The most famous talismans for attracting wealth

Recently, in a sincere conversation in the kitchen over a cup of tea, a neighbor admitted to me:

I've been making ends meet for years now... Money is slipping through my fingers.

I look at others and envy them, because they have renovated their apartment, bought a new car, and fly on vacation 3-4 times a year...”

If you are also wondering why you get money through sweat and blood, while it seems to stick to others, this article is for you!

Get a step-by-step system for attracting money based on the universal laws Get a step-by-step system for attracting money based on the universal laws of attraction!

You will learn how to program yourself to wealth and increase your income with the power of thought >>>

And in this article I will share with you one not very common, but very effective way to attract money. This is the most ancient method, which is used along with meditative techniques.

Can you guess what we're talking about?

Let's talk about the language of symbols of wealth and prosperity.

The symbol of money is an energetic key that opens the door behind which material wealth is hidden. Our ancestors used these keys. They passed on knowledge from generation to generation and literally imprinted magical symbols in the collective memory, which we will talk about later.

Every person on earth, raised in society, in one way or another uses the language of symbols to attract material wealth. However, most often this happens at the level of cultural traditions and superstitions.

Figurines of eastern gods, coins, talismans, money frogs and other symbols can be found in almost every home. But money symbols are often used incorrectly. Therefore they don't work.

How to learn to understand the language of symbols and make magical signs attract real wealth?

Andrey Levshinov talks about this in detail in his work “Book for Multiplying Money.”

Amulets for good luck and wealth: how they work

Talismans that bring money and great success are the most powerful. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself. They can have colossal power. Amulets to attract money and good luck should always be carried with you. Some types are installed in houses, apartments and offices.

When people face financial difficulties, they begin to worry a lot. As a result of the circulation of negative thoughts, the poverty program is automatically launched. The more often you think about the lack of money, the less money you will receive. Correct use of special amulets will help to establish financial flow. How they work:

  • provide stability in financial matters;
  • open up a lot of new opportunities for the owner;
  • attract good luck;
  • strengthen a person’s self-confidence;
  • create favorable conditions;
  • promote career advancement;
  • help the owner become more economical;
  • protect against dangerous financial transactions.

The owner immediately feels great power, which helps in financial matters.


Runes are energy signs that can attract finance (and not only that). They act as symbols of an ancient mystical alphabet of unknown origin.

Runic signs differ in their set of energies and influence both the inner world of people and what happens in their lives. They contribute to the quick realization of the desires of their owners, as if by magic.

These 10 runes are associated with the energy of wealth.


Rune of prosperity, movable and immovable property

How it works:

  • allows you to eliminate need;
  • protects against incorrect actions in real estate transactions;
  • preserves movable property;
  • attracts material wealth;
  • implements what is planned;
  • provides moral support and helps not to give up.


The symbol represents the day.

How does it work:

  • increases condition;
  • helps eliminate barriers to goals;
  • provides a breakthrough in business;
  • allows you to quickly heal from severe pathologies.


Rune meaning: harvest.

Why use it:

  • in order to successfully complete what was started;
  • to extend the season of prosperity;
  • to transform awareness and reach higher levels.

Kenaz (Kano)

It has the following characteristics: light, torch, strength, energy and authority.

Its action is:

  • strengthening volitional characteristics;
  • execution of plans in practice;
  • gaining the opportunity to self-realize;
  • faster recovery from illness.


Its meanings are associated with intuition and creativity.

When to use:

  • to improve memory;
  • awaken creativity;
  • attract someone you like;
  • increase your intuition many times over;
  • the rune also allows you to learn the mysterious;
  • contributes to the conclusion of a successful marriage or profitable business cooperation;
  • smooths out conflict situations;
  • allows you to influence others (mentally drawing a symbol on your interlocutor will push him to fulfill your any adequate request).


Designation: release from heaviness.

How to use:

  • helps to recover lost property (debts, property);
  • attracts unexpected profits;
  • shows talents;
  • increases spiritual awareness;
  • helps get rid of depression.


The rune signifies the Sun and the state of triumph.

How to use:

  • represents future triumph;
  • helps to successfully complete any undertaking;
  • eliminates difficulties along the way;
  • pushes towards the most optimal solution;
  • improves the treatment and recovery process.


Denotes success in any competition.


  • will allow you to get ahead of your competitors in any competition;
  • solves complex problems;
  • strengthens determination;
  • contributes to the restoration of justice;
  • helps to easily neutralize conflict situations.


According to its meaning, the rune is associated with the aurochs (a wild bull, very ferocious).

How does it work:

  • increases self-confidence;
  • enhances love, friendship or business relationships;
  • will help you recover physically from illness;
  • provides career growth.

Odal (Otala)

Denotes a family estate, property.

Used for:

  • receive property;
  • eliminate any negative actions from the outside;
  • ensure family well-being;
  • connect people spiritually (at the level, for example, of a team).

Imperial amulet

The imperial amulet was made from a coin in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra for the young Peter I. The enchanted coin was made by a monk who spent the whole night praying. The imperial amulet perfectly attracts finances and luck and

  • provides an opportunity to recover money from debtors;
  • promotes prosperity in business;
  • provides high status to the owner.

You can make this amulet yourself:

  • prepare a coin, a candle and a red piece of fabric (it must be natural);
  • wait until the full moon phase, light a candle and take the coin in your hands;
  • close your eyes and concentrate on attracting money, place a coin on the cloth;
  • leave it on the windowsill all night so that moonlight falls on it;
  • the next night, place a coin wrapped in the same cloth under your pillow.

Operating principle

Amulets are carriers of magical intent. The wizard transfers a piece of his own soul into a string, coin, or pendant. Moreover, it charges it for autonomous action. The charged thing works in different directions:

  1. Repels negativity: evil eye, damage, entities, larvae. Intentional or accidental spell strikes are redirected back.
  2. Protects against lack of money. In a practical sense, from: loss of work, other source of income;
  3. theft;
  4. major failures;
  5. losses caused by incorrect decisions;
  6. wasteful spending, squandering.
  • Cleans the owner’s energy-informational component. Removes bad thoughts, inspires a positive attitude and optimism. Reduces the level of doubts, worries, anxiety.
  • Refocuses internal attitudes towards financial well-being. The wearer gradually ceases to be afraid of huge sums and to repel the opportunity to receive abundance.
  • Guides along the path that is successful at a specific moment. A person has some desire. He still doesn’t understand how to implement it. The amulet gradually, at the subconscious level, throws up an idea.
  • Important: a witchcraft attack can destroy, damage, or deactivate the amulet. The little thing must be washed regularly with a salt solution and charged with solar energy.

    Amulet for attracting money - money bowl

    Making an amulet to attract money is very simple. You will need a small bowl in which you need to put the following items:

    • orange zest;
    • cinnamon stick;
    • cloves;
    • a couple of bay leaves;
    • gold colored coins.

    If desired, add some gold jewelry to the bowl. The container with all its contents should be placed in the main room of the house. It is advisable to choose a place that will be inaccessible to prying eyes. The bowl will very quickly attract money to your home.

    How to charge a talisman for people of different elements

    The purchased item does not work on its own. You need to activate it first. The method is selected according to the element corresponding to the personality (spirit or horoscope):

    1. For fiery people, hold the future amulet in a candle flame. Negativity will come out of it, and the desire of the owner will enter.
    2. Water - hold in a container filled with natural or melt water. It is prohibited to use flow-through.
    3. Earth signs are helped by the planet. Connect the item to the ground. He will receive the necessary charge. Repeat from time to time.
    4. for the air to refuse powerful flows. Substitute the thing for air traffic. The stronger the wind, the better.

    Rituals for making amulets

    With the help of special rituals and spells, you can activate the amulet. Remember that you cannot make talismans during illness or even when you are feeling unwell. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages or eat a lot the day before. Before the ritual you need to take a shower. A person must sincerely believe that his talisman will become a real magnet for money.

    Skepticism is excluded. Under no circumstances should you perform a ritual for fun or curiosity. Otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. Let's look at the most effective rituals:

    • Full moon ritual “magic bill”. Pick up a banknote of any denomination. Go outside on a full moon, show it to the moon and say the words:

    Spending this money is prohibited. Keep it out of reach of unauthorized people. It’s better to hide it in a separate pocket of your wallet.

    • Money bag. This ritual is performed on the waxing moon. You will need a small canvas bag. You need to put a coin, a banknote, some rice and any jewelry in it. Also add bay leaf and a small piece of sugar. Go to the window so you can see the moon and say three times:

    Hide the bag in a safe place so that no one will find it.

    To win

    Luck is especially needed in competition. It helps businessmen win contracts for gigantic sums, and gamblers win jackpots. Lucky attractors have come to us since ancient times. Can be used once. After receiving what they want, they are burned.

    goose feather

    The oldest means of getting rich quick. Invented by eastern merchants. For a long time it was kept in a terrible secret. Now you can make it yourself. Prepare:

    • large goose feather (peacock for lottery);
    • violet seeds;
    • church candle

    The very tip of the feather is cut off. Fill the cavity with seeds to the brim. Seal the candles with a scoop. While you are casting your spell, think about receiving the most extraordinary amount. A dream must exceed all limits of reason. Carry with you until exercise.

    Poppy magnet

    An unusual amulet will allow you to control money egregors. To make it you need a drop of your own blood. Also prepare:

    • a small sheet of paper (5x5 cm);
    • a bag of poppy seeds;
    • black wax candle;
    • toothpick;
    • saucer and needle (wipe with alcohol).

    A magnet is made at the time of the new moon. Instructions:

    1. Light a candle. Create a clear task for winning.
    2. Prick your index finger. Squeeze out a few drops of blood.
    3. On paper, write in blood, using a toothpick, the maximum jackpot (lottery, contract, deal).
    4. Gently pass the leaf over the flame. The blood should freeze and the paper should not catch fire.
    5. Roll the sheet into a tube. Fill one end with wax.
    6. Fill the resulting tube with poppy seeds.
    7. Pour wax on top again.

    Keep it in a secret place. Carry it with you when you decide to place a bet, buy a lottery ticket, or beat a competitor.

    Jack of spades

    The card is charged to win a certain amount. It should be removed from a new deck. The remaining forms are immediately burned. On the noble jack they write the required one in red. Store in a silk bag, sewn yourself. Additionally, add a pinch of black and red pepper.

    It should be worn close to your heart in the inner pocket of your jacket or jacket. You will certainly be lucky to hit the jackpot.

    Money talisman according to Feng Shui

    It is known that Feng Shui amulets can attract prosperity and good luck into the home. They need to be placed correctly for them to start working. Let's look at the most popular:

    • Money toad. The toad that sits on coins is a symbol of wealth. Place the figurine in the south-eastern part of the house.
    • Hotey. In Chinese mythology, he is the god of wealth. The figurine is made in the form of a cute Buddha. Large figurines can be seen near restaurants and shops. They are installed to bring good luck to trade. Small figures are placed at home.
    • The money tree is a common Feng Shui amulet. The money tree is also called the plant Crassula. But if they are talking specifically about a talisman, it is better to put a small artificial tree at home with coins instead of leaves. It should be placed in the wealth zone - the southeastern part of the house.

    Mystic knot

    The mystic knot is a sacred talisman, known by some other names (srivatsa, “lucky diagram”, eternal, endless or glorious knot, etc.). The amulet looks like a solid ribbon, a knot that seems to swallow its own tail. This talisman is the personification of the eternal nature of compassion and wisdom.

    Origin of the sign

    The homeland of the mystical knot is India. As the legend says, in time immemorial it was formed on the chest of Vishnu as a sign of the goddess of wealth Lakshmi. Therefore, it is not surprising that the endless knot symbolizes abundance and good luck. Many ancient cultures also have similar symbols: just remember sacred Celtic or Islamic patterns.

    It is believed that the prototype of this ancient amulet is the image of a serpent - the personification of duality in many cultures. Buddhism focuses heavily on the idea of ​​finding a balance between feminine and masculine qualities in life, and this is what is reflected in srivatsa.

    In Buddhism, the mystical knot is the sixth of the eight good symbols. The number eight is also important in this religion: this is how many gifts were presented to the Buddha after achieving enlightenment. In this context, the srivatsa talisman is often interpreted as a symbol of infinity and the circle of eternal rebirth.

    Using a Talisman for Good Luck in Feng Shui

    In Feng Shui culture, srivatsa is used to attract a harmonious flow of favorable energy, uninterrupted by any failures or misfortunes. Therefore, the endless knot symbol is often used in feng shui amulets to bring abundance, love and protection. In modern interiors you can often find jewelry for watches, clasps for wallets or pendants for necklaces that use the srivatsa talisman.

    Mystical silver knot from Amorem.
    View the entire catalog at the link >>
    Interesting fact

    This symbol of wealth and prosperity was found on clay tablets of the Indus Valley Civilization, made ca. 2500 BC

    Three-legged toad

    The money toad, better known as the three-legged toad, is a popular mascot in China and beyond. It is used in Feng Shui practice to attract wealth and prosperity. The three-legged toad, according to legend, is also capable of giving its owner long life and good luck in all matters.

    Many pieces of Chinese decorative art contain the image of a three-legged toad. The basis for this good luck talisman is often metal or jade. By the way, in ancient Chinese legends, both frog and toad are used interchangeably.

    Sometimes the “money” toad is “equipped” with different pictures on its back (as a rule, the sacred symbols “yin” and “yang” are placed there). The three-legged amphibian usually holds a coin in its mouth, sitting on a small platform of precious ingots. Chinese legends give the animal the magical ability to “generate” gold and silver, which pour out of its mouth. Such a toad has two front and one hind legs, sometimes replaced by some kind of tail.

    Origin of the money talisman

    There are various legends about the birth of the symbol. There is a belief that the god Liu Hai once fished this toad out of a well, not knowing that his worst enemy was hiding under the guise of an amphibian. Another legend says that one day the moon goddess stole the elixir of immortality from her beloved, and for this she was turned into a toad. Associated with this story is the belief that when a three-legged toad swallows the night star, a lunar eclipse occurs.

    This sign, which attracts money and luck, can also give longevity. It is often depicted with one of the Eight Immortals, which gives it the ability to grant the wearer long life and wisdom.

    Correct placement according to Feng Shui

    To get the most out of this good luck charm, place the three-legged toad on a small raised surface (like a table). You cannot place the figurine on the floor. Feng Shui experts also recommend not placing the “lucky” toad too high, otherwise it will not be able to accumulate enough energy of prosperity. The amphibian's gaze should be directed deep into the room. It is advisable to wrap the toad with a red ribbon or place it on red paper.

    The location of the “money” frog can be your home or work office. It is allowed to have more than one figurine in the room. Keep in mind that auspicious numbers in Feng Shui philosophy are 3, 5 and 9, and this is the number of toads that will be optimal

    Money talisman made of silver.
    Price - 1400 rub.
    Interesting fact

    In Chinese, the name of this talisman sounds like “zhaocai chanchu”, which literally means “toad that attracts wealth.”

    Tattoos and engravings

    Many people prefer not to carry a magical thing with them, but to depict symbols on their own body. Embroidered signs and engravings can also help in attracting money. Most often these symbols are:

    • runes;
    • Four-leaf clover;
    • Scarab beetle;
    • leprechaun;
    • feng shui signs.

    But before you go to a tattoo parlor, you need to think about your decision. The image does not have such powerful energy as the object. While it is easy to get rid of the item, removing the tattoo from the body will be problematic.

    If you use amulets and talismans for wealth correctly, they can really help in attracting money.

    Reiki symbols

    Many are surprised that the symbol of abundance in the Reiki system, until recently, was practically a secret. These symbols originated in Japan and were passed on exclusively from master to student. In order to learn and be able to use symbols, you need to go through several levels (steps).

    Today you can find not only information about Reiki on the Internet, but also numerous books on store shelves.

    Reiki symbol for attracting money

    It is worth saying that the Reiki system is quite difficult to understand, so a person must sincerely desire to study it and climb the steps, according to his spiritual prosperity and growth.

    Three linked coins

    An effective amulet that attracts money into the owner’s life is three interconnected coins. In the center of each coin there is a hole through which a connecting element, always red, passes. A ribbon or lace can be used for this.

    Such tied coins are convenient to carry in a wallet or purse. They will ensure the attraction of cash flow and prevent unnecessary waste.

    Blessed Doll

    The Blessed Doll is also called the Hostess or Housewife. This amulet brings prosperity to the house. A characteristic feature is that in its folded handles there is a five-ruble coin. This symbolizes the preservation of the master's goods.

    The main purpose of the Blessed Lady doll is to increase wealth and prosperity, ensuring a good life. It is used for good luck in business, competent and economical housekeeping, and to help quickly achieve your goals.


    Hotei is the ever-laughing god of wealth and happiness. An amulet with Hotei is capable of fulfilling any desire of its owner. To do this, you need to rub this figurine on the tummy, while thinking about your dream, for example, to get rich.

    This amulet is also called the laughing Buddha.


    The main function of the Yarovik amulet is to protect acquired property. In ancient times, it was believed that Yarovik absorbs solar energy and then transforms it for the benefit of righteous people. After harvesting, he protected it from pests and theft. The Yarovik sign was painted on barns with collected grain. This gave rise to confidence that the harvest would be preserved throughout the winter. The image of the amulet is a cross with curved blades.

    An amulet with the image of Yarovik also protected livestock and all domestic animals. It makes it clear to its owner that they are trying to deceive him and take away his property. It helps in difficult work, increasing wealth.


    In Slavic mythology, Khors is the god of the Sun. Externally, the amulet dedicated to this god is a solar circle in which a cross with curved ends is inscribed.

    The functions of such an amulet include assistance in accumulating wealth and preserving it. It can attract both buyers and clients. Provides assistance in selling goods in the shortest possible time and at favorable prices, and protects against unprofitable transactions. Is not suitable for unfair trade.

    Selecting a Lucky Wallet

    A purse can also become an amulet, especially if it is made by yourself. The main rule is that the owner must like the wallet with money energy. It is better to choose high-quality and expensive material (natural, eco-leather). Suitable colors are dark red, black, silver, gold, yellow or brown.

    Other criteria include:

    1. Form. Rectangular or square wallets are preferred. Round ones should be avoided.
    2. Number of branches. The more there are, the better. It is especially important that small change does not lie next to large bills.
    3. Size. It is determined by a person's palm. If it is comfortable for him to hold the wallet in one hand, then the size is chosen correctly.
    4. Day of the week. According to astrologers, such an important item as a wallet should be purchased only at the beginning of the lunar cycle (while the moon is in the first quarter phase).

    The wallet should not contain any images - neither photographs nor drawings. The more presentable his appearance, the greater the likelihood that a person will always have money.


    This hieroglyph promotes the acquisition of material wealth.

    Prosperity is ensured in the area and direction where there is a need for the owner of the amulet with this image.

    Possessing the Abundance amulet, you can attract success and material wealth into your life.

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