The meaning of the name Alina for a girl: origin, character and destiny

  • September 12, 2018
  • Meaning
  • Ulyana Romanova

There are many beautiful female names. Some are rare, others are common. The name Alina belongs to the second category. Today it is quite widespread. What is the meaning of the name Alina for a girl? What fate does it prescribe for its owner? Well, these questions should now be answered.


The name Alina, already familiar to us, came into Russian culture at the beginning of the twentieth century from Western European languages. It became popular almost immediately. Interestingly, this is a short form of the name Adeline that has gained independence.

In general, it has undergone many metamorphoses during its history. The original option is Adelheid. Its homeland is Germany. From this name came the variation Adela, and then Adelina.

If you look at the Oxford Dictionary of Personal Names, you might be surprised. It says that the name Alina has Arabic roots, and it is translated as “famous”, “noble”.

Famous people

In history, there are many owners of the name who achieved success, became famous and loved by the people.

  • A. Kabaeva – Russian rhythmic gymnastics;
  • A. Moradei – film actress;
  • A. Pogostkina is a German violinist with Russian roots;
  • A. Vitukhnovskaya - Russian poetess;
  • A. Dunaevskaya is a famous singer, author of more than one song, actress, model;
  • A. Nasibullina - famous film actress;
  • A. Zagitova is a Russian figure skater, Olympic champion.

In history, the name Alina is found among owners who have creative talent realized in life. Some achieved results in creativity, others in sports.


What is the meaning of the name Alina for a girl? The baby, so named by her parents, is growing up as a very difficult child, difficult to raise. From an early age, she herself commands everyone, absolutely not reacting to comments. However, the girl is very rarely capricious and complains.

The baby is characterized by touchiness. She can remain demonstratively silent for a long time until her parents do what she wants.

But there are also advantages. Since childhood, the owner of the beautiful name Alina has demonstrated an amazing memory. She literally grasps information on the fly. So studying comes easy to her. The main thing is that she wants to learn. Alina is well trained and capable, but without the girl’s desire to “download” knowledge into her head, she will not be able to.

She has many talents. There is a talent for drawing, artistic potential, a love of reading, and literary skills.

What should parents do? Raise her in severity and love, do not spoil her. Otherwise, Alina's character will become unbearable. She also needs to instill responsibility and kindness. You can get a pet - she will have someone to take care of (she loves to do this, by the way).


When discussing what the name Alina means for a girl, we must also pay attention to the topic of health. The parents of this baby should know that her immune system is very weak. She will often get sick and catch colds.

She is also overly excitable, and therefore there is a high probability that Alina will bring herself to a nervous breakdown at a young age. You may even need the help of a neurologist.

Other common problems for girls of this name include scoliosis and myopia. Alina may also have problems with appetite.

When deciding to improve a girl’s health, attention should be paid to improving her physical fitness. Sports will be useful for her, as will strict adherence to the daily routine. Sound, long sleep and walks in the fresh air are what will help her improve her health.

It is important for Alina to take care of her immunity from childhood, because as she gets older she will also get sick. Possible problems with the stomach and intestinal microflora.


When talking about the origin and meaning of the name Alina for a girl, it should be mentioned that over the years she will become much prettier. The girl will become a real heartbreaker. And she will like to be in the center of male attention, catching admiring glances. True, this often interferes with her studies and self-development. She should not neglect knowledge at the beginning of her life’s journey; her parents should ensure this.

Once she learns responsibility, she will demonstrate academic success. A positive assessment from others will be an additional incentive for her. But in general, she herself can show persistence if she likes this or that activity.

What about friendship? It's amazing how she combines friendliness with authority. Alina doesn’t have many friends, since not everyone likes her character, but she doesn’t feel the need for friends or communication.

Hobbies and interests

Favorite activities help Alina take her mind off work and restore peace of mind. From an early age, she demonstrates creative abilities that need to be developed under the guidance of experienced teachers. The girl sings beautifully, dances gracefully and draws in her free time. She likes to catch the admiring glances of others and hear loud applause addressed to her, so she enjoys performing at festive events at school.

With age, Alina begins to pay more attention to her appearance. To stay in good physical shape, she goes to yoga. Yoga classes strengthen Alina’s body and have a beneficial effect on her emotional state.

Personal qualities

There are certain character traits that should be noted with special attention when considering the meaning of the name Alina for a girl. The name endows its owner with the following qualities:

  • Insolence and stubbornness.
  • Irritability.
  • The habit of going to extremes.
  • Lack of tact bordering on aggressiveness.
  • Excessive excitability. With age, she manages to curb her temper.
  • Love of boasting.
  • Dependence on the opinions of others.
  • The habit of making promises and not keeping them.
  • Conflict.
  • Ability to behave in a relaxed manner.
  • Determination.
  • The ability to overcome any obstacles.
  • Great sense of style, impeccable taste.
  • Easy attitude towards money.
  • Generosity.
  • Developed mind and quick reaction.
  • Determination.
  • The habit of carefully thinking through every step.
  • Consistency in your actions.

As you can understand, this person’s character is very complex. When choosing the name Alina for a girl, parents should remember this.

The secret of the name Alina

Alinas are restless and full of energy, they do not lose it even when they are sick.
Such girls are impatient and restless, often disobedient and argue with their parents. Their mischief and impudence cause many problems. At the same time, Alinas are inquisitive, have a good memory and the ability to remember quickly, so they study well. It is useless to punish and reprimand Aline. If a conflict arises, it will be more effective to switch the girl’s attention to something new, to a new book or game. There is also no need to use persuasion to force Alina to do some housework. It's better to offer her a small reward in return.

Advice: Some psychologists believe that using the diminutive version of the name Alina, “Alya,” makes the girl’s character softer.

Name days according to the church calendar

The name Alina is not included in the calendar, so the girl is usually baptized under the Christian name Alevtina. She has a patron saint - Alevtina of Caesarea.

Alevtina (Alina) celebrates her name day several times a year:

  • March 23;
  • April 26, 29;
  • May 29;
  • June 14, 16;
  • July 2, 29;
  • August 4th.

Suitable middle names

The name goes well with many patronymics: Sergeevna, Vladimirovna, Alekseevna, Veniaminovna, Pavlovna, Alexandrovna.

Personalized talismans

  • Planet – Jupiter.
  • Zodiac sign – Pisces and Sagittarius.
  • Elements – fire and air.
  • Color – blue and red.
  • The patron animal is the swallow and the dolphin.
  • Flower – lily and cornflower.
  • Wood – maple and eucalyptus.
  • Stone – sapphire and pearl.


Many future parents, studying the meaning of the name Alina for a girl, are interested in what kind of person she will grow up to be?

I must say, being an adult woman, this person still remains capricious, freedom-loving and unique. Communicating with her, almost every person thinks that she was born with a ready-made plan for life, the implementation of which she would not back down for anything.

And adult Alina’s self-confidence is really off the charts. She can conquer any heights. Moreover, she is aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of her character, so Alina tries to fight the disadvantages and improve the advantages.

Her intuition also strengthens with age. It is she who helps a woman achieve a lot in life (in particular, victories on the personal front). But what she doesn’t do, having matured significantly, is open her true emotions and feelings. She just doesn't want to show them to others.

The fate of a girl named Alina

Character is the determining factor in how a person’s life turns out. In this section we will take a closer look at the name Alina, the meaning of the name and fate.

Alina is bright, beautiful and sociable. They know how to behave with men and attract their attention. They skillfully present their beauty, dress well, take care of themselves, love to flirt and make advances. They love it when their efforts do not go unnoticed, and are happy to catch admiring glances and accept compliments. Alinas have good taste.

During the beginning of a serious relationship, they are shy a lot, but gradually open up and show their true character. Not everyone can win Alina’s favor; in this regard, men need to try, because she is very demanding.

Sexually, the girl focuses on the external side of the relationship, and thinks little about emotions and sensations. Aesthetics are very important to Alina.

The best option for Alina would be a handsome, well-groomed, confident man with a strong character and charisma. After all, such women take care of themselves, and they want their chosen one to correspond to them. Although Alinas love to be in the center of everything, they prefer that a man can put them in their place, rather than stand on the sidelines indecisive.

The influence of parents on the child

If you are thinking about what to name your child, you must understand that in addition to the name, his parents will also influence his life. You can assess the degree and nature of this influence using this form.

Attention! The page will refresh and you will need to scroll down to this point to read the astrologer's forecast.

Name meaning by letter

  • The letter “A” stands for inexhaustible inner strength and determination. Such a girl is not afraid to go against circumstances and fate. She is not afraid of the unknown, although sometimes she experiences slight jitters when she leaves her comfort zone. By nature, he is a true leader who will not tolerate pressure and guidance in his actions. May get into altercations with management due to reluctance to follow orders.
  • The letter “L” stands for an unconventional approach and a penchant for creativity. Such a girl will never follow the beaten path. She tries to be different from the crowd everywhere and in everything. Not even that. She doesn't try, it comes out naturally. She has a sense of beauty and is able to create beauty with her own hands.
  • The letter “I” is the desire for harmony, the denial of injustice. She will never intentionally get involved in a dispute, although at her core she is categorically opposed to injustice and any infringement of rights. At the same time, we are talking not only and not so much about herself. Sometimes Alinas become ambassadors of goodwill, volunteers and philanthropists where the rest of the world is powerless.
  • The letter “N” stands for an inquisitive mind and self-criticism. She tries to get to the very essence in everything. Any work with this approach brings Alina pleasure. Even a monotonous process has a goal, and if there is a goal, then any movement is a way to achieve this goal. This is how Alina lives in the world, sometimes remaining misunderstood by those around her.

Name horoscope

Alina the meaning of the name is character and fate.

  • Aries is an independent and very stubborn nature. In the best traditions of her sign, Alina is distinguished by her stubbornness and stubbornness, bordering on stupidity. She never admits her mistakes, much less defeat. He will do everything possible and impossible to achieve his goals until the last moment.
  • Taurus is a gentle, touching and impressionable girl. She feels the world on high notes. He notices various details and tries to convey his delight to others. However, rarely anyone is able to understand it. Most often, Alina takes on the image of a sweet fool and nothing more. But it contains such strength and creative potential that eminent artists, poets and fashion designers of our time would envy.
  • Gemini is sociable and always strives for knowledge. Loves to learn, but prefers to receive information in non-standard ways. He wants to try everything on himself, sometimes going beyond what is permitted. She is inquisitive and has a good memory. Learns easily, but rarely feels sincerely interested in school subjects. Everything changes. If she chooses a specialty she likes.
  • Cancer is a sophisticated and attractive nature. She is the personification of femininity in its most subtle manifestation. Alina is mysterious; for her fans she remains a mystery to the last. Always breaks the connection with a person even before he gets to its essence. Therefore, he has many friends, but not one true friend.
  • Leo is a charismatic and impulsive woman. She will not tolerate criticism of her opinions, lifestyle or thoughts. Alina achieves a lot on her own and certainly will not allow anyone to belittle her achievements. Fate itself favors her career advancement, but in her personal life everything is not so rosy.
  • Virgo is a hardworking and persistent woman. She is not afraid to work long and hard for her goal. Although sometimes she is inclined to idealize the world and dream of the impossible. Despite this, in everyday life she is quite unassuming and conscientious.
  • Libra is a harmonious, sophisticated and holistic personality. Alina knows what she wants and how to achieve it. Her goals are always achievable and her plans are realistic. She lives in the present, but does not forget about the future, periodically looks back, but not out of nostalgia, but in order to consolidate the mistakes made and subsequent conclusions.
  • Scorpio is the owner of a tough and uncompromising character. She always knows clearly what she wants. And there is no such person who could convince her. Alina can be categorical and harsh towards other people and even relatives. It's always interesting with her, but dangerous. You never know when a silent volcano will awaken.
  • Sagittarius is an incredibly lucky person in life. For some reason, Lady Luck herself kissed her on the forehead. Alina manages to avoid the unpleasant consequences of her actions, which are not always the best and characterize her as an adult and self-sufficient person. But the girl will not always be able to get out of the water unscathed. Retribution will come one day and it will be severe.
  • Capricorn is an ambitious and hardworking girl. Above all else in her life, she values ​​material wealth. Most likely, as a child, she did not grow up in the wealthiest family, so through her work she tries to achieve the long-awaited wealth. He achieves some success in life, but always feels some dissatisfaction with himself.
  • Aquarius is a purposeful, hardworking woman. She is attracted to distant horizons, so her plans are sometimes fantastic. But Alina, like no one else, knows how to achieve success in her plans. He may succeed in the professional sphere, but in love he will suffer from dissatisfaction.
  • Pisces are an empathetic and sensitive nature. She can literally feel a person's emotions. Alina notices the smallest details and never loses sight of them. She is able to recreate a complete picture in her imagination and use it as a guide to finding a common language with a person. He is often involved in charity work.

Numerological meaning

Four 4 – independence and perseverance – these are the qualities that have guided Alina since childhood. Every day of her life she learns and becomes better than she was yesterday. She is able to find a way out of any situation, even a stalemate. She is always consistent and persistent in her work. There are practically no impossible tasks for her. Rarely falls in love, but usually this feeling lasts a lifetime. Sincerely loves her children and becomes a caring mother


When studying the meaning of the name Alina for a girl, it is worth talking about her probable prospects. What she definitely cannot do due to her character is pedagogy. She doesn't have a single quality that a teacher should have. In addition, she is indifferent to all children, with the exception of her own.

Alina can prove herself in other areas. She will be able to realize her craving for the humanities if she takes up philology, linguistics, journalism or secretarial work. If he has charisma, he can try himself in literature or theater.

The talent of an orator and inexhaustible vital energy will find application in the political sphere. In addition, Alina knows how to stand her ground and prove that she is right.

However, no matter what she does, this girl will actively build a career. No moral principles will stop her on this path. If she gets promoted to a management position, she will become a tyrannical boss. She will not find an approach to employees - she simply does not consider it necessary.

Time of birth

Alinas born in winter are distinguished by quick thinking, foresight, and determination. Show the highest degree of skill in building strategy and achieving goals.

Birthday girls of spring are sublime and romantic natures, prone to fantasies. Their other traits are imbalance and nervousness. Fashion model, flight attendant, actress, arts worker are the best professions where they can realize themselves.

Those born in the summer are characterized by short temper and condescension, but such people are not vindictive. Autumn Alinas are practical and enterprising; they are born businesswomen. Translator, accountant, economist - professions in which they excel.


Much has been said above about what the name Alina means for a girl. The topic of relationships should also be noted.

This girl, despite the large number of fans, if she gets married, does so in adulthood. She chooses her spouse very carefully. Alina is picky, everything is important to her - from appearance and style, to financial solvency and manners.

Of course, life with this special someone will not be boring. Alina's frantic temperament and explosive character will always bring “diversity” to the marriage in the form of demonstrative hysterics and showdowns.

Therefore, despite the careful choice of a spouse, divorce is not excluded, as is remarriage.

It is worth noting that Alina is not an exemplary housewife. But she is very hospitable, and also cooks deliciously. If she decides to have children, she becomes a caring and loving mother for them.


So, a lot has been said above about the meaning of the name Alina for a girl. The born baby grows up and faces questions regarding relationships. Well, here are the men with whom she, the owner of a difficult character, can have a harmonious union:

  • Alan. Versatile, cheerful, spontaneous, optimistic - it may seem that he is the opposite of Alina. Perhaps, but this person, like her, is a passionate person. This is what will unite them.
  • Valentin. Friendly, discreet and submissive - a real gift to Alina. He will tolerate even her attempts to re-educate him. Moreover, next to such an active person, he will be able to realize his potential, for which he will carry his partner in his arms.
  • Peter. The two form an unexpectedly romantic union. Both like to spend their energy on each other and cater to each other's whims. They are very similar in character. But their family life will be calm and happy. This is the same case when minus for minus gives a plus.
  • Sergey. Practical and reliable - this man will be able to sacrifice his interests and time for Alina. He is the one who will prove her worth. And this will soften her character beyond recognition.
  • Savva. Naive, selfless, open - he will win Alina’s heart. This person is so spiritually developed that she will not even have the desire to quarrel or sort things out. Their couple will be dominated by respect, devotion and pleasure.

In the future, a girl named Alina may also develop relationships with Alexander, Arthur, Gerasim, Evgeniy, Zakhar, Yaroslav, Yakov, Nikolai and Kazimir.

But she definitely shouldn’t get involved with Alexey, Yan, Anton, Yuri, Eduard, Vladimir, Semyon and Georgy.

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