How to determine the structure of a map in Bazi? Regular structure

Danger of captivity and violence in Bazi

Bazi is a branch of Chinese metaphysics designed to analyze the birth chart. In bazi we can see not only the innate talents and character of a person, but also the nature of communication with his relatives. spouse, children. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that people suffer in childhood from their own parents and guardians. Also in the cards of women we can see whether they will suffer from a man (violence, beating), this is very important if a woman with such a card faces the problem of choosing a man for life.

The pictures in Bazi are sometimes so literal that you are amazed.

For clarity, I choose the most striking examples

Card 1. Aileen Wuornos, male serial killer. Her father was a schizophrenic and pedophile who ended his life in prison, her mother abandoned her as a 4-year-old baby in the care of her parents, her grandfather raped her at the age of 13 and later also committed suicide. The film “Monster” was made about her with Charlize Terron in the title role.

What is special about the card? In the 1st column on the left we see the hieroglyph Bin, Yang fire. The same character is “hidden” in the Hidden Heavenly Stem. SNS (Jia, Bin, Wu) is the “filling” of the Earthly branch, in this case the Tiger. Here we do not look at the phases of qi, we only pay attention to the fact that our Lady of the Day Bin is, as it were, sandwiched in this basement between the Yang Tree and the Yang Earth. Moreover, the situation is the same in the marriage palace. This means that a woman born on this day has every chance of becoming subordinate to her father and husband. They take her captive, as it were, she is forced to obey, forced to do what is required of her.

In Eileen's case, her father is "knocked out" of the card by the Monkey, because... Tiger faces Monkey. The monkey in this case is a sign of conflict between men in the clan and, in general, the male part of its clan with a trick. But the Monkey, born in February, is unable to knock out two Tigers in a row, so in the end the woman becomes overwhelmed with hatred and begins to kill.

The same date was February 14, 2021, I would recommend taking good care of children born on this day, problems with relatives (of course, not on the scale of Aileen Wuornos, but still) are inevitable.

Card 2. Elisabeth Fritzl, her father kept her in a basement for 25 years and she was abused from the age of 11, had 7 children with her father.

And again we see the same picture. Lady of the day Yi, a Yin tree, in the basement (much more literally!!!), a kind of trap in the Dragon. In addition, there is also Ren, Yang Water, which represents the girl’s mother. in the qi phase, the Grave on the Dragon is also a sign that she could not do anything against her husband and was completely subordinate to his will. Why didn’t this girl run away from her family? Children are very important to her, we can see this from her annual pillar. Surely in childhood she was quite obstinate, which caused the close attention of her sick father.

Card 3. Natasha Kampusch, whom the kidnapper kept in his house for 9 years. What sets her apart from other girls is that despite the undoubted violence and beatings, her captor in recent years did not hold her strictly and even encouraged her to escape. The girl herself quickly came to her senses and became a famous TV presenter, does charity work and writes books.

In the girl's chart we see that she is really smart and creative - a lot of self-expression, not useful. And, according to her, after some time she even began to manipulate her captor. He encouraged her thirst for knowledge and brought her books and textbooks.

Where is the trap? There is no trap in its pure form in the girl’s chart, but her Lady of the Day is Yang Water Ren relative to the year of birth in the Tomb qi phase, and Water qi in the basement in the Dragon. This means that in childhood her development could be greatly hampered and depended on a man. But this is almost voluntary imprisonment. Her father left her family when the girl was 6 years old; apparently, she lacked the attention of an older man, and her mother, due to her exaltation (Jia is harmful to Ren), could not give everything her daughter needed. In addition, in the Kwei Chow period, the roots of Ren, Yin water, are in that same trap. In 2006, Natasha escaped from her captor - the year of Bing Xu, the Dog encounters the Dragon and releases the Qi of Water from captivity.

Map 4. Viktor Mokhov, who kept two women in the basement for more than 4 years.

Mokhov’s map shows that entertainment with women was for him what he longed for all his life - like a mountain parched by heat dreams of cool rain. Girls, pay attention when you see such a pillar of the day in a man’s chart - this is a sign that the man wants to control his wife, to see her completely obedient.

In 1995, the Ding Hai pillar came, the Ding Heavenly Stem represents the Correct Seal, it is outwardly good, decent behavior. When a person enters the period of the Correct Seal, he behaves very decently in public, it is impossible to suspect him of anything. And indeed, Mokhov was in good standing at work, lived with his mother, and did all his business at the dacha. But Hai-Pig is the energy of a mistress, moreover, a mistress who hides children (in Hai the dead Tree is the children of Hai). And indeed, the women he abducted gave birth to children from him, whom he threw in the entrances.

His first kidnapping was in 1999, of Ji Mao, the Earth Rabbit. The Rabbit and the Rat together create immoral punishment, so his vile fantasies are realized. The girl then managed to escape, she did not tell anyone about it. In 2000, he and an accomplice (!) deliberately kidnapped two girls, whom he kept in terrible conditions until 2004, when the maniac lost his vigilance and, deceived by the imaginary obedience of the girls, began to take them out into the street. They managed to plant an audio cassette with the recording on the maniac’s tenant, who soon faced the same fate, and the women were released.

Let's look at: 2000, Dragon, Kwei (Yin water) in the basement in the year. 2004 - in Monkey Ren is trapped, i.e. he would definitely have stolen the second girl if not for the ingenuity of one of the unfortunate people. Why were they able to get out - the Monkey merges with the Rat into the Water, in addition, for Ren the Monkey is high water, qi, Ren's strength is on the rise. That’s the only reason they managed to go out, by the way, in the month of the Dragon and the day of Kwei Wei. There is special magic in the day - Goat-Wei has the Horse-body of Wu, Yang Mountain, trapped, i.e. the body of a maniac. And he was arrested.

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How to identify normal map structures based on 10 gods?

In order to determine whether there is an internal structure in the natal chart, it is necessary:

1. Consider the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

2. Reveal the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month. For example, in the earthly branch of Yang-earth Dog, the dominant hidden trunk will be Yang-earth.

3. This hidden trunk (for example, Yang-earth) must grow into the heavenly trunk of the pillars of fate (the hidden heavenly trunk must be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk without changes. That is, the yin-earth in the heavenly trunk is not a duplicate of the Yang-earth from the hidden trunks ).

4. The dominant trunk hidden in the earthly branch can be duplicated in the open heavenly trunk of the month, year or hour. But it cannot grow into the heavenly trunk of the day.

5. Depending on which element the personality element belongs to, a normal internal structure is created. For example, if the personality element is Yang-tree, then the celestial trunk of Yang-earth hidden in the earthly branch, duplicated in the open celestial trunk of the year, will create the structure “Propensity for Wealth.” After all, for a tree, wealth represents the element of earth.

6. If the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month is not manifested in the open celestial trunks, then to find the usual structure, you need to look at the secondary qi in the hidden trunks. That is, we need to see whether the heavenly trunks of the second and third levels, hidden in the earthly branch of the month, are duplicated in the open celestial trunks.

7. When in the pillars of fate two or three heavenly trunks at once grow into open heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, which is not related to the earth element, then the structure is formed only by the dominant hidden heavenly trunk.

8. If in the pillars there is an earthly branch of the element of earth, and two or three heavenly trunks, hidden to the earthly branch of the month, grow into open heavenly trunks at once, then it is necessary to identify which of them forms the structure. Here it is worth remembering the seasons. For example, the metal hidden in the monthly earth branch of the earth element will set the structure if the date falls in autumn. And by analogy with other elements. But still, in this case, the structure formed by the dominant hidden celestial trunk of the earth element is also taken into account. This type of map is vague, cloudy, or ambiguous.

9. It is worth noting that if the celestial trunk of the earth element hidden in the earthly branch of the month grows into the open celestial trunk of the month, then the structure of the map is determined by the earth element (hidden celestial trunk of the earth).

10. When two months of secondary heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branch have sprouted in the pillars, the season must again be determined. For example, the spring season is supportive for a tree.

11. If the earthly branch of the month is the element of earth, then when determining the season, one should look at whether the seasonal hidden celestial trunk has sprouted in the open celestial trunk or not. For example, if in the month of the Ox the water hidden in the earthly branch was duplicated in the celestial trunk of the year, then the season of water is determined. And in this case, the structure of the map is determined by water.

12. When the earthly branch of the element of earth, then if there are hidden celestial trunks of the element in it, supported by the season - in open celestial trunks of the same element, but with a different meaning, then the structure is determined by this energy. For example, if in the month of the Ox the celestial trunk of yin water hidden in it is supported by Yang water in the open celestial trunks, then the structure is determined by water. Here again both structures are taken into account - both water and land. After all, this is a muddy map.

13. If in the earthly branch of the earth element there are hidden trunks of water and metal, and the metal has sprouted into the open heavenly branch (duplicated in it), and the season of the water element, then the structure is determined by the water element. And again this is a muddy map, because the structure of the metal is also taken into account.

14. When none of the celestial trunks hidden in the earthly branch of the month are manifested or duplicated in the open celestial trunks of the map, then the structure of the map is determined by the dominant celestial trunk hidden in the earthly branch of the month.

Simplified types of Ba Tzu cards

Some schools of Eastern astrology believe that natal charts are divided into four types:

1. The power card is when in the Ba Tzu layout there is a dominance of the element of power. For example, for a person, water will represent the element of power. People with power cards are capable of leading.

2. The money card is a Ba-Tzu layout in which the dominance of the element of money is observed. For example, for fire the finances will be metal. People with money cards can choose professions related to finance. Like, for example, the profession of an accountant.

3. The creative map is the four pillars of destiny, in which the element of self-expression predominates. For example, for a fire element personality, earth will represent self-expression. People with “creative” type cards are able to express themselves in creative professions. But in order for them to remain strong in nature, it is necessary that the element of resources be strongly manifested in the pillars. Otherwise, creative activity will take away strength from the individual. Therefore, she will have to do what others will impose.

4. The Academic Chart is a natal Ba Tzu layout in which the element of resources predominates. For example, for a fire personality, wood is a resource. People with academic cards are able to plan and explore, and therefore find their calling in science and the academic world.

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