The meaning of the stars in the Chinese horoscope Bazi. “Reward of 10 Heavenly trunks” - a symbol of success in business

Symbolic star “Reward of 10 Heavenly trunks”

The meaning of the Reward of 10 Heavenly Trunks in Ba Tzu is reasonable rewards and well-deserved fees.
Thus, the presence of this Star means that a person is rewarded for his hard work, so it can be said to be one of the most desired Bazi Stars. The Reward Star of 10 Heavenly Stems also signifies the desire for economic success and good health. In a psychological sense, this Star signifies a willingness to provide for oneself and others, long-term planning, but at the same time cunning and often bad character. Personality Element / Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks

A similar configuration (the Star of Reward in the House of Marriage) is in Carla Bruni’s bazi chart, maybe that’s why she was able to marry Nicolas Sarkozy, who was then the President of France?

Unfortunately, the Reward of the 10 Heavenly Trunks is destroyed, ending up in the collision of the Earthly Branches. For example, if there is a Pillar of Fortune or a year in which there is a clash, then most likely there will be little economic success during this period.

If you do not find the Star of Reward in the bazi chart, it may come in the Pillar of Fortune or in the year, however, in this case it will only be valid for that period, ten years or one year.

It’s even worse if the Star of Reward, which came in the Pillar of Fortune, found itself in a collision with any branch in the bazi chart. This could mean a particularly difficult time financially. As a result, the Star of Reward in the Pillar of Fortune will not mean an excess, but rather a lack of money. During this time, it would be wise to suspend your activities so as not to lose your earnings.

What to expect

There is only one “but” in relation to this star: this star does not bring “free” financial success to its owner, a person will have to achieve everything with his own labor, it won’t be possible to be lazy here. But for hardworking and adventurous people, this star brings decent incomes and stable success in business.

Of course, the financial success that this star promises will be different for each person, and the area in which a person will succeed financially will also depend on the individual pattern of fate and the potential for luck. Thanks to her, someone will achieve success in small business, for example, trading in stalls at the market, someone will grow to a medium-sized business, for example, a PR agency known throughout the region, and for someone the star will ensure the fate of an oligarch known throughout the country making profit on financial exchanges. But it guarantees success with effort.

It happens that a person does not have such a star in his horoscope. But this does not mean that it is impossible for you to succeed in business: there are other symbolic stars that provide a person with financial, love and other luck.

Astro7 expert Diana Dorf can give more detailed advice on the placement of stars in your horoscope according to the Bazi system. We wish you success and prosperity!

Horoscope depending on the location of the star

If this star is located in the annual pillar, then perhaps the person will inherit the family business and succeed in it, or he will wisely invest the inheritance of grandparents or bosses into his business, especially in the social or educational sphere. In the monthly pillar of Bazi’s personal horoscope, she hints that a person can learn entrepreneurship from his parents, as another possibility - he will earn capital through hired work, and then invest in his own business, with a high probability in the field of financial institutions and insurance.

What does a star mean?

It means that a person, firstly, has karmic merits in past lives for the fact that he was able to effectively manage the resources available to him and other people and was generous towards people and the world. Secondly, such a person in this life has good entrepreneurial abilities: excellent intuition for money, the ability to creatively and skillfully manage it, and make a profit.

Such a person is rarely lucky in hired work. Chinese Bazi masters recommend that such individuals first become a professional in hired work, and then go into their own business or even open their own business immediately after studying at a university or college - it is in entrepreneurship that they are destined for the greatest luck in money and growth in social status. And most importantly, such people will sooner or later become rich.

Demon of Plunder (Jie Sha)

The Demon of Plunder carries many meanings. These include situations of exhaustion, sudden obstacles, rather high demands that are very difficult to overcome. The Demon of Robbery manifests itself in the fact that a person incorrectly assesses situations. May ignore real circumstances. It is difficult for him to prioritize what is important at a particular moment.

If the Demon of Plunder is found together with the element of the spirit of pleasure, resources (any), ordinary power and wealth, this is a very favorable situation for a person. This is a very interesting and versatile personality.

Workshop “How to correct Health according to Bazi and Wu-Xin”

Everyone who loves themselves should know this!!!!

  • Determine the personality element by birthday Mr. Day
  • Qi energies in the human body - five types
  • U-SIN theory
  • Energy meridians and organs
  • Correction of elements
  • Lord of the Day and possible diseases by elements and earthly branches
  • Correction of the immune system according to Bazi
  • Predisposition to cancer
  • - diet
  • What should a doctor be like?
  • Useful elements of Bazi and ways to prevent diseases
  • Proper nutrition and energy rhythms
  • Diet for weight loss
  • Health with Feng Shui

Workshop “How to correct Health according to Bazi and Wu-Xin”

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Angel of death, demon of robbery, sheep's knife and other “horrors”

Firstly, as the hero of the famous book said, “Calmness. Just calm!” The scary names of symbolic stars do not mean anything bad. These are just names, translations from Chinese, often romantic in an oriental way and full of exaggeration and allegory. To understand whether a star is really bad for you, or, on the contrary, will bring something positive, knowing the names alone will not be enough.

The Demon of Destruction or the Angel of Death is a problem hidden in a person himself: complexes, subconscious fears, a feeling of failure. May bring trouble with the law and prosecution. However, under certain circumstances it gives a sharp mind, cunning, the ability to diplomacy, and the ability to manage others. Often used when choosing dates as potentially dangerous.

“Magic of the Summer Solstice”

On the Summer Solstice, a person is given the power of the four elements, which helps to establish contact with the channel of vital energy . At this time, the entire space is saturated with powerful solar energy, and the herbs are filled with magical properties .

I’ll tell you a secret that in the period from June 20 to 24, magic of all types is especially strong...

And the day of the summer solstice is the culminating day in terms of its filling with solar energy. The peak will take place on June 21

On this day , millions of people stretch out their hands to the sun, filling themselves with divine power and powerful energy.

And the energy of our desires becomes amazingly powerful .

This day is yours and for you!

Rest assured, everything will work out! After all, if we don’t have our own desires, then we live fulfilling other people’s desires.

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Our online meeting will take place on June 26 at 19:30 Moscow time

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Workshop “Learning to calculate your Personal Money Code”

What we learn from the workshop:

  1. How to calculate your personal money code

  2. Money code pairs

  3. Let's learn how to calculate your personal GUA number (women and men)

  4. Eastern or Western groups - their directions (tables)

  5. How to apply favorable and unfavorable directions for Gua

  6. Compatibility of people by Gua number

  7. The second number according to the XE TU method.

Only now the discount is here:

Art of Bazi

In cycle 60 of Jia Zi 甲子, there are several pillars in which the energy of “Prosperity” enters the branch of “Death and Emptiness” (don’t be alarmed by the term). In these pillars, the flow of Prosperity Qi becomes empty and dries up. For example, in this map there are two pillars Jia/Chen 甲辰 (hour) and Ren/Shen 壬申 (year). Prosperity in our time is associated with wealth, and therefore in the spheres and palaces associated with these pillars it will be difficult to achieve an increase in wealth.

At first glance, the analysis of symbolic stars seems simple, but in reality it has many nuances and can be quite accurate. Not all “bad” stars are actually bad, and “good” ones are favorable. Therefore, a flexible approach to assessment, knowledge of the characteristics of stars, their interactions with each other, energy phases, the strength of the personality element and other factors are important.

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Workshop “Matrix of Desires”

in two parts

We will teach you a unique Technology of fulfillment of desires, and your goals and objectives will begin to be realized!

The matrix of desires is effective from the point of view of magic, and from the point of view of psychology, and from the point of view of management science, and from the point of view of numerology.

Using this Technology of wish fulfillment, we made a wish and received the following:

  • ​ Found a job you love and pays well
  • ​ We were able to improve our personal life
  •  Won a lottery or won a competition
  • ​ The right person will appear in your life
  • ​ Found your Love
  • ​ Gained health and defeated diseases
  •  Got rid of bad habits
  • ​ Became necessary and in demand by people
  • ​ Fulfilled your most cherished dream

How to make a Matrix of Desires?

  • To make the Matrix of Desires with your own hands, you will need whatman paper for a large canvas, or a regular sheet if you want to make a smaller collage.

  • The sheet needs to be divided into 9 approximately equal sectors.

  • As well as a large number of different pictures and photographs.

  • Paints, colored pencils and brushes.

  • Our little secret, which we will tell you about at our workshop.

You have a unique opportunity to get our workshop at a big discount!!! here:

Master class “Trilogy on Orthodoxy and Saints”

The very word “Orthodoxy” means “to correctly glorify God”

  • Prayer service, mass, magpie, never-ending psalter. What and how to order in churches, temples and monasteries, how these requirements differ and which one to choose when.
  • Guide to temples and monasteries (what and where what requirements can be ordered)
  • Veneration of relics and icons; altar and services; confession and pastoral conversation;
  • All about prayerful remembrance
  • Proskomedia and everything about the conduct of commemoration (i.e. the technical part, what is what, even from what the laity does not see)
  • How is commemoration performed using notes?
  • Removing particles from prosphoras (and which prosphoras)
  • The Great Litany
  • Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church note)
  • What is unction: why and who needs it
  • Baptism and rebaptism

about this and much more at the master class “Trilogy on Orthodoxy and Saints” in 4 parts

Only now discount for all classes here:

“7 sacred symbols of the “Runes of Solomon”. Instructions"

The runes of Solomon are 7 perfect and sacred symbols!

They have everything you need for a happy life, namely: protection, help, luck, love, money, relaxation, magic.

These runes do not have an egregor!!! No prior study of runes as such is required!

Who are they suitable for?

For businessmen, housewives, engineers, doctors, healers, pensioners and just good people!!!!

The runes of Solomon will become your guardians and helpers!

Only now the discount is here:

“Awakening Reiki Energy. 1st and 2nd Stage"

Thanks to “Awakening Reiki Energy” you will learn a deep truth.

Your birth is a blessing from the Divine Source and your acceptance is the key to accelerating this process.

Realize yourself as a Master Weaver of a new reality. Take responsibility for what is happening into your own hands and create consciously.

Bonus: recording of the Workshop “Creating the Talisman of Jupiter - the planet of great happiness” for FREE!

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Classification of Symbolic Stars

The theme of work, career, a person’s ability to lead, perseverance and perseverance in resolving issues will be revealed more clearly if we consider the above stars. Of course, when analyzing a career, one should not forget about the group of financial stars.

The influence of Symbolic stars affects a variety of areas of human life. And therefore we can divide the stars into different groups, depending on which sphere will be influenced by a certain Symbolic star.

25 Jul 2021 jurist7sib 190

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