Determination of a person’s element according to Feng Shui - external signs and character

Once upon a time, our ancestors, who lived in ancient times, determined that the basis of all things are four elements: the element of Fire, the element of Earth, the element of Air and the element of Water. An element is a dominant element that has the most direct influence on health, relationships, career and many other important life aspects of an individual. Almost all experts say that the elements are the foundation on which a person can build his life! If an individual does not know anything about his element, then it will be quite difficult for him to achieve even minimal success in any areas of life!

Why? The thing is that it is the elements that determine the main advantages, characteristics and disadvantages of a person, his priorities, views on certain important issues and trends in personal development. And if you recognize not only your element, but also the element of your loved one, then building a trusting and strong relationship with him will be much easier, since you will know in advance what to expect from this relationship.

Every person living on planet Earth belongs to one or several elements. Some people can determine the element using intuition, but not everyone succeeds. If internal sensations do not allow you to do this, then you should turn to external signs for help and find out your element by the year and time of birth, by your zodiac sign, by Feng Shui and by tarot cards.

You should not be embarrassed or worried if you find out that you have not one, but two or three elements, because a pure substance is very rarely found in nature, since it almost always contains certain impurities. An ideal and balanced personality, according to Chinese astrologers, is precisely the personality that combines the best qualities of two or three elements!

How to find out your element? Having the necessary knowledge, this is quite easy to do. After reading the useful, important and valuable information that we are happy to share with you in this article, you will not only learn to easily and quickly determine your element and the elements of other people, but also expand your knowledge about the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth!

How to determine your element

To determine your element, do the following:

  • If your birthday was between January 1st and February 20th, write down the last digit of your year of birth.
  • If you were born between February 20 and December 31, subtract one from the year of birth and write down the last digit.

Look at the value in the table:

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Next, we will consider the characteristics of each element and how they affect a person’s life and personality.

How do zodiac signs belonging to the same element differ?

Let's consider the fiery representatives: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Aries is the first sign of the fiery trinity, and this is the beginning of the element. Leo is the peak of the fire element. Sagittarius is her decline. Therefore, Leos are considered the brightest representatives of the element of Fire. Aries and Sagittarius may gravitate toward other zodiac signs and the elements they control.

Let's find out how to determine a person's element, taking into account the time of his birth. Those whose birth time fell in the morning hours gravitate towards the earthly element, which gives strength. People born during the day are drawn to Air and light. The evening hours gravitate toward Water, and Fire rules the night.

To correctly determine the element by date of birth, the season of birth should also be taken into account. Spring signs are drawn to streams, Water; Summer people like the Earth and agriculture. Autumn loves winds and Air, and winter is drawn to Fire.

Therefore, Sagittarius, born in the evening, in early December, may be under the influence of the element of Water.


Representatives of the “fire” element according to Feng Shui are endowed with the following character traits:

  • They are very mobile. They move a lot, never sit still, and are constantly busy with something. They need to do something, run somewhere.
  • They talk quickly and a lot, they are practically unstoppable. The speech is very lively, rich, emotional.
  • They have a lot of passion and love, it is very important to communicate with the opposite sex. These are girls with many fans, flirts. Or Casanova men, about whom women are crazy.
  • They need new emotions and vivid impressions. Without this, “fiery” people begin to fade away; they constantly strive to be in the center of events.
  • They know how to enjoy everything, even simple things in everyday life.
  • Very sociable.
  • They need sources of emotions, sensations, and excitement.
  • Restless, changeable, unstable, difficult to withstand prolonged monotonous workload.
  • Crazy life lovers.
  • “Ambush” fiery ones in their sadness, which arises from the lack of opportunities to gain new impressions.
  • They fall in love and get carried away endlessly, but they are no less often disappointed in their partners.
  • Almost always in high spirits.
  • They feel the need for sincere and trusting communication.
  • There is a tendency to act rashly and are changeable in their actions and decisions.

Each element manifests itself in a person’s appearance. The signs are listed in the picture:

Friendship and the elements according to Feng Shui

A good friend will help, provide support, and be there in difficult times. Therefore, choosing a true friend is a difficult but necessary art. How to choose friends, guided by the teachings of Feng Shui about the five elements? Let's determine the main friendly traits of a person of each element according to Feng Shui.

  • Fire. As the name suggests, these are passionate, ardent, active, active natures. In friendship, they are more likely to be a “locomotive” and help their friends to realize themselves.
  • Metal . Loyal, reliable friends, despite their cynicism, secrecy and cunning. They know how to support in difficult times.
  • Earth . These people's friendships are natural and simple, reliable. Stubborn, do not give up under the influence of momentary failures, support friends and serve as a reliable support for them.
  • Water . It's easy to make friends with them, they are sociable, witty, and have a sense of humor. A little absent-minded, changeable in mood. However, their friends should be on their guard - people of this element are irresponsible, and can set up a friend not out of malice, but out of character.
  • Tree . Excellent friends, especially in extreme situations, where they show calm, equanimity, diplomacy and responsiveness.

Extend a hand of friendship regardless of the elements


The following traits are clearly visible in the character of “water” people:

  • They are very stubborn and determined, endowed with colossal willpower.
  • Artistic.
  • They can be stubborn and overly melancholic.
  • People of freedom do not tolerate restrictions and boundaries.
  • They need a personal space in which they can “hang out,” engage in contemplation and withdraw into themselves.
  • The most common negative emotion of “aquatic” people is fear.
  • They are very reserved and prefer to be in the shade in noisy company.
  • They need time to make decisions and never act out of the blue.
  • Resilient, wise and strong.
  • Their reactions are slow, their movements are smooth.
  • They are able to feel subtly, broadly, deeply, and experience the whole gamut of emotions.

External signs:

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 16 February 04 – 3 February 05;
  • 26 January 14 – 13 February 15;
  • 5 February 24 – 24 January 25;
  • 14 February 34 - 3 February 35;
  • January 25, 44 - February 13, 45;
  • February 3, 54 - January 23, 55;
  • February 13, 64 - February 1, 65;
  • January 23, 74 - February 10, 75;
  • February 2, 84 - February 19, 85;
  • February 10, 94 - January 30, 95.

Stubbornness and lack of any flexibility in absolutely all matters are the distinctive features of this element. The Yang tree will stand its ground to the last, and even when the dispute seems to have ended not in his favor, he does not admit defeat, although outwardly he can say that he was wrong. Deep down in his soul, he will still convince himself that only his position is correct. As you know, trees stand very firmly on the ground due to their roots; the yang tree also has an impressive base, which helps it defend its position.

These people are quite friendly and help others.

The process of growth occurs throughout life, here we are talking about moral development, gaining wisdom. In the later stages, such people make excellent leaders, since they are very organized and know how to organize other people.

Despite all the stubbornness and a certain degree of stubbornness, Yang trees are not gloomy or unsociable, they are quite cheerful and open to any communication, however, often negative traits still take their toll and lead to small conflicts. Their resolution depends on who exactly the Yan tree was quarreling with. The dispute between these two elements will most likely never end.


People with the element of Earth are characterized by:

  • Excessive involvement in other people's lives: they like to give advice, take care, “save.”
  • They really need the attention of loved ones and relatives.
  • Focused on friends and family, this is the most important part of their life.
  • They are kind and compassionate, always ready to help, generous and hospitable.
  • The most common negative emotion is resentment. They get offended when they don’t receive gratitude for their care. They often suppress this feeling, suffer inside, but do not show it.
  • If you come to visit such a person, he will first feed you, give you something to drink, and only then the conversations will begin.
  • There is always candy or cookies in your bag to treat your friends in the company.
  • They love to “nest”: to furnish the house, create a warm and cozy atmosphere in it.
  • Born to support, feed, nourish, care for and think about others.

External signs:

Element in colors

Feng Shui colors have a direct impact on a person. You can often notice how some colors relax people, while others, on the contrary, irritate them. And all because each person has his own color, which depends on his belonging to the Feng Shui elements. It turned out to be easy to determine which element you belong to. Now let's look at the shades that suit the elements of Feng Shui:

  1. The water bubbles and flows in black, turquoise, blue, blue colors.
  2. The earth prefers to receive strength from white, yellow, beige and brown.
  3. Fire loves to “dress” in red and orange colors.
  4. Metal colors are silver, gray and silver.
  5. And the Tree needs light green, green and mint colors.

When a person chooses colors that correspond to his element, he attracts good luck, inner strength, and wealth into his life. Things purchased in the right color palette give their owner peace of mind, a sense of satisfaction, comfort and help to attract good luck into life.


Character of “metal” people:

  • They are easy to spot by their regal appearance. They can be arrogant and love to criticize.
  • They do not like crowds and prefer to spend time alone so that no one disturbs them.
  • True leaders and visionaries will never settle for second roles.
  • All emotions are felt very strongly and subtly. If disappointment is global. If there is resentment, then with a complete severance of relations.
  • They very clearly distinguish falsehood from truth; it is almost impossible to deceive them.
  • They need privacy and get tired of communication. They recover only in solitude.
  • They have a natural sense of style and taste, they want to bring everything to perfection in their actions, they are perfectionists.
  • In life they choose everything that is most authentic, refined, and meaningful.
  • At the level of the aura, they read and understand the whole essence: relationships, people, actions, actions, processes.
  • They penetrate into the essence of the problem and analyze it thoroughly.
  • They do not tolerate superficiality, they will never do anything anyhow.
  • Everything related to refinement, improvement, real, genuine meaning and quality is about Metal.
  • They are meticulous, sensitive, have excellent hearing, and read all the shades and nuances.
  • Improve - this word best characterizes the “metal people”.

External signs:

Watch a video about the elements:

Such different elements

Also, each year in the twelve-year cycle corresponds to a certain element. The 60-year large cycle consists of five such cycles. Each year is associated with a specific animal that has its own element:

  • Bull - Earth;
  • Snake - Fire;
  • Horse – Fire;
  • Rat – Water;
  • Dragon - Earth;
  • Goat - Earth;
  • Monkey – Metal;
  • Pig – Water;
  • Dog – Earth;
  • Tiger - Tree;
  • Rabbit - Tree;
  • Rooster – Metal.

His life depends on what elements a person possesses. But each element acts differently depending on gender.


  • Element Fire

    A man constantly needs adventure, the excitement of surprises and loves to take risks. A fairly demanding leader, loves active action, infects those around him with energy, as well as enthusiasm, and carries him along. They do not obey rules, do not tolerate restrictions, are inventive and have a great sense of humor. Needs constant intimate connections. She loves to play in relationships, which is something all women should take into account. However, he does not like obligations. He prefers not to solve problems, but to run away from them. This is a man of action, for whom the result is not as important as constant movement forward.

  • A woman repeats some of the features of men and brings to them a special note characteristic of the female sex. Shows activity, swiftness, inexhaustible energy, and can be impulsive. Men call such a woman fatal. She drives you crazy easily. But if she finds one and only love, she is faithful to the grave. Masculine manifestation in character is expressed in prudence, the desire to win in everything.

Element characteristics: represents summer, heat, fire. Gives light, happiness and warmth, but has destructive power, associated with explosions and fires. In a positive sense, this is sincerity and honesty; in a negative sense, it is aggression, war.

Associations: candles, sun, lamps, lamps, triangle, red color, image of fire and sun, artificial materials.


  • Element Water

    Men - they tend to desire feminine and beautiful representatives of the fair sex. Such womanizers are fickle and cunning. They have the gift of diplomacy and persuasion. They are able to listen carefully and are able to negotiate well. They perceive the world holistically in all its completeness and diversity. They are open to the feelings of other people, they may seem bright and charming, but they are unlikely to let you into the depths of their soul. They show flexibility in life, which greatly contributes to achieving their goals.

  • The woman has a capricious character, as well as cunning in her eyes. Easily charms and drives you crazy. She finds it difficult to convince others of her own fidelity. He has an amazing imagination and has a great sense of the world and people around him. Her unique communication abilities sometimes lead her to adventurous situations. However, she strives for consistency with all her lightness and airiness. Avoids conflicts.

Characteristics of the element: represents water in all forms and manifestations. It could be a pleasant rain or a tsunami. Reflects the inner “I” of a person, beauty and art. In a positive sense - compassionate support, nutrition in a broad sense, in a negative sense - fear, stress, anxiety.

Associations: streams, rivers, blue and black colors, glass and mirrors, pools, fountains, aquariums, images of water.


  • Element Earth

    A man is a calm, balanced person who does not do hasty or adventurous things. He prefers thoroughness and thoughtfulness. A simple example: he will not chase a rabbit while hunting, but will smoke it out of a cozy hole. Prefers to enjoy life. You can rely on them, they are faithful, not prone to rashness, have enormous inner strength, and are stable in a critical situation. The uniqueness of the character is that even in the worst situation he will insist that everything is fine, will not give up and will see everything through to the end. As a person has adapted to the elements of the earth, so he will live.

  • A woman has high sensuality and a natural desire for harmony with the world around her. She is distinguished by femininity, charm, a sense of individuality, style, and image. However, he has a developed sense of possessiveness. Once she decides that it’s mine, she won’t be convinced. It is difficult for her to give her partner freedom in terms of relationships, hence a strong feeling of jealousy arises. Women of this element are not prone to risk, but can take it.

Characteristics of the element: it provides a nutrient medium from which seeds grow, all living things arise, are nurtured and everything returns to it. Supports other elements, gives them nutrition. In a positive sense - wisdom, sincerity, intuition, in a negative sense - empty worries, tense anticipation, nervousness.

Associations: brick, clay, terracotta, cement, stone, yellow square, orange and brown colors.


  • Element Metal

    A man is capable of sacredly believing in his own rightness and convincing others of this. He is not just impudent, but confident in his own infallibility and uniqueness. He is distinguished by his ambition, which sometimes manifests itself in the form of ruthlessness. They often succeed in their life path. However, he is deprived of the ability to enjoy what he has achieved. This distinguishes it from other elements.

  • A woman - they say about such a woman that she is a “magnetic person.” It can charm and frighten because it shows feelings very strongly. He knows how to compete fiercely, but expresses anger sparingly because he does not know how to do it. Capable of conquering peak after peak, and not only in terms of relationships. She manages to do this in almost any business. The need to achieve perfection in everything is one of the main features of a woman of the Metal element.

Characteristics of the element: represents strength and autumn, hardness, the ability to serve as a container for objects, conducts electricity. In a positive sense - communication, interesting ideas, justice, in a negative sense - danger, destruction, sadness. The metal is used to make jewelry and weapons.

Associated with: all metals, round shapes, metal objects, kitchen utensils, gray and white colors, watches, coins.


  • Element Wood

    Men are very emotional. They strive to achieve universal love. In the world around them they are capable of social altruism, but only if the people they help share their views. They prefer to manage relationships rather than be managed. If something goes wrong, they quickly lose interest in the situation and try to run away. Friendship and common ideals in relationships, friendly, social or love, are very important.

  • A woman - in general, we can say that there are three main characteristics: honesty, beauty and truthfulness. She knows how to be attractive and resourceful, has an independent spirit and a desire for freedom. Intimate relationships come easily to her, but she tries to remain silent about her needs and can only open up to those closest to her. Not an owner and does not like to be someone's property.

Characteristics of the element: represents vegetation, spring, growth. In Yin form it is pliable and flexible; in Yang form it is hard and durable. In a positive sense it is used as a staff, in a negative sense it is used as a spear. It has the qualities of growth, fruiting, and versatility.

Associated with: plants, wooden furniture, paper, green color, columns, room decoration, painting.

At the end of the article you will find a summary table of the characteristics of each element.

But not only character traits depend on the element to which a person belongs. Each person in his life has his own colors associated with certain elements.


People who exhibit Wood energy:

  • May be irritable or overly persistent.
  • They have many different interests.
  • They love movement and exercise.
  • Enthusiasts who want to learn and move forward.
  • Focused intense character.
  • The most common negative emotions: anger, anger, irritation.
  • It is important for them to be able to act, show their activity, and let off steam.
  • They move quickly and want movement in life, they are active and impulsive.
  • They want to improve and improve the world, they are optimistic.
  • They love to set goals and achieve them, they are careerists and very ambitious.
  • Achievers and doers with active seething energy.

External signs:

Why is it so important to determine your element and know its features? This is necessary to live in harmony and agreement with yourself, to better understand yourself and your needs. For example, if a water person is forced to be “wooden”: make decisions quickly, build a career, constantly be among people, he will quickly get tired and wither. He needs to be alone more often, to restore his energy alone.

By clearly realizing what energy prevails in you, you will be able to satisfy the needs of your nature, live happier and calmer.

Yang variety

This element includes people born during the periods:

  • 25 January 06 – 12 February 07;
  • 3 February 16 – 22 January 17;
  • 13 February 26 – 1 February 27;
  • 24 January 36 – 10 February 37;
  • February 2, 46 - January 21, 47;
  • February 12, 56 - January 30, 57;
  • January 21, 66 - February 8, 67;
  • January 31, 76 - February 17, 77;
  • February 9, 86 - January 28, 87;
  • February 19, 96 - February 7, 97.

If in the Yin element of fire, Feng Shui is a small flame, then the Yang variety is a full-fledged sun. Such people completely and completely give their warmth to those around them and shine to them that they have strength. They are incredibly sociable, but also quite hot-tempered.

Quite often, conflict situations arise with such people due to their explosive nature, but one quickly moves away and returns to a complacent state.

In terms of relationships, Yang fire is very passionate. He does everything for his partner without asking for anything in return. A very positive person who literally attracts other people to himself and makes them truly happy. Sole of company.

Natural compatibility

At the very beginning of my astrology training, when I was going through the elements, my teacher said that for the best development and compatibility, you need to choose people who have the elements that we lack. However, observing different couples, I noticed that good relationships most often develop between people with a similar set of elements. This gives some kind of predictability, similarity of views and interests, and overall similarity. Same strengths and similar weaknesses. However, the downside is clear - it can become boring, we are too similar.

In such relationships, the elements are gained through conscious pumping or through friends in whom they dominate. Making friends with people of the elements you lack is something that is really useful, I recommend it to everyone. Not particularly traumatic (unlike relationships) and moderately developmental.

Development is, of course, good, but my personal opinion is that developing about a partner who is very different from you means spending a lot of time and effort precisely on maintaining such relationships and developing yourself through them. To be honest, for people with pronounced 7th, 8th and 4th houses this is normal, but for others - well...

It is interesting, by the way, that men without Water are more favorable towards Water girls than vice versa. They say “well, she’s just like that on my mind!” The girl believes that he does not always understand her feelings, but she appreciates him for his reliability and masculinity. But in the opposite case, we get a woman-tank, and a man who constantly calls her “Where are you? Why aren’t you home yet, I’m worried!”

In the case of a Fire man and a woman without Fire, everything is also not bad. He says “she’s such a quiet person”; the woman says “I like his ambitions, but I am often jealous while he is not at home!” If on the contrary, she is everywhere, active and independent. He’s passive, lazy, she constantly jumps on him, finding out why he won’t change jobs and when we’ll finally go on vacation.

An earthly man and a woman without Earth - he earns, she spends. He controls expenses, she constantly demands to buy a handbag or a fur coat. He is always shocked by how much money she spends and on what. She explains this to herself by the fact that she is a woman.

An earthly woman and a man without Earth - she is very practical, keeps track of expenses and income, the entire budget is under her strong hand (and access to its cards). Such a man may even be afraid of an earthly woman, feeling her inflexibility. When they are in company, she looks modest, quite quiet, but she counts every penny he spends while sitting at this table. He knows this too, and in general, tries not to cross the line (unless Fire. Earth and Fire often have scandals over money and waste of resources).

He is Air, she is without Air - he is extremely active, he has a lot of friends, contacts, connections. He values ​​his woman for her reliability, but she seems somehow boring and a little closed to him, she lacks knowledge and intellectual development. He constantly tries to stimulate her, or kills her and rushes about his business. She then sorts things out. Her resentment builds up and then a supernova explosion occurs. The airy man knows this feature and runs home with a bouquet of roses.

She is Air, he is without Air - she has a million girlfriends, a lot of connections, she knows everyone, she is constantly traveling somewhere. He is a homebody or works a lot. She says he has no friends, he gets upset. She tells him that he is boring and tries to take him out for a walk or go somewhere. He is interested in her, but he constantly thinks about how expedient it all is and whether it is worth the effort. He can hang around with her everywhere, jealous of the million of her friends (if he has a lot of Water and little Fire).

The myth of the emergence of 4 elements

In the beginning there was chaos all over the world and the world was in darkness…. Until they came... There were seven of them... Seven creators and magicians

No one ever knew them, where they came from, or who they were
. We only know that it was these seven magicians who created the world as we see it today.

According to legend, they appeared on Earth and were surprised by its wretchedness. And then they decided to turn the chaos that reigned on earth into paradise. And the first thing they created on earth were 4 elements, so that none of them had supremacy on earth

And these elements were water, air, earth and fire. The other two magicians made day and night so that the eyes, having seen enough of all the beauty of the world during the day, would rest at night
. And the proudest and wisest magician simply stood aside and watched what would come of all the work that his friends had done.

And so, when everything was done on the planet, they called this planet Earth, and Life began on it.

And everything was fine... The magicians lived on the planet they created, but the time came for them to leave and they began to think about who to leave the Earth to. But none of the magicians wanted to stay on Earth anymore, and then the seventh magician, who did not take part in the creation of the earth, decided to create a creature that resembled him, and he called him Man

. Every Person is a magician to their own degree, and every Person bears a great responsibility for our planet. Dear friends, let's always remember this!

Elements of personality Elements of personality: continued

Author: Nikandrova Elena

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Elements. Circle of Creation

Each of us is influenced to one degree or another by an elemental element responsible for character qualities and personality traits. The science of Feng Shui is very categorical in this: everything depends on the sign

As you know, according to the theory of Feng Shui, there are only five of them: Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, Wood
. All human elements are expressed to one degree or another in each individual, but only one is dominant, which dominates the rest. If you have complete information on this issue, you can understand why some things happen this way and others differently; adjust your own life to a positive wave of luck and strengthen relationships in your family and with people.

Element definition table

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