Types of Ba Tzu cards. Special or external structures

Phases of Qi in Ba Zi

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Anatoly Sokolov (c)

Everything in life goes through certain stages: birth, aging, illness and death. Even things have their own phases of development. Everything in this world, including the Heavenly trunks in bazi, manifests itself cyclically. These ups and downs, periods of strength and weakness constitute the path of life and death. The ancient Chinese divided the entire cycle of life, death and rebirth of each of the elements into twelve phases of qi, corresponding to natural processes, when conception leads to the creation of something, the weak gains strength, so that subsequently the strong gradually weakens, shrinks and ultimately disappears . The phases of qi in the bazi thus describe the twelve steps by which each element originates, appears, develops, ages, withers, dies, and decomposes. Just as a child grows up while his parents grow old and then die, so any one of the ten Heavenly trunks goes through all twelve stages of life, thereby triggering the processes of constantly changing life events of everything in this world. The development cycles of the Heavenly trunks are considered in their interaction with the Earthly branches. Due to this, we will be able to predict what will happen when any Trunk “meets” this or that Branch. The cycles of life and death of humans and plants are described below, which can give you a deeper understanding of the logic of things behind the emergence of each of the phases of qi. In Chinese, this system is called: 十二運 (shi´er yun Shi-er Yun), which literally means: “Twelve phases of qi”, it is also called “conductivity of the Heavenly trunks” and other names.

Qi phases

I Qi Phase Embryo (Conception): This is the most initial form of human development, at this moment a new life begins / The plant gets time to prepare to become an embryo; after which the form is ready and the embryo begins to develop.

II Phase Qi Feeding (Nutrition, the name “Maturity” is found): When the body has already been formed, the countdown of nine months of pregnancy begins - the time of intrauterine development, the child begins to absorb power / The seed of the plant is fed to become a sprout;

III Qi Phase Growth and Development (Birth): After the birth of a child, a period of very rapid development begins. At this moment, qi grows with tremendous strength and without any restrictions / In plants, this happens at the moment of seedling germination, when the sprout breaks through the ground - this is a very strong phase of qi;

IV Phase of Qi Dirty water (Bath, sometimes called “Bathing”): even a three-year-old child can talk, run, grab everything, without fully realizing what he is doing. Therefore, despite having skills and abilities, he constantly puts his life in danger. The child has to be washed frequently, and without the help of adults he will not survive / plant seedlings emerge from the grain and begin to grow, but constant watering and care are required;

V Qi Phase Cap and Belt (Maturity, also called “Vestment”): means the time when the body is transformed, this is the period of puberty. The Chinese had a tradition that when boys developed facial hair, they received a belt, and when a girl began her first cycles, she was given a felt hat as a sign that childhood was over, which is why this period is called “Cap and Belt.” At this time, a person receives education and instructions / the plant actively grows, produces shoots and leaves;

VI Phase Qi Creation of happiness (Flourishing, the name “Growing up” is found): a person grows up and goes out into the world, he moves into the phase of choosing a profession. This is the time when a person accepts the first responsibility and “grows” into his future life path. If he has learned something, he does it for the rest of his life, the person enters society and learns to be independent / the plant becomes strong;

VII Qi Phase Imperial Lamps (Peak of Prime): This is the time when a person reaches maturity, is at the highest peak of development. This is middle age, vitality and intelligence here are at the highest level. The texts, however, say that if the wind appears at this moment, it is very difficult to return to the old state, perhaps indicating a midlife crisis. At some point it begins to become clear that life is finite / the plant blossoms and bears fruit;

VIII Phase of Qi Weakening (Withering, the name “Aging” is found): This is a state when the body’s capabilities are reduced, decreasing, a person begins to grow old / plants begin to lose leaves;

IX Qi Phase Disease (Weakening): the human immune system becomes frail and susceptible to disease, the body weakens, the first signs of old age appear, such as arthrosis / pests attack the plant and spoil it;

X Qi Phase Death (Destruction): This is the low Qi phase: no signs of life, body dies/plant weakens and rots;

XI Phase of Qi Grave (Storage): when a person is buried in a coffin - from the Chinese point of view, this is not the end of everything, but only a move to another, Yin world. Proper arrangement of graves is Yin feng shui, allowing relatives “in the next world” to feel as good as in this one / the earth absorbs the remains of the plant;

XII Qi Phase Breakdown (The End, the name “Rest” is found): this is the disappearance, decomposition of the body, the previous life is over, the search for opportunities for a new life begins / the plant turns into compost and serves as fertilizer for other forms of life;

When we talk about the development of Heavenly Stems through the 12 phases of qi, it is subject to the principle of interaction of yin and yang. For example, the Heavenly trunk 甲 (poison) is born and grows in the period of the Earthly branch 亥(yi), while for 乙 (id), the Earthly branch 亥(yi) means death. Based on this, the five Yang Heavenly Trunks 申 (poison), 丙 (yao), 戊 (yaz), 庚 (yam) and 壬 (yav) are born and begin to grow in the Earthly Branches 亥 (yi), 寅 (poison), 巳(io), 申(yam) in direct sequence of the Earthly branches. On the other hand, the five Yin Heavenly Stems 丁(io), 辛(im), 癸(iv), 乙(id), 己(iz), are born and begin to grow with 午(yao), 酉(im), 子( yav), 卯(id), in the reverse sequence of the Earthly branches. Thus, the meaning of the qi phases in bazi is the strength or weakness of a given Heavenly trunk in conjunction with a particular Earthly branch.

The 12 phases of qi system in Ba Zi is usually used to assess the strength or weakness of a particular Celestial Stem. This can be used to further assess the strength or weakness of a Personality Element. For example, if the Personality Element is 甲 (Yang Tree), but the person was born in the month of Monkey 申 (Yang Metal), then, according to the table of qi phases, 甲 (Yang Tree) in Monkey 申 (Yang Metal) is in the Break phase, very weak qi phase. This means it can hardly be strong. Although a complete assessment of the strength and weakness of the Personality Element can be made only by assessing all the factors, that is, first of all, the support from other elements of the map. The mergers of the Heavenly trunks and the mergers of the Earthly branches and other factors are also important. If there are other options for using the twelve phases of qi system, which we will talk about in other articles. It should be said here that most of the information on the use of Qi phases, which is taught today in various Ba Tzu courses, came from Dr. Manfred Kubny, who generously shares it in his professional Ba Tzu courses, which he regularly conducts in Russia.

Tags: Ba-Tzu, Metaphysics

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Qi Transformation or Following Fusion

It is believed that such a special structure arises due to the fact that an element of personality is transformed into another energy. This occurs when the element of the personality merges with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth. But the main condition must be the presence in the earthly branch of the month of an element identical to that which arises during the merger. The new element will be of the “yin” type if the earthly branch of “yin” is located under it. The same goes for "Yang". In cards of the “chi transformation” type, the element that appears during the transformation and the element that supports it are considered useful. Unuseful energy will be the element of power. People with the “follow the fusion” type card tend to be fickle and changeable.

Examples of fusion of heavenly trunks: - Yang-tree + yin-earth = earth; - Yang metal + yin wood = metal; — Yang-fire + yin-metal = water; — Yang-water + yin-fire = wood; — Yang-earth + yin-water = fire. It is worth noting that these mergers, like any others, do not form immutable structures and elements. They arise only under conditions favorable for transformation. When these conditions arise is known only to the energies themselves.

I once analyzed the natal chart of a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone. In 1981, summer and winter time were introduced in addition to maternity time. That's +2 more hours. As this girl said, the consultant who analyzed her pillars of destiny told her that in her pillars the celestial trunks of the day and hour of birth - yin wood and yang metal - merge and form a new element - metal. Since there is metal in the earthly branch of the month, the personality element of yin-wood turns into yin-metal. The consultant recommended that the girl strengthen metal and earth. And he advised to weaken the fire.

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 07:30

The pillars of the destiny of a girl born on 08/25/1981 at 04:30 GMT

It is worth noting that the girl already has little fire in her pillars, and it is also suppressed by strong metal, as well as water and earth. Fire has little fuel, but in this case it represents the element of self-realization and the element of children. This girl had no children and could not find a job. When she began to weaken the fire element, she lost hope of finding a source of income - she became depressed and stopped looking for work.

I do not believe that by merging, earthly branches or heavenly trunks create new immutable and indestructible structures. After all, I saw in practice that these structures can arise and collapse again. Therefore, they cannot be considered substitutes for the elements available in the pillars. These elements are rather additional factors that help when considering the pillars of fate. For example, in this case it could be said that the personality element is weak because it can transform into metal. But this transformation is not possible in every case, but only under favorable conditions for its occurrence.

For a girl born on August 25, 1981 at 07:30 in the +1 time zone, I recommended strengthening the weak elements of her energy: fire, water, wood and a little earth. Six months later, she wrote me a letter thanking me for the consultation and advice, thanks to which she got out of a depressed state and found a job. And two years later the girl got married. She had an overly strong element of her husband in the pillars - metal. Because of this, the energies sought to reduce it by all means. In the physical reality of this girl, this manifested itself as the absence of a man. But as soon as the fire melted part of the metal and the wood activated it, the man was found.

If in this girl’s chart, compiled taking into account Greenwich Time, there was a merging of the element of personality with the celestial trunk of the hour or month of birth, 2 sets of energies would be favorable for her. Because her changeable personality element would have different qualities at different times. For example, if she was a metal during the merger, and a tree before the merger, then the girl would feel more comfortable if these 2 elements were simultaneously strengthened in her energy. She could find a job if she went to the south (to the fire sector - the element of self-realization for wood) and there she would have an interview in a company founded in the year of the Rat (water - the element of self-realization for metal). That is, pairs of elements would become favorable to her. This happens because any energy structures are temporary. They arise, and then fall apart into components, like the same merger. It arises at a favorable moment and then breaks down into its components if conditions are unfavorable for fusion.

So what should I do?

What now, you ask? Soon after the divorce, Katya intuitively chose to work in a medical institution. Where, as you know, there are a lot of deaths and losses.

In her case, it would also be possible to add such energies through real estate, antiques, and Feng Shui.

Are you wondering what the energy level is in the House of Marriage in your birth chart? I can study your case with the phases of Qi in different areas of life and the level of energy in the House of Marriage by constructing a birth chart. This is done during a personal consultation, which I recommend that you sign up for in order to avoid such a sad result that overtook Katya.


Do you want to know how to change the course of events in life as written in your birth chart? Remember that only by accepting responsibility for your life can you change it for the better! I'm waiting for you and your stories in my private messages. Sign up for a consultation using the following links:

What does all of this mean?

You, of course, ask, what does this mean? First of all, that this person is influential. Low phase, little Qi energy, image of hidden treasures. The image that everyone around them “died”; they are the strongest. These people experience many deaths in their life, they go through these losses.

She can also talk about her husband’s profession. He may be associated with law enforcement agencies, the army, the police, or also engage in medicine, the funeral business, or be a minister of worship. After asking Katya who her husband was, I found out that he actually served for 20 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In fact, low phases of Qi energy can and should always be corrected by adding these energies through profession, activities, and hobbies. Or even through the activities of a spouse, which was the case in Katya’s case.

But all this does not answer the question of why Katya’s husband, after such a long period of living together, still “ran away” from her?

Everything is explained very simply. Katya reached the age when this low phase of Qi energy called “Grave” came into effect. Her influence in the family has increased, and Eastern men do not allow this in family relationships.

In addition, my husband’s term of service ended, he retired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the reserve, and this energy that corrected Katya’s birth chart was no longer there.

Choosing a profession according to knowledge of Bazi

Choosing a profession, or how not to make a mistake

It is interesting that in Western psychology more and more questionnaires and tests are being developed to determine one’s profession.
I myself was once a member of the working group for the development of such questionnaires. But I was quickly disappointed, since a sample of 1000 people is like missing the target. This turned out to be ineffective for accurate diagnosis, because each person is respected and needs an individual approach. But our nature is so structured that when we hear the word “test” or “questionnaire” the “curiosity” light and even the “trust” light turn on, that we are ready to invest money to learn something special about ourselves. People often call and want to get advice on career guidance including some questionnaires. In response, I propose to rely on the knowledge of Bazi.

To date, eastern methods for date of birth have proven to be the most accurate and meet expectations. In any case, they are not for entertainment, but for real, conscious work on yourself!

Human nature and appealing specifically to the real abilities and strengths of the individual are what can really help you navigate when choosing a profession!

Our date of birth contains important information, based on which, everyone can live their life most successfully and happily, with the least losses, with understanding of themselves and loved ones!

Next, I offer a few sketches that may light up the “curiosity” light bulb in us, and not just “curiosity” and the desire to know ourselves, our children and loved ones better!

In Bazi, a personal card is compiled by date of birth. In other words, it is a map of your personality. To determine a profession, it is important to look at a variety of indicators (there are more than 10 of them) and combine the information received from them.

One of these indicators is the card type.

Below are examples of 5 types of cards. This is a large cell, but it already gives an initial understanding of which direction to look.

It happens that a person has no elements in his chart that belong to one type or another, then he may lack strength in this direction. For example, a person born with a psychotype is sociable and sociable. Relatives and friends see this and encourage him when choosing a profession: “Come on, well, you can do it! You are with us. Help us cope with laziness!” But the point - as you understand - is not at all a matter of laziness!

Another example, when, on the contrary, about the “quiet”, “little mouse” at home, teachers informed parents that their child was amazingly talented and showed great promise! Parents had no idea that their child could be very interested in something.

So, a little sketches.

  1. Social type.

If you have a social card type, then you are good at working with people. This is also called the “team player card”, since a person, no matter what position he is in, whether he runs his own business or works for someone else, he definitely needs to work in a team or with a large number of people. Through building relationships with other people, he grows, develops, learns important lessons, helps others, and moves towards his goal. If such a person is seated at a separate table away from the team, then you can literally lose a valuable employee. If such a child is left home-schooled, all sorts of complexes may develop in the future.

  1. Creative type.

If your card is dominated by creativity and self-expression, then this is a card of creativity.

This means that you have been gifted with many talents and abilities, giving you the task of producing something out of all this gift, giving people your creation. Further analysis will help you understand what exactly it could be: a book, a painting, a technical invention, a scientific discovery, etc. A creative type of personality will create, and this will have a deep sense of purpose. Women of the creative type will work very well with children: both their own and others.

Routine is not for such people!

  1. Money type.

If the monetary element predominates in your chart, then you are a monetary personality type.

And don’t rush to rejoice. Very often this is the card of a worker, a person who is simply destined to “plow.” But it's always the card of the person making money, that's true. That is, a map of work and money. Under favorable conditions (these periods are also looked at when analyzing the entire chart), such a person manifests himself as a successful businessman. If things are unfavorable, big money may simply float past you. And this is a kind of test, focused on the material world.

For men, the indicator of wealth also speaks about relationships with women.

Such a person can be bored without work even on vacation!

  1. The bossy type.

If the energy of power predominates in your chart, then your life will be spent in power: either you will have strong power over people, or you will experience states when power is over you. What exactly this will be will be revealed by an individual analysis of the chart, including whether you will abuse this power, live in a power struggle, or become a careerist.

For women, power is also a relationship with men; for men, it is a relationship with children.

Can such a person have an insignificant status in life? Unlikely!

  1. Academic type.

If you have a predominant resource element, then your personality type is academic. Your purpose is to accumulate and transfer knowledge, to give support to other people, you may even be inclined towards scientific work. Such people are able to express their thoughts better than others (but for this there must be another predisposition in the chart). Very often these are teachers or mentors.

Making quick decisions is not for such a person. Think and weigh - this is important!

Everyone has certain abilities from birth, which are important to develop and, with effort, reach your destiny.

Don't forget that card type is only one of 10 indicators for choosing a profession! For accuracy, it is important to do a complete analysis of the map.

The “vis-a-vis” structure or two elements in a map

In Bazi, it is generally accepted that the structure of the “vis-a-vis” is a map where only two elements are present - two spirits looking at each other. Both elements must be immediately present in the map. If the second element is formed as a result of mergers, then this is a false “vis-a-vis”.

Favorable in a scenario where there are two elements, where one generates the other, is considered to be the element that goes further in the circle of generation. For example, if the map contains water and wood, then fire will be useful. And the remaining two are unfavorable. In this example, metal and earth.

In vis-a-vis cards, where two elements are in the process of being overcome (for example, earth destroys water), the favorable energies are those that are present in the card and the one that is implied between them (for example, earth, metal and water). An unfavorable element is one that attacks the one standing between the two energies represented in the chart (in this case, the metal standing between earth and water is attacked by fire). The remaining element is usually neutral (here the remaining element is wood).

Maps of the vis-a-vis type are dependent on ten-year cycles, which can greatly influence the course of life events, creating turbulence in it. In Bazi, it is believed that people with vis-a-vis cards have things differently than others.

I have never seen vis-a-vis pillars of fate in my practice. After all, they are quite rare.

Dark structures

There are several types of dark structures and their subtypes: 1. Dark collision: - reverse collision of a lucky horse; - a happy horse flying in the sky; - closed well. 2. Dark connection.

I will not describe Ba Tzu's theory regarding these structures. Since in each course it is clarified that this information is extremely rare and quite difficult to understand, and it must be transmitted only from teacher to student. To find out something about these structures, it is worth taking the appropriate courses.

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