Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks Together with Plunder Demon

The Chinese fear this demon most of all, because its main function is loss and loss. If it is present in the Ba Tzu chart, then this means that the risk of the threat of losing something increases. Such loss can be both material and spiritual in nature. One way or another, this is the Demon of Loss. The presence of the Demon of Plunder in the card carries significant meanings. These may be various obstacles, increased demands, as well as exhaustion. It manifests itself in such a way that people cannot correctly assess the current situation. Real events may also be ignored. It confuses the mind, so it can be difficult to determine what needs to be done at that particular moment.

If the Demon of Robbery is present in the fortune-telling chart, you should pay close attention to inheritance and other profits. It is especially bad when it is in the pillar of the year, and if this card belongs to a woman.

If the location of the Demon is in the Qi phase, then usually this person has developed wit, he is quite peaceful and intelligent. If this phase is weak, then the person does not live well and is always in need, and it is also difficult for him to determine what needs to be done in order for the result to be good. Often such people look at their surroundings and repeat their actions or, in other words, swim in the direction of the current.

The situation is considered successful when the Demon simultaneously meets the Spirit of Pleasure, then wealth appears in the person’s hands, and he has power over others. In addition, this is an interesting personality by nature, which is fully developed.

In separate meetings between the Demon of Robbery and the Canopy, this means that the person has a well-developed sense of taste.

When the Demons of Robbery and Destruction are found together at the same time, this means that a person has a unique opportunity to correctly express thoughts and speak beautifully.

If the card contains power and the Demon of Robbery in one of the pillars, he has excellent self-control and will be able to get out of any situation. It is difficult to anger such a person, and he will not be offended over trifles.

When the Demon meets the Spirit of the Source Constellation, such adversities as committing crimes or offenses become part of a person’s life. If the earthly branch is empty and a Monkey or Rooster is present in it, then this does not bode well. As a rule, such people have a desire to get a tattoo on their body, and such decisions in China have always been associated with crime.

A person is cut off from society when the Demons of Robbery and Beating Sheep are together.

When the Demon is in the hour, you should pay attention to children; at least misunderstandings are possible between children and adults.

A person experiences fear when a Demon meets Extreme Power, so he can attract bad luck.

For example, if a client's card shows that he is a thief, then a 10 is usually rolled out - this is a reward. These people specialize in theft, and this affects them favorably. The character of such a person can be distinguished by his behavior against society.

Demon robbery meaning

Each of the analyzed areas is represented in the layout table by a separate Palace.
As in the Zi Wei system, the basic table used to compile the layout of the Palaces of Fate consists of twelve fields (sectors) located in a square around the central field. When composing the stars, I look at the presence of a particular star in a person’s fate and when it manifests itself. In this way, you can predict events: a fateful meeting, betrayal, wealth, career, etc.

Demon Plunder In Ba Zi Meaning In Tact

The Noble Celestial Unit is a very sensitive Spirit. If the Earthly branch, which is the Noble of the Heavenly Unit, falls into combinations such as collision, punishment, injury, emptiness, then he gets scared and cannot open up and show his noble qualities.

The Spirits of Good Luck and the Demons of Failure, as well as the ten personality types, describe the character traits of the person in whose chart they are present. Like personality types, Spirits of Good Luck and Demons of Bad Luck reflect certain patterns of human behavior.

4.Health and Earthly branches

Wooden Rat: High quality pillar! Very few problems, but there may be some leg problems, possible vision problems, ear problems or high blood pressure (if other signs are present);

6. Collisions, punishments and health

Earth Tiger : injuries, road accidents, possible severe infections, head, brain and nerves, liver, gum, muscle diseases, Alzheimer's , Parkinson's, moles on the face or birthmarks, legs (to a lesser extent on the arms). If it is a day pillar, there is a possibility of deformation of the lips or the shape of the mouth. If the Earth Tiger is the pillar of the day, the person may become very ill;

03 Apr 2021 marketur 102

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Demon of robbery according to ba zi

Pleasant appearance, intelligent, sophisticated, well-mannered, tactful, friendly and sympathetic girl. Looks after himself. Good artistic and musical abilities. An erudite, smart girl.

With his thoughts, fear and anxiety, a person can attract problems or invent non-existent difficulties, and this will affect different areas of life. But when you know that this is in the map, it is easier to deal with it. Indirect Official: in marital affairs, the personality is quite extreme/extraordinary, there is a lot of positive in such a person, however, his disposition is stubborn.


The demon of robbery can influence different areas of human life and manifest itself very individually. And when the enemy has many faces, it is difficult to recognize him. It is not for nothing that the Chinese consider this demon the most harmful, because the Demon of Robbery creates situations fraught with losses. Moreover, this means not just the banal loss of a wallet, but also losses that are difficult to express in monetary form: you can ruin your health, waste your time, lose face, and miss out on favorable opportunities.

If the Demon of Robbery is present in a personal chart, then it seems to attract all sorts of vicissitudes of fate to its owner, which he cannot cope with. Usually people perceive this course of life as someone’s external machinations and complain about a difficult fate, but in fact it is connected with the characteristics of the mind and patterns of behavior. Imagine that a man and a dog are walking along a mountain path. The man, step by step, approaches the goal of his journey, and the dog explores the area, jumps over stones, sniffs mouse holes, chases butterflies, and grabs a bumblebee with its teeth. As a result, she gets into a lot of trouble and runs three to four to five times the distance that a person has covered.

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Demon Plunder In Ba Zi Meaning In Tact

He can also be called the demon of fear and doubt. It brings self-doubt, lack of success, and lack of confidence . Under the influence of the demon, complexes and self-doubt develop. Naturally, with such an attitude it is very difficult to achieve anything in life. Fears prevent you from deciding to take any action, changes, complexes interfere both in your career and in your personal life.

We connect awareness, we tell ourselves - I know that this is in the map, these are not real problems, these are fears caused by a demon, and I am stronger than that. People who are good at visualization, in moments of overwhelming panic or depressive thoughts, imagine fear in the form of some kind of monster (like those on our forum in the avatars of newcomers;) and incinerate it with some kind of magic wand or sword (whichever is closer: ) In esotericism there are methods of burning out fear with a flow of energy. In general, there are different methods, choose what is closer to you, what works best for you. The main thing is that now you know that this is the influence of an evil demon, and not real problems

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