What does an owl mean as a symbol: where to place the talisman in the house according to Feng Shui

The nocturnal inhabitant with her mysterious appearance and amazing abilities has long excited the minds of our ancestors. In Ancient Greece, she was considered the companion of Athena, the goddess of wisdom; in Indian culture, she was personified as a seer capable of predicting the future. The Slavs revered her as the keeper of treasures, and the Celts and Egyptians personified her with the god of darkness and death.

They feared the bird and at the same time worshiped it. One thing is clear that the symbolism of the owl has always carried a magical meaning, which was revealed only to a select few and helped to comprehend the laws of the universe.

Owl symbol in different cultures

In different countries, this mysterious bird was given great importance. It was not always assessed unambiguously. This is due to the fact that owls were associated with mysticism and the night.

Physiologically, they are nocturnal: hunting at night and orienting themselves well in the dark.

Watching this bird, our ancestors believed that it:

  • Contains all earthly knowledge and wisdom.
  • Is a guide to the kingdom of shadows.
  • A demonic creature serving the king of darkness.

The table examines how this mysterious creature was treated in different cultures and nationalities:

NationalitiesWhat does it mean and what is associated with it
IndiansOmnipresent, wise, sees the future
Ancient GreeksThe goddess Athena personified wisdom and knowledge. Symbolized sleep and eternal night
CeltsThey were considered a servant of the underworld, flying to pick up the dead, a witch
ChineseThey were compared to disobedient children who treat their parents poorly, the embodiment of evil, death, criminal activity, and nightmare. Proximity to her predicted wealth
JewsBlindness, sorrow, melancholy, loneliness, bad news, the devil incarnate
EgyptiansNight and grave cold, death
RomansWisdom and knowledge; symbol of the god of darkness and healing
HindusPersonification of the god of the dead
JapaneseBad sign, death
MexicansEternal night and disappearance into oblivion
ScythiansPrudence, nobility, silence, wisdom
Aztecs and MayansDemon of the night, all-consuming evil, guide of souls to the kingdom of the dead
SlavsAn unclean bird, a harbinger of troubles, deaths, fires. Keeper of hiding places, treasures, treasured herbs

Now the image of this bird is more often depicted on books, medallions dedicated to extensive knowledge in the scientific or military field, and on various occult objects. She personifies enlightenment, military valor, and wisdom.

Feng Shui Owl: Money Talisman

A fairly popular variation is an owl perched on a money tree. As I already said, ancient people associated it with treasures, but for us the meaning has changed a little.

An owl with a money tree carries double symbolism: while the money tree attracts income, the bird carefully guards this wealth. It is believed that such an owl is designed to help the owner handle money wisely, promises success in financial transactions and increases finances.

With her gaze she neutralizes all negative energy. She will protect the owners from hostility. But when guests arrive, it is better to remove the figurine from prying eyes. In general, it is accepted that talismans that protect the owner should only be seen by him; other people’s eyes can have a bad effect on the beneficial energy.

Sometimes, in order to influence money, they place not just one bird on a money tree, but a trio of predators or an owl next to a money toad with a coin in its mouth. It is also a money talisman. Their close location will have a double effect on your income.

Owl in Christian culture

Christianity treated it ambiguously:

  • Among the first Christians, it was associated with Christ's enlightenment and theology.
  • She was endowed with sensitivity, the ability to think and philosophize, the ability to keep secrets, and knowledge of medicine.
  • After the second century AD, completely different meanings were attributed; she was considered a symbol.

  1. Satan, luring people into the net.
  2. Loneliness and seclusion.
  3. Ignorance and unbelief.
  4. Prophecies, omniscience and foresight.
  5. Night, death and darkness.
  6. A witch who brings misfortune.
  7. Sadness, despondency and unhappiness.
  8. Witchcraft and sorcery.

Different attitudes towards the bird are associated with its nocturnal lifestyle, completely silent flight, and ability to turn its head around its axis.

With burning big yellow eyes, a completely motionless and silent daytime existence.

Bird in the forest

What mood prevailed in your dream?

People who should listen to the opinions of others often dream of an owl in the forest. You need to stop relying on yourself and start learning from the experiences of wiser friends. When making any important decision, you should first consult with knowledgeable people.

If you happened to see an owl maneuvering between the trees, then this indicates the dreamer’s numerous fears and experiences that need to be eliminated. Don’t waste your nerves scrolling through negative thoughts and problems in your head.

An eagle owl sitting on a branch and looking intently into the dreamer's eyes can mean financial losses and material difficulties.

A dream of an aggressive bird of prey in the forest is a symbol of enemies and ill-wishers who will in every possible way interfere with the dreamer’s happiness.

How is owl symbolism used?

The mysterious owl bird covers a huge, varied range of meanings, from positive to dark and ominous.

If in ancient times they treated her with caution, now figurines and amulets with her image are found everywhere.

It is used to decorate living quarters and offices, put on medallions, make tattoos, etc.

Such symbolism has gained particular popularity in the Chinese philosophical movement of Feng Shui, according to which a correctly placed figurine will achieve the following result.

Such as:

  • Attracting cash flows: the figurine is placed near places where money is stored. You can buy a money tree with a bird sitting on it. This symbol will not only attract funds to the family, but will also help to spend them rationally and strengthen the family idyll and well-being.
  • Ensuring stability and well-being in the family: the money toad is located next to the owl figurine.
  • Instilling in children the skills of economical and rational spending of money: the figurine is placed in the children's bedroom.
  • Protection from evil: in a room whose windows face northeast, three such amulets are placed.
  • Improving the performance of schoolchildren and students - a figurine or image of a bird is placed on the desk or in the room where the child learns lessons. A small talisman figurine is taken for the exam.

The color of an owl is very important:

  • White polar is the keeper of the family. Her figurine is placed in living rooms, halls, and family bedrooms. The talisman absorbs other people's negative energy and transforms it into positive. But if there are quarrels and conflicts in the family, the owl absorbs negativity, then returns it back.
  • White, with outstretched wings - promotes career advancement, eliminates industrial conflicts, etc.
  • The common gray is an assistant in solving financial and production problems. If you put it on your desk in the office and take care of it with love, your salary will increase, your relationships with colleagues will improve, etc.

Please note: you cannot make a scandal near the figure, throw out negative energy, or behave incorrectly. It absorbs negativity and returns it back after a while. Fill it with positive energy.

The owl is a wise little head

The ancient Greeks considered the bird one of the guises of the patroness of wisdom, Athena. This tradition has strengthened in our area. Often the figurine of a bird is placed on folded books - here it personifies knowledge, abilities for erudition and wisdom. The figurine of an owl with an open book has the same meaning. Often such a sign can be seen on the emblems and coats of arms of educational institutions of various levels.

Among the Indians of North America, this night bird was revered as a totem of wisdom and prophetic gift. Owl feathers were considered a powerful talisman in these places; desperate warriors used them to decorate their headdresses.

It is good to place an owl figurine on the students’ (schoolchildren or students) desk. A photograph or drawing depicting a night bird would not be out of place in a children's room - in the presence of such a talisman, the thirst for knowledge will increase and academic performance will improve. As a talisman, you can take a small figurine of an owl (or a toy in the shape of this bird) with you to the exam.

An owl with an open book or on books will be needed even when no one in the family is studying anymore. Such symbols will help bring order to the acquired knowledge and direct it for good and prosperity.

A white owl (a figurine or image of a bird) will help deal with those children who do not obey their parents and do not show diligence in their studies. A talisman in the form of this bird promotes perseverance, makes knowledge accessible and interesting. This figurine can be worn as a keychain, pendant or bracelet, which will be beautiful and useful.

Folk signs

There is no people who have not created legends about the owl, attributing magical powers to it. A huge number of signs and beliefs are associated with this image.

All over the world, the owl is a talisman for women: the image of this bird can be found on women's jewelry, jewelry boxes, etc.

Different peoples had different beliefs:

  • The Slavs believed that witches, old maids, widows or women of easy virtue put owl figurines at home.
  • Hearing the cry of an owl is an omen of an imminent conception or the birth of a long-awaited child. If an unmarried woman hears this, she will become pregnant.
  • French women believe that if you hear the cry of an owl during pregnancy, a girl will be born.
  • The Saxons believed that if an owl screeches near the house, the girl will lose her virginity.
  • The Scots were afraid to see a flying bird in daylight, considering it a bad omen.
  • The British thought that the best treatment for whooping cough in children was broth made from its meat.
  • The Romanians believed that if someone looked into the nest of this bird, he would be sad, uncommunicative and silent all his life.
  • Ukrainians believed that hearing or seeing an owl meant marriage.

Today, an owl amulet worn by a woman indicates her sexuality, cunning, and energy. Therefore, if you don’t know what to give a woman, give her a talisman in the form of this bird.

Did you see an owl? The omen is not good

  • Meeting an owl in the evening is a sign of news, usually gloomy.
  • Seeing an owl at night is a sign of trouble.
  • But the worst thing is to see an owl during the day - the sign says that this is a very bad omen.

True, this does not apply to birds sleeping or hiding in the thick of foliage, which you noticed completely by accident. It is considered a bad omen only when you see an owl flying or screeching during the day.

I saw an owl on the road at night in front of the car - a warning that difficulties will arise along the way. Check if you have gasoline and if you have a first aid kit, and don’t be reckless.

Other Important Details

Seeing an owl in the house, on the balcony or on the roof of the house is unlucky. If she flies around the room and hits the windows, trying to get out, danger awaits the sleeper. The dream also promises serious health problems and deterioration of relationships with household members. It is required to be more attentive to loved ones, and to solve any problems together. This is the only way to survive difficult times and still remain close people.

If you dream of an owl hitting the window, the sleeper will receive news about a new addition to the family. And if you dreamed of a bird sitting in a cage, a person will not take advantage of the chance given by fate. Instead, he will choose to submit to the will of others. You'll have to reconsider your position in life.

According to many dream books, a dead owl is a good sign. The sleeper will be spared health problems. Killing a bird in a dream means making wrong decisions. If there is a problem, don't solve it yourself. This will only make things worse. It is better to turn to loved ones for help.

If you dream of birds flying away from home, then all your problems will soon be solved. A small chick or an adult bird without feathers means making the wrong decisions. You need to control yourself in any situation, otherwise the consequences of your decisions will only add to your problems. If the owl is tame, the sleeper had a chance to stroke the bird, success awaits him in all his endeavors.

Dreams that occur from Thursday to Friday are especially important. They almost always come true.

If you hit a bird with a car

The wanton killing of an owl promised misfortune and was considered a great sin in many cultures, so even avid hunters were in no hurry to raise their guns when they saw a predator overhead. And even if the bird crashed itself - for example, it emerged from the darkness right in front of the car and crashed into the windshield - one cannot count on a good turn of events. Just remember how in Europe they treated an owl that died in a house! There is one consolation: a car is not a home, which means that the effects here are significantly weakened. Most often, a bird that hits the windshield and is hit to death costs the unlucky driver the loss of a large sum, but without a threat to life and health.

Where to put it?

Esoteric science is closely related to astrology. In addition to Feng Shui advice on where to place a figurine to enhance its meaning and effect, there are recommendations for zodiac signs about the appearance of the talisman, its color, placement and effect:

  1. Aries needs an owl sitting with its wings folded. Such an amulet will bring success to men, and will add attractiveness to women.
  2. For Taurus, good luck will be brought by an owl flying or spreading its wings. It will help representatives of the sign become bolder.
  3. The polar owl or its feather will become the talisman of Gemini. Will protect gullible representatives from liars and envious people.
  4. It is advisable for Cancers to keep an owl figurine in the bedroom. This will help save the family from quarrels.
  5. For Leos, it is advisable to purchase the midnight owl amulet in the form of jewelry. This will smooth out the lust for power of the Leo man, and will add charm to the Lioness woman.
  6. It is better for Virgos to buy an owl figurine and place it in their apartment, this will strengthen family relationships.
  7. Libra's talisman will be a crystal owl; it will bring good luck and success, help balance the balance in their lives, and take a decisive step professionally.
  8. For Scorpios you need a wooden figurine. It will protect them from self-destruction and give them strength and energy to deal with life’s difficulties.
  9. For Sagittarius, an owl with folded wings is suitable, which will restrain impetuosity and inconstancy, and will give wisdom and prudence.
  10. A pendant in the shape of an owl will add lightness to diligent and pedantic Capricorns.
  11. Aquarians need a talisman that will stand at the front door. It will help a lonely representative attract love into the house by hanging an owl image above the front door.
  12. For Pisces, a northern owl with its wings spread is suitable. She will give indecisive people courage and efficiency.

According to Feng Shui, symbols should not only occupy a certain place in the house, but also attract money and success. In order for luck to come, you need to believe in it. An owl figurine will emphasize the desire to collect money, win the favor of fate, and become wiser.

You cannot give a talisman that is in your house to other people at their insistent request. This may have a negative impact on your future fate. Their manifestation in real life does not depend on trust or skepticism about the power of magical forces. Therefore, it is better to be careful with symbols that carry a powerful impact. A figurine of an owl, presented with wishes of prosperity and wisdom, will bring good luck to you, your friends and loved ones.

Owl cry

The cry of an owl portends misfortune

If there is no owl in a dream, but its cry is a bad sign. A gloomy cry indicates bad news. The sleeper learns about serious health problems. This news also concerns a sharp deterioration in the financial situation of the sleeping person or people close to him.

To be frightened by an owl's cry is news. If this cry is short-lived, the news will be pleasant. The same interpretation has a dream in which an eagle owl unexpectedly flies out from under the feet of the sleeping person.

If an owl makes a cry in a dream not far from home, then the sleeper will learn about a new addition to the family. This interpretation is relevant for both men and women. If a bird in a dream does not so much scream as make muffled sounds, an unexpected meeting with a wise person awaits ahead. The knowledge and advice received from him will help you make the right decisions in the future.

The feeling of the sleeper after waking up is important. If a person is scared by sleep, it is better to be wary. If the person was satisfied with the dream, there will be no troubles.

For knowledge

A gift in the form of an owl figurine will help children in their studies. It will be especially useful for those who have difficulty learning new knowledge. An owl will help you cope with difficult tasks, begin to develop an interest in knowledge, and direct children's activity in the right direction.

A bird sitting on a book is given to those who want to become wiser and actively learn new things. The northeastern part of the home is responsible for learning and knowledge. This is the place for the owl, which should become a mascot in learning.

Decorating with an owl will bring good luck

For guard

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of an owl is the most favorable. Her figurine will give its owner worldly wisdom, guide him in the right direction of knowledge and help resolve important issues. It will protect the owner from dark forces and the envy of competitors, and will provide an opportunity to achieve success in career and business.

This bird is the personification of the feminine principle; it will help a lonely woman find her happiness. You need to wear a pendant at heart level in the shape of an owl. For married women, the bird will help protect the home from quarrels and troubles. The image of a night owl next to the bed where the spouses sleep is a favorable talisman that will preserve the marriage.

A figurine of an owl, the guardian of the family hearth, can be placed in the northwestern part of the room. It is good if it is white, golden or silver.

If you dreamed of an owl or an eagle owl?

In the system of mythological symbolism, the owl has a dual basis. On the one hand, it is a generally accepted symbol of knowledge, wisdom , and comprehension of hidden knowledge.

On the other hand, since this is a nocturnal bird, it is associated with the other world, darkness, sorrow, loneliness.

A dream in which you see an owl may foretell an imminent situation in which you will have to show wisdom. Or, on the contrary, the situation will teach you wisdom, reveal some knowledge that is still secret to you.

An owl is similar to an owl - a prophetic night bird , a guardian of darkness, but in the interpretation of dreams with an owl, greater emphasis is placed on receiving good news or gifts.

Feeding an owl in a dream

Feeding an adult owl in a dream means that the dreamer is a wise and experienced person whose help is needed by loved ones.

Dreaming of treating a little owlet with delicacies means gaining experience. Soon a situation will arise from which it will be possible to draw maximum benefit and worldly wisdom; the experience gained will definitely be useful in the future.

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