What feng shui paintings should you hang at home to attract wealth and prosperity?

Where to place the images?

The wealth zone in the apartment is in the southeast. To determine this direction of light, use a regular engineering compass. Find a southeast wall or corner and decorate it according to ancient Chinese practices. The zone element is a tree. Therefore, when thinking about what Feng Shui paintings to hang at home to attract wealth and prosperity, do not forget that it is better to choose wooden baguettes for them. Take care of additional lighting of the frames so that the Chi energy does not get lost in the room. Modern designers use an original technique when decorating a home - decorating one of the walls with contrasting wallpaper or paint. Since the main color of the sector is green, consider covering the southeast wall with wallpaper with an emerald pattern.

bright composition in the apartment

horses in the living room

fish over the sofa

flowers in a spacious room

beautiful paintings in the hallway

The famous portrait of a gypsy woman -

This is the most ordinary-looking portrait of a black-haired girl, interesting and beautiful. The picture would hardly have been noticed if not for the gypsy woman herself, who brings happiness.

The American Carbone family has the original of the painting, and three generations of this family associate all their achievements and successes with this portrait of the gypsy woman.

The meaning of feng shui paintings

Let's find out what patterns to decorate the south-eastern sector so that the house is a complete bowl.


An aquarium with goldfish is a traditional feng shui symbol of financial well-being. If you are not ready to take care of the inhabitants of the aquarium, find a painting with its image.



If you don't like the idea of ​​an aquarium, pay attention to paintings with carps. 9 carps will bring extraordinary prosperity to the house. These sacred fish promise triumph in finance. If you wish your family or colleagues material well-being, give them such a painting as a gift. It can be told not only in the southeast, but also in the north. North is the career zone. Carps will contribute to the prosperity of the business and work on a stable increase in its profitability.

carp - classic option


A wonderful talisman to attract good luck in your endeavors. This is a symbol of the “arrival” of well-being in the home. Choose an image of a beautiful, powerful and reliable ship, not a fragile vessel. It is important that the sailboat faces the inside of the house, that is, it “arrives.” It is not difficult to guess why the ship became an amulet of abundance. Think about why images of classic sailing ships often decorate the offices of successful executives? Since ancient times, the arrival of a ship at a port meant the arrival of new goods and luxury items. By the way, another taboo for depicting a sailboat is guns and other weapons on the deck. Not suitable for the south-eastern sector of Aivazovsky reproductions. The artist's paintings are aggressive; waves often sink the ship. You don’t want to fail in your financial endeavors, do you?


Fruits and berries

A basket filled with ripe, juicy fruits and berries is a talisman of abundance. If the wealth sector coincides with the kitchen, such a work of art will be very useful there. It’s doubly good if the basket contains oranges, a traditional money symbol. Pictures with grapes and pineapple work great to attract money. Exotic fruits are amulets of success, abundance and prosperity.

fruits - modular picture

Money Tree

An alternative to a potted plant is a bright, colorful image of a money tree. There should be an odd number of fruits, flowers or coins on the branches. Place the artwork in front of the front door if that direction is southeast. It will “lure” money into the house.

Money Tree


For a picture with a pattern of green branches to work correctly to attract wealth, choose an image with 5 stems. Five attracts wealth, abundance and prosperity to the home and favors the southeast. The additional energy of bamboo is aimed at caring for the health of household members. Healthy people are not distracted by problems related to their physical condition; they are more successful in their careers, and therefore rich.



The slender tropical beauty is the personification of the main element of the wealth zone, the tree. The energy of the palm tree is contained in the trunk. Look for a painting depicting stately exotic trees with a strong figure. It will symbolize material stability and prosperity. The crown of the tree should be lush and spreading. The palm tree is also believed to give confidence. If you feel that your man lacks self-confidence, hang a poster with a beautiful palm tree above his desk. It will give the breadwinner of the family strength, make him invulnerable to life’s adversities and contribute to an increase in salary.

palm tree - three options


One of the best talismans of the southeastern sector, associated with the main element of the zone - a tree. Choose a forest landscape illuminated by morning or afternoon sun. The canvas should be bright, attractive, rich, and evoke a desire to find yourself among the trees. Images of dry trunks, broken branches, gloomy forest corners are unacceptable. The Qi energy will be “scared” of such a landscape and leave the house.



Flowers of life, solar energy, joy. Additionally, they “illuminate” the path for Qi energy. It is important that the plant heads point up and not droop. This pattern contributes to the growth of the financial well-being of household members. It should fit harmoniously into the interior. Sunflowers themselves are self-sufficient and bright; do not overload the wall with additional decor if you have chosen an image of sunny flowers as decoration.



Peony is a royal flower, a talisman of the power of emperors. This is not just a symbol of exclusivity and aristocracy, but also an amulet that signifies advancement up the career ladder, favoring success and achievement. The image of a peony above your desktop is appropriate if you want to increase the profitability of your business or expect an increase in your salary. Choose a poster with an armful of luxurious, fragrant, delicate flowers, the petals of which are illuminated by the midday sun.



Chrysanthemums improve partnerships and contribute to business prosperity. Canvases with lush and delicate flowers belong in an office or study. Their energy works where business conversations are often held, meetings are held and financial transactions are concluded. The image of a chrysanthemum is useful to hang over the table for people who constantly doubt their abilities and, because of this, are unable to achieve the desired salary level.



In Feng Shui, the elephant signifies prosperity and stability. In Buddhism, it is believed that this sacred animal is capable of harmonizing any aspect of life and changing it for the better. If your financial situation is unstable, pay attention to the picture with elephants with their trunks raised up. It’s good if there are 7 of them. Seven is a magical number, meaning the fulfillment of all desires, help in any endeavor. Elephants love jewelry. Hang beautiful beads or a chain on the baguette. The animal will definitely thank you generously for the gift.



The giraffe is a talisman of greatness and honor. Spotted animals are treated with respect in many cultures, as they believe that giraffes are able to calculate the development of events and attract good luck and money. The image of graceful animals in the southeastern sector promises wealth. However, it only works for ambitious, open, honest, noble and extraordinary people, since the giraffe is an exotic representative of the fauna.

giraffe - three options


A rabbit or hare is a good symbol, meaning abundance, longevity and the birth of something new. Photos of cute, prominent-eared, fluffy animals bring good luck and success in financial matters to household members. Think about how to successfully fit them into the interior so that there is no feeling of disharmony.

rabbit - two options


The tiny bird is the personification of positive energy and dreams come true. The image of a hummingbird is best combined with stronger symbols, for example, a forest landscape. The bird will double the strength of Qi energy and contribute to the speedy stabilization of the financial situation.



The peacock is a proud, beautiful bird that knows its worth. Her majestic attractiveness earned her the respect of different peoples of the world. According to Feng Shui, the peacock is a talisman of beauty, immortality, wisdom, and joy. An image of a bird placed on the south-eastern wall of an office or study promises success in business, promotes career advancement and predicts an increase in salary or business profitability. Both posters and embroideries of exotic fauna look great. The main condition is a bright, colorful, flowing tail. The more saturated the color scheme of the tail, the stronger the pattern works to attract wealth. In Feng Shui, white peacocks are also valued, but they are more suitable for those who strive for spiritual harmony. If you want to draw a peacock yourself, don’t skimp on the colors. Use rich colors that you like. Personally created artwork is the perfect money magnet.



From the point of view of Feng Shui, mountains are responsible for the direction of the flow of Qi energy. They delay her and direct her in the right direction. A picture of a mountain landscape in the office is a symbol of determination, success, confidence and advancement up the career ladder. Mountains “charge” the surrounding space with positive vibrations that attract money and prosperity, maintain stability in finances and provide support in business. Choose beautiful, bright, light landscapes. The canvas with mountain peaks covered with vegetation works with a vengeance. It looks rich and inspiring. When looking at the mountains, you get a feeling of security, unshakable calm and grandeur.



A “direct” symbol of monetary well-being – the hieroglyph of wealth – will fit perfectly into offices and premises decorated in oriental style. It works to increase income and attract material wealth, creates a unique atmosphere of prosperity, and helps improve business relationships with partners. This symbol in Chinese writing consists of two parts, meaning abundance and home. The outline of “abundance” itself consists of three more parts - the roof, the mouth and the field. This is very important, because according to Chinese beliefs, a field is a place where you can find food, a roof symbolizes a house full of luxury goods, and a mouth symbolizes satiety. It is not necessary to place the image of the hieroglyph in the southeast zone. It's better to hang it where you constantly get money from. For example, near the safe or in the hallway next to the coin container.


What paintings should not be hung in the wealth zone?

Above we talked about what feng shui paintings to hang at home to attract wealth and prosperity. There are also anti-talismans that neutralize the flow of Qi energy and contribute to the outflow of money from the home. Images associated with the elements of Fire and Metal, red color, and round shapes are considered “harmful” for the zone. Do not decorate canvases and posters with metal baguettes, even if you like them. Beware of red-pink colors and photographs of flames, otherwise your finances will burn out. Images undesirable for the area of ​​wealth:

  • fire;
  • waterfall;
  • candles;
  • fireplace;
  • abstractions in red tones.

Feng Shui is basically against abstractions and confusing, chaotic lines. They destabilize Qi energy and “drive” it out of the house. Any pictures associated with an open fire promise a fiasco in financial endeavors. You will literally burn out. A waterfall is undesirable as it symbolizes the leakage of money.

Feng Shui will work for your benefit if you understand that the Universe is rich and abundant. Program yourself to thrive and hang pictures at home aimed at attracting wealth, described in our article. Soon your life will change for the better.

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In addition to the love inherent in each of his unusual paintings, the artist puts philosophical subtext into each canvas. So, for example, the painting “The Golden Thread” reminds us that in any seemingly most complicated matter, a golden thread must be found, by pulling which you can unravel the tangle of problems. The main thing is to do this without anger, without insults - with LOVE and respect for each other.

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