Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui will make you happier

We create a harmonious and energy-filled space in the house with our own hands
Filling your home with positive energy so that your health improves, your career, financial affairs, and love relationships grow: this is the dream of everyone without exception. How to do this?

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese already knew the answer to such a difficult question. And the secret lies in the fact that it is necessary to give freedom to the flowing energy flows.

Movement of Sha energy in the room

In the 21st century, people won’t even argue that our world is energy. All physical objects (material goods, money, and people included) are just energy objects. Setting the direction of movement of these flows (i.e., attracting them into your life) is quite simple, and the basic rules are described in the ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui.

Movement of Chi energy throughout the home

The amazing thing is that every person can do whatever he wants with his life! Wealth - please! Love, career, health - give yourself everything you want! You just need to follow the exact Feng Shui recommendations.

Cozy living room according to rules and recommendations

How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui?

A small hallway with the right arrangement of furniture is a good start for new energy in your home

Our life is filled with furniture elements. Surprisingly, it is furniture that becomes an obstacle to the movement of energy flows. How can you attract positively charged Qi energy into your home, which will bring with it what is missing in life?

Feng Shui furniture arrangement plan for your home

The correct arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui will help you cope with the task.

  1. The center of the room (any) must be free, i.e. There should be no piles of furniture in the central part of the room. Place tall cabinets, appliances, mezzanines along the walls. An excellent solution would be to use built-in cabinets, as they do not interfere with the flow of Qi energy. Built-in furniture does not take up free space, but it qualitatively accommodates all those things that you cannot do without, but it is difficult to find a place for them. With this method of arranging furniture, energy will fill your home as much as possible, displacing negativity. You yourself will feel how it has become easier to breathe!
  2. Apartment windows should not be dusty - Golden Rule! After all, it is through clean windows that Qi energy enters the house. The crystalline energy of goodness that a person can see is bright sunlight. So fill your home with this light to the limit - and with it wealth, joy, success, happiness will come into your home...
  3. Similar advice is appropriate for the door: both the door and the room near the doorway should be perfectly clean. The more expensive the door to the apartment, the higher the income of everyone who lives there!
  4. Mirrors are not only light reflectors. They reflect energy! In other words, if you hang a mirror opposite the front door, then prosperity will not come to the house: all cash flows will be reflected by the mirror. There is no need to hang mirrors or place objects with a mirror surface opposite the windows - the effect is the same.
  5. Paintings and other graphic elements (wallpaper, figurines, etc.) - they are not only decoration for the interior of the apartment, but also energy batteries. Look carefully at what is shown in the pictures! Avoid dark colors, destructive shapes and other negative manifestations - all this will easily manifest itself in your life.

In conclusion, to the main tips for harmonizing space described above, there is only one recommendation left to add: to correctly determine how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui, it is enough to follow your own intuition! A person’s inner voice (i.e., his wisdom from deep levels of the subconscious) never fails. And before you buy anything for your home, analyze your own feelings about the item. If an item doesn’t evoke even a hint of lightness, joy, or bright emotions in you, don’t buy it! Emotional emptiness is also the first manifestation of negativity.

Cleanliness and comfort are a prerequisite for harmonizing space in the bathroom

Allocation of energy zones: main sectors

The apartment is a single holistic system, which is divided into separate sectors responsible for different functions.

To independently identify energy zones in your home, it is recommended to go through three stages:

  1. Determine the center of the apartment. This is easy to do: on a sheet of paper, draw a plan of the apartment to scale and cut it out along the contour. Then they take a needle and thread and determine the center of gravity by hanging it above the plan. Where the needle comes into contact with the paper, there will be the energy center of the home.
  2. Measure compass directions. To do this, you will need a compass: a person must go outside and stand against the wall of a building with a compass, determining north, south, west and east. Arriving home, you need to transfer the received data to the plan.
  3. Draw sectors on the plan of a one-room apartment. You will need a protractor ruler: connect its center to the center of the apartment on the plan and draw 8 sectors, each 45 degrees.

The result will be 8 main energy zones of a one-room apartment, in each of which it is necessary to install certain pieces of furniture. There is also one more additional zone - the central one, it will be the 9th in a row. Experts say that according to Feng Shui techniques, the energy of an apartment changes over time: if the owners notice tension and a deterioration in the general atmosphere in the house, then it’s time to make a change.

Principles of furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui

Organizing free space in the living room according to Feng Shui

All ancient Chinese manuscripts dedicated to the theory of Feng Shui have long been studied and translated. According to these ancient postulates, there are only three principles for arranging furniture according to Feng Shui. All other rules are consequences of these three.

Principles of furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui:

  1. correspondence;
  2. streamlining;
  3. direction.

Compliance in the arrangement of furniture - that is, attention to the shape of the furniture, height, number of corners and other geometric proportions.

Streamlining is the need to adhere to the “golden mean” in terms of dimensions in a set of furniture elements for one area.

Directionality indicates that it is necessary to choose the predominant shapes of furniture and color tone depending on the cardinal directions.

Recommended arrangement of elements and the correct combination of colors in each room

Color palette

In addition to the correct placement of furniture, it is very important what kind of wallpaper will be hung. Feng Shui offers the following palette for each room or zone:

  • Kitchen. According to ancient science, silver or beige colors are more suitable for this room. Red is ideal for small decorative elements.
  • Bathroom. For this room, choose light wallpaper. Blue and green shades deserve special attention.
  • Living room. This room should create a positive mood. Therefore, when arranging it, choose green, beige, yellow.
  • Children's room. It is very important to create harmony in this room and ensure a beneficial effect on the psyche. Therefore, it is recommended to use yellow and green shades. Black color is strictly prohibited.
  • Bedroom. People who want their married life to roar like a volcano are advised to use pink and red tones. If the bedroom is intended more for relaxation, preference is given to calm shades such as blue and green.


Bo gua grid: what is it and how to use it

Geometric arrangement of cardinal directions, zones, elements according to the Bo Gua grid

It is according to the principles of correspondence/streamlining/directionality that the ancient Chinese compass Bo Gua was created. To use Bo Gua correctly, you need to have our domestic compass, select the center of the room (or apartment), determine the direction of the arrow to the north and apply a special Bo Gua grid from this position. The grid indicates which shapes, colors and other benevolent symbols should dominate the room, according to its geographical location, in order to attract Chi energy. There are only 8 sectors: 4 cardinal directions + 4 intermediate directions. An example of the Bo Gua grid can be found on the Internet, as well as practical tips on how to use it.

Principle three: focus

And the direction is exactly where the so-called “energy center of the room” is located. Its role is played by an interior item that “characterizes” the “purpose” of the room: in a large kitchen or dining room it can be a dining table, in a living room a sofa or soft corner, in a bedroom a comfortable bed, in a children’s room a play area.

As for the rest of the furniture in the room, according to Feng Shui, it should be arranged in a circle or octagon around this energy center.

And remember: under no circumstances should interior items be moved - there must be space between them!

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui in the living room

Feng Shui furniture arrangement plan for the living room

So, we completed the primary tasks for the correct arrangement of furniture according to the laws of Feng Shui: we determined the energy sectors according to the Bo Gua compass and adjusted the furniture arrangement plan according to the basic rules of Feng Shui philosophy.

There are some other living room tips to consider.

  1. The center of the living room should be clear. An exception could be a coffee table, but small in size and preferably made of wood (glass is considered the element of water and has instability properties).

    Open center of the living room with a coffee table in the middle

  2. It would be good to arrange furniture in the living room in the shape of an octagon. This is the most stable figure in geometry, i.e. The family’s life position will not be “shaken from side to side” by negative situations.
  3. It is not advisable to place armchairs or chairs with their backs to the window or to the entrance door to the living room. The best option is to arrange them so that the person sitting can see everyone entering the room. It is desirable that the backs of the seating areas be parallel or tightly adjacent to the walls of the room: this is how subconscious protection is formed (the rear behind the back), which is projected into life confidence and courage.
  4. Crystal will help attract the energy of well-being and ward off negativity. It doesn’t matter what shape and dimensions of this item in the interior (a huge expensive chandelier or a small table lamp, vase, etc.) – crystal is a must in the living room!
  5. Pay maximum attention to the issue of lighting the living room, because according to Feng Shui, to attract wealth and good luck, this room must be the lightest in the apartment. If there are dark places in the interior, then well-chosen room decor can “brighten” them: table or floor lamps, all kinds of flashlights, etc.

Bright, warm and cheerful living room with minimal furniture

These are the basic tips on how to arrange furniture in the living room according to Feng Shui. By following them, it is easy to fill your life with joyful events and prosperity.

We place furniture and plants in the living room

How to arrange furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Sample bedroom plan with standard furniture

The bedroom is a place of rest, relaxation and personal territory. Here the central place is rightfully occupied by the bed, which means that almost all the advice is related to this element of the interior.

How to arrange furniture in a rectangular bedroom - choosing a place for the bed

  1. The bed should not be placed with its head towards the window, feet towards the door, or near the wall adjacent to the toilet. All such places will bring health problems, loss of strength, irritability, troubles, etc. into the life of the person sleeping on this bed.

    Diagonal placement of the bed is an ideal option for rooms with non-standard layouts

  2. The bed must have maximum stability, i.e. Wheels on the legs of the bed are definitely excluded!
  3. It’s good if the bed is wide and spacious enough. In the case when two people sleep on the bed, there should be a lot of free space around the bed and in equal quantities on both sides. Regardless of fashion trends, the shape of the bed should be a quadrangle, since this is the personification of reliability, strength, and stability.
  4. You cannot place a mirror in the bedroom that looks at a sleeping person!
  5. It is unacceptable to have furniture in the bedroom that is more massive than the bed itself. This is especially true for bulky wardrobes: such a piece of furniture in combination with a small cozy bed will psychologically “put pressure” on a person. And when a child sleeps in the bedroom, this circumstance can cause behavioral complexes, excessive modesty and other manifestations of insecurity.

We decorate the bedroom interior according to Feng Shui

In general, the bedroom should be filled with light (soft), space and peace!

Calm and harmonious bedroom interior

Principle five: harmony

And this applies primarily to the bedroom. The average person, who leads an average life, sleeps every third hour of his life! Therefore, Feng Shui pays important attention to the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom.

The most important rule is not to place the sleeping bed directly opposite the door in order to avoid a “leakage” of vital energy, but a person must be able to see the door while lying on the bed. You should not place the bed perpendicular to the window.

By the way, when purchasing it, make sure that there are no too sharp corners on it, especially those directed towards a member of the household who is sleeping or simply lying on it. An important rule in Feng Shui for a bedroom is the absence of tall, bulky wardrobes: they “overwhelm” with themselves.

How to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in the kitchen

Scheme of generation and destruction of 5 elements for the kitchen

The kitchen is the only area of ​​the apartment where there can be a table in the center. The special design of the table does not block the flow of energies. In other details, the rules for arranging furniture in the kitchen do not differ from other rooms.

Beautiful and comfortable corner kitchen with transparent upper cabinets for positive circulation of Qi energy

The main elements of the kitchen interior are the stove, sink and refrigerator. The stove is responsible for the wealth in the house, the satiety and health of the residents. The sink is for cleanliness, and the refrigerator is for the safety of food. Therefore, to double these criteria, hang a mirror above the stove and install a mirror in the refrigerator. You need to use the mirror carefully in relation to the sink - you can “wash” all the wealth in the house.

Location of the main elements of the kitchen interior

It is convenient to place all three elements in different corners (except for the stove - it should only be near the wall in the south of the room!).

Large and spacious kitchen with the correct arrangement of elements

Principle Six: Light

And light is everywhere! It should fill the entire living space, because it is light that attracts and retains qi energy. This can only be achieved if the interior of the room is filled with furniture on legs, and, firstly, evenly, and secondly, with gaps between objects. All dark corners and places where there is not enough light should be illuminated with additional lamps, floor lamps, wall sconces, and ceiling lamps.

So, you must agree: the ancient Eastern sages who created this teaching do not require anything out of the ordinary that could scare someone away from the desire to get a cozy interior according to Feng Shui.

Moreover, one that would bring harmony, health, comfort and... at the same time be stylish and modern!


Final Tips for Bringing Chi into the Home

To enhance your capabilities and attract positive energy, follow the basic rules and principles of Feng Shui

If you competently and thoughtfully approach the arrangement of furniture in the house according to Feng Shui, your life will radically change for the better. Become healthier, richer, more successful! The main thing is not to overdo it; the philosophy of Feng Shui has not been fully studied. It is only clear that this is a unique science of worldview and worldview, following the laws of which everyone can really become happier!

A home filled with light, comfort and energy

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