The meaning of the 6 of Wands card in readings for relationships, love, work and health

One should rejoice at the appearance of this card in the layout. Minor Arcana Tarot card Six of Wands (Poskhov, Sceptres) is associated with the excellent completion of various affairs and tasks. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Six of Wands tells the questioner that everything he has planned will soon come true.

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

For a beginner in tarology, it is not difficult to understand the symbolism and meaning of the card. Just take a close look at her classic image.

Six of Wands from the Rider-Waite deck

In the picture we see a man on a white horse, who triumphantly holds over his head a staff with a laurel wreath strung on it.

All the attributes of the triumphal procession are collected on this map:

  • the laurel symbolizes the triumph of the winner;
  • a white horse is honor, respect, glory;
  • a forest of flowering staves held in the hands of the warrior’s comrades – good luck and success.

The matter is completed in favor of the questioner, you can relax, receive compliments, accept gifts, celebrate an unconditional victory - this is the main message of this positive Arcanum.

The key concepts of the Six of Scepters are:

  • leadership qualities, manager potential;
  • good completion of the work started;
  • well-deserved rest;
  • sincere praise;
  • a strong, charismatic personality who knows how to achieve goals;
  • triumphal procession;
  • time to celebrate victory;
  • personal success and team support.

The video is dedicated to the meaning of the Six of Wands card. It will be interesting to study for beginning tarot readers:

Meaning of the card in the upright position

In the upright position, the appearance of a card in the layout indicates that a time of change is coming in the life of the questioner. The roads to glory, honor and respect are open to him. Good news and good intentions are what the Six of Wands are all about.

Reversed card meaning

In reverse position, the card means that the time of triumph has not yet come. A person is in a hurry to celebrate a victory, he is too arrogant, proud beyond measure.

The direct Six of Wands speaks of a well-deserved reward, praise, recognition. The inverted card warns that you should not wait for approval from others. She says that the questioner has no one to rely on in this life, people do not share his beliefs.

Six of Wands from Tarot-93 deck

Another meaning of the reverse six is ​​lost profit and victory that went to someone else. Depending on neighboring cards, it may indicate dishonest play by rivals or intrigues on the part of business partners.

If the card is one of those that describes the questioner’s past, it indicates that in front of you is a person who has achieved success in life, but for some reason he lost the potential given to him and did not take advantage of the opportune moment.

The video is dedicated to the upright and inverted position of the Six of Staves card. How does the semantic content of a symbol change depending on the position in which it appears:

general description

The traditional plot for this card: a horseman with a laurel crown on his head rides, accompanied by a cheering crowd. They salute the winner. The sticks are decorated with ribbons and flowers. They all celebrate and congratulate the winner. Every detail of the plot has its own meaning.

The rider is painted red. This is a sign of passion, dynamics, energy, activity. It attracts attention and shows the primacy of man. Red color is a symbol of power and victory. The rider in such a cloak does not intend to hide. He wants to draw attention to his person. His task is to announce his victory to the world.

The horse is wearing a yellow blanket. This is the color of unification, movement, connection. The rider admits that his victory was partly due to the horse. This is a reference to ancient times, when the life of a knight sometimes directly depended on the training of his horse. In modern realities, this transfers to teamwork.

Laurel wreaths deserve special interpretation. One of them is located on the rider's head. It symbolizes victory. The second one hangs on a staff. This can be interpreted as a desire to conquer new heights or as a demonstration of one’s success to others.

The rider is accompanied by a crowd. It can symbolize people who strive to join someone else's glory, to bask in it. Or point to helping staff, friends, associates.

The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

From a career point of view, the card promises the questioner good luck, the fulfillment of a cherished dream, and advancement up the career ladder. Before us is a born leader who knows how to captivate people, has excellent oratorical skills, and has the gift of persuasion.

If a person wants to find out whether he is up to the task of a new job and six Scepters appear in the scenario, there is no need to worry, he will cope with the assigned tasks, complete them efficiently and on time.

From a financial point of view, the direct Six of Wands means a solid material reward, but in order to get it, you will have to make a lot of effort.

6 Wands from the 78 Doors Tarot deck

In the reverse position, the six Staves take on a negative connotation. Its appearance means a series of failures, broken deals, postponed, unfinished business. If it appears in the scenario, do not rush to change your place of work, it is unlikely that you will be received with open arms there. With material remuneration, too, not everything is smooth: you should not count on decent wages or a salary increase.

Please note that in this article we are looking at the interpretation of a card from the classic Waite deck. In other Tarot systems, symbolism may carry a different meaning. Before working with the deck, carefully study the literature on the oracle.

Tarot for beginners. A short course on the meaning of the Six of Wands card in various decks:



The card represents the winner, these can be very different options for winning, these are individual or team competitions. But in any case, this is a victory, some kind of achievement. This victory does not go unnoticed. For example, I did something and I see that no one cares about it. No, no, no, in this card you receive recognition, deserved, undeserved, it doesn’t matter. You are celebrated as a winner, you are a winner, you are great. Society applauds you, says, yes, you achieved it, you are a hero, you did everything right.


This comes next to victory. I get fame, I become famous. Very interesting Latin words: glory and fame, they intersect with each other and have a common root. You get fame, you don't remain unknown, on the contrary, you become famous. How you become famous is the second question. It’s not without reason that they say that every person can count on 15 minutes of fame.

You did something completely creepy, shot 10 people, here’s your 15 minutes of fame, appeared in the news and became famous. But whether this can be considered a victory is, of course, a big question.

Take the height

This card contains an indication not only of a person’s social achievements, but also personal achievements, to achieve heights. This is a very interesting point, it is not necessarily related to social recognition. Yes, this often happens, but this is not a necessary condition. There may be what I consider a victory here.

I climbed Everest alone, without oxygen, crossed the ocean on a sailboat, not to become famous, but to prove to myself, to take my own height. This moment is also in the map and should be remembered.

Meaning in relationships

Tarot readers are often asked questions about relationships, love and marriage. People are worried about family problems, difficulties in raising children, difficulties in communicating with relatives and immediate circles. The appearance of six Wands in a reading is a good sign, but only if it lands in an upright position.

Pagan Tarot

Here are the main meanings of the card when divining relationships:

  • difficulties are over, a period of harmony and mutual understanding begins;
  • overcoming obstacles together, a strong marriage, a strong connection between generations;
  • the revival of feelings lost over the years of marriage, the beginning of a new “honeymoon”.

In an inverted state, the value of the card changes sharply from plus to minus.

She foretells:

  • quick separation;
  • the final break in relations between lovers or spouses;
  • mutual reproaches, conflicts, inability to find a common language with the other half;
  • lack of sympathy on the part of the object of love;
  • collapse of hopes and separation.

When certain adjacent cards are present, the Six of Scepters indicates a love triangle. Then the upright or inverted position will tell you who the beloved will stay with: with the questioner or with the new chosen one.

Upright and inverted positions

The main meaning of the 6 Staves is associated with achieving a long-awaited victory. Success concerns relationships, work, or finishing important things. This card is self-sufficient; surrounding cards rarely negatively affect its interpretation.

The Six of Wands most often has the following meanings:

  • success;
  • improving your own life;
  • implementation of the plan.

In an inverted position, the 6 of Staves often carries a negative meaning. It promises problems, bad news, etc. In competition, a person faces defeat. Meanness and betrayal, undeserved success and loss of control over your own life are possible.

People and places

When determining a place, the Six of Wands indicates large organizations, large companies, noisy, crowded events. The card says that soon the fortuneteller will be in the spotlight; he should prepare for a series of bright, exciting events.

A person who has a direct Arcana can be described as decisive, reliable, and able to please others. He boldly moves towards his intended goal, sets realistic goals, gets along with people, and has leadership qualities.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of weakness of character, reluctance to take initiative, excessive fussiness, pride and painful vanity.

Subconscious level

Arcanum addresses the planes of the intangible level. This is a map of joint actions. Interactions with other people will bring development of the querent's inner nobility. To do this, the questioner needs to turn to his inner self, the spiritual part of his personality.

In the current situation, it is important to strive to use your will for joint actions. At this time, you need to be complacent. The questioner may be seduced by power over others and fall into pride. After which his potential friends will become enemies. As a result, the querent will again return to the issue of developing self-awareness.

Card tip:

Believe that everything will be fine. You need to continue on your way. To achieve your goal, it is better to use only honest means. Be confident in yourself, demonstrate your strength to other people.


Pride and snobbery prevent you from facing the truth. Self-praise takes you away from reality. Star fever and obvious overestimation of oneself. The desire to dominate people. The shadow side of the arch is forceful methods, excessive use of power.

Psychological condition

In the upright position, the card indicates a person with a strong psyche. It is difficult to lead him astray. Before us is a born leader, a leader. Such people are not characterized by attacks of melancholy; they are rarely in a depressed state of mind.

Psycho Tarot Deck

The owner of the six Posokhov loves to be the center of attention, easily makes new acquaintances, and knows how to win hearts.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of excessive emotionality, vanity, inability to make plans, touchiness, and irascibility.

The negative traits of Arkan are manifested in a person’s constant desire to gain the approval of others. He constantly compares himself with other people, tries to be the center of attention. He doesn’t know how to lose and experiences defeats painfully.




Classic combination with the Major Arcana

Let's look at how the Six of Scepters behaves if the Major Arcana cards fall nearby.

With the Major Arcana

  • The jester says that luck, even if it happens, will be short-lived.
  • A magician is a person who manipulates others solely out of a sense of superiority and vanity.
  • The High Priestess guarantees excellent results. Feel free to take on the assigned task, it will bring tangible results and benefits.
  • The Empress promises a favorable outcome.
  • The Emperor warns against abusing power. Don’t put pressure on others with your authority, be gentler.
  • The Hierophant advises developing leadership qualities, listening to the opinions of elders, growing spiritually and improving.
  • The lovers say that the questioner will soon find personal happiness. The card confirms the correctness of the choice and advises not to hesitate in proposing marriage.
  • The Chariot portends success, but warns that luck is easy to let go of. Don't relax.
  • Strength advises to show leniency towards people’s weaknesses, not to scold the guilty, and not to quarrel over trifles.
  • The hermit, who appears next to the Six of Wands, says that before us is a person suffering from the indifference of others. The card warns that the fortuneteller will have to find himself in a position of isolation from the world.
  • Wheel of Fortune - everything will change instantly. Prepare for unexpected events.
  • Justice ensures that luck is on the side of the questioner. Literally, a court decision in your favor.
  • The Hanged Man symbolizes an unstable situation; perhaps the questioner is exaggerating previous victories and merits.
  • Death falling next to the Minor Arcana of the 6 of Wands foreshadows dark, tragic events. Literally interpreted as a funeral procession.
  • Moderation guarantees a stable situation.
  • The devil warns about the danger of temptations. Try not to fall under the influence of bad company.
  • The tower symbolizes conflicts, ambitions, collapse of hopes and plans.
  • The star foretells promotion.
  • The Moon warns of misconceptions and does not recommend taking on dubious matters.
  • The sun symbolizes the beginning of a new life cycle, good luck, unconditional success.
  • The court advises to follow your dreams, be honest, and frank.
  • Peace - glory, honor.

Six of Wands card advice

You should always adhere to positive thinking and believe in a positive result. It is important to take steps in an honest way, through a brave struggle to overcome difficult moments, without betraying your values. Declare to others your determination and firmness. Be a role model.

Remember, arrogance and boasting prevent you from seeing the truth. A person can be in a fictional world, praising himself, exalting himself above others. To feel limitless power over everyone, the desire to subjugate everyone under oneself, to gain power.

He abuses the weakness of those subordinate to him. There is a great risk of falling from the reached peak, and with a deafening roar, if the Tower suddenly falls out here.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Cups and 6 of Wands, how the suit of Water affects the fire element.

With Cups

  • The appearance of the Ace of Cups next to the Six of Staves promises success in love affairs. Be calm, the object of desire will pay attention to you and reciprocate.
  • The deuce promises a profitable deal. In some cases, this is an engagement, a successful marriage. In matters of work, it is a business offer that should not be refused.
  • Troika is a celebration, a holiday, good company.
  • Four says that you shouldn't take all the responsibility. Share it with loved ones or colleagues. The questions that life has raised require a responsible approach and collective solutions.
  • Five predicts quarrels and misunderstandings that will arise as a result of differences of opinion. Most often these are conflicts with relatives or between spouses.
  • The Six promises a quick reconciliation of the parties and the resumption of interrupted relations.
  • The Seven of Cups next to the Six of Scepters symbolizes a lack of information, the inability to reveal some secret. The cards advise you to use your intuition.
  • Eight predicts a break, separation, change of job. A deadlock situation will lead to the need to radically change your life.
  • Nine guarantees that the person asking will get what they want.
  • Ten – conclusion of an official marriage, agreement of intent.
  • Page - you will be reciprocated.
  • The Knight of Cups promises that the agreements will be respected.
  • Queen - family ties, strong, stable relationships.
  • King - mutual understanding will be reached.

The meaning of pairs and triads may change depending on the situation for which we lay out the cards. For example, when fortune telling on the topic of health, a pair of the King of Cups and the Six of Wands mean healing and recovery.

Minor Numerical Arcana. Sixes and what they mean:

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Pentacles are considered a suit that symbolizes the material side of life. Let's look at simple examples to see if its combination with Staves will bring good luck.

With Pentacles

  • Ace – wealth, achievement of material well-being. The period of instability and financial difficulties has been successfully passed.
  • The number two symbolizes confusion, illogicality of thoughts and actions. A state of mental confusion.
  • Troika advises you to boldly move towards your goal. Promote ideas and projects, they will bring profit.
  • The Four recommends taking the initiative into your own hands.
  • Five warns of problems with finances.
  • Six promises that the questioner will get what he wants.
  • Seven - delays, delays, obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • Eight is a stable business that generates income.
  • Nine – multiplication, profit.
  • The top ten recommends relying on loved ones. Don't neglect their opinions and advice.
  • Page – don’t have your head in the clouds, be practical.
  • The knight symbolizes progress, personal achievements.
  • The Queen of Coins promises an interesting acquaintance. In some cases, a marriage proposal from a wealthy person.
  • King - the financial situation of the fortuneteller will improve in the near future.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Swords and Staves: how to decipher the meaning of the combination.

With Swords

  • The Ace and Six of Staves is a victory that will not come easily.
  • Two advises to reach a settlement agreement, try to reach a compromise, discard illusions, and act guided by common sense and not emotions.
  • Three promises defeat. The combination of cards advises you to give up the fight and surrender to the mercy of the winner. Option - the querent will fail in matters of love. Painful experiences, negative but necessary experiences.
  • Four advises to rest. Put things aside, they still won’t get off the ground.
  • Five promises failure, defeat on all fronts.
  • Six guarantees bright prospects. An upswing is expected in business matters.
  • Seven warns that the questioner has lost his way.
  • Eight - beware of troubles and cleverly placed networks.
  • Nine warns that the fortuneteller is on the verge of despair.
  • Ten - collapse of hopes, defeat, collapsed plans.
  • The page is a path to nowhere, the unknown, false truths.
  • Knight – confrontation, cruelty.
  • Queen - dissolution of marriage, divorce, cooling of feelings.
  • The king is an authoritarian person, a situation where you have to obey.

Arcana energies

The 6 of Wands is filled with the energies of victory and stabilization of life after a tiring struggle. This is masculine energy of active action.

Astrologically, the lasso is associated with the elements of Fire and the zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Mainly with the second decanate of Leo, co-ruled by Jupiter, the planet of empowerment.

The energy potential of the card is very high. But in order to use it correctly, you must be able to show generosity, give and care, and not strive to take everything for yourself and more.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

Let's consider what options there are for interpreting the Arcanum when cards of a similar suit appear nearby.

With Wands

  • The appearance of the Ace of Staffs in the layout next to the six promises a successful upward movement and achievement of set goals.
  • Two advises taking a break, looking around, and setting your priorities correctly.
  • Three says you are on the right track. Try to stay on course.
  • Four guarantees good prospects. The option is a quick wedding.
  • Five predicts obstacles, conflicts at work, unnecessary fuss that does not bring any benefit.
  • Seven speaks of the machinations of enemies, misunderstandings. You will have to fight for your place in the sun, but success is not guaranteed.
  • The number eight promises an interesting journey, your plans will come true.
  • Nine threatens with doubts, uncertainty, apathy and a depressed state of mind.
  • Ten advises not to get down to business: anyway, this venture will be of no use.
  • The Page of Scepters promises new business and emerging opportunities. But he warns about the need to carefully consider every step.
  • The Knight of Wands warns that the wrong path has been chosen. Look back, you may have to change direction.
  • The Queen promises excellent prospects and career advancement.
  • The king personifies a leader, a leader, a successful person. Depending on the purpose of fortune telling, this is either the querent himself or someone from the environment.

Pay attention to the position of neighboring cards. Direct or reverse position affects the meaning of paired combinations and triads.


In the reading for work and professional activities, the meaning of the 6 Wands of the Tarot:

  • career growth;
  • multiple perspectives;
  • incredible success at work;
  • there is a chance to get a decent job;
  • projects started long ago began to generate stable income.

A reversed card speaks of difficult times for the fortuneteller. Difficulties prevent you from achieving success, projects that were supposed to take you to the next level turned out to be failures. There is a risk of losing your job and getting into a difficult financial situation.

The meaning of the card in health matters

In the upright position, the card indicates the excellent physical condition of the questioner. If we are talking about recovery from a serious illness, then its appearance in the scenario promises quick rehabilitation.

In an inverted position, Arkan warns of problems with the immune system and the body’s inability to resist viral attacks.

The appearance of the Six of Wands in a reading in an upright position is a good sign. The card says that most of the difficulties are behind us, a period of stability and success has begun. Please accept congratulations and feel free to take on new projects. Triumph and honor - this is the main message of the Arkan, but do not relax: the test with copper pipes is the most serious. Do not give in to the temptation to rest on your laurels forever, do not allow pride to prevail over virtue. Remember that fame can spoil a person, make him weak-willed, completely dependent on the opinion of the crowd. Rise above petty notions of success, move to new heights.

Tags: Fortune telling, Wands, Card meanings, Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Tarot

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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