The power of the four celestial animals according to Feng Shui: faithful helpers of the home

Phoenix is ​​a mystical creature that is found in the legends of many peoples. In China it has a number of distinctive features. This is not just any bird, but a bird with the neck of a snake, the beak of a rooster, the back of a turtle and the tail of a fish. Moreover, the phoenix in Chinese mythology is also inextricably linked with fire, as in European mythology. This is an immortal creature that can be reborn from the ashes.

  • In Feng Shui, the phoenix and the dragon are inextricably linked - they act as a married couple, complementing each other perfectly. It is recommended to place these two figurines in the home of the spouses so that peace and mutual understanding are established between them.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the phoenix is ​​a symbol of rebirth, prosperity and prosperity. It is recommended to place it in the southern part of the house, where the zone of glory and honor is located. If a person strives to achieve them, then a fairytale bird will certainly help him with this.

How to Harness the Power of the Four Celestial Animals

The universe and everything in it reacts to the flow of chi energy flowing through it.

The simplest direction in the art of Feng Shui, called the school of form, solves the problem of finding the most favorable place to live, that is, a place where we would be in harmony with the all-pervading energy of qi.

We have already mentioned the importance of symbolism in Chinese culture, so it will not surprise you that, in addition to the dragon, there are three more celestial animals that have great symbolic meaning in Feng Shui.

Four celestial animals

The Form School teaches that in finding the most favorable location, the nature of the landscape is of great importance, which in turn is associated with the symbolic nature of the four celestial animals: the dragon, the tiger, the turtle and the phoenix.

The Dragon

This is the most powerful symbol in Chinese tradition, and this symbol has several different meanings. The body of a dragon is often referred to as the entire landscape, and dragons themselves are believed to live in mountainous areas, avoiding plains and deserts. The green dragon symbolizes prosperity and power.

With its help, you will get rid of negative energies in your home and protect it. The dragon is the highest symbol of happiness, it brings prosperity and abundance.

It follows that the most favorable environment for life should be sought among the hills of medium height, since only in this case can one count on the positive influence of the dragon.

Among other things, hills have a beneficial effect on the movement of qi through the air, while on flat plains and in places where strong winds blow, qi moves too quickly.

This is another reason to choose hilly rather than flat terrain.

The dragon, like other celestial animals, has other properties, a full description of which is given in subsequent chapters. One of these properties is related to the concept of yin and yang. These two opposing, but at the same time complementary, energy forces are discussed on p. 53–60. The dragon is considered a masculine symbol, and therefore its energy is yang energy. The country associated with the dragon is the east, the season is spring, and the color is dark green. Therefore, this symbol is often called the green dragon.

The green dragon is a very powerful feng shui symbol. He brings people power, prosperity and is the personification of the ebullient masculine energy of Yang. Its place is to the left of the house in the form of tall bushes, a green hedge or a small hill.

In urban areas, you will have to limit yourself to paintings with his image or a figurine. However, when purchasing the latest items, it is very important to ensure that there are 4 claws on his paws. Place it on a hill, but not higher than human height. In addition to him, there is also a dragon with five claws, called the imperial one - it should not be placed at home.



The power of the tiger, which serves as a symbol of protection, must always be inferior to the power of the dragon, since the tiger has a restraining rather than a determining influence. Therefore, the tiger hills, as one would expect, are lower and gentler than the dragon hills. Otherwise, you will attract heavy energy into your home.

To achieve perfect harmony, both a dragon and a tiger must be present in your environment.

Since the dragon is a masculine symbol, the tiger, as its balancing opposite, is feminine and is associated with yin energy. West and autumn correspond to the tiger. The symbolic color of the tiger is white, and it is often called the white tiger.

According to Feng Shui, a snow-white tiger is a clear representation of the feminine Yin energy.

He must be in harmony with the green dragon, and therefore his location (as you might guess) is the right side of the house. Here, oblong hills and lines of bushes are also used, although it is recommended to make them slightly lower than the “dragon”.

Otherwise, endowed with incredible strong energy, the tiger will noticeably suppress everyone who comes under its influence.

When placing it in an apartment, you need to find a place for it in the west, which will be one level below the shelf where the dragon stands.

If all the conditions described above are met, four celestial animals will protect the house from all troubles and give its residents internal harmony and material well-being.

The white tiger gives protection from troubles and patronage. He guards your family happiness and works closely with the green dragon.

In the landscape, a hill is necessary to the right of the house, but an order of magnitude lower than the green dragon hill. If there is no hill at all on the right, plant a small shrub. However, if your hill or nearby structures are much higher and you can't fix it, be sure to place a bright light there. It will help cope with the tiger's pressure.

In your apartment, hang a small picture or place a small sculpture of a FRIENDLY tiger in the west.

Don't forget that your tiger must be one level below the dragon. It is not necessary to activate the tiger and dragon talismans.

Celestial animals of Feng Shui can not only make a fortress out of your home, but also attract even more pleasant and joyful events into your life. But remember, it is important to follow the rules of their interaction. For example, do not place only the dragon; place all the talismans at once.



The turtle symbolizes support, constancy and longevity. The nature of the turtle corresponds to the low, gentle hills, similar to its shell, and the same becomes the lifestyle of those who live next to them. It should be noted that the landscape still avoids extremes: the constancy and support that the turtle symbolizes is associated not with a flat plain, but with low hills.

The turtle corresponds to the direction north. It is associated with winter and the color black.

If you dream of career growth, you can simply hang a picture of a turtle behind your back in your office. It will truly impact your life.

The black turtle represents support, longevity, increased material wealth and stability. It is recommended to place it behind the house, but not in the literal sense, of course. Lack of elevation does not mean that your efforts will not be rewarded, but you will not be able to attract good luck to the fullest. But you can make a powder in the form of a small hill and place a turtle figurine there or in the house. In nature, the role of a turtle is played by small hills and mounds of rounded shapes without sharp rises and sharp peaks.

Of all the four talismans that should surround the home, she should be the highest.

If we are talking about a city apartment, then it is not so easy to change anything outside the window. Instead, Feng Shui experts advise placing a figurine of a turtle or hanging a picture of it in the northern part of the house. At the same time, it can be located slightly above the middle level, so that it subsequently appears above the three elements following it. Water and greenery perfectly activate this talisman.


The last of the four celestial animals is the phoenix. A bird rising from the ashes is a powerful symbol of emerging opportunities, the ability to make the best use of current circumstances.

He is a symbol of achieving your cherished desires. Its red or crimson color motivates and generates the desire to follow the road of happiness and success towards your goal.

The presence of the phoenix in the landscape is determined by low hills, which are in balance with the other three types of hills. This, for example, is the presence of a small hillock opposite the front door of your house. If it is not there, make an embankment yourself, no more than a meter high. The color of the phoenix is ​​the color of fire, that is, red, the side of the horizon is south, and the season is summer.

The phoenix bird has long been a symbol of good luck and even in Feng Shui its meaning has not changed. After all, as fans of the doctrine of energy flows say, it can really bring good luck to the house, motivate its residents to take active action and achieve success. In order for everything to be exactly as it is said here, it is necessary to ensure that there is a low hill in front of the house. An ideal option if mountain ranges are visible far from home.

If you live in an ordinary apartment, it will be enough to place an image of a feathered bird or its figurine in the southern room.

And to make the talisman active, you can put a red candle next to it and light it from time to time, thinking about your dreams.

Varieties of phoenix figurines

  • With wings down
  • With wings spread

Both of them have the same properties: they symbolize wisdom, prosperity and success. The energy of the phoenix allows one to be reborn from the ashes, and the bird itself is a symbol of divine fire, the flame of rebirth.

  • There is also a double figurine: a phoenix and a dragon. The combination of these powerful magical creatures is a symbol of a harmonious marriage, where the phoenix personifies the feminine principle, and the dragon represents the masculine. These figurines are used during wedding ceremonies.

Ideal place to live

If all four celestial animals are represented in the landscape around your home, then this is a sure sign that the place is favorable. However, it is very important that the animals, in their symbolic embodiment, are in balance with each other, and each occupies its ideal place. Since you are looking to find the perfect place, xue, you should look for a very specific combination of hills and plains.

The ancient Chinese took these symbolic manifestations literally and sought a place for their home where all types of hills were represented. Perhaps this interpretation still suits some people. But for a city dweller, searching for hills of different heights would be more than inappropriate. Just remember that these are just symbols, and the goal is to ensure the most favorable flow of chi energy.

Any physical object, be it a hill or a building, can change the movement of chi energy and influence it, so when searching for an ideal environment, we can start from the same principles, but at the same time take into account not only the nature of the area, but also the location of buildings.

Since the most powerful symbol is the dragon, the dragon's hills are critical to a successful home location from a feng shui perspective, and the best location for the home is near the dragon's heart and belly.

Ideally, the dragon hills, or tallest buildings, should be located on the left side of your home when your back is to the main entrance. Whereas to the right of the house, to balance the dragon, there must be lower tiger hills.

If these two ranges of hills meet behind the house in the form of a horseshoe, then this symbolic copulation of two celestial animals is a very auspicious sign.

In order for the turtle to provide the greatest support, it should be located behind the house, forming the back of a symbolic chair, in which the dragon and tiger serve as armrests, and the place where the house is located is the seat. Now it remains to find a place for just one animal - the phoenix, which is located in front of the house and plays the role of a footstool.

If the soil surface slopes away from the entrance to the house in the direction of these low mounds, then this is a more favorable case than when the area in front of the house is higher than the location of the house itself.

So, if we are looking to find the ideal feng shui location to build our dream home, we should look for a moderately hilly area. There should be low hills to the right of the house and higher hills to the left.

The picture is completed by gentle hills or hills behind the house and a more open space with low hillocks in front of the house. The hills give the terrain a rugged rather than flat character, and they also help create a balance between sun and shade.

Air flows in such terrain can move unhindered and calmly. All these elements promote plant growth and prevent waterlogging and air stagnation.

In addition, when choosing the best location for a home, the location of the water source is of great importance. Ideally, a river should flow in front of the site where the house is located, making a bend in this place. Since water plays a large role in the movement of qi, we will look at this issue in more detail later.

Let us now apply the principles of choosing an ideal location to urban conditions. You are probably already gradually grasping the above symbolism and becoming more familiar with how to apply it, and therefore automatically relate it to your own environment.

In an ideal location, the tallest buildings or trees representing the dragon are on the left as you stand with your back to the front door, and the shorter buildings are on the right, both providing your protection.

It is best to have relatively tall buildings behind the house that provide support rather than open space. But in front of the house, the space should be more open and not bordered by tall buildings, which, being too close, block the entrance of the phoenix with its opening possibilities.

The role of the river in urban conditions is played by the road; this issue will be clarified in more detail in the future. Since the river in front of the house should make a bend and have a calm, not too fast, but not too sluggish flow, then, accordingly, the road should be of medium width with calm traffic, where cars do not rush past the house at high speed and do not get stuck in traffic jams

Assessment of place of residence

If the location of your house exactly matches the ideal one, then you are lucky and live in a place with the greatest di tsai. But such luck does not accompany everyone, and now we move on to what changes can be used to get closer to the ideal.

All collected information should be entered into a worksheet, which will subsequently help to implement gradual and thoughtful changes in and around your home.

You may want to make only small changes based on your findings from each step in this book, gradually adding to and improving them as you move forward. Or perhaps it’s worth starting with a general plan, which, as you study the book, will acquire more details. In any case, the most effective way is to act thoughtfully and carefully.

How to sketch

To begin, you need to stand in front of the house, facing the front door, and on an empty space on the page, make a rough sketch of what is in front of your eyes. Even if you can’t draw well even at gunpoint, the point of creating a drawing is for you to pay attention to how your home fits into the environment, nothing else is required from your sketch. Great accuracy is not needed, the main thing is that the drawing reminds you of the shapes of objects (round, pointed, square) and their relative position: are they larger or smaller than your home and on which side are they located.

Filling out the worksheet

For most people, urban terminology is more familiar, so in the future we will use it. For those who live among real mountains, it will be even easier to assess their place of residence, since they can forget that the text is not talking about hills, but about buildings and roads.

You should look at the drawing you made and write what you think about the symbolic representation of each of the celestial animals on it: absent, in balance, excessive influence or insufficient influence.

You need to understand the symbolic meaning these celestial animals carry and take a fresh look at your home. Is there turtle support behind him? Where are the buildings higher, on the right or left? Is the home closed off by something in front, or is there an open space in front of you and low phoenix mounds that act as a footstool? In addition, you should indicate in which direction the slope in front of your house is directed: towards the entrance or away from it.

Determining the location of the home relative to the sides of the horizon

If you keep a picture of your home in your head, then it will be easier for you to understand the next section, which is devoted to how to correct the situation and, if possible, bring it closer to the ideal.

Generally speaking, you can still relate the position of each celestial animal to the position on the left, right, back and front of the house.

However, if additional support is required, you may need to strengthen the energy of that part of the house that corresponds to the side of the horizon associated with one or another celestial animal: for a turtle - northern, for a phoenix - southern, for a dragon - eastern, for a tiger - western.

And for this you need to know the location of the sides of the horizon relative to the front door of your house.

Traditionally, in Chinese writings, the sides of the horizon are depicted in such a way that the south is at the top, and this is the method we follow in this book so that you can get used to it. You will quickly become familiar with this arrangement of the cardinal points, and it will be easier for you to read other books on the same topic. Such depiction of them in the drawings does not in any way affect the sides of the horizon themselves. They are still related to the direction of the magnetic needle on the most common compass.

To determine how your home is located, you need to stand with your back to the front door and determine the direction using a compass.

You should write down which direction the doors of the main and back entrances face relative to the cardinal points, from now on you will constantly use this information.

Replacing missing animals

If you live in a detached house in a flat area, then this location is unfortunate from a feng shui point of view. However, this means that you have enough space to create the perfect landscape around your home. Since this requires resorting to rather drastic measures, it is better to draw up a general plan and gradually implement it, depending on what aspect of your life you are trying to improve or intensify.

The dragon is the most powerful symbol; it represents abundance and prosperity.

Whether your life is calm and problem-free, or, on the contrary, you need help in all areas of your life, in any case, you should first of all focus your efforts on the area that relates to the dragon.

You cannot do without the beneficial influence of the dragon. After making sure that there is enough space around the house for the unimpeded flow of chi and that there are no plants or buildings near the house, you should consider erecting a fence or planting a hedge or trees on the left side of your home in order to stimulate the dragon energy.

Since your happiness primarily depends on the dragon, while the fence is being built and the trees are growing, you can strengthen its influence by placing an image or statue of the dragon in the eastern part of the house, that is, in the part of it that is associated with the dragon.

You can also resort to this method if you prefer not the most drastic changes. The most suitable place is the living room, since it is the center of family life, but the bedroom is an unfortunate place, since the active energy of the dragon is not conducive to sleep and rest.

The image should not be too large, as this will overwhelm and create tension, but it should represent a fat and contented animal. The four-clawed dragon should be preferred over the five-clawed imperial dragon, as the influence of the latter is too strong. Too much dragon influence can lead to a hostile environment, and you will immediately feel that you have gone too far.

The tiger provides protection, but it must always be in balance with the dragon. Once you have a dragon, you should plant a smaller hedge or low bush on the right side of the building. You can also place an image of a white title (a statue or a painting) in the western part of the house, but you must ensure that the influence of the tiger is not stronger than the influence of the dragon, as this may adversely affect your home.

If you feel that you lack the support of the turtle, then you should place something tall, preferably round in shape, behind the house. Again, a fence or hedge will help make up for the deficiency, or you can even build a small hill in the far part of the garden. It does not have to be tall, since we should not forget that it is just a symbol.

If none of the above methods can be used, then you can install a bronze turtle statue in the garden.

If you remember the magic square of lo shu on the back of a turtle, in the lower part of the shell, that is, in the north side, there is a unit. The turtle is associated with the direction north and therefore with one, so one turtle in the garden will be enough. Of course, if you are lucky enough to own a real turtle, then that's even better. If there are no other options, then you can place a statue or drawing of one turtle in the northern part of the house.

Stimulating the energy of this bird of opportunity can be done with a low fence or hedge, a small shrub, or even a statue in front of the house.

Make sure there is plenty of open space in front of the house.

This space is necessary so that chi energy can accumulate here before entering your home. This space should always be open, and the symbolic hills should be inconspicuous. If you decide to install a statue, it is unlikely that you will be able to purchase a phoenix, but other birds with red plumage, such as a rooster or flamingo, can replace it. If you choose to stimulate phoenix energy with a drawing of one of these birds, place it in the southern part of your home.

No. 4. Mandarin ducks: marriage, harmony and fidelity

Because ducks choose each other for life, they are very loyal and devoted. A pair of mandarin ducks symbolizes a happy and successful marriage in Feng Shui. In some Asian traditions, wooden mandarin ducks are a wedding gift to promote a happy married life.

The mandarin duck mascot is placed in the bedroom, and they are placed so that they look at each other. You can also place them in the Kun (partnership) area of ​​your bagua chart to enhance the commitment of your marriage.

Read more about mandarin ducks: birds for family happiness.

Celestial animals in disequilibrium

In most cases, especially in towns and villages, there are other buildings around the houses, and it is very likely that, despite the presence of all the celestial animals, their position and size indicate an imbalance between them. By applying the same principles as when replacing missing animals, you can correct the situation and bring your home and environment into compliance with the laws of Feng Shui.

As we have already seen, in the absence of a dragon it is impossible to follow the principles of Feng Shui.

Without the influence of the dragon, you feel that you lack the strength to manage your life, and you may be haunted by failures that have nothing to do with your abilities.

If there are no buildings to the left of your house or they are much smaller than to the right, and therefore their influence does not have sufficient strength, then you need to restore balance. You already know from the previous section how to compensate for the missing dragon by building a fence, planting a hedge or trees, or placing an image in the eastern part of the house.

If the influence of the dragon is too strong, then its influence contributes to excessive activation of the corresponding type of energy, which can lead to tension or even aggressiveness. In this case, men may begin to play a disproportionately large role in the family.

If the cause is tall trees or something else that you can change, then you need to decide whether thinning out the trees or replacing them with shorter plants is the best option. We should not forget that it is necessary to preserve the influence of the dragon, and not completely get rid of it. If this situation is associated with buildings or something else that you cannot change, then you should increase the strength of the tiger, thereby restoring balance.

As has been shown, the tiger must be in balance with the dragon. If it is completely absent or its influence is insufficient, then you can plant a low hedge, shrub or build a fence.

If you want to enhance the influence of the tiger inside the house, you can place a tiger decoration or image of a tiger in the western part of the house or on the western wall of the living room.

If, on the contrary, the tiger has too much strength, then in this case it has a negative impact on your happiness. One way to deal with this is to reduce the height of the trees to the right of the house. If this is not possible, place a spotlight on the right side to illuminate this part of the area.

The bright light activates the dragon's yang energy, which thus balances the tiger's yin energy.

If there is no or insufficient influence of the turtle, you can plant more trees behind the house, which will provide the necessary support, or create a rounded hill on the site. Another way is to install a symbolic turtle in the northern part.

If the buildings behind the house are so towering that they are overwhelming and depressing, then the influence of the turtle needs to be reduced. For example, plant bamboo. A curtain of light, growing plants will counteract too much tortoise influence.

You can also hang a crystal on the window, which will activate positive energy and deflect negative energy.

If the phoenix is ​​missing, then you need to find a replacement for it that would not be too conspicuous. To ensure the beneficial influence of this celestial bird, you can build a low fence in front of the house, plant a hedge, or install a statue that will symbolize the phoenix (as we have seen, a rooster or a flamingo can serve as symbols of the phoenix).

Ideally, the area in front of the house should slope away from the house.

If the house sits below the level of the road or front lot, it may mean that your life lacks a secure foundation. This situation can be corrected by raising the threshold of the home by about 5 cm, so that when entering the house you have to step over it.

No. 5. Peacock: precious beauty and wisdom

Associated with beauty and wisdom, peacocks are symbols of status and wealth. They are looked upon as an earthly version of the fairytale Phoenix bird.

Peacocks have colorful iridescent tail feathers. This elegance is truly rare in the natural world. In addition, the multiple “eyes” on the bushy, open tail indicate wisdom and seeing things as they are in the world.

Celestial animals in modern urban settings

If you live in a city, the buildings surrounding your home may be "mountains" forming an "armchair". A house is considered well located from a Feng Shui point of view when there is a taller building behind it, lower buildings on the sides and an open space in front of it, for example, a site in front of an office building, a garden or courtyard in front of a residential apartment building.

However, we should not forget that harmony and balance are always important in Feng Shui.

Mountains, hills, buildings or other landscape features that represent the Four Heavenly Animals and form the "chair" for the home should be tall enough to provide support and protection, like an adult or older companion next to a child, but not so huge as to overwhelm .

A very tall, steep mountain can be more threatening than protective. Disproportionately large buildings in the neighborhood of a home—for example, a high-rise apartment building next to a private home—can be just as overwhelming in their presence. If you live in such a home, lights that illuminate your home from ground level, flags or banners on the roof or around the house can enhance the flow of chi energy.

If you live in an apartment building that is blocked by taller buildings, light colors and good lighting will help increase the flow of chi energy. Dark colors, dark wood, dim lighting and a lot of heavy furniture create oppressive energy instead of fighting it.

If the Black Turtle back or the Dragon and Tiger arms of your chair are relatively small or non-existent, you may feel unprotected and vulnerable in your home. You need to choose landscape elements that would create a “chair”: build a high fence, plant trees, or create a small hill using several truckloads of stones and earth. Even placing a large rock or statue can help.

If behind the house there is not a hill, but, on the contrary, a slope, then it turns out that the house stands, as it were, “facing” the back of the “chair”, and the back part is open and not protected. From a feng shui point of view, this is a serious problem, and it is also made worse by the fact that chi flows down through the backyard, taking with it your energy, luck and money.

But the ancient wise science has a solution for this case too, and the first thing to do is to determine the front direction of the house, because it is not at all necessary that it will coincide with the front door and therefore face the Turtle.

If this is the case, the problem can be solved by keeping the Qi at the back of the area, for example with a solid fence or wall. Also in this case, a swimming pool behind the house can help, since the water will retain and retain Qi energy. However, for this to work, the pool must be located as close to the rear property line as possible.

If there are a lot of trees behind your house, you can hang a large Wind Chime at the lowest point of the property: this will help increase the energy level in that area. If there are no trees there, it is advisable to plant them; they will retain and retain Qi energy so that it does not flow away too quickly.

As we see, Feng Shui can always help create, if not ideal, then as close to them as possible conditions - in order to provide your home with reliable protection and support thanks to the Four Heavenly Animals.


Dreams Come True

Each of us strives to create comfort in our home and protect it from possible negative influences. In the practice of Feng Shui, four celestial animals do this perfectly: green dragon, white tiger, black turtle and crimson phoenix.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the symbols of these animals should be reflected in the area surrounding your home. And if, for example, you decide to buy your own house, you should pay attention to the hills and depressions around it. If the Feng Shui of your site is favorable, then your life will truly turn into a fairy tale. But, being in the city, we cannot influence the landscape of the area, especially when we live in an apartment. However, Feng Shui celestial animals can be activated in this small space. Their presence will enhance positive energy and protect you and your property.

No. 1. Crane: long life and fulfillment of desires

The graceful crane symbolizes longevity in Asian cultures. This is a bird that is believed to have existed in the old world and can live for a thousand years. It is also said that if you fold a thousand origami cranes, your wish will come true. Cranes are often paired with a turtle, another symbol of long life.

Origami cranes are a fun addition to your home. You can find fun quirky colors and put them together, voila! Wishes fulfilled!

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