The meaning of peonies: using the energy of flowers with maximum benefit

04/09/2021 The American Peony Society is the largest international organization dedicated to these wonderful flowers. She provided data according to which there are more than 6,500 varieties of peonies in the world. All of them are unique, differing not only in color, but also in the size of the buds, shape, and number of petals. However, they all have one thing in common - this is a flower of amazing splendor that has earned the reputation of being royal. In this article we will dwell in detail on what peony means in other cultures, and consider interesting interpretations of the flower in the form of a tattoo.

What does peony mean in China?

China is considered the birthplace of these noble flowers. History remembers that two hundred years BC these soft inflorescences were a decoration of the imperial gardens. Only a select few could wear clothes with a peony depicted on them—the emperor and members of his family. In Chinese, the name of the plant is pronounced "fuguihua", denoting nobility and wealth.

What do peonies symbolize? In China, this flower is considered the personification of spring, which is why the following image has gained popularity in Chinese painting - a butterfly and a bud, which have become symbols of rebirth.


Carnation lovers are practical and business people. They confidently move towards their goals because they always know what they want. They are not short on straightforwardness and assertiveness. These individuals can perfectly manipulate people. And even though a difficult character is not always to the advantage of carnation fans, they are able to reason sensibly and make informed decisions.

What do peonies mean in Japan?

Chinese monks traveling around the world gave Japan varieties of peonies that immediately earned the love of the islanders. In the Japanese language of flowers, there is a special symbolism for peonies. It is noted that peony represents determination and endurance. The image of a peony, applied to a warrior’s armor, helped him increase his fighting spirit and meet his opponent.

The resort town of Fukuoka offers to admire the “peony miracle”. At Hakozaki-gu Temple there is a garden where peonies actively begin to bloom in February, hidden under prepared straw capes. With their help, fragile and delicate buds are protected from cold and frost.

The Legend of the Peony

Once upon a time there lived a Chinese man, Ho-Chi, who was passionate about breeding peonies. His luxurious garden of peonies surpassed the imperial flower beds in its beauty. One day, a young hooligan of a noble family saw this fragrant garden and began to trample and pick flowers. No matter how the old man cried, no matter how he begged him, it was all in vain! For a long time he mourned his pets, when suddenly a young goddess of unprecedented beauty appeared in front of him, waved the long sleeves of her festive clothes and disappeared. After this, the peonies not only came to life, but became even more beautiful and varied - now both multi-colored and double flowers grew in the garden.

People from all over the country began to come to visit Ho-Chi to admire the wonderful resurrection of flowers. However, the envious and cruel bully did not calm down - and accused the old man of witchcraft. Poor Ho-Chi was sentenced to death for sorcery, and the rich man again went to pick and trample the wonderful flowers. But suddenly a strong hurricane arose, the peonies turned into beautiful girls, and, using an ancient martial art, they dealt with the villain. Ho-Chi was released, after which until his death he peacefully cultivated his garden and gave flower beauty to people. And when his hour struck, that same sorceress goddess descended for Ho-Chi on a pink cloud and took him with her to heaven. Since then, growing peonies and caring for them has been considered a pious activity and approved by the gods of their various types and varieties.

What do peonies mean in Feng Shui?

As stated in the old Chinese teachings, this flower has become the personification of the masculine principle of Yang. Whether depicted or alive, they can not only attract positive energy, but also positively influence the entire room.

If they are placed in the workspace, a person begins to quickly move up the career ladder. A bouquet of peonies decorating the living room will help a young woman find her lover faster. He will become a real magnet for passion and love. Despite this, peonies must be placed carefully in the room. They can not only increase sexual energy and add a note of variety to married life, but also lead one of the spouses to betrayal.

Unusual peony variety Coral (Coral)

The Coral peony variety is perhaps the most unusual among all. When the flower is cut and fresh, still in bud, it has a bright coral color. Over time, in the process of blooming, the flower changes its color every day and opens to enormous sizes. After presenting a bouquet of peonies of this variety, it will delight its recipient every day with a new shade of the bud. The bouquet will change its color from bright coral to the color of milk and strawberries.

Coral peonies from the LADY`STYLE collection

Size of an open peony bud of the Coral variety

Peonies - flowers of happiness and family well-being

They are usually given as a gift on the twelfth anniversary of marriage. They also symbolize good luck and a strong marriage, which is why they are often used in bridal bouquets and in wedding decorations.

Bouquet of snow-white peonies from the LADY`STYLE collection
These and other bouquets and compositions of peonies can be found and ordered on the website or on Instagram. The ]LADY`STYLE[/anchor] team knows everything about flowers. She will help you choose a bouquet for a specific occasion and deliver it exactly on time.

LADY`STYLE delivery staff in business suits and white gloves will help make your celebration and the moment of presenting the bouquet special and spectacular.

What does the color of peonies mean?

Inflorescences in the form of balls have a small range of colors. Let's pay attention to the meaning of the most current shades:

  • These are light pink and white peony inflorescences. They have become symbols of modesty and timidity, which is why they are best presented to girls and young girls.
  • This is a pink bouquet of peonies. It will become a real memorable present, a unique element of showing care, affection and affection.
  • These are deep shades of red. They have received the status of nobles, showing respect and success. It is best to use them as a gift for a school teacher or university teacher, or to present them to your grandmother or mother. Such a gift will help highlight the importance of the recipient and wish him career growth and personal achievements.

Luoyang Peony Festival

In Luoyang (Henan Province), a city that has been the capital of China several times in history, the world's largest peony festival . People from all over the world come to this festive spectacle. These flowers are permanent symbols of Luoyang, and their diversity in this city amazes even the most sophisticated viewer. During the festival, gala concerts, exhibitions of peonies, paintings, calligraphy, lanterns, seminars on growing peonies, and business negotiations are held. Of course, there are legends that explain the abundance of peony bushes in this city.

According to one of them, the capricious ruler Wu Zetian (武则天, 624-705, reigned from 665) ordered the destruction of absolutely all peonies: they, contrary to her will, did not want to bloom all year round. Then the gardeners secretly, so as not to incur the wrath of the obstinate empress, dug up and took all the beautiful peonies to Luoyang. Since then, this place has become known as the city of peonies. There is a wonderful Wangcheng park with plantations of tree peonies.

What does a tattoo in the form of this flower mean?

Professional tattoo artists note that the meaning of a tattoo has a connection not with historical events and their understanding, but with the personality of the person himself. The meaning that is put into it is important. Most often, women perceive a flower as beauty and sexuality. For a man, a peony pattern will in turn give him strong-willed traits, strength and reliability.

Many people consider a peony tattoo to be a talisman against troubles. This unique amulet can protect against negative energy and anger.

We have prepared a small study on what peony means in other countries, as explained by the tattoo on the body of a woman and a man. You should know that peony is an amazingly beautiful flower. Whether you choose it as a gift or simply give something with the image of this plant, the gift takes on a deep meaning and great meaning for the recipient.


It is believed that this flower is close to complex but extravagant natures who strive to express their individuality. They love to be the center of attention, wherever they are, but do not tolerate the presence of equally bright leaders. They always look for some kind of sophistication in everything, since everyday life depresses them, so among the admirers of this flower there are often artists and creative people.

Irises and gladioli

Lovers of irises and gladioli can be purposeful to the point of fanaticism. They always strive to subordinate the situation to their own desires, regardless of their unrealizability. These are hardworking people, capable of leading a serious organization and building a promising career.

This outlook often results in loneliness, as these qualities may be difficult for other people to understand and accept. To improve relationships with friends, iris lovers need to become a little softer and more flexible.

Your character and favorite flower: chamomile

Many representatives of the stronger sex naturally ask the question: if a girl loves daisies, what does that mean? According to stereotypes, women prefer more expensive or exotic plants: roses, orchids, gerberas. And if your favorite plant is chamomile, there is a misconception that such a person has a simple, unpretentious character, similar to these cute wildflowers.

But in reality everything is not so simple. People who love daisies often have a complex character: they are extroverts, but external openness does not at all indicate their naivety and childish gullibility. Most often, daisy lovers are hardy and strong individuals who know how to stand up for themselves. They perfectly distinguish between friends and enemies, and if necessary, they can even manipulate people to achieve certain goals. Also, fans of daisies are very picky in love, and therefore it can be very difficult to achieve reciprocity from them. But when they choose a life partner, it’s forever. In family life, “daisies” strive for harmony and mutual understanding, often becoming not just lovers for their husbands, but faithful friends and associates.

Determine character by colors

Today, there are many different psychological tests to determine a person’s character, including by colors, since the appearance and aroma of various plants make it possible to accurately identify personality traits and even draw up an approximate psychological portrait.

But you shouldn’t think that you can find out your character by your favorite colors absolutely truthfully: as a result, you can only get acquainted with the list of the most probable (but not obligatory) preferences of a person. For a more comprehensive result, it is recommended to find out not one, but several favorite colors of the test taker, which indicates the presence of additional, but also developed personality qualities.

In general, according to numerous reviews, character traits regarding the choice of colors are described quite accurately, and in 95% they still coincide with reality. Next, we will consider the 4 most popular plant species.


The description of the character of rose lovers is as follows. Such flowers appeal to self-sufficient and self-confident people. These individuals know how to love themselves and others, create stability in their lives, and do not worry about minor problems. They perceive what is happening realistically and do not waste their time on pipe dreams. Perseverance and ambition are necessarily present in their character. These are always noticeable individuals who are unable to blend in with the crowd. Bright individuals, passionate and strong-willed, extraordinary, capable of causing envy with these qualities. There are usually some kind of gossip, intrigues, and plans against rose lovers.

Fans of roses have a stable psyche, a sense of harmony and tranquility, and value order and comfort. They are not just assertive, but also aggressive, and are quite capable of standing up for themselves.

Wildflowers, lilac

The character traits of a person who loves bouquets of wildflowers or lilacs are their tendency to keep feelings inside themselves. And if something happens contrary to his expectations, then there is a danger of withdrawing into himself.

People looking for perfection in the wild do not like pretentiousness, loudness, or exaltation. Although in fact, wounded pride may be hidden behind external severity. Their inner world is rich, perception is refined, and there is a feeling of deep anxiety. Unfortunately, there is often not enough energy to achieve set goals. In addition, they are diligent, very responsive to the problems of others, and are able to help.


A person who prefers lilies is proud, with a strong sense of self-esteem. Sometimes there is a feeling that this is even an arrogant or arrogant type of people, since self-criticism is weakly expressed in such people and they often do not pay attention to others, being fixated on their own person. But even despite this, passionate fans of lilies have a very sophisticated nature. They have a good sense of the mood of their interlocutor and the surrounding environment.

The Importance of Psychological Tests

Psychological tests, of which there are a great many today, help you understand yourself more deeply. Thus, you can find different methods compiled with different levels of professionalism. Also, some participants may claim that they understand the ulterior motives of the test writer, and therefore change the answers in a light favorable to themselves. That is, the more incomprehensible the true meaning of the original task is to the respondent, the more correct the final result is.

A character test can be taken either from a professional psychologist or based on information from books or the Internet. You can also give it to a loved one or friend. Quick checks are especially valuable, allowing you to obtain personal information absolutely unnoticed.


Open and adventurous, optimistic and cheerful - this is all about those who adore sunflowers. These people literally radiate energy around them, so they always attract other people to themselves, like a magnet. “Sunflowers” ​​like everything to be in full swing - in love and friendship, work and sports. And I must admit, they always succeed.

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