Seven of Cups (7 of Cups) - Minor Arcana Tarot cards

Let's talk about the meaning of the 7 Cups Tarot card. It is rightfully considered a card of unrealistic hopes, illusory fantasies and lies. It goes to people who are unable to make a choice, who tend to deceive themselves and set unrealistic goals for themselves. This is a card of dreamers and visionaries who are accustomed to building castles in the air.

By the way! On our website there is a Collection of fortune telling using Tarot cards online - use it for your health!

Seven of Cups: General Meaning

Direct position
The main meaning of the card is that every choice that the fortuneteller ponders is already predetermined by fate, that is, the very fact of choice is an illusion, a deception. In addition, the card can be interpreted as a wrong choice, which does not carry anything good in itself. In some cases, Arkan also indicates that there are too many options, it is difficult to decide, to come to the only correct decision.

The Seven of Cups is sometimes a symbol of a person who lives in dreams without wanting to be in reality. Women in love are especially guilty of this; they idealize their partner, not wanting to notice the obvious bad traits of his character. Then the card foreshadows an event that will return you to reality and bring disappointment. The lasso can warn the fortuneteller about deception, health problems due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages or even drugs.

Sometimes the Seven of Cups is a sign of help and support of loved ones when it is really necessary on the way to achieving a goal. Help cannot be rejected, otherwise a favorable outcome may not be expected.

Inverted position
In this position, the Arcanum is also interpreted as a wrong choice, but one that entailed complications and additional problems, the solution of which also remains to be found. The Seven of Cups in this position symbolizes a person who is in the real world, he has to solve problems and achieve his goals.

If the alignment turns out to be negative, then the card is a sign of disappointment and missed opportunities that could have raised the fortuneteller’s life to a new level. There is a possibility that opportunities are not taken advantage of due to fear of success.

The one who makes the alignment simply will not understand how to behave in a situation when fate replaces anger with mercy, generously bestowing success in business. Arcanum in some cases denotes the right choice, which will lead to good luck in all matters.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Severe Swords and the Seven of Cups: what does this combination promise.

7 of Cups, Nine and Six of Swords

  • Ace is a dubious offer.
  • Two warns of deception.
  • Three is unpleasant news.
  • Four - wishes will come true.
  • Five - beware of revenge.
  • Six advises changing plans.
  • Seven betrays envy and dark thoughts.
  • Eight - you are captive of your own illusions and delusions.
  • Nine – nightmares, mental problems.
  • Ten - dreams that are not destined to come true.
  • Page of Swords - they are spying on you.
  • A knight is a good idea, but don’t rush to implement it right away.
  • The Queen is a treacherous and vindictive person.
  • The king is a lover of behind-the-scenes games and an intriguer.

Seven of Cups: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Direct position
When a love alignment is made, the Seven of Cups is a sign of self-deception. A person does not want to see reality; it is convenient for him to observe only what he himself wishes. This Arcanum warns that the partner is not as ideal as it seems through the prism of rose-colored glasses. Trust in your spouse is not justified; most likely, your significant other is cheating or deceiving even in small things.

The Seven of Cups sometimes symbolizes certain sexual preferences that are condemned by society.
The card also indicates the fact that the fortuneteller is overly attached to his partner, dependent on him in the full sense of the word. Such relationships, as a rule, do not end well. They often have a dominant who can humiliate verbally and physically. Inverted position
In this position, the Arcanum foreshadows the fact that the person who makes the layout has a veil removed from his eyes regarding his other half. This can be facilitated by very unpleasant circumstances, which will bring not only disappointment in the partner, but also suffering and depression. In the current situation, the main thing is to understand that such a turn of events is beneficial.

The Seven of Cups is a warning of betrayal, an indication of meaningless hopes in relation to a spouse.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's see what meanings the 7 of Cups takes on when cards of a similar suit appear nearby.

Page, Seven and Eight of Cups

  • The Ace of Cups and the Seven of Cups are dreams of love.
  • Two - unfulfilled promises, false promises.
  • Three are dreams.
  • Four means a project that will never be realized.
  • Five – sadness, sadness, bad mood, gloomy thoughts.
  • Six indicates mistakes in the past.
  • Eight is a deliberate misrepresentation of oneself.
  • Nine – addiction to potions: alcohol, drugs, tranquilizers.
  • Ten means that the fortuneteller curries favor with people, submits to public opinion, and seeks approval for his actions.
  • Page - illusions have completely absorbed a person; he does not separate the fictional world from the real one.
  • Knight - there is a flatterer in your circle.
  • Queen – lies, insincerity in relationships.
  • The king is a man with base desires, immoral, irresponsible.

Seven of Cups: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position
In a situation, the card is a sign of confusion. The fortuneteller does not understand and cannot explain what is happening or how to solve the current problem. You may face one of the most difficult choices in life, and you will have to bear responsibility for it until the end of your days.

It may be worth making a compromise so as not to rush from one extreme to another and to end up winning (at least to a lesser extent, but still).
It’s impossible to get everything at once, so don’t rack your brains over it. Don't follow your heart; think carefully before making your choice. Inverted position
Don't hesitate! It is always difficult to come to any choice, but procrastination is not an option. It’s worth taking action and carefully weighing all the options in your head. Disappointment is an appropriate response to a bad choice, but if there are many alternatives, choosing is not so easy.

Let go of your emotions, they only get in the way, your energy goes in the wrong direction, you should direct it towards achieving real goals. Do not miss the allotted opportunities, they will definitely help solve the problem. Even if you make a mistake, don’t give up, move forward. A wrong move is just a life lesson that needs to be learned.

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

Can the appearance of the Staves suit affect the negative aspects of the seven?

7 of Cups, Ace and Three of Wands

Let's look at the meaning of the card using examples that are usually found in layouts.

  • Ace – creativity, fantasy, creative approach to business.
  • Two - unclear prospects.
  • Three speaks of the unpredictability of future events.
  • The Four of Wands warns against alcohol abuse.
  • Five advises you to defend your opinion.
  • Six – lack of purpose and motivation.
  • Seven - you are fighting emptiness, do not waste your energy.
  • Eight - hopes that did not come true.
  • The Nine of Scepters indicates suspicion bordering on paranoia.
  • Ten – violent but empty fantasies.
  • Page – ideas without implementation, vain dreams, unfinished projects and affairs.
  • A knight is vanity that brings no sense.
  • Queen of Scepters - you are at the peak of love.
  • King - dreams of self-affirmation in society.

Tarot is an amazing tool that helps us understand the world and lift the veil of secrecy over future events. Do not limit yourself to the interpretations given above, look for your own images and combinations.

Seven of Cups: The meaning of the card of the day

The Seven of Cups advises today to be clear-headed in order to pay attention to all the little things. Don't be deceived, especially don't lie to yourself. Do not accept any offers on this day, even if it seems that they will bring success, they will not.

Fate is testing you. Do not drink alcohol, which will impair your sobriety. In this state you are especially vulnerable.

Choose which path to follow to achieve your goals. Don’t rush from side to side, this will greatly derail you from the final course, and success will not just fall on your head.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles and Cups: what the cards that fall next to each other in the layout will tell you.

7 of Cups, Queen and Ace of Pentacles

  • Ace of Coins and Seven of Cups - dreams of money, often in vain.
  • Two - doubts about the correctness of the choice.
  • Three - you have little experience to get down to business.
  • Four - the questioner thinks in a stereotyped way.
  • Five is a morbid imagination.
  • Six - be careful, there are scammers nearby.
  • Seven are overrated forces, there is little chance of success.
  • Eight Denariev - deal, conspiracy, conspiracy.
  • Nine – financial scams, manipulation of money.
  • Ten is a surprise.
  • Page – detachment from reality.
  • Knight of Coins - actions that will not bring results, empty dreams, stupid plans.
  • Queen of Pentacles – fantasies, dissatisfaction with life.
  • The king is a resourceful man.

Straight position

In the upright position, this is a card of illusions of well-being, a deceptive card that promises:

  • sadness;
  • severe disappointments;
  • losses.

This lasso appears if a person does not have a sober outlook on life, and he cannot decide on his preferences and sets his priorities incorrectly. If the 7 of Cups is present in the layout, it means that there are many vile, two-faced people around who are preparing betrayal.

7 of Cups (Illusions) Tarot of Black Cats

Learn more about the Tarot of Black Cats.

Interpretation of the lasso in financial and work scenarios

The direct lasso suggests that now, instead of actions, a person lives in a world of illusions. He builds an ideal picture for himself in his dreams, while doing little to realize his desires in reality. At this point, he should lower his own ambitions and set realistic goals. If he opens his eyes to the situation in time, he will be able to avoid trouble and receive partnership and patronage from those people from whom he might not have expected it.

The Arcanum often appears in situations where a person is lost in a huge selection of vacancies or ways to increase income. A choice must be made, but it is extremely difficult.

The card also shows situations when the fortuneteller is engaged in self-deception and does not want to notice it.

A situation is possible when the questioner wants to get something and does something for it, but in reality the money does not come to him.

When inverted, the meaning of 7 Cups of the tarot is a false path or deception on the part of the employer. It is possible to underpay certain percentages or conceal facts that could significantly affect the level of income. There are frequent cases of conflicts and delays in salaries at the whim of management.

Interpretation in layouts:

  • With the Priestess (2nd Arcana) - revealing the secret, bringing it to light.
  • With the Hierophant (5th Arcana) – religious and philosophical research. The danger of falling into a sect.
  • With Lovers (6 Arcana) – a situation of choice, adultery.
  • With Strength (11 Arcana) – erotic fantasies.
  • With the Hanged Man (12 Arcana) - Your thoughts are in the clouds. Prisoner in the realm of dreams. Dependence on virtual space.
  • With the Devil (15 Arcana) – dependence on virtual relationships.
  • With the Moon (18th Arcana) - a false choice has already been made, and all that remains is to look for a solution to get out of this murky and slippery situation with minimal losses. Tears and hysterical state.
  • With the World (21 Arcana) - falling out of real life, going into the world of dreams.
  • From the 9 of Wands – the bitter fruits of experience.
  • With 2 of Swords - You strive for the impossible.
  • With 2 Cups - lose your head from love.

7 of CupsTarot Cups


In health scenarios, the lasso in the upright position will indicate problems that have arisen as a result of too frivolous an attitude towards oneself and one’s health. Now it is important to cure even a mild cold completely so that there are no negative consequences in the future.

Inverted, the card will show a moment of awareness; you will understand that all your actions previously were meaningless and only harmed your health, and did not strengthen it. Sometimes the lasso indicates that a terrible diagnosis is incorrect.

Characteristics of the lasso

The Seven of Cups of the Tarot symbolizes an illusory world that is not connected with the real one. Uncertainty is given to her by her patron Neptune, who enters into an alliance with the Sun. The latter indicates the depth of the individual’s feelings. Energy accumulates and forms into a common flow, which prompts a person to fantasize. This period is patronized by Venus, known for her love of life. It makes the stream of fantasies created by consciousness destructive, feelings manifest themselves freely.

The free expression of feelings granted by nature is easily transformed into a person’s inability to resist temptations. Feelings cloud the calculating mind, which makes the individual weak and vulnerable.


A correct understanding of the symbolism of the illustration deserves special attention. The man peering into the sky is confused. He does not understand that this is a mirage. Individual details symbolize the following:

  • dragon - hatred and anger;
  • snake - human vices;
  • wreath - thirst for glory;
  • castle - selfishness, pride;
  • jewelry - greed;
  • woman's head - bliss, sexuality;
  • the image of a person covered with a cloth - ignorance, oblivion.

The Seven of Cups of the Tarot shows that human desires are illusions that should not be succumbed to. A person must be able to distinguish between the imaginary and the real in order to build his own happiness.

General interpretation

The meanings of the 7 of Cups Tarot are associated with new opportunities that the individual considers successful, but in reality they are deceptive. A person cannot see the truth on his own, so the chances of changing the situation are minimal.

A person has become a hostage in the world of his own fantasies. Therefore, he cannot take even a step in the right direction. This period in life is often long. Fantasies replace one another, there is no clarification.

The appearance of the 7 of Cups Tarot card in a reading often indicates instability of the current situation. A person is not confident in the success of his business. This can deprive him of luck and disrupt all plans for the future. And the same qualities inherent in the dreamer are to blame for this:

  • diffidence;
  • illusions;
  • doubts.

The meaning of the Seven of Cups Tarot reversed is more favorable. If in its normal position the card promises the superiority of feelings over a sober mind, then in its inverted form the situation is the opposite. The individual is ready to make the right choice in the situation and refuse temptations.

Interpretation also often concerns mistakes already made, because The time has come for the awakening of the mind. A person prepares himself for difficult work on mistakes. The accumulated experience will make him stronger.

7 of Cups Tarot in a reading often indicates instability of the current situation

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Seven of the Suit of Cups is also a positive card; it will indicate the willpower demonstrated in an honest confrontation between good and evil . Arcanum predicts perseverance, which in the future will be justified. Now it is important to be extremely attentive and prudent, the situation is quite precarious and you should not indulge in empty dreams. But the card also says that there is no need to be too principled during this period; finding a compromise will save time and effort.

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How to interpret the Rider Waite Tarot.

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