What does the cat symbol mean? We analyze the secrets of the symbolism of wild and domestic cats, their secret meanings, the power of amulet and totem

Cats in history and mythology

Cats were revered by the Egyptians - figurines “Sacred Cat of Egypt”, “Goddess Bastet”

Egyptian cats became the most famous in history - they were revered as sacred animals. Killing them was punishable by death, and as a sign of grief for their dead cat, the owners shaved off their eyebrows. All this is because the cat is the embodiment of the goddess Bastet , whose parents were the great gods Ra (Sun) and Hathor (Moon).

“Bastet is the goddess of cats, Lower Egypt, the sun and moon, joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility, fertility and home, protection from contagious diseases and evil spirits and war.”

Among the Vikings, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Freya , used to ride a chariot drawn by two cats. This is, of course, an image, but a very symbolic one.

The Slavic Goddess Makosh , the patroness of the feminine principle, also had a cat as her beast. Therefore, Russian women kept cats at home, which were both comforters and energy helpers for them (after all, a cat has energy for 9 lives). And it was believed that Makosh herself could communicate with a woman through a cat, give signs, and protect her from trouble.

Cats were often associated with wealth, acting as a kind of indicator of status. For example, in Japan, the emperor gave a cat to his most distinguished subjects. This was considered not just an honorary and status gift, but the highest reward, a special favor of God.

And Russian merchants had a tradition of competing with each other not with wallets, but with cats. The winner was the one whose cat was fatter and fatter.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

However, there were times and peoples for whom the cat was considered a dark and demonic animal. For example, in medieval Catholic Europe , which was generally distinguished by obscurantism, cats were spread rot for company with witches, as representatives of evil spirits. This is how they brought upon themselves the plague epidemic, which is logical - “the cat is out of the house, the mice are dancing.”

In addition, the black cat was considered a zoomorphic embodiment of the goddess of witchcraft Hecate , associated with the darkness of moonless nights and with crossroads. From the same story, a sign: a black cat crossing the road is an alarming sign.

Another aspect of the dual function of cats is the image of the cat Bayun , Baba Yaga’s companion, capable of destroying or, on the contrary, healing (this is one of the hero’s tests). the cat Behemoth, appeared before us .

Illustration for the novel “The Master and Margarita”

But in most countries and religions, the attitude towards purrs is positive. Orthodox Europe revered cats to such an extent that they allowed them to enter churches. Also in Islam, this is the only animal that is allowed into the mosque. In Buddhism, monks bred cats; it was believed that this animal helps in meditation and helps cleanse the monastery space.

An important aspect of the perception of cats is the recognition of their connection with the subtle plane , their ability to be an astral guide. That is why it is customary to bring a cat into a new home first. This is a symbol of cleanliness, peace and prosperity at home.

There is also a belief that cats have a way of treating their owners, taking away their problems and illnesses. A cat is a kind of energy buffer for family members; always pay attention to its condition.

And finally, we will announce the most obvious economic function that underlies the love for cats and the recognition of their usefulness - their catching of mice and rats . In St. Petersburg there is even a holiday - “Day of St. Petersburg cats and cats” and a monument to these animals who saved the city from a horde of rats during the war.

Cats are excellent hunters, guarding their territory, and if this territory is your own home, where people live and supplies are stored, then such a hunter will be desired and respected.

Thus, in history and mythology, the three most important aspects of cat qualities are manifested:

  • connection with feminine energies , the opportunity to be their conductor and amplifier (in the light or dark direction - depends on factors);
  • the ability to influence home cleanliness and energetic well-being , which ultimately preserves and improves the overall well-being of the home and family;
  • the attitude towards the animal and its ability to interact with the dark or light side of the astral plane and human energy depends on the external coloring

For the so-called "Pottermaniacs" - description of cat qualities: "Cats from Harry Potter"

Secrets of cat energy

Many people go to Egypt not only for a wonderful holiday, but also for miracles. Everyone secretly hopes that in this country there are some mystical elements that will help get rid of problems, and a person will be able to realize his desires. For example, earn a lot of money, get married, make a career leap and even lose weight. Some Egyptian drawings, figurines, talismans and amulets really have miraculous powers. But do not forget that Egyptian cat figurines are funerary attributes. Placing such an object at home is equivalent to decorating an apartment with a cross brought from the cemetery.

The Egyptians installed such figurines on the graves of the dead to mark the boundary between this world and the other world. To protect against the penetration of evil spirits from a parallel world into our reality.

Totem cat

People whose subconscious is connected with the character of cats are sweet, but independent, and what are called “walking on their own.”

These people are very clean and love their own body, both women and men prefer to take care of themselves, know how to take care of themselves, and are independent.

The health of these people seriously depends on the quality of sleep - with such a totem it is necessary to get a good night's sleep, this perfectly harmonizes the nervous system. Another aspect is sexual , this topic often becomes the most intrusive in their lives, but it is also a powerful driving force for their growth and development.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

A person who has a cat totem has instinct and intuition, often hypersensitive abilities, and can clearly distinguish for himself Good and Evil, good and bad energy, light and dark people. He himself gravitates more towards one or the other pole.

They are curious and nosy, they love news and want to see and hear everything first. But they don’t aspire to be leaders; it’s more convenient for them to sit next to the leader, receiving all the benefits and bringing benefit with their talents and skills.

People who have a cat totem have good energy and can awaken their magical abilities and engage in various kinds of spiritual practices. Remember? - “There is no stronger beast than a cat!”

Woman with cat totem

- a girl-girl, very desirable for the male sex, she feels great potential - sexual and partner.

Feline flexibility and dexterity, grace are the qualities of true women who know how to enjoy life and attract men into their company.

The cat woman gets everything she wants with softness and affection, cunning and patience, and at the same time she knows how to arrange relationships so well that she will never allow herself to be offended. Otherwise, there is a reason to release her claws, which are quite sharp. Brunette cats are especially dangerous, they are absolutely on their own and very insidious, they do not forgive insults.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

A woman whose cat is an animal of power has a developed maternal instinct, gets pregnant easily and loves to fuss with children. She is caring and knows how to instill in her offspring the necessary life skills.

She chooses professions where there will be a demand for her internal qualities - instinct, understanding of people, she can become a consultant and expert in various issues. She does not want a strict regime of professional activity; she prefers to work under a contract, in freelancing mode. Knows how to adapt, find loopholes and the best options for implementation in any event.

Men having a cat totem

– in their youth they are very active, striving for more and more new adventures. They know how to talk and captivate girls, value variety, and often have several love affairs at the same time.

They prefer to communicate with women; they have few male friends. In companies he is a pleasant and funny joker, attractive and sincere.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

As they get older, they become lazier, agree to start a family, but are not averse to going “left” on occasion, without depressing themselves with doubts and feelings of guilt.

Cats, in general, love such living conditions when other people do everything for them, and they can come to a ready-made situation and decorate and ennoble it.

They work well in positions where commercial talent - a kind of merchant master who knows how to find an approach and cajole (mur-mur-mur) any potential partner or customer.

Their second talent is the ability to understand people and sense danger , so they find themselves in internal security services, especially commercial institutions. “Rats” - they smell it!

Kote the Pied Piper

They appear as fighters most often in only three situations:

  • in situations of injustice, when they are severely deprived or their freedom is limited;
  • in personal relationships, the presence of a rival invigorates them and forces them to activate their energy and mental abilities. Competition is their driving force;
  • in extreme moments they instantly mobilize and are capable of feats.

Why does Maneki-neko have a raised paw?

The paw of a talisman is the main identifying feature of a sacred thing. The product attracts good luck and calls for success, brings home financial comfort and money. Often the cat’s body is decorated with hieroglyphic inscriptions. They believe that the left paw attracts customers, so this talisman is suitable for public institutions. Some people prefer cats with two paws raised. They symbolize positivity. It is believed that the legendary cats used this gesture to call the daimyo to save them from storms and lightning.

The talisman's paw is a symbol of good luck

Cat symbol - meanings

Cat symbolism is most suitable in the following situations:

  • if you are sure that the cat is your animal of power , totem (“How to determine your totem”);
  • if you were born in the year of the Cat according to the Eastern calendar: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011;
  • if your horoscope shows degrees associated with cat totems : 7 degrees of Aries (reed cat); 6 degrees Gemini (forest); 20 degrees Virgo (steppe); 2 degrees Sagittarius (Nubian); 11 degrees Sagittarius (tailless).

The symbol of a cat or cat as a talisman, amulet, talisman will be good in matters related to the realization of feminine energy - home improvement, keeping the family hearth, showing tenderness.

For a woman who needs to learn to set her own boundaries and love herself first, a cat is suitable as a symbol of compensation and reminder. She knows how to do well for herself and at the same time be useful and loved by others.

A wild cat or cat is a talisman, meaning life outside the rules, free, a person is able to move at the call of his nature. It is also a symbol that can impart the power of self-healing and use internal reserves.

Cats are an excellent logo for various security and safety services; their motto is: “Rats will not pass!”

The home mascot Cat in the interior as an object, an image - will help improve the home stay, add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere of the room. You can use a talisman or still prefer a real animal.

If you are engaged in practices of the astral level, then depending on your inclinations, either the symbol of a white or the symbol of a black cat . The white cat symbol will activate your connection with beneficial spirits. Conversely, a black cat is a symbol of the fact that you have chosen the lower world for your practices, be careful.

Ginger cat - can act as a sign in the field of love and sexual relationships. More details about this in the article “Is it true that a red cat is for love?”

Cat's eye is an amulet stone that protects its owner from negative energy and harmful influences from the outside. If, due to your activities, you are often in situations of danger or in an unfavorable external environment, learn to interact with this symbol or stone.

Bracelet with cat's eye

If you dream of a cat or several, it most often means the presence of someone else’s energy in your space, maybe it’s time for you to brighten your home and carry out cleansing procedures.

If a cat is your totem, then its image in a dream means the activity of your subconscious programs associated with the need to demonstrate its qualities. Analyze - perhaps you are holding yourself back and denying yourself some manifestations. Or perhaps this is a sign of anxiety and danger and you need to be more careful in situations and relationships.

On the topic - the section “Totems“

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Taisiya:
    10.20.2019 at 19:34

    Very interesting! I intuitively knew that the cat was my totem animal. They named it after Thais of Athens, and she was the queen of Egypt, and freedom for me is the main value, it coincided with the degrees in the horoscope - a steppe cat. I open an article on Wiki - please! 1 more hint: in Latin Felis silvestris is a European forest cat (subspecies), and my great-grandfather's name was Sylvester... coincidence? Don't think.



    10/25/2019 at 10:29 pm

    Taisiya, cool. I love it when coincidences like this happen!


How to do it yourself?

Japanese Maneki-Neko, personifying wealth and good luck, are actively bought by tourists, but a talisman made with one’s own hands will have the greatest power.
At the moment of creation, it can be endowed with the kindest messages, making the figurine energetically strong. You can make a popular amulet that brings joy, happiness, prosperity and prosperity from clay or papier-mâché. It is sculpted in the form of a sitting cat with a raised paw. And the purpose depends on which of the paws is directed upward:

  • left - attracts buyers and useful guests;
  • the right one invites money and good luck into the house.

It is recommended to sculpt paired figurines. One cat of the pair will raise its left paw, and the second will raise its right paw. The best colors to choose are white and black.

Another important detail is the red ring with a bell on the neck. This decoration is explained by a custom that existed in the Edo era (1603–1868), when a cat was very expensive and the owners put a red collar on it with a ringing bell, so that if necessary, they could find it by ringing it.

To make a talisman with your own hands you will need the following items:

  • papier mache;
  • plain white paper;
  • acrylic paints for glass and ceramics;
  • clear nail polish;
  • Kinder Surprise packaging;
  • pen.

We recommend: Review of the most popular types of strong amulets for health and longevity. How to make an amulet with your own hands?

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Write various good wishes on a small piece of paper.
  2. Place them in a chocolate egg package.
  3. Wrap it in several layers of plain white paper, after crumpling it in your hands.
  4. Cover with paper pulp in several layers.
  5. Shape into a cat with a raised paw.
  6. Let dry.
  7. Paint with acrylic paints.
  8. Cover with varnish.

What color suits the figurine according to Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui, the elongated figurine of a black cat is most valued .
She is associated with the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast and replaces negative sha energy with positive chi. Such a figurine will contribute to the harmonization of relations between relatives. It is preferable to choose porcelain or ceramics from materials.

If your pet starts shitting anywhere

A cat will never behave this way by accident. The owner should try to find out the reason for this behavior of the animal. Perhaps your pet is just jealous or something is bothering him. In any case, you should not punish your pet without understanding what is going on.

It often happens that cats feel negative energy in a certain place or from a specific object . They try to inform the owner about this, attracting his attention.

Numerous stories of cats shitting near a closet with a bad item or ruining the shoes of a guest who did not have the best intentions confirm their ability to sense things that are inaccessible to human perception.

These furry creatures live in parallel in two worlds: our real and astral, the so-called other world. They see what is inaccessible to humans, so people can only trust their pets.

Impact on the personal life of the owners

There is a sign that if single women want to get married, it is better not to have a cat, as it scares away men.
This is not entirely true. Indeed, if a cat lives in the house of a lonely mistress (or owner), she becomes attached to a person and begins to be wildly jealous if someone invades her territory.

However, over time, if the animal feels the positive energy of your chosen one, the relationship will gradually improve.

And, conversely, if the person is not yours and his intentions are not entirely good, the pet’s hatred will manifest itself more and more clearly. He can sense something that the mistress (or owner) will not notice and, perhaps, prevent an unhappy marriage.

When a married couple gets a cat, their relationship only becomes stronger. It promotes a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere in the family; it seems to glue relationships together, making them more reliable.

Can it cure a person?

Despite their proud and independent nature, cats have powerful healing abilities. It has long been noted that if a cat has a good relationship with all family members, it will sleep next to the one who is in poorer health.

They feel the negative energy of pain and intuitively choose a place near its source. They perfectly treat inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as insomnia, stress, and nervous disorders.

If a cat lives in a house with a child who has a developmental delay, then its energy helps the child begin to make progress, sometimes completely getting rid of the diagnosis. Of course, this does not happen so quickly, sometimes it takes several years, but the beneficial influence of a furry friend is beyond doubt.

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