Feng Shui figurine of a giraffe: why and where to place it

» Feng Shui » Symbols and talismans of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui



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Feeling a constant desire to improve their lives, people are increasingly turning to the teachings of Feng Shui. Its essence lies in attracting and optimally using favorable flows of Qi energy. The main tools of the teaching are talismans and feng shui symbols, through the use of which positive changes occur in a person’s life.

Symbols and talismans of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui


What people don’t do to attract wealth: read conspiracies, acquire money amulets, perform magical rituals. This topic has not been ignored by the teachings of Feng Shui. In addition to the well-known money tree, which many people grow on their windowsill, and an owl sitting on coins, there are other Feng Shui symbols that help achieve success in this area.

Money toad

One of the most common symbols of the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui is the frog. Probably, many have seen the figurine of the Three-Legged Toad holding coins in its mouth. It is believed that this unusual type of amphibian can attract financial well-being and good luck to the home. Also, a figurine or drawing of a frog is carried in a wallet between coins or banknotes. Being in close proximity to banknotes, the toad helps to increase them and protects the owner from unnecessary spending.


The giraffe is another animal responsible for the financial sphere according to Feng Shui.

A giraffe figurine, chosen as a family or individual talisman, will help increase the financial well-being of the owner and tell him how to manage money wisely.

An amulet can be not only a ceramic or crystal figurine of an animal, but also a soft toy or a painting with its image. It is better to place the amulet in the Career zone or in the Money sector of the room.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

Girls who choose such a tattoo have a soft, flexible character, do not like conflicts and strive for a peaceful existence. The giraffe represents care and patience in raising children. The owners of such a tattoo are calm and balanced individuals. It is difficult to piss them off and make them nervous.

For a girl, a giraffe means the ability to foresee a situation. Women with such a body pattern have well-developed intuition and sense the approach of danger. They can react to the situation in time, save themselves and their loved ones. Also, a giraffe for a girl is a symbol of beauty, purity and purity.

Luck and career

Among the amulets that bring good luck, the Dragon, Horse, Unicorn and lotus flower stand out, which has a wide range of effects, helping to solve various problems in a person’s life. Among other things, the lotus flower is considered an excellent talisman for people of creative professions.

The Dragon

When considering Feng Shui talismans, special attention should be paid to the Dragon as one of the most revered images of Chinese teaching. It is believed that this mythological animal gives birth to life-giving flows of Qi energy through its breath, filling a person’s home with it.

As a talisman, the Dragon not only has a positive effect on a person’s health and well-being, but can also change his destiny for the better.

To achieve the result, it is important to correctly place the symbols in the house, taking into account a number of wishes:

  • You should not place a large figurine: it will create an imbalance in the overall energy of the room.
  • Being in the living room, the Dragon will become a real amulet for all family members, protecting them from illnesses and failures.
  • The Dragon figurine is appropriate in a study, office or store.
  • You should not place the amulet in the bedroom and bathroom, where its energy will interfere with rest and contribute to the outflow of funds.
  • The Dragon figurine can be made of any material: plaster, ceramics, metal, glass, paper, fabric, wood.
  • According to Feng Shui, the color of the Dragon is of great importance. It can be either green or blue.
  • The Chinese Dragon must have horns, wings, scales and sharp spines on its back.
  • It is better if the Dragon clutches a pearl in its paws. It symbolizes the Sun, wealth and helps fulfill cherished desires.
  • As a talisman, you can also have a live lizard in an aquarium, which is a distant relative of the Dragon, revered in China.


Horses help you move up the career ladder and catch luck by the tail.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, figurines of these majestic animals should be placed in the sector of fame and career. Various paintings depicting horses also performed well.

The unicorn, which the Chinese call the dragon horse and attribute to it all the qualities of its fire-breathing friend, is very popular.

Interpretation of the Giraffe on the coffee grounds

If you decide to look into the future using fortune telling on coffee grounds, take care of the atmosphere; the interpretation procedure should be taken seriously; the ritual should not be turned into entertainment. The image at the bottom of the cup will tell you about the past, present and future. What does a giraffe on coffee grounds mean? How to interpret this sign?

Interpretation of the Giraffe on the coffee grounds

Love and family well-being

Excellent amulet

In the teachings of Feng Shui, there are a huge number of symbols responsible for the love sphere. Some of them are widely known, others are known only to those who like to read the relevant literature. Let's look at some of the most popular of them.


One of the most famous symbols of love, tenderness, family happiness and the beauty of life according to Feng Shui is sakura. The ideal place to place the amulet is the marital bedroom.

A beautiful artificial sakura tree or a painting with its image will add beauty to the spouses’ relationship and become a talisman of happiness and love.


The hedgehog is a symbol of wisdom, friendliness, joy and security.

It will be an excellent talisman for all family members, attracting happiness and good luck to the house. You can place the hedgehog figurine in the living room or hallway. It is better to have not one, but several figurines of hedgehogs in your house, since one animal may get bored and its friendly character will deteriorate.


Feng Shui symbolism is rich in unusual talismans, one of which is a turtle with a dragon's head. This symbiosis of animals embodies the greatness of the dragon and the wisdom of the turtle.

A turtle with a dragon's head is an excellent amulet for all family members, warding off failures and life's difficulties. She will protect household members from quarrels, anger and resentment.


In the teachings of Feng Shui, the peacock is one of the most powerful talismans. It is placed in the house to attract happiness and family well-being. The eyes on the peacock's gorgeous tail are a symbol of wisdom and prudence.


In Feng Shui science, the dolphin is considered the patron saint of the family.

His crystal figurine, placed in the hallway opposite the front door, will be an excellent protection against the evil eye and evil people. A figurine with the image of a pair of dolphins is suitable for the spouses’ bedroom, which will bring love and harmony to their relationship. A pair of swans, which are a well-known symbol of love and fidelity, has the same meaning.


Poppies are a symbol of love and understanding.

For a married couple, these beautiful flowers will become a talisman that protects their relationship, and will help a lonely person find love. The best way to use the amulet are painted or fresh flowers, but in no case dried ones.


One of the most significant mascots is the white tiger. The predator is considered a home protector. He is also credited with the ability to bring wealth, good luck to the home, and even promote conception.

A Tiger figurine placed at the front door will protect your home from uninvited guests, and a figurine on the table in the office will promote career advancement.

There are also some restrictions on the use of this symbol. The Tiger amulet should not be used by people born in the year of the Rooster, Rabbit or Boar according to the eastern horoscope, no matter what their zodiac sign is.

Preparing for fortune telling

Fortune telling on coffee grounds requires a special atmosphere. Try not to be distracted by anyone, make coffee, mentally speaking out the questions that interest you. Then sit down and enjoy your hot coffee without haste, while still thinking about the issues that are troubling you. After finishing your coffee, take a saucer and cover the mug with it, then quickly turn it over. Hold it for a while and return the mug.

After completing all of the above manipulations, you can proceed to the most important thing - the interpretation of the symbols.

To make the results of fortune telling more truthful, knowledgeable people recommend choosing the following time for the ritual:

Individual talismans

For good luck

During times of difficult trials, special Feng Shui amulets come to the rescue. Many people know the sign of double luck, which is a pair of Chinese characters. This symbol can be found not only on special bamboo tablets, but also on the body of particularly advanced followers of Feng Shui. In addition to the sign of double luck, there are other symbols with which you can significantly change the quality of life.


According to Feng Shui, the spider symbolizes creative energy and is identified with the feminine principle.

His web personifies the entire process of creation. Amulets with the image of a spider are more suitable for individual use. A talisman placed on a leader’s desk will make him more intelligent, far-sighted and prudent. A small figurine of a spider, made of precious metal and placed in a wallet, will help attract money into it and protect it from unnecessary spending.


In Eastern culture, the dragonfly means lightness, grace, and speed.

She, just like the butterfly, reminds a person of the transience of life and contributes to his spiritual rebirth. Such amulets are suitable for girls who take life too seriously, do not know how to relax and do not see the beauty of the world around them. In addition, the dragonfly talisman will bring lightness, novelty and ease into the relationship between lovers.


A ladybug is a talisman, the meaning of which depends on the number of spots on the back of the insect:

  • One spot symbolizes renewal and movement forward. Such an amulet will become an assistant in business and help advance your career.
  • A ladybug with two spots will be able to defuse a tense situation in the house and help people with an unstable psyche.
  • An amulet with three spots signifies wisdom and prudence.
  • An insect with four spots, being in the hallway, protects the house from uninvited guests.
  • The five-spotted ladybug helps a person to unleash their creative potential.
  • The six-spot talisman is a great learning aid.
  • An amulet in the form of an insect with seven spots is indispensable in matters of love.

The meaning of tattoos for men

For young people, the giraffe symbolizes self-esteem, good nature and nobility. Such men have powerful intuition and can calculate the situation several moves ahead. Giraffe also means well-developed intelligence, self-sufficiency and self-confidence.

An animal at a watering hole means that a man feels invulnerable and is not afraid of anything. The image of two giraffes with a calf indicates respect for family values. The owner of such a tattoo puts his family and caring for her first in life. A giraffe tattoo is suitable for generous, kind and friendly men.

Other objects in the cup

If several silhouettes are visible on the coffee grounds, try to see them as best as possible, take your time.

If there is a human figure next to the animal, this means that your loved one is preparing something special for you.

If the silhouette is surrounded by several figures, this means that for a certain group of people the fortuneteller is a leader and many people count on him, so he needs to try to show his best qualities by helping others. All good things will come back to him as some kind of surprise.

Features of fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you have a desire to penetrate into your future and spy at least one eye on your fate, remember that the process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not fun, but a magical ritual. It should be approached with all responsibility.

To perform the ritual correctly, and the result to be as reliable as possible, you must follow the following rules.

For the sacrament of fortune telling, you will need a minimum set of items that can be found in almost every home: ground natural coffee, a light-colored cup and saucer and a Turk.

An important stage is the correct preparation of the coffee drink, because for fortune telling the main element is the sediment, which acts as an oracle. The best option would be to use two types of coffee - coarse and fine grind in a ratio of 2 to 1. For example, 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine.

Once you have brewed the coffee, pour it into a cup and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Then, slowly drink, leaving a little liquid on top of the sediment. Holding the cup in your left hand, mentally formulate a question, make several circular movements clockwise so that the sediment is evenly distributed. Then, immediately tip the cup with the sediment onto the prepared saucer.

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