Feng Shui Glory Zone: Activating the Sector and Attracting Good Luck

Greetings, dear readers! What kind of zone is this - the zone of glory according to Feng Shui? What can she give to a person? And how to activate it correctly? Let's talk about this today.

zone of fame and success

We all want success to accompany us in life. Each in their own way, of course: for some it is enough to simply be successful in all endeavors, but for others it is enough to be popular and have good fame. All these possibilities can be realized using the teachings of Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the zone of glory is closely connected with a person’s individuality, with what makes him develop spiritually and is responsible for self-realization. If you want to develop personally, achieve success in life, become famous or develop your potential, then you should pay attention to the zone of fame and success in your home and design it correctly.

How to determine the glory sector in an apartment

According to Feng Shui, the glory zone is the SOUTH. Yes, it was the southern side that the Chinese identified as the sector of success. Well, of course, how could it be otherwise? All the most interesting things happen in the south. Just like all living things, everything blooms and grows with greater pleasure in the south. A compass and Bagua octagon will help you make accurate measurements. Read more in our article “Feng Shui Bagua Grid: Creating Complete Harmony in Life” .

Please note that large iron items (or large quantities) may affect the compass data, resulting in incorrect measurements. Therefore, always double-check your measurement results from different points in the room.

Activating the Glory Zone

  • The element of the Glory zone is Fire;
  • Number – 9;
  • Color – red;
  • Shape - triangle.

Well, based on this information, let's get down to business! Let's start with the element of this zone. Fire is a very powerful element, so it must be handled with care. If there is too much fire (or its symbols), they threaten to symbolically “burn” your house. Therefore, try to observe moderation in everything.

The most effective talismans of the Glory zone are those that are associated with a real open

fire. For example, a fireplace. This is the best and most powerful activator of the Glory zone. It symbolizes that the flame of your glory will always burn. The only condition is that the fireplace must be operational, that is, regularly heated and cleaned.

Candles have the same strong effect in this zone. Naturally, provided that they are periodically lit, and they are not just standing as decoration. Of course, the best color for candles in the Glory zone is red! I even once saw a candle in the store in the shape of a large red pyramid - what a chic talisman for this area!!! And the color, and the shape, and the essence are the same!

Let us also remember that Fire feeds on Wood, so everything related to wood will be most welcome in this zone. For example, green candles, plants, flowers. By the way, there are flowers that are directly related to the energy of Fire and activate this zone on their own. These are sunflowers, red poppies and tulips. Place these flowers in this area in vases or their images (photos, paintings, etc.)

The next most powerful activator of the Glory zone is all kinds of lamps. The only exception is fluorescent lamps. Their light is lifeless and cold - it cannot serve as an activator of the energy of Fire. Lamps in general are extremely favorable for activating any sector in the house. The light attracts energy that animates the sector you choose. Well, in the zone of Glory, as they say, God himself ordered the use of this powerful tool!

The best lamp is a crystal chandelier. If you've ever seen a crystal chandelier on fire, you might have noticed that the crystal balls and pendants cast little rainbows on the walls and ceiling! These rainbows are considered extremely active in attracting good luck, happiness, success and wealth to your home. If you don't have the opportunity to buy a whole chandelier, then you can hang one crystal, which will refract the light and create a small rainbow for you!

In addition to real fire, images of it are also perfect as talismans.

or symbols. For example, photographs or paintings depicting a burning fireplace, a fire, the rising sun, blooming sunflowers, etc. Don't just hang pictures of forest fires or anything like that. As I already said, fire is a powerful element and must be handled very carefully. And you should not place images of uncontrollable rampaging elements in your Glory zone - the consequences may not be at all what you would like!

If we talk about color, I would like to warn you against using blue and black colors in this zone. These are the colors of the Water element, and Water is known to extinguish fire. But there is one little trick (not all books on Feng Shui mention it) - if you add just a little bit of the Water element to the fire zone (in the form of a color or some symbol), then fire plus water will give... steam ! And steam, as you know, sets in motion various mechanisms! In this way, you symbolically create the energy of movement for the powerful activation of your life!

In the next article we will talk directly about the mascots of the Glory zone.

Your Ekaterina :))

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Sector colors and elements

Remember one important rule that will help you correctly activate your glory zone in your apartment\house\office\room:

  • the main element of the sector is Fire
  • generating element – ​​Tree

Therefore, your luck sector should be full of bright red, orange and yellow hues. Because red is not only the embodiment of fire and passion, but also a symbol of endless power. And it doesn’t matter over whom or what. All green shades will also work. And, by the way, wooden furniture. Because it is the tree that feeds the fire.

  • the weakening element of the zone is the Earth
  • destructive – Water

What is the Glory Zone responsible for in Feng Shui?

The Glory Zone in Feng Shui is not only responsible for fame itself. Activation of this sector in the house affects your success in life, popularity, and advancement up the social ladder. This zone supports you as an individual and helps you achieve

recognition in society, success, strengthen your good reputation. And, of course, if you strive for fame, then activating this zone will perfectly help you in this.

You need to activate this sector if you are doing business. After all, you see, a good reputation in business is very important. And the activation of this sector can lead, for example, to the expansion of your business (and, as a result, to an increase in income), receiving unexpected help from the right people, etc.

Sector activation

The zone of good helpers and travel is activated in the science of Feng Shui, they say, when it is filled with strength and energy, when images and portraits of strong, authoritative, divine, and energetically powerful people are placed in it.
You can also store their recorded advice or sayings, strong motivating quotes or remarks here. In this sector it is good to place icons or other images, for example, guardian angels, saints and various heavenly helpers.

They will be here in the most favorable place, because all these spirit people act as helpers and advisers, guiding the soul of a person, and it is very important to have their support in the right place and in maximum strength. . The zone of assistants and travel is absolutely necessary for those who want to see the world and travel

You can and should post here photos of places you want to visit, cut out from magazines or other publications; you need to create a real map of desires, on which you can place images of all the places you want to see or touch with your own hands.

The zone of assistants and travel is absolutely necessary for those who want to see the world and travel. You can and should post here photos of places you want to visit, cut out from magazines or other publications; you need to create a real map of desires, on which you can place images of all the places you want to see or touch with your own hands.

Also, each image can be supported by an affirmation that emphasizes the desire to go to this place and get to know it better. You must remember to mention in your affirmation your positive feelings, which you will certainly experience during the trip.

What prevents activation

The zone of assistants and wanderings does not suffer the weakening influence of the Elements of Water or Fire. Here you need to do without blue or black. It is recommended to remove mirror and glass objects from this area.

There should also be no fountains or aquariums or even images of water - despite the fact that many trips are made by sea.

It is better to place such desired pictures in those areas ruled by Water. Feng Shui of the desired trip will work in this case too. Avoid the presence of mirrors or glass in this area, as well as pointed objects that resemble fire, as well as the use of orange or red colors.

You should not install a fireplace in this room, and if possible, it is better to avoid candles, as well as images of sunset and sunrise, when the power of Fire is maximum, only in different phases. Even if this is a sunset on distant islands, to which you have been wanting to fly for many years to relax, it is better to place them in another room, where the dominant or positive element is Fire. Placing such images in the travel zone will rather have the opposite effect - travel will not happen, because their energy will be suppressed by Fire.

The disorder in this sector definitely contributes to poor Feng Shui. When there is no order here, then negative and passive Qi stagnates and accumulates, and for travel and proper advice and help, it must flow easily and be in an active state. Lumps of things and carelessness lead to the appearance of stagnant energy - xi qi; and also in their placement, conditions are created for the emergence of dangerous and aggressive “killer energy” of sha qi, which is reflected by sharp corners and leads to negative situations.

Therefore, parting with things that are no longer needed in order to throw them out of the apartment is very important, especially if you want to go on some kind of trip. Positive energy should spread freely and easily in a room and bring activity and positive changes to a person’s life.


Activation of the fame zone according to Feng Shui: symbols and talismans

Success according to Feng Shui is facilitated by the correct activation of the zone. To do this, you need to use the following symbols and talismans of glory.


Perhaps the most popular and effective symbol (according to the masters, of course). Phoenix is ​​the embodiment of life from fire and fire itself in general. The Chinese have great respect for this mythical bird and endow it with the gift of transformation. Although, what a gift this is. This is a mythological fact *wink*

Buy a wooden figurine of a bird, painted in a fiery palette.

Well, or at worst, get her image. But if you are a creative person, then who will forbid you to draw it with your own hands, hmm?

If there are serious problems with the phoenix (although, in our opinion, it will be completely replaced by our Russian Firebird. Why not a patriotic option?), then you can purchase an eagle figurine. Or a peacock. These birds also represent success and good luck. Or even try to get their feathers. Preferably 9 pieces (this is the number for the fame zone). Just don’t keep images of arrows, spears, slingshots in the area: all the weapons that kill birds.


The pyramid is a symbol of aspiration, exaltation and achievement.

Masters recommend placing a crystal pyramid in the success zone.

We, having studied a great many authoritative sources, recommend building a pyramid from the material that is closest to your heart. Because crystal is a rock, and, accordingly, belongs to the element of the Earth, which destroys the life-giving Fire of glory. Although, if there is only a small amount of crystal, then most likely it will not do much damage. Then make a choice: either some kind of plant in a pot, or crystal. It will be more correct this way.

Your photos

Yes, photographs of your beaming face and wide smile belong in the fame sector. And don’t be surprised, since the positive energy captured in the photo will automatically attract similar energy to itself (read, to your zone of fame).

Fireplace and candles

This area is perfect for placing such nice things in it. Oh yes: the fireplace and candles should be lit periodically. Otherwise they are of no use. In the end, you can sometimes (or always) light aroma lamps or incense sticks. The effect is essentially the same. By the way, don’t forget about good lighting of the success sector. Ideally, provide it with an additional lamp.

Poppies and sunflowers

These are the most life-giving and sunny flowers according to Feng Shui. You can place these artificial flowers in your area and enjoy the sudden prosperity. The masters assure that their influence on a person’s life is truly significant. According to them, the red fan also helps to harmonize human life. But if life is completely broken, then it is better to look for a large wall fan. Apparently so that every time you wipe it, you are tormented by the dust on its folds, and not by your failures.


And not just any horse, but a horse that reared up. It is in this position that he is most graceful. A rearing horse makes a powerful message to the Universe. Every time you look at it, you experience strong emotions on a subconscious level, which leads to the release of strong energy, which feeds the Universe. True, not only a horse will do, but also all strong animals: a lion, a panther jumping for prey, a wolf or even a bull.

Affirmations, quotes from successful people

You can write down a couple for yourself and keep them in a visible place. Every time you read these notes (out loud or mentally), you are programming yourself for success. If you choose affirmations for yourself, do not forget that they are written in the present tense.

That is, if you want fame or recognition, then write like this: “I am famous and successful,” “my affairs are rapidly improving.” The masters also recommend making a note for yourself - a secret place, which you will keep away from prying eyes, but certainly in the glory zone.

So, you should take a small square of red paper. On all four corners (1 inscription per corner) you need to write “success”, “glory”, “recognition”, “luck”. In the center of the square, write down your desires and aspirations in an even column. Only again in the present tense. Consider it the same affirmation, but more personal and targeted.

Fire Phoenix

No wonder it is called the king among birds in China. It symbolizes a flow of inexhaustible energy, which, even if it goes out, will immediately be reborn again, and with unprecedented strength. In the zone we are considering, it is enough to place its image. But if it is difficult to find, you can use a replacement - an image of a rooster or an adult peacock.

Tips for activating the Glory Zone

Placing any symbols that are suitable from a Feng Shui point of view in this zone will help improve the circulation of Qi energy and contribute to great success. The best talismans for this zone are:

  1. Eagle flying over the sun. A poster or panel with such an image will lead to favorable changes in life if you place it in the southern part of the apartment or hang it on the southern wall of the living room.
  2. Phoenix. The mythical bird with the gift of transformation is highly valued in Chinese culture. You can purchase a poster or even a simple postcard with her image.
  3. Crystal pyramid. A symbol of constant growth, development and upward striving. It doesn’t matter if it is constantly in front of your eyes, it can be hidden in a drawer. He will still work for good.
  4. A horse running upward. A powerful symbol of success. In Chinese traditions, such a horse is depicted with gold coins on its back. This talisman can bring not only life, but also financial success. It is important to ensure that the horse is not looking towards the door, but towards the center of the house.
  5. Large talisman coin. It can be placed not only in the wealth sector, but also in the fame zone. If it is in the living room, it is better to hang the coin above the table.
  6. Golden fan. A recognized symbol of aristocracy and high position in society. In addition, the fan protects against the negative influence of other people and their interference in one's career.
  7. Personal photographs taken in a good mood.
  8. Images of famous people whose success stories deserve respect.
  9. Quotes of great people, affirmations written on paper.

If you activate the glory zone with at least a few suitable symbols, you can see positive results in a short time.

General cleaning and maintaining cleanliness

It is recommended to keep this area clean at all times. But it is even more important to ensure that there are no broken or damaged things in it that can worsen the feng shui of any area.

Can the glory sector be located in another part of the home?

It is extremely difficult to influence the location of sectors according to the Bagua grid. But some rooms, such as bathrooms, are unfavorable in the fame sector. This is due not only to the negative impact of drain pipes on Qi energy, but also to the predominance of the element of Water in such a room.

The situation can be partially corrected by hanging a mirror on the bathroom door (or making it completely mirrored).

This will create the illusion of the absence of an undesirable part of the apartment and change the layout of the sectors taking this into account.

Source: pofenshuyu.com

Basic information about the sector

As mentioned above, the southern sector of the house is responsible for our fame, popularity and general position in the surrounding society. The main difficulty in using the favorable energy of this zone is its correct, and sometimes complex, activation according to the rules of Feng Shui. But we’ll talk about this later, now let’s look at more technical aspects, namely: location, neighboring areas and general situation.

Zone of fame (or popularity, as some say)

– located in the middle between the Wealth zone and the Love zone. As we see, she herself is the embodiment of the average of her neighbors - she allows her to earn universal love and thus gain material well-being.

The influence on the zone is made by the trigram Li (離) , which literally means “Clinging fire” .

Trigram Li

Thus, the main characteristic of fire, namely its ability to flare up more strongly from what is burning, is transferred to the southern zone of our house.

Reputation can be different, good or bad, and it is not easy to escape from it. In order for it to shine and sparkle in its pure form, it must be constantly nourished: through actions, thoughts, and the preservation of family and friendly ties. If you constantly retreat from the world around you into yourself, forget your friends and family, sooner or later the “fire will go out”, there will simply be nothing to burn.

There is one good Chinese proverb on this topic: “if you always remember how we earned our reputation, it will stick to you for the rest of your life.”

Red candles

Another great way to experience the full power of Feng Shui. Having placed two red candles in the south, they must be lit from time to time, which will not only activate, but also further maintain the active flow of positive energy in this sector.

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Among other things, it is also recommended to hang your own certificates and medals, collages with any celebrities and their sayings regarding fame and success, as well as your own happy photo and personal items in one way or another related to the successful period of life that you have ever had .

Determining the sector of mentors in the house using the bagua grid

Some simplified Feng Shui manuals erroneously state that the assistant sector is located in the right corner of the front door or occupies the lower right square on the apartment plan. The travel and assistant zone is determined solely on the basis of the cardinal direction in which it is located. The bagua grid applied to the apartment has no connection to the shape of the room, even if it is irregular.

Having determined the cardinal directions in the apartment, you should draw its plan based on this information, and then divide it into 9 sectors. The square that occupies will indicate the assistants' zone. When it is activated, wise advisers will appear in the lives of family members, and there will be much more travel around the world.

The northwestern zone of assistants and travel should not be empty or cluttered, and various symbols and talismans can be used to improve it.

Windows and plants

Feng Shui tips for the home help create harmony between a person and the objects around him. Windows play an important role. The more sources of natural light, the better.

It’s good if the light gets into every room of the apartment. And the 2nd rule - the glass must be clean, free from dust, dirt and stains. Houseplants are living sources of energy. The rules for their selection can be viewed in the table.

FicusMinimizes aggression and negative emotionsNot suitable for family and marriage areas, as it causes indifference between partners
GeraniumIt feeds on negative energy, taking it from the entire apartment. Also helps restore physical and emotional health Do not place it near the bed, as geranium releases essential oils, prolonged inhalation of which can cause headaches
MyrtaHelps restore marriage, improve relationships with family, friends, colleaguesAbsent, the tree can be placed anywhere. It gives only positive results everywhere
MarantaHelps you find yourself or a new hobbyRecommended for people in transition or midlife crisis
Crassula (money tree)Increases wealth, wealthYou should plant a tree with your own hands. If it is bought immediately in a beautiful and spacious pot, add a few handfuls of earth
BambooIt is believed that bamboo stems pass negative energy through themselves, transforming it into positiveIt is better to place it on the floor in a square or rectangular container
LemonIncreases thirst for knowledgeWorks great in a child's room to help them learn well

I'm open to fame and success

According to Feng Shui, the Southern Zone of Glory is fueled by different energies and shades. It is important to remember this so that the fame sector smells fragrant and blooms. Proper design of the space will allow you to gain fame in a matter of days.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Fire.


According to feng shui, the Glory Zone is ruled by Fire and fueled by Wood. There should be a lot of light in the form of lamps, floor lamps, sconces and red or green candles. Any living plants that strive for the sun will also be quite appropriate.

You should not place aquariums or fountains in the Glory sector. It is necessary to abandon any metal shelving and household items, as well as ceramics and sea stones. The element of Metal in large quantities will weaken Wood.

Shapes and colors

Try to decorate the Glory sector in favorable colors. If this is not possible, then complement the interior in the recommended colors.

FormFavorable colorsUnfavorable colorsScents of success
  • triangle;
  • vertical rectangle;
  • extended arrow upward.
  • red;
  • orange;
  • gold;
  • yellow;
  • scarlet;
  • green.
  • black;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • violet.
  • geranium;
  • jasmine;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation.

Selection of necessary talismans

Now that the organizational issues have been resolved, you can begin the most interesting part - arranging the necessary talismans. In truth, there are many different items that can be used to activate the zone of fame and renown. Below we will list the most powerful of them, but this does not mean that all of them must be present here. To achieve the desired results, you can select only a few of them. After all, the main thing in Feng Shui is to achieve harmony, including in interior design. Therefore, you should not overdo it with symbols.

Talismans for activating the glory sector:

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