the bedroom, it will be hot in the kitchen, and it will accumulate negative energy in the bathroom and toilet.

The Chinese put a figurine of a toad in a fountain. They believe that if you place a toad in running water, it will attract more money into the house. In general, the Chinese really like this talisman. They use it everywhere - at home, at work, at their summer cottage.

If you have your own cottage or house, then thanks to Feng Shui, the toad must be taken out to the backyard and placed at the same time as the live frogs. This will bring even greater harmony and wealth to your home.

The meaning of the talisman

The Money Toad is a Chinese talisman that is popular not only in this country, but also in many other countries around the world. They keep a magic item both in apartments and offices. There is a coin inserted in the frog's mouth, which should be pulled out freely.

Often there are toads without a coin, but only with a slot for it. You can insert your lucky coin into such a frog, thereby enhancing the magical effect of the talisman, the main task of which is to attract good luck and prosperity.

Often five special coins are attached to the toad’s paws, tied together with a red ribbon. These coins are called coins of the Five Emperors.

They endow the talisman with the power of the five sides (the four cardinal directions and the center, which concentrates all the power) and the blessing of the five (wealth, happiness, longevity, position and salary).

For the effect of the miracle talisman to be more powerful, the frog must sit on a pile of jewelry, gold or other treasures. If a magical object is placed on the “ba-gua” symbol, then it will not only work to attract wealth, but will also perform a protective function.

Where did this figurine come from?

There are many versions about the etymology of the coin toad, as well as about other talismans. I know of only the two most common ones.

  1. According to the first legend, in ancient China there lived a toad called Chan Chu. She had a bad and evil character. One day, the Supreme Buddha found out about her gall and punished the toad by taking away one of her paws and forcing her to serve man forever.
  2. The second legend is a little longer. In ancient times there was one robber who robbed everyone indiscriminately: the rich, the poor, and the completely poor. Everything was not enough for him, so he did not stop what he was doing. The people were afraid to fall into his hands and lose everything, so the people convened a council, where it was decided to ask the gods for help. The gods summoned the same Buddha, and he, in turn, as punishment, turned the robber into a three-legged frog, which now always had to pay for its sins.

I believe more in the second variation of origin. However, talismans are things about which nothing can be known for sure.

History of the origin of the money frog

There are many legends associated with the miracle frog. One of them says that a long time ago in China there lived a robber who robbed passers-by and hid the stolen goods in a cave.

One day he was caught in an unseemly act by the Buddha, who was angry with the robber and forced everything that was stolen to be given back, but the thief refused to do this, began to swear, and then swallowed all the stolen treasures.

For this, Buddha turned the unfortunate man into a toad, but he could not calm down. Then Buddha took one of the toad’s paws and, among other things, made it so that when the robber began to swear again, the previously stolen coins would jump out of the toad’s mouth.

This is how the talisman turned out, which now serves people for the benefit, and according to Feng Shui, is a source of wealth and prosperity.

Frog mascot in different cultures

The image of a frog is found in many ancient religious cults.

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