Roof color: how to choose the right one for the facade. Review of the best combinations and fashionable solutions (95 photo ideas)

What should the roof color match?

What color should I choose for the roof? To answer this question, different aspects need to be considered. One aspect is proper matching.

The roof color must match:

  • External building materials.
  • Architectural style.
  • The surrounding natural landscape.
  • Other buildings located on the same territory as the house.

Taking into account the above aspects, you can achieve maximum harmony and naturalness of the roof.


Classic white facades will also look great in combination with a brown roof. These houses look a little old-fashioned. After all, white and brown are a classic way of decorating houses, used for more than one century. To make the interior of such a house brighter and catchier, you can paint the door, window frames and porch brown.

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What to do if the choice is limited

Choosing the color of roofing materials is a case when what is desired may not coincide with what is possible. Unlike metal tiles, natural tiles (higher quality in terms of their characteristics) do not have a wide range of colors.

Possible solutions:

  • Slate painting.
  • Using Euroslate.
  • Metal or wooden roof (painting is also possible).

What color is best to paint the roof? You will be able to answer this question yourself after we discuss the color combinations of the roof and the house.

Painting a brick building

The natural shade of the brick can be changed if desired. This is especially often used when updating the roof and basement. You can use different colors for modern style brick houses:

  • Grey-white.
  • Sand.
  • Terracotta.
  • Brown.
  • Light grey.

Doing absolutely everything in a single composition is not the best solution. In a beautiful house, it is imperative to emphasize the foundation, porch, rustication and other elements of the facade.

The right color combination

Various roofing colors appeared relatively recently, so many architects did not have time to switch to modern tandems. However, those who keep up with the times recommend not to be afraid of bright colors and experiments.

The gray and milky facade combines wonderfully with cool shades of blue and blue, reminiscent of the coolness of winter.

Read here: The roof is leaking - step-by-step instructions on what to do if the roof leaks. Finding the causes and eliminating them yourself

The white tone is in harmony with emerald, brown, and garnet colors.

If the house is yellow, then the most advantageous option would be a green roof.

Beige trim looks great with lilac or purple roofing.

Recommendations for choosing colors

Start by assessing the area, because the color of the facade and roof of a private house, and ideally its architecture, should fit into the landscape and be in harmony with neighboring buildings. Of course, if we are talking about a small holiday village, you can stand out from the general background, but if you are surrounded by ancient buildings or the beauty of nature, you involuntarily want to match them.

On the sea coast, houses in blue, white and blue colors look appropriate, in the mountains - squat cottages with stone plinths and sloping dark gray roofs, on the edge of the forest - log houses with a brown or green roof, in a cozy suburb surrounded by flower beds and orchards ― residences of cheerful colors: orange, turquoise and even lilac, covered with approximately the same tiled red roof.

Think about the climate, because dark facades and roofs absorb light much more actively and heat up in the heat than light ones, and they also fade faster in the sun.

If you want to use rich dark colors in the exterior of your home, refresh the composition with light contrasting details, such as white cornices, window frames and decorative facade elements, otherwise your home will turn out to be too gloomy.

A white roof or facade is a controversial choice, because neither one nor the other will remain clean and beautiful for long. But if you are determined to use white, it is better to paint the walls of the house, because they are easier to clean up than the roof.

Start from the shade of the roof when choosing the color of the facade of the house, and not vice versa. Although a wide selection of materials is now available - slate, corrugated sheets, ondulin, classic, bitumen, metal tiles - their colors are not so diverse. But the walls can be painted or plastered in any tone and everything can be redone relatively inexpensively if you are not satisfied with the result. By the way, the combination of a light facade with a roof of a dark or bright color is much more popular than the opposite.

Use a planner program and create a three-dimensional mockup of your future home to evaluate its overall appearance with the selected colors.

Buy finishing materials in person, examining them in person, because in catalogs they can look completely different than in real life, and the cost of a mistake will be high. It is better to purchase several jars of paint or plaster of similar shades and choose the best color, painting literally one square meter of the wall next to the roof. Wait for it to dry and evaluate the result at different times of the day, in cloudy and sunny weather.

Size matters

The size of the roof should also influence your choice. The larger the area, the more restrained the shade. On the contrary, a small house will look better with the brightest possible roof.

DESIGNERS ADVICE: In order not to make a mistake with the combination of colors, you can use a universal option - combining different shades of the same color.

Resistant to fading

The choice of color palette for the design of the facade gives the appearance of the building aesthetic value and a certain semantic significance. Color can enlarge and reduce an object, bring it closer and further away, make it look upward or down-to-earth, bring together disparate parts or completely destroy its integrity.

Photo: Photo:

The richer and brighter the color, the faster it fades. Black, for example, ranks first in terms of fading rate. On light and pastel colors, the degree of fading will be less noticeable. But pure white, despite all the elegance it gives to the facade, quickly turns yellow in the sun. A practical option is gray color, it will not turn yellow, the dust settling on the gray paint is invisible, the shade of gray will change over time, but only slightly.

Harmony with natural landscapes

When thinking about the color of the house and roof, think about what trees and plants you will plant later.

And if the construction area is already surrounded by a certain landscape, then there are two combination options. The first is merging with the surrounding nature - accordingly, choosing similar colors, the second is highlighting the house against the general background - contrasting tones.

Nuance or contrast?

There are two design approaches to choosing the color nuances of the roof:

  • solid colors;
  • contrasting (multi-colored).

Everything about monochromatic colors is simple: the entire roof is done strictly in one color. If you want to make your house more original, you should take a closer look at contrasting roofs. This solution involves a combination of roofing materials of several colors of different saturations, opposite shades:

  • green and brown;
  • beige and burgundy;
  • silver and black.

Roofing elements (most often soft tiles) are laid out according to the chosen pattern: in a checkerboard pattern, diagonally or randomly. However, such a solution requires high skill in laying roofing material, since mistakes are unacceptable here.

Drawing conclusions

If you want to choose your own color scheme for the roof of your house, then follow the basics of style described in our article. Use computer programs that will help you design a model of a house in the right shades.

And if your idea is too complex, contact professional designers so as not to be disappointed with the result.

The attractiveness of light-colored facades

Light decor is a priority. The universal white color can be combined with any others. A very beautiful facade when combined with 2-3 natural shades.

Crystal clear should be excluded, as it is very easily soiled. It is better to choose a grayish tone that appears white among the dark shades of the cold range. If warm temperatures predominate, milk or cream will do.

Overly saturated and dark tones are more difficult to perceive and quickly tire the eye. Subsequently, it is possible to update with another shade of the same palette, while a dark base is very difficult to paint over. Light gray cannot be dyed brown or blue without resorting to several layers.

It is a mistake to visually highlight a dilapidated dacha that does not have a special aesthetic appearance. You just need to apply new whitewash or paint. The classic style involves painting it in beige, white or milky colors.

Dark ones are better suited for northern latitudes, as they tend to attract sunlight. The paints produced today can give a building an aesthetic appearance. They are durable, economical, protect against oblique downpours and do not fade from the sun.

Photos of roofs of different colors

Features of colored roofing

Colored roofing is an important structural element of the entire building, influencing its final appearance. You can make the exterior attractive or completely blur the impression of your home with a successful or unsuccessful choice of roofing. The design may even look different in size; the roof can hide some of the flaws of the house.

Thus, bright roofs look impressive and attract the eye, but are impractical to use. Soon their brightness is lost under the influence of the sun, and then they no longer look so attractive and require replacement of the material. Experts recommend covering houses with a simple architectural form, without a large number of decorative details, with a bright roof.

A white roof quickly develops yellow spots and is more difficult to maintain. Gray practical color is not suitable for everyone due to its dullness. The original decor of the facade saves the day.

Corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, slate, ondulin, onduvilla will add uniqueness to your roof . Thus, ondulin and onduvilla are presented in a spectrum of 4 colors, and the combination with a spectacular facade will give the building uniqueness and allow it to stand out from a number of neighboring buildings. If the goal is to blend the building organically into its surroundings, softer pastel wall colors will do the job.


In the production of additional elements, special bending equipment is used, with which it is possible to achieve precise dimensions. For the manufacture of these elements, galvanized or painted sheet steel is usually used.

At the moment, there are a huge number of companies capable of producing non-standard additional elements of the most intricate shapes and the highest complexity.

One of them is TechnoNIKOL. This is one of the largest manufacturers of building materials. This company is able to skillfully respond to any consumer requests and fulfill any desire.

Another large manufacturer is considered to be, which began its activities in 1998. It can rightfully be considered a representative of a new generation of building and thermal insulation materials.

For information on where additional roof and façade elements are used, see the following video.

Colors of the roof and fence - visual perception for the eyes, impact on humans

Another important factor is the visual perception of the eyes. There are colors that are irritating, aggressive, and there are calm and even depressing ones. Here you should proceed from the temperament of the residents and select a middle ground. Thus, white color creates a feeling of space, while it can both calm and irritate, black - in measured quantities helps to concentrate, and if there is a lot of it, it causes apathy and negative reactions. Lilac and violet colors are the colors of mysticism and sadness, and therefore can evoke internal conflicting feelings. Red color is a natural irritant, the color of aggression, while green color calms and neutralizes all external irritants. Yellow is uplifting, gray is calming.

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