Peacock as a talisman in Feng Shui and what does it mean, why are peacock feathers in the house?

» Signs » What a peacock feather can change in life



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Among the huge number of items that decorate the home interior, a very prominent place is occupied by the feather of a peacock - a bird rightfully considered one of the most beautiful on earth. At the same time, attitudes towards it vary greatly: some believe that peacock feathers in a house bring exclusively positive things to the inhabitants of the house, while others, on the contrary, believe that this item is a source of troubles and troubles. What causes such a striking difference of opinion regarding peacock feathers and what advice should you listen to? More on this below.

Is it possible to keep peacock feathers in the house?

Symbol of countries and cities

National bird of India

The blue peacock was officially elected as the national bird of India in 1963. The choice was between him and the bustard. The association of the royal bird with Indian culture has an ancient history. Birds were deified by the ancient Hindus, as evidenced by the myths that have reached us.

The peacock has been involved in the life of a Hindu since childhood - he is the hero of fairy tales and legends, songs and poems.

Birds live near cities and settlements, therefore they are in interaction and close connection with the local population.

The greatness and beauty of this feathered representative of the fauna is combined with an unpretentious disposition, which is why it is rightfully called the national bird of India.

Other countries and cities

The green peacock has been the national symbol of Myanmar since 1940. The culture of the country was greatly influenced by the royal nobility of India, so the similarity of the symbols of the states is natural.

In the ancient Egyptian Heliopsis there was a temple of the sun, so a representative of the pheasant family, as a sign of the luminary, became a symbol of this city.

The symbol of the peacock or its feather is widely represented in heraldry. In Russia this is the city of Serpukhov.

The bird also adorns the coat of arms of cities:

  • Newark-on-Trent (Britain);
  • Albach (Germany);
  • Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux (France);
  • Pego (Spain).

Gift for the bride

For those who think positively, this can be a great gift for the bride. To do this, place feathers in a vase or make an unusual panel. It will bring bright colors to the room, and most importantly, a charge of positive energy.

The ring cushion decorated with feathers deserves special attention. They can also be added to the bride’s bouquet and to the groom’s pocket, creating an unusual and even chic ensemble.

Universal symbol

Divine Bird

  • In India, the peacock is a sacred bird. Religions in other countries also use this symbol.
  • Representatives of Christianity respect birds, considering them a symbol of divine reverence. The “eyes” on the feathers symbolize the “all-seeing” Church. The ability to renew (change plumage) has caused Christians to associate it with immortality. And the legend that speaks of the incorruptibility of the meat of this bird made the peacock a symbol of resurrection. He is often depicted on icons dedicated to Christmas. The Great Martyr Barbara holds in her hand the feather of a sacred bird as a sign of her immortality.
  • Buddhism recognizes the bird as a symbol of compassion and vigilance. His feather is an attribute of Avalokiteshvara.
  • In Islam, the peacock's "eye" symbolizes clairvoyance and intuition.
  • In the Yazidi religion, the archangel Tausi Malak appears in the form of a peacock.
  • Peacock feather is an attribute of Lord Krishna. For Hare Krishnas, this bird symbolizes immortality. The "Eye" represents the all-seeing eye of Krishna.

Symbol of the Chosen

In ancient China, the emperor encouraged his subjects by giving them a feather from a sacred animal. Having received the favor of the emperor, the Chinese were ranked among the highest strata of society. Therefore, the talisman is still used as a symbol of dignity and greatness. The beautiful bird is the totem animal of the Ming Dynasty.

In Iran, the Shah's court was called the "Peacock Throne".

In Rome, bird feathers were the emblem of the empress and her daughters. The image of a peacock was used on coins as a sign of the divinity of the imperial daughters.

Astral symbolism

In Ancient Greece, the peacock's tail, decorated with multi-colored patterns and precious stones, was the embodiment of the endless starry sky. One of the myths tells of the revival of the hundred-eyed Argos by the goddess Hera, who transferred the eyes of the sleepy hero to the tail of a beautiful pheasant.

According to the legends of the ancient world, these birds symbolize the entire cosmos or the moon and sun separately.

Compromise solution

So is it possible to keep peacock feathers at home? Practice shows that there is no clear answer to the question posed, since each of the two “camps” - supporters of storing these items and its opponents - has a lot of its own arguments. As for the compromise option, fortunately, it is quite possible here: anyone who is afraid of the “look of the devil’s eyes” emblazoned on their feathers can be advised to acquire an elegant peacock miniature. There are two main types of it:

  • With a folded tail shape, which above all means caution. First of all, it makes sense to give such a figurine to people whose activities involve a certain risk, for example, businessmen.
  • With a spread tail, each “eye” of which is clearly visible. Such miniatures can be recommended to anyone who wants to have a good personal life.

No less positive is the meaning of a peacock depicted in a painting or made through embroidery. It brings good luck to its owner, attracting positivity like a magnet and ensuring success in all endeavors. At the same time, you can not only buy such a thing, but also make it yourself: draw or embroider using a wide palette of bright colors needed to convey all the beauty of peacock feathers.

Peacock in a dream

A peacock appearing in a dream can symbolize hopes and fantasies or an arrogant person.

  • Feeding a bird in a dream means that an approach will be found to an unapproachable person.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a peacock spreading its tail in a dream is a sign of deception. If the tail is not loose, this means minor troubles.
  • If a peacock loses a feather in a dream, it means exposing an influential person.
  • You dream of a screaming peacock to remind you of some small but important matters.
  • A dream from Wednesday to Thursday promises a fun pastime for the rest of the week. And if you dreamed about the bird from Sunday to Monday, then renovations will soon begin in the house.

At home

Very often feathers fly onto the balcony, window or door of the apartment. The sign “to find a bird feather on a balcony, window sill or inside a home” is also considered good. They say that feathers that find their way into a person’s house are “news” from relatives and friends who have already left this world, therefore, having discovered such a find, you should think about the people dear to you who have died, or even go to church and light candles for the repose of their souls.

It is believed that this is even more than just a “hello” from relatives. Deceased loved ones often become our guardian angels, so in difficult times they send us various signs as support. Such a find symbolizes that the end of the dark streak in life is just around the corner.

However, sometimes the sign of “finding a bird feather on the windowsill or in the apartment” can indicate that someone is deliberately harming you using black magic methods. Take a feather in your hands, take a closer look at it, try to feel what your intuition will tell you. If the find does not cause any unpleasant sensations, then the omen remains good, but if it is unpleasant for you to hold the pen in your hands, it seems to cause some kind of internal rejection - someone is really trying to harm you, so you should be careful.

The sign of “finding a bird feather in the garden” can be equated to a find inside the house, if the plot is yours and does not belong to neighbors or friends, and you are just relaxing there. The same can be said if a feather mysteriously appeared in the garage.

Catching a feather on the fly If you catch a flying feather or it lands on your head or shoulder, this is a great sign: luck will be on your side, and also expect unexpected but joyful news, events, and meetings.

Negative symbol value

Only the rich classes could breed peacocks. Due to its association with luxury and vanity, the bird has become a symbol of arrogance and arrogance. Hence the expression “spread its tail like a peacock.” In mockery of feigned arrogance, the famous Faina Ranevskaya once said: “Under the most beautiful peacock tail hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen".

In England it is not customary to keep peacock feathers in the house. "Eye" reminds the English of the evil eye and is associated with bad luck. The British believe in omens: the owner may be in big trouble; and the unmarried women in the house will not find a husband.

In South Asia, the bird is considered a harbinger of trouble. She warns of approaching predators and thunderstorms.

Whose feather did you find?

  • Black feathers make excellent amulets and talismans that sharpen intuition. By creating such an amulet, you inform the universe that you are aware of the dark side of your nature and are quite capable of controlling it. You are not ready to run away in panic at the mention of damage, the evil eye and evil witches. Those who risk the threat of dark forces should consider whether it is worth the risk. A powerful amulet made from an odd number of black feathers is absolutely impenetrable.
  • White attracts goodness and blessings. Eliminates the possibility of wearing a separate black amulet. It is better to make one common one, alternating colors and intertwining with colored thread - blue or red. Such a talisman will be a little weaker than each individually - both black and white, but universal.
  • Motley is the best amulet. The best dream catcher is made from colorful feathers. A colored talisman is also better for children.

Raven, crow

Smart magical bird. If you have a good relationship with crows, you periodically feed them and do not offend them - the feather will make an excellent talisman that wards off bad dreams and helps you remember dreams that matter. Place it under your pillow or make a word catcher.


A sign of peace and tranquility. The sign says that luck will smile on you, the day will be favorable, and disputes and conflicts will be successfully resolved. This sign also advises not to get into the bottle and not to show unnecessary aggression.


To travel, an interesting trip, discoveries. Whatever you want to do, start right now. A sign to hurry up and fulfill your desires. If you wanted to make a purchase that you haven’t decided on for a long time, now is the right moment.

Chicken or rooster

Surprisingly, the feathers of an ordinary domestic chicken bring happiness, ward off everyday envy and anger, and give a sign of useful house evil spirits to establish contact. A bunch of parsley feathers found in a chicken coop can make peace with the most evil poltergeist. Perhaps because it is also a threat, because evil spirits are afraid of roosters crowing and understand the right hints. You cannot burn chicken feathers in your house - you are depriving your home of protection. If for some reason you want to do this, leave the house, or better yet, the yard.

Goose, duck, swan

Waterfowl provide amulets for family and health. Their feathers can be burned in the house - this is a sacrifice to the local brownies. For colds, serious illness, inflammation of the respiratory tract, burn waterfowl feathers or amber


Some feathers can only be found at the zoo or circus. But, if you're lucky, you can be the lucky one who gets to find a delightful peacock feather. This is a lucky sign, but keeping it at home is considered bad luck. It is generally accepted that a person can become selfish and care about his own interests. But it may well be that this is exactly what you are missing. If you are excellent at helping and solving other people's problems, doing assigned work, but you are not too used to accepting help, minding your own personal affairs and attracting help to them, giving out instructions, a peacock feather is exactly what you need. It will help correct the situation.

If you are lucky enough to catch a feather on the fly, save it. For example, put it in a book. You can pre-wash with bactericidal soap. Lucky omens are wonderful, but in urban environments birds often carry various diseases. Modern realities are such that birds often feed not on clean grains and berries, but on food waste in garbage dumps and landfills.

It is very important that the feather is dropped and not torn out. If you see a bunch of feathers or even a bird skeleton, don’t think about collecting amulets

As for birds caught by hunting, the plumage of birds of prey is suitable for amulets.
Date: January 23, 2021

Peacock feathers in the home

In contrast to the folk signs of the British, the teachings of Feng Shui equate peacocks with a deity. And the white peacock is a symbol of spirituality and spiritual harmony. Bird feathers are attracted to the home:

  • wealth;
  • luxury;
  • success in business;
  • Love;
  • beauty;
  • fantasy.

It is possible to put things in order at work or get a promotion with the help of this talisman.

Bird feathers placed in the house of a lonely person will attract love to the house.

It is possible to “appease” the talisman so that it works with the help of praise.


Having found a feather, look at its color:


Light feathers are symbols of happiness and good luck. From a found feather you can make a talisman - weave a wreath from leaves, herbs and branches, symbolizing a nest, and place the feather in its center. You need to keep the amulet at home - it will become a keeper of comfort, strengthen family relationships, protect against negative influences and help in any endeavor. Even sorcerers use white feathers exclusively for light affairs.

If you sew such feathers on clothes or insert them into earrings, you can protect yourself from the evil eye - thanks to their color, they are able to dispel bad energy. They can also be used to resolve quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses.


The night-colored feather usually belongs to the raven, a symbol of wisdom, courage and longevity. It is very useful to keep it in the workplace, among business papers, where it will contribute to making the right decisions and success in business. You can also ask for help from dark forces through black feathers, but it will be difficult for an ordinary person to cope with them. Dark colored feathers are most often used in black magic to cause damage.

It is impossible to pick up, let alone bring into the house a black feather found near a cemetery, at a gate or on the threshold of a house. After such a find, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing ritual - wrap the feather in a scarf, tie it with a red thread, take it outside and say: “The evil man harbored a grudge, he decided to kill me, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I’m only cleansing myself of blackness. As it came to me, it passed by!” Then the bundle should be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. Upon returning home, you need to wash your hands under running water and shake off the drops from them over the threshold - to consolidate the cleansing effect.


A feather of mixed color or spotted is considered neutral; it can carry both a positive and negative message. It is used in magic for various purposes - both for good and evil deeds. If you paint such a feather gold, it will be tuned to attract wealth into the home.

Helper amulets are also made from the pockmarked feathers of wild birds living in the wild to help one find their way in life and bring their dreams closer to fruition. To do this in the evening after sunset, you need to clear the kitchen table, including the tablecloth, put an open new handkerchief on it, a feather on top, and place two burning wax candles on the sides. Then bring the third candle to each of the burning ones, thus receiving a double fire.

Taking a feather in your left hand and a double-flame candle in your right, walk around the kitchen clockwise, then go to the front door of the apartment and return back. Place the feather in a scarf and tie the opposite ends to create a knotted amulet. You need to carry it with you in your pocket or keep it at home.

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