How to find and arrange a health zone in an apartment according to Feng Shui?

Heavenly Doctor - a star in the service of health

The Heavenly Doctor is a symbolic star in the birth chart, which, as its name suggests, is associated with issues of treatment, health, healing. With the support of the Heavenly Doctor, the field of medicine is not alien to a person, he can count on qualified medical care, or he can understand it himself.

If you find this star in your birth chart, it is often a sign that there are corresponding predispositions.

How to find the Sky Doctor star

Month of birthHeavenly Doctor
Tiger Bull
Rabbit Tiger
The Dragon Rabbit
Snake The Dragon
Horse Snake
Goat Horse
Monkey Goat
Rooster Monkey
Dog Rooster
Pig Dog
Rat Pig
Bull Rat

The animal of the birth month and the Heavenly Doctor can be determined on our calculator

A question that may arise: what if the Heavenly Doctor is also a Personal Destroyer, that is, faces the year of birth, or is unfavorable for some other reason?

Then his dual character will appear. On the one hand, this may mean that the body is weakened, and when there is not enough strength, various “sores” stick. But at the same time, there will still be opportunities to find a good healer or effective medicine and deal with ailments.

And in the future, such a life test can become a serious incentive to awaken a strong interest in medicine. There will be a desire to learn to understand such issues yourself in order to personally solve your problem. And thus, having gone through the difficult path of life's trials, a person, based on the experience gained, can become a seasoned professional. Overcome your own problems, and in the future help others.

How to activate the Heavenly Doctor


People born in the year of your Heavenly Doctor can have a positive impact on your overall health. Of course, this does not mean that they are capable of healing from any ailments with just their appearance. But from time to time they may well give interesting advice at the everyday level. And such advice is worth listening to.

And if you choose your attending physician, you can find out his year of birth. And this person can be not only a doctor, but also professionally deal with body health - be a massage therapist, fitness or yoga instructor. If the year of birth of such a person is your Celestial Doctor star, then this is good.


Heavenly Doctor's Day is a suitable day to visit a doctor and routinely seek medical help. In this case, of course, it is worth taking into account the overall auspiciousness of the day. This can be done using the calendar on our website. If the day of the personal Heavenly Doctor is unfavorable in itself as a whole and contains “inappropriate descriptions,” then things may not go quite comfortably and pleasantly. It is better then to use other personal favorable stars. For example, “Personal Noble Person.”

By the way, in the personal calendar of favorable dates, the days of the Heavenly Doctor and the Personal Noble One are marked. Using such a calendar, you can see when personal favorable stars come and use this for your own purposes.

Health is our main resource. Without it, neither money nor material values ​​make you happy. As Socrates said: “Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.”

Determining Feng Shui zones in an apartment

There are two options for using Feng Shui in a residential area. The first method involves dividing the entire apartment into separate zones. It is convenient because it allows you to design the sector as fully as possible: choose the appropriate wall decoration, lighting, furniture, and decorative items. Such an interior will look harmonious and attractive.

An example of placing zones according to Feng Shui

In the second case, each living room is divided into sectors. In this case, the design of zones will be minimal. This method will ensure well-being in all areas of life for any member of the household.

How to find a health zone in an apartment?

When searching for and arranging a zone, a bagua grid will be useful to you. It clearly shows the location of all sectors, their color, main and generating elements. But the opinions of various Feng Shui schools regarding the rules for interpreting trigrams differ.

According to one version, the sector is located in the east, between the Wealth zone and the Knowledge zone. To find its location, just use a compass. If there is a window nearby, you can see the sun rising through it in the morning.

According to another opinion, it is not the eastern part of the room that is responsible for health, but its central zone. The main flows of qi energy converge in this area. In order not to impede its movement, the central zone is left as free as possible.


Gua Number
One of the most important factors in Feng Shui is the ability to identify beneficial and destructive energies. Accordingly, we improve and activate the beneficial ones, and we extinguish or avoid the destructive ones.

Knowing the personal Gua number allows a person to use the magnetic forces of the Earth to achieve their goals, including material success. The Gua number is a kind of magic key that opens the doors of invisible but powerful spheres of energy associated with magnetic fields.

It is a known fact that the forces of magnetic fields affect everyone differently. They are divided into favorable and very dangerous. In order to know which compass directions have a positive effect on you and which have a negative effect, you need to calculate your Gua number.

For each Gua number there are 4 favorable directions and 4 unfavorable ones. Knowing this, you can always navigate space in your best direction. Feng Shui master Yap Chen Hai said the following: whoever wants to become a billionaire must eat, sleep, place the front door and kitchen stove in the best direction of Shen Qi. Anyone who develops the habit of always facing the other way is guaranteed financial well-being! Believe it or not, check it out for yourself!

Regarding the calculation of the GUA number, I look it up in the table, but the calculation is as follows: add the last two digits of the year of birth, if you get a two-digit number, then add it again and bring it to a single-digit number, add 5 to it (for women) and subtract from 10 ( for men), if you get a two-digit number, add it up again and get your GUA number. Example: year 1973, 7+3=10+5=15, 1+5=6.

Determination of the Gua number for girls born since 2000. To the result of adding the last numbers of the year of birth, add not 5, but 6.

Determination of Gua number for boys born since 2000 In this case, the figure obtained by adding the last two digits should be subtracted from 9.

Based on the final result, determine which group of people you belong to: Western or Eastern. The Eastern group includes people whose Gua number is: 1,3,4 and 9.

The Western group includes people whose Gua number is: 2,6,7 and 8.

According to my observations, people belonging to the Eastern group are more fortunate financially, but it is quite difficult in love and with children. They should activate the eastern directions and definitely the zone of Assistants.

People belonging to the Western group are much more likely to be lucky in love, but in financial terms they often experience difficulties, so they need to strengthen and activate the eastern directions, especially the South-East.

Favorable directions

Favorable directions include: 1. the best direction or source of Qi. Shen-Qi; 2. heavenly doctor or place of health. Tien-Yi; 3. harmony in marriage. Nien-Yan; 4. direction of personal development. Fu-Wei.

Now, calculate your personal Gua number and determine your directions, which are divided into the following groups: The best source of Qi, Heavenly doctor, Harmony in marriage, Personal development EASTERN GROUP Gua number 1 Southeast, East, South, North Gua number 3 South, North, Southeast, East Gua Number 4 North, South, East, Southeast, Number 9 East, Southeast, North, South WESTERN GROUP Gua Number 2 Northeast, West, Northwest, Southwest Gua Number 6 West, Northeast, Southwest, Northwest Gua Number 7 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, West Gua Number 8 Southwest, Northwest, West, Northeast

The best direction or source of Qi. Shen-Qi.

This is the most powerful existing beneficial direction, which is directly related to the source of life, material well-being and other good luck. Using this direction can bring you fame, money, power, position in society and authority. It is necessary to remember the best direction and use it as often as possible.

The ideal, of course, would be to position the front door in your best direction, then your life will receive the necessary protection. But if you can’t install the door in this direction, then at least don’t place it in your destructive directions, otherwise you will only get discomfort and failure from life. It is clear that each family member has his own best direction. If you are going to build a house, then it is better to position the door in the best direction of the owner of the house, who cares about the well-being of his family.

The Chinese also call the best direction feng wui, which means “happy life.” In principle, it’s not for nothing that they call it that, because this is really the most prosperous place for you. And if you have your own home, then this place is in the area located at the back of the house. It is customary to have bedrooms there. If this is a city apartment, this is the part of it that is as far away from the front door as possible. This is where Qi energy restores strength and gives good sleep.

But as Feng Shui experience shows, not every remote part of the house is suitable for bedrooms, but it is still better if it corresponds to your best direction, or, as it is also called, the main place.

Heavenly doctor or place of health. Tien-I. As you might have guessed, this direction is responsible for your good health. This is a kind of healing oasis at home, where a person can always get the energy boost he needs. The heavenly doctor works miracles.

To activate the “heavenly doctor”, you need to turn the bed and the stove in a given direction, take medicine while looking in the same direction. And then all diseases recede, and the person recovers.

If you place a dining room in a place of health where all family members gather, then the food will not only be well digested, but also perform health-improving functions. But good health is the key to success, you must agree.

In addition to its health-improving functions, this direction can bring you luck and prosperity at the middle class level. If you are not striving for fabulous wealth, then Tien-Yi is your destination.

Harmony in marriage. Nien-Yan.

If you are lonely or your relationships in the family or with children are not going well, then the third favorable direction - Nien-Yan - is exactly the direction that should be used for your own purposes.

According to Chinese belief, the husband's head should be turned towards Nien-Yan when conceiving a child is planned.

The Nien-Yang direction is responsible not only for harmony in marriage, but also for the longevity of all family members. This direction contributes to the fulfillment of our dreams. We feel secure, satisfied with life, peaceful and happy, and positive emotions are believed to affect our life expectancy. Don't forget about it! A positive attitude is one of the most important factors for success and prosperity in life!

Direction of personal development. Fu-Wei.

The direction of personal development is simply necessary for people of intellectual work, as well as schoolchildren and students. Activating this area will help you achieve professional success and improve your skills.

But if your goal is to gain wealth, then this direction is the weakest of the four favorable ones for this. It can only provide a more or less decent life. So, if you decide to become a millionaire, then turn your attention first of all to the source of Qi, Shen Qi.

If the owner of the house puts his computer here, his financial problems will be solved much easier, because the direction of personal development will itself give him good ideas and provide him with support.

Also, so that there are no financial problems in the house, the Chinese try to place the front door here so that money comes into the house and not out of the house, they also make an entrance to the kitchen so that the house is always full of tasty and high-quality food. In the direction of personal development, the Chinese build an office for the head of the family, because this is where important issues related to material wealth are resolved.

But it is not enough to orient the entrance or office in this direction; your attitude and interest are very important, i.e. it is necessary to activate this place. That's why many people place sparkling crystals here or increase the lighting. If this is an office, then you can hang photographs on the walls of the most favorable moments of your life, and then you will never again know what financial difficulties are.

home workplace

First you need to know your GAU number (it is determined by your date of birth), then make a plan of the room and see where to place your workplace so that you do not sit with your back to the door, you should sit facing one of your best directions, it is advisable to equip a place in the south-east at the window if you belong to the Eastern group according to the number of GUAs, or in the zone of assistants (N-W) if you are a Western group. But sit facing your best direction. Business development is very productive if you are located in the southern zone. There should be no fountains or toilets behind you.

NEXT: Protecting your home and clearing your space

Auspicious Stars Qi Men Dong Jia

The Qi Men Dong Jia layout uses 9 stars. The stars for each palace are traditionally written in the lower left corner. The Qi Men stars are responsible for the environment and atmosphere in which the action takes place.

The figure above shows an example of the location of the Stars in the Qi Men chart. Please note that one of the stars (starHeavenly Bird) is always located in the same palace with the starHeavenly Sprout.

In the Qi Men Dong Jia tables, the Stars move relative to the central palace. They follow each other in a circle in the same order. Each of the 9 Stars has its own meaning in the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia.

  • Element - Wood
  • Home location - Southeast
  • Images: people, grass, flowerbed, rainbow, thread, brush, hotel, vegetables, carpenter, carpenter, passport officer.
  • Body: liver, gall bladder, eyebrows.
  • Good for travel, career advancement, taking office, construction, business, receiving forgiveness.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia Star 輔 Heavenly Help (Tian Fu) means luck, promises support in any matter, is suitable for trips and travels, It is favorable for career advancement and starting work in a new place. The StarHeavenly Help brings success, wealth and is favorable for moving to a new home.

The StarTian Fu is considered especially effective in carrying out the activation of the Three Generals.

  • Element - Metal
  • Home Location - North West
  • Images: clear sky, big city, capital, hat, jewelry, car, official institution, hero, rich man, official, military affairs.
  • Body: bones, forehead.
  • Star of Nobility. Favorable for prayers, breathing practices, treatment, travel, moving, marriage.

In the Oracle of Qi Men, the star 心 Heavenly Heart (Tian Xin / Tian Xin) is favorable for medical interventions and taking medications, for research activities, planning and meeting with patrons. It means a margin of safety and helps to defeat the disease.

This star is especially strong in winter and autumn.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home Location - Northeast
  • Images: sandstorm, mountain cliff, screen, table and chairs, bedspread, blanket, warehouse, hotel, prison worker, holy man, Taoist.
  • Body: spleen, stomach, nose.
  • Favorable for moving, trading, marriage, career development.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the starHeavenly Official (Tian Ren) is considered favorable for almost any matter. It is suitable for seeking support from superiors, creating an enterprise and starting a business.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home location - Center
  • Images: sword, knife, dead end, abandoned place, typhoon, rifle, empty house, old clothes, robber, deceiver, protector.
  • Body: blood, brain.
  • Good for travel, commercial transactions, making a profit, interacting with patrons and assistants.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dun Jia, the star 禽 Heavenly Bird (Tian Qin) is associated with a break and temporary stop of processes. This star helps in making deals and commerce. It is favorable for travel, trade and commercial transactions, construction and meeting with dignitaries.

  • Element - Fire
  • Home Location - South
  • Images: sun, busy street, active road, lamp, candle, mirror, book, shop, businessman, library employee, scientist.
  • Body: small intestine, eyes, heart.
  • Bloodshed and conflicts. All things are unfavorable.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the star Heavenly Shine (Tian Ying) signifies confrontation, deception, intrigue, gossip and financial problems, and is unfavorable for trade, construction, marriage, moving and travel. It indicates determination, acting ability, impulsive and explosive character.

  • Element - Earth
  • Home Location - Southwest
  • Images: fog, garden, plain, suitcase, empty box, canvas, small village house, agriculture, peasant, pregnant woman.
  • Body: muscles, cheeks.
  • Diseases, epidemics, waste. Supports learning and appropriate advice seeking in selected cases.

In the Oracle of Qi, the Men Star 芮 Tian Rui (Heavenly Sprout) often signifies illness. But these are not just random diseases, but situations that give us time to rethink our actions and work on ourselves.

If the starcelestial Sprout is located in the Palace of Life, it means poor health.

The starTian Rui is unfavorable for active actions; it provokes loss of valuables and litigation, brings anxiety and fears. In forecasts for lawsuits, the starHeavenly Sprout means loss.

In autumn and winter, combined with favorable Gates and Structure, this star is favorable for learning and seeking advice.

  • Element - Metal
  • Home Location: West
  • Images: frost, hail, small lake, pond, cup, glass, bucket, axe, monastery employee, hermit, witch, fisherman.
  • Body: large intestine, lungs, mouth.
  • Shock and horror, mystical phenomena. Good for defense. Not suitable for constructive activities.

In the oracle of Qi Men, the star 柱 Heavenly Pillar (Tian Zhu / Tian Zhu) means retreat from obligations, withdrawal from business, completion of communication. It is considered unfavorable for economic activity, entrepreneurship, trade and travel.

Star can be used for defense and gathering strength.

  • Element - Water
  • Home location - North
  • Images: rain, pond, raincoat, umbrella, fishing gear, varnish products, boat, hotel, dining room, sailor.
  • Body: bladder, kidneys, ears.
  • Theft, loss of money, illness, competition.

The meaning of the starTian Peng is loss, loss and theft. However, in spring and summer, combined with a favorable Gate and Structure, the star 蓬 Heavenly Grass (Tian Peng) supports success in official disputes and brings prosperity.

People represented by the starHeavenly Grass strive for new emotions and impressions, do not tolerate criticism well and always do everything their own way.

  • Element - Wood
  • Home location - East
  • Images: thunder and lightning, orchard, fruit, radish, forest, drum, axe, awl, flute, high house, witness, manager.
  • Body: three heaters, heart sac, jaws.
  • Suitable for attack and revenge. Not suitable for constructive activities.

In the Oracle of Qi Men Dong Jia, the star 冲 Heavenly Clash (Tian Chong) means unexpected events and actions, threats and the need to exercise caution in any matter, especially when moving and traveling. It is unfavorable to get married, move to a new house, engage in commercial activities and construction.

StarHeavenly Clash is suitable for revenge, punishment of the guilty and military campaigns.

The ancient Chinese believed that the Qi Men Stars influenced any changes occurring on Earth. The stars reflect Heavenly Qi and at the same time tell about the influence of the surrounding space. In addition to movements and actions, the Stars are used to carry out Qi Men Dong Jia activations indoors .

To activate Qi Men, three favorable Stars are most often used:

  • Tian Fu / Heavenly Help
  • Tian Ren/Heavenly Official
  • Tian Xin / Heavenly Heart.

The starTian Qin (Heavenly Bird) in the Qi Men Dun Jia layout is always in the same palace with the unfavorable starTian Rui (Heavenly Sprout). Therefore, to activate the StarTian Qin can only be used in cases where it is combined with the Heavenly Stem from the central sector of the layout. But even in this case, it is necessary to carefully select the layout operators to activate in order to avoid problems.

As a rule, the Stars do not interact directly with humans. But they will show what circumstances you may encounter in the process of realizing your intentions.

In the predictions of the Qi Men Oracle, the stars mean the support of Heaven and are responsible for a person’s way of thinking. Favorable stars signify a suitable environment and promise a successful gathering. But for this, the Star must be in a generative or supportive relationship with the palace and in a good Qi phase for the season.

To build a map, you can use an online calculator

If you are interested in learning Qi Men Dong Jia, we invite you to our classes. A list of all available Qi Men courses is here

I wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, reliable friendship, family happiness and prosperity, health, high income and constant good luck!

Natalya Titova Consultant and teacher of Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Qi Men Dong Jia, author of the “Melody of Qi” project and the “Tools for Chinese Metaphysics” portal.

Cleansing the health zone

To cleanse the sector’s energy, start with a general cleaning. Fix broken, damaged items located in the area or get rid of them. Also throw away unnecessary trash that has accumulated on mezzanines and in closets: it blocks the circulation of energy flows and harms everyone in the household.

Inspect the area for the presence of “poisoned arrows”: protruding shelves, racks, corners, partitions. Such details interfere with the free passage of qi energy and disrupt overall harmony. If you cannot change the interior, protect yourself from “poisoned arrows” with the help of living plants, crystals, and airy Chinese bells.

Water and clean air will help get rid of negative energy. Ventilate rooms as often as possible and do wet cleaning. Use safe disinfectants. For light stains, melt water with rose oil is suitable: use it for washing floors, cleaning carpets and blankets.

Arrangement of the health zone

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the eastern zone is characterized by the following features:

  • Wood is the main element.
  • Water is generative.
  • Fire is debilitating.
  • Metal is destructive.

The color scheme of the zone should include woody and aquatic shades:

  • salad;
  • green;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • beige;
  • black.

The area contains objects made of natural wood - furniture, decorative figurines. “Water” paraphernalia is required - vases with water, aquariums, mini-fountains. You can hang a picture in a wooden frame depicting the sea, waterfall, or lake on the wall.

There should be no unnecessary details in the central zone. It is enough to place a large chandelier that will illuminate the entire room. It is allowed to place transparent furniture or laconic decor.

The element of the center is Earth. Glass, clay and ceramic figurines and vases would be appropriate here. Shades corresponding to this element are yellow, terracotta, brown.

Items for the health zone

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