Home fountains in Feng Shui - how to choose and activate to attract well-being

Indoor fountain

There are 2 natural phenomena that a person can look at endlessly - a burning fire and flowing water. Water is the basis of life, its source and continuation. This is an amazing dynamic structure that is capable of taking on several completely different states.

In Feng Shui, special attention is paid to water and its influence on human life. This is one of the 5 main elements of Feng Shui, with which you can harmonize and “tune” your space, both external and internal. The sounds of rushing water help you collect your thoughts and calm down; the sight of flowing water fascinates and immerses you in a special state of consciousness.

It has been proven that water is an excellent conductor of various energies. Water can be processed, “charged” with spoken words, changing its molecular structure; it reacts very sensitively to sounds, their message and character. Due to these wonderful properties, water is widely used in many religious rites and teachings around the world. The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui was no exception, in which the fountain, this simple and accessible source of water for humans, occupies a special place.

Unique element

It has long been proven that water is one of the best conductors for different energies. So, it can be charged, its molecular structure can be changed, it can be worked with, it responds well to sounds, thoughts and character.

All this and much more allows the use of water in many world religious teachings, in particular, for various rituals.

And Feng Shui is no exception. In this teaching, a special place is occupied by such a simple and accessible thing to humanity as a fountain. This water source can be placed both inside and outside the house.

Let's understand the terms ↑

Qi is positive energy, vital creative force, the perfect form of being. A balanced and thoughtful interior or landscape design attracts qi energy, which means success in business.

Yin and yang are a combination of opposites that cannot exist without each other. Flat relief, excessive darkness - dominance of yin. Conversely, a hilly area with plenty of sunlight is an example of a pronounced yang.

Sha – chaos and disorder, a manifestation of negative energy.

5 elements: fire, metal, earth, wood, water determine the Feng Shui of a garden plot. Find out your element by date of birth. When creating a garden design, pay the most attention to the area that is responsible for your element.

feng shui fountain

The question often arises about symbols for attracting wealth. Everyone who is just beginning to be interested in Feng Shui believes that the best symbol is the three-legged toad and the main question that interests beginners: “where should you place the three-legged toad to become rich?”

It must be said that although the sale of three-legged toads has made more than one generation of souvenir makers rich, it is not the only symbol of wealth in Feng Shui.

In Chinese culture, goldfish in an aquarium are often used as a means to attract wealth and prosperity. A goldfish aquarium symbolizes moving water, which in China is often compared to the flow of money. It is recommended to install the aquarium in a place of wealth and prosperity, which is determined depending on the layout of the house.

The simplest thing is to find a corner located diagonally from the front door to the house. Another example is the “money tree,” which has been used as a symbol of wealth in China for many hundreds of years.

In Chinese cultural countries, people often turn to Feng Shui specialists to advise them on how many fish to add to an aquarium. The most common number is 6, since six belongs to the Metal element and generates Water, symbolizing wealth. The number 9 is also suitable for strengthening wealth, since nine is a yang number, symbolizing completion and full development of abilities.

Often eight gold fish and one black fish are released, thus combining the number 8, which in Chinese sounds like “ba”, which is reminiscent of “fa”, “prosperity” and the number 9, discussed above.

Each of the other numbers also has its own meaning.

Source: forum.feng-shui.ru

Types of indoor fountains

Fountains differ in size, shape and mounting methods:

  • wall;
  • floor;
  • desktop

The wall-mounted type is often used in offices or spas to create a unified, signature look or for a cozy, serene atmosphere. The material can be bronze, marble, stone, copper.

The floor type can be made of marble and slate and reach from 1 to 3 m in height. Installed with the panel located in the center or at the rear. The central panel allows you to see water flowing from all sides. Illumination is often used to illuminate the fountain.

The tabletop type is suitable for those who have limited budget and room space. It is made of copper, resin, glass and has a large selection of models. Ideal as a gift.

We attract prosperity. The role of a fountain in a house according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, water represents kinship, support, wealth and the flow of life. It is capable of harmonizing space and is a powerful means of transporting Qi energy, and with it favorable energies and financial well-being.

Since ancient times, people have preferred to live near bodies of water, but nowadays they, especially city residents, are deprived of contact with living water, which has a detrimental effect on the human psyche and energy.

Feng Shui recommends placing water sources inside the house or on the property. The sound of flowing water has a calming effect (a babbling stream), water flowing between stones and rocks (streams and waterfalls) causes the formation of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on people's health, making breathing easier, and instilling confidence in a good future.

Fountains and waterfalls create new energy flows in the environment. You probably experienced feelings of surprise and sympathy if you saw a fountain when entering an unfamiliar house.

When placed correctly, it has a beneficial effect on the environment of any home.

And precisely given the power of this remedy, which is a very powerful activator of energies, one should carefully and carefully approach its use and placement in the house.

There are general recommendations for installing a fountain in one or another part of the house.

Source: smartdestiny.ru

Recommendations for placement

Firstly , this is the appropriateness of its location in different zones in accordance with the elements ruling in them: you should not place the fountain in the “Glory” zone of the Feng Shui Octagon (south direction) - this is the zone of the element of Fire, so the presence of a fountain in it will negatively affect reputation. But in the northern sector, which is responsible for the Career, the element of water rules, so here the fountain can be said to be “in its element.”

Its placement in the Family and Wealth zones, that is, in the east and southeast, will also be favorable - the ruling element of these zones is the tree that water nourishes, thus the circulating water in the fountain will activate favorable energies and attract positive changes in these areas of life.

Secondly , you should take into account recommendations for placing water objects in some rooms, so as not to provoke adverse consequences. For example, it is better not to place fountains and other large water objects in places of rest and sleep, that is, in the bedroom, since the active energies that create water movements will not allow you to relax and get productive rest, and can also create an imbalance in the intimate and interpersonal relationships of the owners bedrooms. The same applies to placing a fountain under the bedroom if it is on the second floor of the house.

Some experts advise placing a fountain at the front door on the left, when viewed from inside the house, in order to enhance the incoming flows of Qi energy, while the location on the right can attract treason into the house.

However, if the front door is in the southern sector, it is better to abandon this idea altogether for the reasons stated above.

In addition to general recommendations for placing a fountain in a house, one should also not forget about the system of Flying Stars, which at different times change the energy potential in areas of the living space, as well as about Water formulas in Feng Shui, so before installing a fountain in your home or It is better to contact a specialist in the office for these calculations.

Source: smartdestiny.ru

Choosing a home fountain and placing it correctly

Choose a fountain that will be convenient for you to use. It should be easy to care for. It is better to choose a silent fountain operating mechanism - loud sounds of the mechanism can interfere with the sounds of flowing water and create bad Feng Shui. The simpler the design, the better.

Feng Shui fountain is absolutely any fountain that you like. The fountain you choose should be associated with success, prosperity, and cash flow. Such a fountain, especially located in the southeastern sector of Wealth, will definitely become a symbol of good luck for you.

When choosing a home fountain, regardless of its further location: external, internal, wall-mounted or tabletop.

It is necessary to pay attention to the shape, color and material from which it is made.

It is not at all necessary that the fountain be made in an oriental style, the main thing is that its shape does not create sharp corners, which can cause “bad” Feng Shui.

The color and size should first of all be in harmony with the overall interior, and it is preferable to choose natural material. In addition, you should not skimp on the quality of the water fountain, since it is very important that during operation it does not create unnecessary, unpleasant noise and is easy to clean.

Since fountains fill the air with healthy particles of energy and enhance positive flows, the best zones for their placement are: southeast (wealth and prosperity), east (health and strong relationships), north (rapid career and creative development).

But in the southern sector of the house, Feng Shui does not recommend placing a fountain, or any other water symbol or element, since this zone (of reputation and glory) is directly related to the energy of fire.

The element of Fire does not tolerate close proximity to water symbols, as it can not only create bad Feng Shui, but also extinguish the fire.

Also an undesirable place for water elements, from a Feng Shui point of view, is your bedroom. The bedroom is a zone of relaxation and love, and any water element located in it will bring excitement and cooling between partners.

To enhance the positive effect of a “correctly” located fountain in your home, Feng Shui recommends placing multi-colored pebbles at its bottom, which will greatly enhance its beneficial energy.

You can also purchase a special home fountain, into the water of which you can add aromatic oils, and as you know, pleasant incense intensely attracts positive energies.

Source: www.shkolamechti.ru

Safety precautions when using the fountain

1) Do not buy a huge fountain for a small apartment, because... the water of a large fountain can symbolically “flood” the apartment, rather “wash away” all the good things, rather than attract good things.

2) Do not install a too small, tiny fountain in a large, spacious apartment, because... its volume, its strength, will most likely not be enough to attract that abundance, that luck that you dream of.

3) Do not install a fountain in the bathroom, because there is already enough water energy there, and again, excess water can wash away all the positive, positive energy. 4) Don’t even think about installing a fountain or any other water feature (except for a humidifier) ​​in the bedroom. The energy of water is so active that in the bedroom it can cause harm, worsen sleep, agitate a person, in which case, instead of rest, a person will only get a headache and poor sleep. 5) If you install a fountain in the hallway, make sure that the water jets are directed inside the house, if on the contrary, then symbolically, everything good will be washed out of the house. 6) When you choose a fountain for your apartment or house, make sure that its design does not contain sharp, sharp, threatening, or aggressive details.

7) Do not place your fountain in the southern sector of your apartment, because... the element of this sector (the glory sector) is fire, and it will conflict with water (a fountain), and even if your goal is to improve reputation and fame, then a fountain or other water feature is not for this zone.8) If home, then under no circumstances place the fountain under the stairs, because... this body of water will “erode” (symbolically, of course), the foundation of your house. And of course it will have a destructive effect on relationships in your family.

9) Do not install a fountain in the kitchen (even if the kitchen falls into the area you need), because the kitchen belongs to the element of fire, and water (a body of water) will conflict with fire and, naturally, will bring discord and trouble to the inhabitants of the apartment. 10) Turn on your fountain every day (at least for 15-20 minutes) and naturally change the water in it more often so that it is always clean and fresh.

Where to put a fountain according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui masters love to work with fountains, carefully choosing a place for them in the house depending on the requests of its residents.

Using the Lopan compass and the Bagua grid, calculate the sectors of your apartment and divide it into zones. This way you will quickly understand where it is best to place a home fountain according to Feng Shui.

But if this is not possible, then you can install a fountain according to Feng Shui yourself, following our simple tips. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the requests of the residents. If a person himself does not know what he needs now, you can use the Lopan compass and the Bagua grid to calculate the favorable sector:

  1. To improve the financial situation, according to Feng Shui, the fountain is placed in the southeastern part of the house (apartment). In this case, flowing water will become a symbol of increasing income. In addition to the fountain, you can also place a money tree tied with a red ribbon there. Wood is the element of this zone, so it is better to install a wooden fountain with decorative green stones,
  2. According to Feng Shui, a fountain in the eastern sector is responsible for strengthening the family. It creates an aura of protection for all family members living in the house (apartment),
  3. In order to gain career advancement, the fountain is placed in the northern part. In this case, you can achieve considerable success at work. It is important to remember that the element of this zone is metal, so no wooden elements. If it is not possible to install a fountain, you can even put a metal container with water,
  4. It is highly undesirable to install the structure in the southern sector. The fact is that Fire is responsible for this sector, and as you know, Fire and Water are two opposing elements. Of course, such a confrontation will have a negative impact on the residents. To activate a particular zone, you can use stones and crystals that are located near or at the bottom of the fountain.

Source: rumpus.ru

Where should it be placed?

The most suitable areas for a fountain are:

  • East - the Family and Health zone , and therefore a fountain placed in this direction will strengthen the well-being of its owners, and will also make positive changes in family relationships;
  • Southeast is a zone of wealth . Here the fountain plays the role of a money talisman, attracting the energy of wealth and material prosperity;
  • North - in this direction there is a Career zone , which can be easily activated using any miniature fountain and immediately watch the improvement of your own career advancement.

Unfavorable zones for a fountain according to Feng Shui

The fountain should not be placed in the bedroom. This prohibition applies even if a favorable sector is located there.

If you place the structure in the bedroom, then the residents will not receive anything other than anxiety and inconstancy, not to mention quarrels in the family. It is especially not recommended to place it at the head of the bed.

It is worth noting that the bedroom itself is not the best place for the water element in any form (aquariums, fountains, paintings with water, etc.).

You cannot place a fountain about Feng Shui and under the stairs (like other water elements). This arrangement will lead to the “washing out” of the foundation of the house, and this destroys the family.


Meanwhile, there are 2 places in the house where placing a fountain is strictly prohibited. This:

  1. South. Its controlling element is Fire, the energy of which any water objects (including fountains, aquariums, etc.) will actively suppress and destroy. Because of this, a so-called energy conflict will arise, and therefore there will be bad Feng Shui and an unfavorable aura in the house.
  2. Bedroom. Regardless of what part of the house it is in and what sector it belongs to, there is no place for a fountain here. Being a water feng shui talisman, it will bring the energy of anxiety and sadness here, so it should be placed anywhere but in the bedroom.

Additional Tips

From a practical point of view, I would also like to advise buying fountains of exceptionally good quality for your home with a silent motor. And in order to enhance their effect, you can always put several Feng Shui crystals or stones at the bottom of the fountain.

It is also worth paying attention to the fountain model equipped with a diffuser for essential oils.

Thanks to the presence of the latter, the fountain will not only bring harmony to your home, but will also fill it with pleasant aromas and will have a slight relaxing or tonic effect on others (depending on the characteristics of the oil used).

Source: dolio.ru

Why does water flow

“All rivers flow into the sea, but it does not overflow.” This is what it says in the most ancient book of humanity. We see confirmation of these words every day when snow or rain falls from the sky to the ground. The Great Designer launched the water cycle in nature. Imitating him, experienced craftsmen created with their own hands a decorative indoor fountain that pleases the heart all year round. How does this system work?

The design is based on a unique water cycle in a closed system. It is started using a pump connected to electrical power. It lifts the liquid upward, after which it flows gracefully into the collection bowl.

There are decorative fountains that use several identical containers. They are lined up at different heights, connected by tubes. By pouring liquid into the vessel located at the top, the system starts. Ordinary physics plus a creative approach and golden hands. The result is an exotic corner with the quiet murmur of water that calms the nerves.

How to activate the effect of a water amulet

  1. To achieve the greatest effect, the source should be made of glass or natural stone. If you have chosen a decorative ceramic fountain, then place an even number of stones around it, this will bring the Qi energy into action.
  2. Decorate a fountain or waterfall with multi-colored stones, quartz or crystals - this will enhance the positive effect of the amulet. Renew the water regularly, keep the area around the water amulet clean.
  3. Remember the main sign - water should be in constant motion.
  4. Complete the composition with a figurine of a three-legged toad, or “populate” your waterfall with fish (not live ones, of course) - these are also symbols of wealth and prosperity. You can place a pot of Crassula - a money tree - next to it.
  5. Do not place a waterfall in the kitchen or bedroom; it would not be appropriate in a child’s room, but in the dining room, living room or hallway, this is the place for it.
  6. Also, you should not place a fountain or an aquarium under the stairs - it will “wash out” the foundation of your house, having a destructive effect on your family.

After reading this article, you may be eager to arrange a waterfall or install a small decorative fountain in your house (apartment). In this case, it is worth considering a few more important nuances:

  • when installing a source of Qi energy, take into account the size of the room and the home as a whole, because bigger does not mean better,
  • the fountain you install must match the style in which your home is decorated, so as not to disturb the harmony of the entire space,
  • the fountain device should be simple and easy to maintain, not noisy, so that the sound of the operating mechanism does not cause discomfort.

If there is nowhere or is not possible to place a fountain or waterfall in the house, then you can arrange it near the house, on the plot.

In this case, the Qi source must be positioned so that it is clearly visible from the entrance. In addition, in an outdoor waterfall it is very important which direction the water flows, and it should flow towards the house.

In any case, wherever you install a source of moving water, such a powerful energy generator will contribute not only to your calm, peace and health, but also to your family members.

Source: fehnshuj.ru

Location of the fountain outside the house

Fountain or waterfall in the garden

If you have the opportunity to place a fountain near your home, do it right. The fountain near the building should be located so that it is in view from the entrance. Also, in an outdoor fountain, unlike a home one, it is important where exactly the water flows: it should flow towards the house, and not away from it. Don’t forget about the proportions of the fountain and its ability to fit harmoniously into the surrounding space and not stand out from the overall design of the site. Such a fountain in front of the house will bring good luck and prosperity.

Do not forget that a fountain in an apartment, in addition to its beneficial effect in enhancing the energy of Water, also has a good effect on the health of household members. If you have dry air, then the fountain perfectly ionizes it, relieving it of dryness. Moreover, some experts advise adding aromatic oils to the water of the fountain - after all, water, like fire, perfectly diffuses odors in a room. Therefore, a fountain can not only be an excellent way to calm the soul and harmonize space, but also directly serve for your health.

DIY fountain

If you do not have the opportunity or desire to use an aquarium, you can make your own “Feng Shui fountain”.

Making such a fountain is simple and inexpensive. I made one many years ago and still enjoy using it in my home. It is done simply: take a beautiful vase, put a small electric pump for aquariums in it (buy at a pet store), which is filled with beautiful (possibly semi-precious) stones and coins.

Usually what I do is simple: I bring coins of each denomination from all my travels to distant countries, and pour them into the fountain.

Hills and Plains ↑

In Chinese teachings, uneven terrain is considered auspicious because it allows the chi energy to move smoothly and evenly. If you have a perfectly flat garden space, it makes sense to create artificial depressions and hills. Arrange a stone hill or plant a small flower garden on a mound you created, all this will have a beneficial effect on your life. But avoid too steep slopes (the qi energy in this case will rapidly fall down). To reflect negative external energy, you will need a fence (a trellis with climbing plants can be pulled over the fence).

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