Tibetan Infinity Knot: Meaning and Symbolism

Since ancient times, various peoples of the world have used amulets and talismans for protection. They were made from herbs and flowers, stones and minerals, spells and magical rituals. And this is not a complete list. Quite often, the ancient Slavs made special knots on threads.

DIY amulets knots

The knotted amulet had to be made with one’s own hands. They can be supplemented with special pendants - roots, herbs, fabrics or metals. Slavic knots are nauzes, these are very complex plexuses of threads.

Slavic sciences are still one of the most powerful amulets. Their actions are quite varied. Some knots bring good luck, others - material well-being, others - love, and so on. The magical effect of the bundle extended only to its wearer. It is recommended to wear nauzas either on the neck or on the wrist. Modern people wear magic bracelets on their wrists with a red thread.

Every nationality in the world, including the Slavic ones, has its own specific techniques for weaving bracelets by hand. They are used in sewing various clothes, in magical rituals and in making talismans. This amulet is able to save its owner from all sorts of troubles, helps in difficult life situations, and develops creative abilities.

You must believe your magical talisman one hundred percent. Only in this case will he be able to protect you.

Scope of application of magic knots

Today there is no exact information about the origin of the node. In ancient times, knots were used to make items of clothing, build houses, fish, harness horses, and the like.

It is quite difficult to do without this element these days. Tourists and travelers very often use knots in their everyday life. Climbers will not be able to climb to a height without special units.

The navy also cannot do without special units. The sea knot was invented many years ago and still remains indispensable for sailors.

How did it happen that ancient thread weaves are still widely used today? The reason is this. In ancient times, ropes were braided for protection. Their main action was aimed at confusing traces and protecting against evil spirits. It takes quite a lot of time to find the solution and correctly unravel the plexus. And this is not always possible to do.

Slavic knots amulets

Today, various weaves are used in interior decoration, to decorate clothes and shoes. And few people know that such a knot can cause both harm and benefit to its owner. It all depends on who made this plexus and for what purpose. Therefore, such elements must be used with caution. Especially when they were made by a stranger.

Intent Nodes

A person's destiny is often compared to the road of life. This road is not simple and varied. Sometimes it is an avenue, but at the same time a crowd goes along it and where, of course, you can meet the right people - loved ones, employers, doctors or teachers. Or you may not meet it, you may pass by. From time to time you may encounter troubles on this avenue. On this part of the path, intention nodes - amulets, amulets and talismans - help well. They promote desired contacts, lead away from obstacles, and heal. Sometimes our road is a narrow path where you won’t meet a soul, where you can’t get around obstacles. Here, such knots help you pay less attention to difficulties, go through this part of the path faster, and give you the necessary strength.

If the amulet remains, then the amulet changes, calls on or drives away events, and adds the necessary energy. You need to tame the amulet, make it your own, then speak to it - program and activate it - put your will into it, that is, make it work.

If you influenced cause-and-effect relationships and, with the help of the amulet, successfully entered college, got a job, found a good partner in love or business, that is, fulfilled what was planned, brought your own intention to life, the amulet must be deactivated, otherwise the event will be repeated in a circle . A person, for example, will constantly lose his job and get a good job for a new one, constantly changing wives or husbands. (A money amulet, on the contrary, needs to be activated periodically.) An amulet knot cannot be given as a gift. You can give the blank, but without performing the necessary ritual, which will be carried out by the owner of the amulet. Without conscious work with it on the subtle planes, the knot will not work as an amulet, but it can become a talisman “for good luck.”

The knot talisman (like any other) works independently - it is more of a psychological help, mood, state, emotions. A talisman is something that you want to have with you all the time, you want to “squeeze” it and admire it. It could be a toy that a child puts in bed, “lucky” clothes...

A mascot can be individual, but often it belongs to a group of people, such as a team of players, firefighters, or rescuers. There can be one talisman for all occasions, or maybe for happiness, for luck, for money, for love, for victory, for health, for a good mood... Such talismans are made by themselves, given, bought, they help a person in certain circumstances is kept from harm. They promote internal changes, changing priorities, if there is a need or need for this. They are especially good during stress and transition periods (change of studies, jobs, weddings, birth of children and grandchildren, retirement, sports competitions, natural disasters). They help you “fit” into events painlessly and harmoniously. You can talk to the talisman, you can ask him, but you cannot order him. A talisman does not work as strongly or as quickly as an amulet, but it is a good friend, not a servant. The effect of the talisman is greatly enhanced when near a person.

They believe in the talisman, they command the amulet, the amulet works regardless of anything.

How to make sciences with your own hands

An excellent protection against damage and the evil eye is a knotted thread worn on the wrist. To make such a talisman, you can use threads from any material. They can be made from the following materials:

  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • flax;
  • silks.

Before you start weaving knots, it is recommended to clearly decide on the choice of knot. Each of the braided knots serves only one specific purpose. An example would be a talisman for love, a talisman for health or well-being.

Find a quiet, secluded corner. Concentrate and direct all your thoughts towards your desire. And start weaving Slavic knots with your own hands.

Different countries had their own beliefs about this.

  • The Finnish peoples were sure that magicians were able to contain the power of the wind in three knots.
  • The Germans and Austrians used special knots to get rid of warts on the body.
  • In China, they weave quite complex configurations of knots on a red thread, and then attach special amulets to them. They believe that the red thread will help increase the power of objects.
  • Indian, Hindu, African and Australian tribes used “knot letters”.
  • The Baltic people wrote down magical recipes of sorcerers and healers on knots. “Tie a knot for memory” is still very popular today.

The simplest and most uncomplicated way is to weave a nauza on your wrist with your hands. The more knots there are on the thread, the stronger the effect of the nauza will be.
Although, even the simplest knots on your wrist can cope with the task.

Labyrinth nodes

A person on his way often faces many troubles that are not directly related to the safety of life. Here we basically need to call for help from the evil labyrinths that make our existence easier and more joyful.

Try to follow the course of the thread in such a knot - duplicate the knot with an additional cord and you will understand how easy it is to get lost even in the simplest of them. By the way, let me remind you that many spirits cannot go through the labyrinth at all, so these knots are also amulets.

The labyrinth node is one of those few that are like a gate - a portal that does not let in various evildoers, but attracts and lets in Beregin. The fact is that it represents continuous intersections and angles. Evil forces do not know how to turn corners. Do you know why a dead person is carried feet first? If he “comes to life” (the animal soul returns to him), he will get up and walk straight, without turning anywhere, that is, away from home. Navas, the spirits of disease, fly “on evil winds,” and the wind is also incapable of turning sharply, so it is impossible to fly through the labyrinth in this way.

What is a labyrinth?

The earliest known to science images of the labyrinth, or seven-pathway, are 3.2 - 3.5 thousand years old.
This is the age of a clay tablet with a pattern of seven concentric lines, which was found on the Greek island of Pylos, as well as Syrian pottery decorated with the image of a classical labyrinth. Drawings of seven-roaders are often found on the walls of caves in Spain, Italy, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA. Fig. No. 24 Labyrinth on one of the stone images[/td]

Fig. No. 25 Seven-path labyrinth

Abode of the Minotaur

However, the further humanity moved away from its cave childhood, the more complex and sophisticated labyrinths it built.

The most famous puzzle labyrinth is certainly the one that, according to legend, was built in Crete by the Athenian sculptor Daedalus. It was a palace with such intricate passages that once you entered it, it was impossible to find a way out. Daedalus created it at the behest of the Cretan king Minos, who imprisoned the son of his wife Pasiphae - the monster Minotaur with the body of a man and the head of a bull - in the labyrinth. Every year, seven boys and seven girls were sacrificed to the bull-man. They wandered through the endless passages of the palace, but no one ever managed to get out of the labyrinth alive. Everyone was devoured by the terrible Minotaur until he was killed by Theseus.

Following the Greeks, other peoples began to build labyrinths. However, these structures no longer served as an insidious trap, like the labyrinth of the Minotaur. Labyrinths were endowed with a sacred, ritual meaning.

Thus, in Europe, wandering through intricate passages replaced pilgrimages to Christian shrines - a person who passed through the labyrinth seemed to have reached the Promised Land. The moves symbolized the difficult path of a Christian to salvation. Sometimes such a pilgrimage was made without leaving home - small mosaic labyrinths were laid out on the floors of medieval castles, along their paths one either walked in small steps, or walked the path mentally, carefully peering into the interweaving of passages. Sometimes they were even crawled through. The labyrinth is a phantom of the road. After going through the labyrinth, you pass the road.

Often labyrinths served as amulets. They could protect both an individual (in this case they were carved on amulets or house doors, embroidered on clothes) and an entire city. Traditionally, the labyrinth-amulet was built on the central square and sometimes completely surrounded by a thick stone wall - it was believed that, being protected itself, it would protect the city (the principle of homeopathic magic). There was such a walled labyrinth, for example, in Rome. In India, stone labyrinths were laid out at the steps of fortresses. And in Finland, hunters and shepherds still wander through “puzzles” specially laid out of stone in order to protect themselves from wolves, trolls and evil spirits.

Esotericism interprets labyrinths as sacred gates to another dimension, a focus of subtle energies, a place where a person is able to merge with the cosmos and expand the limits of his consciousness.

If the labyrinth knot or its image (drawn, embroidered, woven) is not activated, then it will not attract new things into your life, that is, it will not serve as an amulet, but will protect what already exists in accordance with its meaning.

Distinctive features of labyrinth knots from other knitted knots

Fig. No. 26 Three-loop knot

The threads always come out from different sides - one from above, the other from below, unlike some other knots.

Two adjacent threads always go one above, the other below, as in a knot

The thickness of the labyrinth knot is 2 threads. Many amulets, especially Chinese ones, are made with a thickness of 3-4 threads.

How does the color of the thread affect the action of the nauza?

The color of the thread also has a special meaning. Red knowledge is a very strong defense against bad people and ill-wishers. They are used in love magic. They help maintain love, mutual feelings and good relationships between spouses.

Nauz color

If you wear such a thread on the wrist of your left hand, it helps block negative energy. The nauza is worn on the right hand by married girls, and on the left by single girls. If you wrap such a rope three times around your wrist, it has greater strength than the rest.

  • Orange or yellow colored nauza is recommended to be used to protect against damage, the evil eye and all kinds of envious people. They protect you from any negativity.
  • A green bracelet very well attracts material wealth and well-being to its owner. It protects a person from deception and theft.
  • Blue and blue bracelets can give you subtle intuition and the ability to maintain a conversation at the proper level. A thread of this color will help you at an important meeting, negotiations and other personal conversations.
  • A purple bracelet protects its owner from various dangers. It can protect you from an accident.
  • A white nauza on your hand will help you intellectually. With it, the learning process will be more fruitful and exciting. A person becomes more open and inquisitive and develops his memory.
  • If you use three threads of wool of different colors at the same time, you can achieve a stronger effect. You can improve your health, restore lost strength, and so on. Each thread must be tied into seven knots. Each node represents one of the seven spiritual dimensions.

Rules for making nauzes

There are rules to help create a powerful talisman:

  1. First, clearly formulate the purpose of why you need to make the amulet. It is said out loud three times before work. You can also write down a person’s wishes on blue or red paper. At the end of the work, the sheet must be burned with a candle or match with the words: “Fire destroys paper, fulfills your desire.” This will strengthen the ritual.
  2. All words of the conspiracy are pronounced loudly.
  3. It is better to create knowledge alone or with a loved one whom you completely trust.
  4. They choose the best day, focusing on the phase of the night star and their well-being. When the moon is waxing, the desire will be fulfilled in a short time, and when the moon is waning, it will remain in life for a long time.
  5. They weave an amulet only in a good mood and in good health.
  6. Thoughts during creativity should be good and bright.
  7. Before starting, they read a prayer.
  8. Choose a quiet place and put it in perfect order.
  9. All phones and the doorbell are turned off so that a random person does not interfere with the weaving.
  10. Take a solid thread or other material of the required size, preferably larger. The length is measured with a ruler; it must be a multiple of three.
  11. If the thread runs out during work, the entire product will have to be redone. You cannot tie the threads in a knot.

As you work, keep track of where the ends are. If the nauz is tied to attracting something (luck, love, happiness), then they should be directed upward. A talisman that is designed to save a person from something (illness, financial problems, difficulties), then the ends are placed at the bottom. If you follow these recommendations, the ancient ritual will be effective. The main thing is that during creativity and after, you must believe that the amulet will definitely help.

Types of nauzes


A magical assistant is usually made from natural materials. After all, only they have a special clean energy.


  • cotton, linen threads;
  • natural narrow ribbons;
  • strips of material without synthetics;
  • shoe laces;
  • leather straps.

Stems and long leaves of plants are woven into the product. For love spells, you can use a lock of the housewife or a lock of the lover whose attention you need to attract.

Thread colors

Scientists have long proven that color has different effects on people. Psychics also confirm this. To weave Slavic nauzs, threads of different shades are used.

Color name What does it help with?
Light red Gives you the opportunity to find true love.
Dark red Gives you confidence in your abilities.
Light green Attracts financial well-being and career growth.
Dark green Develops courage, gives strength to perform actions needed at the moment.
Light yellow Protects from gossipers and envious people.
Dark yellow Helps to cleanse yourself spiritually.
Light blue Gives the ability to communicate with any people.
Dark blue Balances the positive and negative qualities of a person’s character.
White Gives strength to achieve your goals.
Orange Attracts the energy of luck.
Light brown Protects from the evil eye.
Dark brown Gives you the opportunity to get connections and get help from influential people.
Violet Improves health.
Black Fulfills wishes.
Crimson Gets rid of bad thoughts.

What is the difference between magic knots

There are various ways to tie knots with your own hands. Their differences are as follows:

  • in the weaving method;
  • what thread was used;
  • how many knots were tied;
  • what spell was used at the time of weaving the nauza;
  • which, in addition to the thread, was woven into the science.
  • It is allowed to tie knots in various styles and ways. You can use specialized literature and watch videos on the Internet. The more complex and intricate your knot is, the more unusual the magical effect will be.

    Each node carries a certain energy. If it is done smoothly and quickly, then he will be able to accumulate more energy. It is very important that the knot is original. Only in this way can he accumulate greater strength within himself.

    There was such a belief: Healers and sorcerers used special enchanted ropes to treat seriously ill people. A sick person had to unravel the enchanted rope one knot per day (usually there were seven or nine of them). Every day he felt better and better. And with the last knot he became completely healthy.

    The abilities of tied ropes are enormous. Some are capable of bewitching you, others are able to protect you from evil spirits, and still others are able to make you a financially secure person. And this is not a complete list of the capabilities that these magic ropes are capable of.

Additional items

By the way, various pendants that act as part of it help to enhance the effect of the nauz. These are all kinds of figurines made of metal, glass or wood, medicinal herbs, stones, etc. There is an opinion that it was amulets with pendants that became the basis for Christian amulet. A short list will help you decide which sign to choose in a particular case.

Important! But remember that each of them has its own purpose and carries its own sacred meaning.

  • The bird symbolizes the hearth and protects peace and happiness in the home.
  • The key helps to achieve prosperity and attracts wealth.
  • The sun brings unconditional luck, gives the owner energy, and protects from insurmountable evil.
  • The angel symbolizes wisdom and inner purity, protects from the devil's machinations.
  • Libra is a sign of fairness and justice; it helps to judge people and phenomena impartially.
  • The dragon embodies ancient wisdom and is best suited for those who seek knowledge and practice magic.
  • The star protects against magical spells, awakens vigilance, and ensures constancy.
  • The ring is a symbol of power, faith, confidence.
  • The cat symbolizes foresight, beauty, intuition, and helps in occult studies.
  • An anchor guarantees strength of position, devotion, security, hope.
  • The heart is the unconditional emblem of love and passion, awakening compassion, mercy and enlightenment.

All these and many other symbolic figures can be flown into the knots of the amulets. It is best to make such talismans with your own hands. Then they will be of importance exclusively to you.

Spells that seal the knot

One of the best sealing spells is this hex:

“In my knots the mighty serpentine power is hidden - from the twelve-headed serpent.”

Or like this:

“So that it is the way I want!” and “My word is strong!”

Which “seal” you choose is not so important. The magic words you said only mean that you have not tied simple knots. Now this is your talisman and amulet, a magical thing.

“Tie, Gods, the sorcerer and the sorceress, the sorceress and the sorceress and the upirtsa to (your name) so that you do not think from the black man, from the black man, from the red maiden, from the white-haired, from the black-haired, from the red-haired, from the fair-haired, from the one-eyed, odd-eyed and from stubborn, and from dashing and evil misfortunes.”

This is another example of knot sealing. It is very important to put your faith into your words. You need to believe in what you say.

A very important point in weaving a knot with your own hands is to keep your head free from any extraneous thoughts. You should not get down to business with bad thoughts and various problems. According to healers, negative energy can become woven into knots and linger there for a long time. Therefore, for a good magical effect, you need to think positively.

When weaving a nauza, you must constantly chant the “seal.” It is said until your magic bracelet is completely ready.

Equally important is the ability to concentrate on a specific action. Do not be distracted by extraneous conversations and noises while weaving.

It is not recommended to leave protruding strings in the finished bracelet. It is advisable to tie the remaining ends together. This ensures a loop of all the energy of the bracelet and prevents it from leaking out.

History of the origin of the symbol

The infinity knot, according to one interpretation, appeared long before the rise of Buddhism: it appears on clay seals of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization (approximately 2500 BC). In a later version (the Buddhist symbol of the eternal knot or "auspicious design" which is described as "spinning like a swastika") the infinity knot is described as the srivatsa swastika, as these similar symbols were common among most early Indian traditions employing the Eight Auspicious Symbols.

According to one legend, the endless knot was presented as a gift by the deity Ganesha along with other gods, who presented the other seven Noble symbols of Buddhism (Ashtamangala).

Another likely appearance of the endless knot and swastika refers to the S-shaped designs on the cobra's hood. This in turn gave rise to the naga yantra, where two or more intertwined snakes form an infinity knot pattern, or yantra.

The eternal, endless or mystical knot is a common symbol for many ancient traditions, but it has adopted most of the new details in Islamic and Celtic patterns.2

How to make a knowledge that protects against lies

If you have a constant feeling that you are constantly being deceived. You can make such a magical bracelet with your own hands. To do this, you will need a wool thread (without various additives and inclusions). The size of the thread is determined by the size of your palm.

When braiding the first knot in the middle of the thread, say the following:

“I will tie the falsehood tightly with the first knot.”

Braid the second one at one end:

“I will tie the tongue of the infidel with a second knot.”

And the third is at the other end of the rope. Chant like this:

“I will tie false thoughts with the third knot.”

The thread charmed in this way should be placed in the liar’s clothes.

Rules of knot magic

There are several rules for weaving magic knots:

  • The connection between the time of weaving nauzes and the lunar phases is close. The waxing moon means that the knot will serve as a magnet for good luck. The waning one will drive away the bad.
  • The place where the amulet is created matters. If you are weaving a knot in the fresh air, let it be a secluded corner away from the bustle of the city. If you create a talisman in your home, be sure to clean it - dirt and dust will drown out the positive impact.
  • Cleanse yourself of evil thoughts - your mood will transfer to the knot.
  • The material must be of natural origin: wool, metal, leather.

How to lead a person astray using science

If you need to lead a person astray or confuse his thoughts, use a simple trick. To confuse thoughts, you need to prepare a blue thread and a small bunch of your victim's hair. The length of the thread should be approximately equal to the circumference of the head. And in order to knock a person away from the intended goal - black or brown tape, or a shoelace from the victim's shoe.

Braid seven knots in the following order.

  • At the first end.
  • At the second end.
  • In the middle.
  • In the middle of the first end and the middle knot.
  • In the middle of the second end and the middle knot.
  • Tie the first and second ends together.
  • Tie one common knot on the resulting configuration.
  • Knots can be tied in any order. The more intricate and complex your science is, the better the effect will be.

    If you no longer need the magical effect of this knot, unravel it in the opposite order (start with the last knot).

    Safety precautions when working with components

    Many ancient peoples, as we remember, believed that our Universe was originally woven. The world is “weaved” by the Sun, Gods or Brahman. The result of weaving is inextricably linked with its creator, the fabric with the weaver. Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Life in it is maintained thanks to the thread that connects them with the Creator, with their Author. But he, the Author, also depends on these worlds and creatures. “To live” means, therefore, to be “woven” by the same mysterious force that wove the Universe, Time and Life. Or - to be connected by an invisible thread with the Cosmocrator (Sun, Brahman, God himself).

    Knots very easily come into resonance with the Universe, because they are also woven and connected. That is why you need to be especially careful when working with them, so as not to cause harm or disrupt universal harmony. Therefore, the book will not describe any “miraculous” knots, because a miracle (that is, doing something that cannot be, because it cannot be,

    the probability of which is negligible), created by an inept hand, can lead to disaster. For miracles, you need to turn to miracle workers who know how to connect very different events together without disturbing the balance of the world. Magic nodes work where no harm can be done, where the probability of an event is quite high. The magic of the node awakens and pushes it in the right direction. She facilitates and helps, and does not order and does not break, like spells in the mouths of witches.

    Tribal shamans, sorcerers and priests made sure that as a result of their actions the life of their fellow tribesmen did not become worse, so that the fabric of existence did not tear or twist. In addition, their magical work did not lead to irreversible consequences also because the person was more closely connected with nature, which is a strong natural buffer, lived less, not having time to live up to the reckoning,

    Gradually, people became pronounced individualists, and magicians and sorcerers appeared who did not pay attention to the consequences of their interventions. Now that there are even more people on earth and people are living longer, magical interventions are accompanied by serious side effects. In the mountains, an avalanche can occur from a pebble torn from under your foot or a loud cry. Often on the head of the screamer. The more inhabitants there are on the planet, the more avalanches occur and the more villages there are in their path. It’s the same with magic - more and more people find themselves in the path of magical avalanches, their own and others’.

    Therefore, safety precautions when working with magical attributes, to which nodes belong, are the same as in life: before you do anything, learn (ask, read, look). Don't rush and don't hesitate. Keep things clean and tidy.

    How to make a protective amulet from nauza

    To make such a talisman with your own hands, you will need a thread one meter long. In ancient times, such threads were made by hand from hemp fibers or nettles. Such string acquired enormous power during the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Such twine must be made within one day.

    Knot amulet

    Today it is quite difficult to get such a rope. You can use silk or wool thread. It is best to use red thread.

    Tie your first knot in the middle of your rope. It doesn't matter what shape it will be. When tying a knot, say your desire. It might sound like this:

    “By tying a knot, I achieve success at work. This knot will bring great luck into my life.”

    You can vary the meaning of your hex depending on your desires. Say it with all your heart.

    Tie a second knot on the first one. Say the same curse. Tie the third knot over the first and second knots. Say the same spell.

    Next, you need to tie one knot on both sides. The distance should be the same. The conspiracy should not be pronounced.

    You can put such a talisman in your pocket, fasten it on your arm or neck, or sew it into your clothes.

    When you no longer need the magical effect of your knowledge, it must be destroyed. Under no circumstances throw it in the trash. It must be burned or buried in the ground.

    Slavic knot magic (video)

    In the comments below, share your experience of creating magic knots. You can also ask questions - I will be happy to answer them.

    Alena Golovina - white witch, psychic, author of the website "MAGiYA"

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