What is the meaning of the Elephant talisman? How to make a talisman with your own hands and where to place it?

Almost any living creature can become a totem animal. Previously, we already looked at what the scarab beetle talisman means. Today it's the elephant's turn.

The elephant is a sacred animal in eastern countries, as well as in India and Africa. Here he is the King of Beasts, and even in Christianity he is the conqueror of the Dark Forces. In ancient times, people believed that three elephants supported the firmament and the earth.

This huge animal has an exceptional characteristic that combines power and grace, regularity and solidity, generosity and patience. You can also add to these positive qualities:

  • peacefulness;
  • moderation;
  • wisdom;
  • longevity.

What is the significance of the amulet?

Universal qualities are attributed to this talisman in all cultures and religions. The elephant helps solve the most difficult problems and life situations. The animal is a symbol of longevity and health; it is he who is asked to save the life of not only the owner of the amulet, but also his loved ones.

It is strictly not recommended to hang jewelry on an elephant's trunk or use it as a stand. The energy flow of the Universe passes through the animal’s trunk, and its use for other purposes can “offend” the animal.

  • The elephant promotes the development of analytical skills. They will not only improve the financial situation, but will also help to use existing resources more efficiently.
  • An elephant with a calf is a symbol of childbirth and fertility and will help a married couple conceive a long-awaited child.

Reference. His friendly attitude, inner strength and constant desire to reach new heights make him a “welcome guest” on many coats of arms and banners.

Talisman "Seven Elephants"

You should take a closer look at the meaning of the “seven elephants” amulet, since this is a special figurine. Of course, one elephant will become your protector, but the energy that seven animals emit is enormous.

Seven has long had a reputation as a lucky number. It was worn as a talisman, as a messenger of good luck, as the protection of the Gods. The number 7 leads a person to complete harmony with the entire world around him and its inhabitants.

If you place the seven elephant talisman in your home, your family will always be happy, healthy and prosperous.

An oriental talisman animal will fill your home with real joy. You will never experience financial problems. The wisdom of the seven sacred animals will fill your mind with all the knowledge you need.

What types of amulets are there?

The sheer variety of elephants on the market can confuse anyone. Before purchasing, it is important to determine the purpose and functions assigned to this talisman:

  • A raised trunk is a symbol of financial well-being and prosperity.
  • A lowered trunk helps protect the home from external negative influences.
  • Two identical elephants with combined proboscis will have a beneficial effect on family relationships.
  • A mother elephant and a baby installed in the bedroom will facilitate conception.
  • Seven animals installed in turn are the strongest talisman. This is due to the magical meaning of the number “7”: seven planets, seven Chinese gods, seven well-known metals.

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Combining an elephant figurine with other magical animals can cause a negative effect. The animal itself is a very strong representative of the fauna, and it does not need “helpers”.

According to feng shui

In the Celestial Empire, special attention is paid to amulets. In Chinese mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract success in business to the house, and also have a positive effect on all other areas of life. This animal is one of such talismans in Feng Shui.

The image can be found on coins, attributes of religion and symbols of power. But what does it mean in Feng Shui?

Symbol of peace and harmony

A figurine in the form of an elephant is considered a powerful talisman that can attract positive Qi energy into the home. It means:

  • world;
  • wisdom;
  • confidence;
  • kindness;
  • harmony.

The main task of this amulet is to protect the house from damage, the evil eye and other troubles. At the same time, it creates an atmosphere of peace and balance.

The version with a raised proboscis symbolizes prosperity and wealth in Feng Shui. The owner will be protected from theft and thoughtless spending. He will begin to take finances seriously and look soberly at the surrounding reality.

Something is often hung on the raised trunk, as if to enhance efficiency. But this cannot be done. After all, it is he who is the conductor of Qi energy. By hanging a trinket there, the owner shows his disrespect for the magical attribute.

If the long nose is down, this does not mean that a streak of failure will begin. His situation is not an indicator of impending financial troubles. On the contrary, it is a symbol of fertility and abundance. This is how the amulet removes all negative energy from the house. It is recommended to have two figurines in your home with different positions of the trunk: one will protect against negativity, and the second will attract luck and prosperity.

There are also the following variations to choose from:

  • To strengthen family ties, you need to purchase a white figurine.
  • Three elephants symbolize the unity of heaven, earth and man. This talisman helps in acquiring good luck and harmony in all areas of life.

Who is it suitable for?

The choice of one talisman or another depends on the specific situation. All religions of the world confidently declare the magical qualities of not only figurines, but also images of this animal.

  • The amulet is able to protect its owner from diseases and illnesses. The owner of the magical amulet will live a long time. But due to the fact that the elephant is also a symbol of moderation, you should not expect lightning-fast results.
  • People who want to gain wealth and prosperity can also use the power of the figurine. The owner’s actions will not be spontaneous and thoughtless. All actions and expenses will be planned.
  • The wisdom and prudence attributed to this animal will allow you not to lose strength in achieving your goal.

What materials are used

Elephant mascot

Typically, the material from which symbols are made has a significant impact on their abilities. Magic elephants can be made of any material. Wood, metal, ceramics, and plastic are most often used. It is impossible to give clear recommendations on the choice of raw materials for the amulet; all figurines showed equal effectiveness.

Soft toys in the shape of elephants and pictures with beautiful animals have proven themselves well. With a minimum of effort and a little time, you can create a talisman with powerful powers. Many people make it with their own hands, putting a piece of energy into it and receiving a wonderful amulet.

Use moderation when arranging figures at home. You cannot use a large number of talismans at the same time, this can create an energy imbalance and negatively affect the owner of the house. The abundance of elephants looks unsightly and can disrupt the holistic perception of the interior.

How to do it yourself?

An Elephant amulet or talisman can be made from a wide variety of materials. The figures are:

  • wooden;
  • ceramic;
  • rubber;
  • or even paper.

It is strictly not recommended to purchase a figurine made of ivory. She will bring misfortune and misfortune to the house.
In this matter, the most important aspect is the symbol of the elephant itself, and not the material from which it is made. To protect your home and yourself, you can even use photographs or drawings depicting this sacred animal. Self-sewn elephant figurines are also great. If activated correctly, they will carry no less magical power than those acquired.

Important! A large number of protective figures or images will cause disharmony and will not bring positive results.


The meaning of your patron depends on the characteristics of the forms, quantity, and so on.

The talisman is an elephant with a raised trunk - a symbol of prosperity and good luck.

It is advisable to position it so that the figure looks out the window. According to legend, this way she will find a lucky star in the sky for her owner, which will contribute to success in achieving what she wants.

A figurine or image with a lowered trunk has the following meanings:

  • abundance and fertility;
  • protection from negativity coming from others.

It is advisable to install this option in living rooms.

An elephant with a baby is interpreted as family values, motherhood. For childless families, this type will become a strong talisman for conceiving a child. If you have children, then the amulet will bring harmony to your relationship with your parents.

Set of 7 pieces

Particularly popular is the patron consisting of 7 elephants. It has supernatural power because it contains the magical number 7. In ancient times, seven was equated in various cultures with the main seven Chinese gods, the 7 metals, 7 planets, and so on. This is an example of global balance.

It helps you get:

  • health;
  • good luck;
  • well-being;
  • confidence.

Thus, the owner, having such a set, will receive harmony and be happy.

On the shelves of esoteric stores, figurines of seven elephants, complemented by other strong symbols, are often sold. The elephant, as a talisman, is a self-sufficient amulet, so there is no need to combine it with other powerful attributes. If it turns out that an amulet with two strong amulets fell into your hands and a dark streak began in life, then this indicates that these elements are fighting among themselves.

How to properly clean and activate?

Like any other amulet, the Elephant requires constant care. The figurine must not only be wiped from dust, but also washed in salt water from time to time. This is done in order to wash away the accumulated negative energy.

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How to activate and wear the talisman? The elephant talisman does not require any special activation. It carries magical power in itself and works without much prior preparation. The only thing to do is to appease the elephant:

  1. hang on a precious chain;
  2. decorate with any shiny decor;
  3. put it on something sparkling and bright.

Recommendations for placement

It is believed that the elephant talisman with its elephant trunk raised upward will help accumulate and increase wealth. A talisman whose trunk is down accumulates positive energy.

An elephant figurine has a positive effect on everything that surrounds it. It clears the space of negative emotions and has a positive effect on people who are constantly in this room. Your health will improve, your mood will rise, existing problems will seem easily solvable, strength and vitality will appear.

There is no strict rule for the placement of elephants, but existing recommendations are best followed. This will make the amulet more effective and powerful:

  • A good place to locate an elephant is considered to be the south-eastern or north-western part of the house. Take a few minutes to identify directions and you will soon see positive changes.
  • If the elephant's long trunk is raised, it works better on the windowsill; here it is located close to the sky, absorbing positive energy and directing it to the owner. The atmosphere and relationships between the inhabitants of the house change.
  • To protect your home from evil people and uninvited guests, place the elephant close to the front door. It blocks the entry of all bad things into the house.
  • With the help of a talisman it is possible to neutralize the negative energy generated in your own home. Its source can be sharp corners. To eliminate its influence, sit the baby elephant facing the dangerous place.
  • If you want to acquire a patron who will help you both spiritually and financially, place the elephant in the north-west of the apartment or a separate room. An elephant located in such a plot has a good effect on the head of the family. Luck and success will be present in his life.
  • Many people buy a talisman to improve their financial situation. To do this, place it in the southeast. The site can be selected both in relation to the entire house and in a separate room. The effect can be noticed very quickly, provided there is sincere faith.
  • You can very successfully place a couple of elephants on the bedside table in the bedroom. This amulet will refresh relationships and preserve mutual love and fidelity for many years.
  • The symbol is also useful in the nursery. It will help the child to be interested in learning, become attentive, patient and hardworking. As a result, your children will achieve great success in life.
  • Use the amulet on your desktop as well. It is possible to buy a figurine or drawing of an animal. An elephant figurine will make your workdays calm and productive.

The amulet is quite multifaceted and helps out in almost any situation. Knowing the basic principles of its use, there is a chance in the near future to significantly change your destiny.

Where is the best place to place it in the house?

For different purposes, there are different rules for placing a talisman in the house:

  1. You can attract money if you place it on the window, the trunk should be directed towards the street.
  2. Installing a figurine in the southeast of your home or office will help stabilize your financial flow.
  3. Two identical figures with their trunks raised up will help protect you from envy and bad people, and they should be looking towards the entrance to the house.
  4. Corners in many cultures are considered a concentration of evil spirits. Placing symbols opposite all corners will help neutralize this negative phenomenon.
  5. To cope with health problems, you should place or hang a talisman on the eastern wall of the house.
  6. Two paired figures installed in the bedroom can restore harmony between spouses.
  7. By placing an elephant on your desk, you can avoid envious glances and negative messages from your colleagues.

Before installing or hanging a talisman, it is important to decide on the end goal and desired result.

It is necessary to clearly understand the power of the animal and its ability not only to create positive energy around the owner, but also to destroy it.
Failure to follow the placement rules may lead to the opposite result.
If everything is done correctly, the talisman that takes its place will faithfully serve its owner, helping to achieve life goals and protecting from troubles.

The use of ivory as a manufacturing material will definitely lead to the wrath of the talisman for the death of its fellow. Damaged or defective figurines must be immediately destroyed, as they carry negative energy and attract disease and evil.

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Use of the talisman

The best way to wear such a symbol on yourself is in the form of a red thread bracelet.
Proper placement in the northwest and southeast will attract wealth and help to the owner of the house. If a mother elephant and her calf are placed in the bedroom of a woman who dreams of offspring, it will be more effective. If a woman rubs the tail of an elephant, a boy will be born. And a figurine with a raised trunk on the windowsill will attract prosperity into the home, catching the star of happiness, and if the trunk is directed to the middle, this means that the owners do not need anything, the house is already filled with all the benefits. To protect against enemies, images of animals were placed at the entrance. It was believed that this would protect them from ill-wishers. Warmth and comfort are signs that the talisman has its effect. It is forbidden to wear an amulet with an image of an elephant around the neck. Therefore, a bracelet on a red thread with an animal is popular.

How to activate?

Since the amulet is potent, nothing else needs to be done except how to install it correctly. It is good when the amulet stands in a consecrated place. To strengthen the amulet, some decorations are hung on it. These can be ordinary earrings, beads, bracelets on a red thread, chains. Money, coins or bills, and a rug decorated with various decorations are also placed under the figurine. They talk to the elephant, praise, admire. But under no circumstances should you even place ivory close to it. This makes the animal furious.

Useful talisman

Those who want to harmonize the space of their apartment should purchase an elephant figure. It is believed that it is able to neutralize the negative energy of the house; its long trunk seems to attract prosperity.

Beautiful Feng Shui elephants have a certain energy that, acting in the right direction, improves the situation.

Feng Shui talisman - elephant: purpose and activation of the talisman

Elephant as a symbol of good luck, prosperity, prosperity

Elephant as a symbol of longevity and prosperity

Moreover, the energy of the talisman can be enhanced if you decorate the figurine with gold or silver chains; beads made of gems work in the same direction. Decorations can be changed periodically.

What can it be made of?

The elephant mascot can be made from anything. It can be plastic, wood, ceramics and even metal.

If you want the highest quality from your elephant, pay attention to the magical meaning of wood and metal. Soft toys in the shape of elephants are ideal for children.

IMPORTANT! You should not buy an ivory amulet. This will anger the powerful animal and lead to unpleasant consequences. Your health will deteriorate and there will be more failures and problems in your life. Be careful when choosing a pendant.

You can make an amulet with your own hands, for yourself or as a gift. You have to put positive thoughts into him, he will guide them and he will become much more effective.

It can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles and other elements. A silver chain that can ward off the forces of evil, or a gold chain filled with the energy of the sun, which will increase the attraction of good luck, will perfectly complement the elephant.

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How to activate the talisman - Elephant.

Clean the Elephant figurine with an incense stick and place it on a red Chinese napkin with an auspicious hieroglyph in the selected place in your apartment. The main thing is that the figurine looks inside the apartment if you want to attract something positive to yourself. So, set it up, decorate your elephant with beads (hang it around his neck), beautiful chains or bright ribbons, you can put a few golden coins, semi-precious stones, etc. at his feet. Now pat the elephant on the back and tell him about your desire. From time to time, wipe the dust off your talisman, talk to it and your wish will definitely come true.

Where is the best place to put an elephant figurine?

Each area of ​​the house is responsible for certain aspects in life, so the location of the elephant figurine is determined depending on the tasks that the wise owners set for themselves.

  • One elephant or a pair of majestic animals is always located at the front door or opposite it . Elephants attract good luck into the house with their trunk, bring happiness and protect the household. They attract monetary success to the family even if they stand on the window.
  • A pair of elephants is sometimes placed on the bedside table in the matrimonial bedroom . They help maintain love and fidelity between two people. Sometimes, for the same purpose, an elephant and an elephant are placed on a table in the office in order to protect their family from ruin and outside interference.
  • It's nice to have as many as seven elephants in the bedroom In Feng Shui, this number has a special meaning. A group of noble animals activates the chi energy aimed at the birth of children.
  • An elephant figurine brings good luck to children if it stands on the table in their room. This magnificent creature with its presence will activate the performance of a growing son or daughter. Let her stand on the children's desk , turning her mighty trunk towards them.
  • Don't forget to place an elephant on your office desk so that all projects that start in this place will definitely succeed and become completed.

For elephants to bring good luck, you need to believe in them and treat them with respect when choosing a place for them in the house. You should never place a figurine near broken things. Let these cute figurines be a welcome gift for everyone who wants stability and prosperity.

Alexander, November 9, 2014. Source https://www.ekstrasensy.su/fenshuj/fen-shuj-slon

Elephant made of ivory

, will help overly soft and gentle people become a little tougher. Thanks to the talisman, you will learn to repel your opponents and finally win your place in the sun.

Elephant made of gold (or other yellow metal)

- mascot of athletes. It helps you concentrate on the result and achieve victory. The golden elephant will push everyone else to the pinnacle of success. True, there is a risk of reaching the goal over corpses: firmness bordering on cruelty is the flip side of acquired leadership.

Elephant made of silver (or other white metal)

rewards its owner with wisdom - a quality without which you will not remain on the throne or on the pedestal for long. This elephant especially loves female leaders.

Crystal elephant

must be protected like the apple of one’s eye, because such a talisman wards off troubles and adversity from the owner, and protects from the blows of fate. True, for this you need to imbue it with energy - squeeze the elephant in your palms and say your cherished desire and prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos several times.

White marble elephant

will serve nervous natures well, endowing them with endurance and the ability to calmly endure life’s adversities. With its acquisition, no squabbles either at home or at work will knock the ground out from under your feet.

Elephant made of jasper

will be useful to narcissistic, arrogant people - those who do not remember goodness. The talisman will refresh their memory and force them to show mercy in return.

Elephant made of malachite

- hope and support for everyone who dreams of a change of scenery: wants to open their own business, get an education, get a new job - but never dare. The talisman will give you the necessary confidence and optimism.

Elephant made of amber

- a talisman for all wives and husbands who are not inclined to trust their spouses. The amber elephant will help you get rid of jealousy.

Pay in order!

One elephant

is able to strengthen a person’s self-confidence, increase his magnetism and charm.

Two elephants

speed up the meeting with your soulmate.

Three elephants

contribute to the birth of a child.

Four elephants

guarantee stability and wealth.

Five elephants

help you start a new business and break out of the routine of everyday life.

Six elephants

give good luck in love.

Seven elephants

make wishes come true.

Eight elephants

help to withstand the blows of fate.

Nine elephants

contribute to the development of intelligence.

Ten elephants

change lives for the better.

Eleven elephants

endow their owner with health and strength.

“Hobotov, I appreciated it!” (WITH)

Elephant with trunk raised up

considered a symbol
of wealth
It is also believed that the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can influence the extravagance of home owners, curbing their thirst for spending money on unnecessary things. An elephant with a lowered trunk
is the patron saint of women, it gives
. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have a child should pay attention to the figure of an elephant with a lowered trunk. Often such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants. The elephant can be placed both in the South-East, in the zone of wealth and prosperity, and in the North-West, since the elephant embodies the power and invincible strength of the North-West sector of assistants and patrons.

There is also a “romantic” recommendation - to place a figurine of an elephant on the windowsill, with its trunk towards the glass, so that it can admire the falling stars and take away their beneficial energy for good luck and prosperity of all household members.

Based on materials from the magazine “Oracle” (Best and unpublished)

There are two types of elephants: with the trunk up (a symbol of freedom and change) and with the trunk down (a symbol of stability and stability), so you can choose according to your temperament and lifestyle. The elephant is a powerful feng shui symbol. It attracts good luck and represents strength and wisdom. The elephant with its trunk raised must be positioned so that it faces the front door. This way he will attract the right people. You can use the elephant symbol equally effectively at home and in the office to attract partners and clients. Things are somewhat different with the elephant, whose trunk is down. It is believed that such a symbol protects the house. An elephant with its trunk down, aimed at the couple's bed in the bedroom, helps in conceiving a child. With his powerful trunk, he seems to draw out the energies needed for conception from the surrounding space and accumulate them in the bedroom. Although.. . An elephant with its trunk up (trumpeting) brings good luck to the house and helps to defeat ill-wishers, and an elephant with its trunk down (sleeping) brings despondency, melancholy, depression, frequent heavy thoughts, and stress into the house. In my opinion, it's better to avoid controversial characters.

Source https://otvet.mail.ru/question/37172069

The elephant is a sacred animal, one of the seven treasures of Buddhism.

In Chinese practice, the elephant is not very common, but is a symbol of strength, indestructibility and wisdom.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is an auspicious animal, a symbol of stability and sustainability.

To activate the elephant as a talisman, you just need to decorate it. For example, hanging beads or a chain around his neck. Everything except the ivory jewelry. You don't want to anger him, do you?

Elephant with trunk down

It is believed that such an elephant guards the house.

Also, a lowered trunk, aimed at the spouses’ bed in the bedroom, helps in conceiving a child. With his powerful trunk, he seems to draw out the energies needed for conception from the surrounding space and accumulate them in the bedroom. To activate this process, you definitely need two elephants with lowered trunks, decorated by you.

If you place such an elephant in the western corner of the apartment, this will contribute to the development of creativity, new plans and ideas.

Elephant with trunk raised

It is believed that thanks to its trunk, the elephant “pulls” good luck and prosperity into the house. Place it on the windowsill, with its trunk facing the street. If the trunk is turned towards the room, this means that wealth and happiness are already present in your home.

Elephants are also associated with moderation; their images and figures will help people refrain from excessive spending.

In general, the symbolic presence of an elephant in the house means good luck in the sense of dreams coming true. And what your elephant will be like is up to you to choose!)

Source https://www.baby.ru/community/view/22621/forum/post/187085136/

According to Feng Shui, an important role in the elephant talisman is played by its trunk.

If an elephant's trunk is raised up, this will attract material wealth into your life. It will protect you from unnecessary spending and help you be reasonable in matters related to money.

If the trunk is lowered down, then such an elephant, according to Feng Shui, is a symbol of fertility and abundance. According to another version, it is considered a symbol of longevity. Some say that an elephant with its trunk down is unfavorable as a mascot, but this is not true. Negative consequences are possible from the incorrect positioning of such an elephant in the house, and not from the fact that its trunk is lowered.

Feng Shui elephant figurines can be made of various materials: wood, metal, glass, porcelain, etc.

Taboo in Feng Shui: you cannot use figurines of an elephant or other animals carved from ivory(!), since such talismans carry the energy of death. And it won't lead to anything good.

What are the types of elephant figures according to Feng Shui?

three elephants according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the white elephant is used to protect the home from negative energy and helps save the family.

Often in souvenir shops you can find a figurine of a mother elephant with a baby elephant. This tandem symbolizes successful motherhood and is good for families who want to have children. And also for families who already have children. This talisman will protect children from failures in life, as well as promote favorable relationships between parents and children.

According to Feng Shui, three elephants mean the trinity - heaven, earth, man - will help you find harmony in various areas of life.

seven elephants feng shui

Seven elephants according to Feng Shui is an auspicious number in Feng Shui, which means a completed cycle (the lunar cycle lasts 7 days). Therefore, according to Feng Shui, 7 elephants will fill your home with seven blessings: great luck, long life, health, love, mutual understanding, happiness and wealth.

There are elephants with additional talismans (for example, with a Feng Shui toad). However, Feng Shui is the science of harmony, and it is not worth overloading one sector with many talismans, so as not to cause an imbalance of energies in the room. According to Feng Shui, the elephant is a self-sufficient talisman that has considerable strength. Therefore, it is better to use it in what is called “pure form”.

feng shui elephant with toad

Only additional activation of the talisman is allowed with the help of jewelry (chains, beads, etc.), be it a figurine or a painting of an elephant. So you, as it were, “appease” your elephant, and he will “serve” you even better. Why jewelry? Because earlier, when elephants were used as carriers, they wore various very beautiful embroidered capes, pompons, etc.

Symbol of wisdom

Images of the elephant are often found in Indian mythology; this animal is sacred to Buddhists. The elephant is a symbol of wisdom; it is good to place it in a room where children study or where you gain new knowledge.

As you can see, elephants symbolize many things, but they do not carry anything negative. They bring only good and bright things to the house where they are present; they will never be out of place. The main thing is that they evoke positive associations in you!

The elephant is one of the so-called feng shui animals. He is considered not the most important figure, but one of the strongest talismans. If the elephant is on your “side,” life may well take on a stable and even course. Lack of balance and constant shocks threaten the life of those who “offend” the elephant.

Porcelain, stone, silver, gold, brass, bronze, ceramic, wood - you can’t find them on store shelves and on the Internet. What's important about figurines? What is important is the position of the elephant's trunk. It can be raised up, or it can be lowered down. If an elephant is depicted with its trunk raised, this is a very good sign! Such an elephant is capable of attracting good luck, stability and prosperity to the home. Feng Shui teachings say that the elephant should be placed in the window with its raised trunk pointing towards the lucky star. It is believed that with its trunk an elephant can “draw in” the positive qi energy emanating from a lucky star. This way you can achieve a “full cup” state at home. Be careful. If everything is fine in your house, then use your trunk to direct the elephant into the house to “maintain” stability. To combat the negative energy of Sha, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk is perfect. Where does negative energy most often “gather” in the house? In the corners of the house. Place the elephant image alternately in each corner of the house. The elephant is the strongest talisman against evil spirits. Do you think that an elephant with its trunk down is not good? Very in vain, because an elephant with a lowered trunk is also a strong positive symbol, but only if used correctly. For example, an image of an elephant with a lowered trunk (yes, also surrounded by baby elephants), located in the western sector (in the children's area) will help a married couple conceive a child. For the same effect, the elephant can be placed on the bedside table. If on the nightstand on the side of the spouse, then male power will increase, and if on the side of the spouse, the ability to conceive increases. So how many elephants should there be? Answer: seven. Why seven? This number is most often found in ancient books of different faiths and in magic books. For example, God spent 7 days creating the world. 7 planets are visible without telescopes: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars. 7 Gods of Fortune in China, etc. Remember that the elephant, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, does not like excesses. And yet, with the skillful use of this “tool”, you can get stability, moderation and prosperity in life. It is believed that an elephant figurine will help a family maintain and increase wealth or increase the number of children. Appease the elephant, decorate it with flowers or beads, and the elephant will “answer” you, attracting positive QI energy.

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to talismans. According to ancient Asian mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract good luck in business.

and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. One of these talismans in Feng Shui is the elephant.

It should be noted that the elephant is revered in many Asian countries. The image of this animal can be found on coins, religious attributes and symbols of power.

What does this big beast represent? Is it possible to use his image and image in the form of a figurine to obtain the desired benefits?

The elephant is an animal that has a positive symbolic meaning.

The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as an emblem of royal power and symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as loyalty, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as an emblem plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America. In Ancient India, the elephant was a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, travels around his domain on the beautiful white elephant Airavata, who was born in the ocean. This elephant is the main one of the world's elephants, dignags, guardians of the countries of the world. Huge as mountains, with four fangs each, the Dignags support the earth on four sides. Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, is the leader of the ganas, the lower deities who formed the retinue of Shiva, the father of Ganesha. He is called the Remover of Obstacles (Vignesvara) and is the god of wisdom and literature. According to legend, the great epic “Mahabharata” was written with the tusk of Ganesha. In Buddhism, the elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. It is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya in a dream, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, "vahana", of the bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant. For the Chinese, the elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the elephant is an attribute of Mercury, an emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon, when, bathing in the river, it calls on Heaven. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and in the visual arts it personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, and victory over death. Later, these ideas were reflected in the Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake. In medieval Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant is often found in paintings of paradise, and since the Crusades its image has appeared on coats of arms. In depth psychology, the elephant serves as the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

How many Elephant figurines can be installed at home?

Maybe someone remembers that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven figurines of elephants on their chests of drawers, small or small, lined up by height? Remember? But they, even in those years, had never even heard of the science of Feng Shui and its symbols and talismans, and there were no elephants in Rus'. And then you put up the elephants, and they wiped the dust off them, and they didn’t allow anyone to touch them. And therefore, our ancestors intuitively felt the beneficial influence of talismans such as the Elephant. And they placed these figures in their home and took advantage of their positive influence, because... the energy of knowledge, the laws of science in the Universe, are universal. Well, let's get back to our elephants. Let's now look at how many of them you need to place in your home in order to find abundance and happiness, and not only: 11 elephants - They bring health, strength, energy (provided that you lead a healthy lifestyle. They do not help smokers and drinkers!) . 10 elephants - Promises positive changes in life. 9 elephants - You can install as many figures in a child’s learning room. This talisman helps develop intelligence. 8 elephants - help in any matter, in achieving any goals. And since the number 8 is the number of luck, the number of infinity, then in Feng Shui it symbolizes good luck in all your endeavors and dreams. 7 elephants - the number seven, according to Feng Shui and in other teachings, means “A Cup full of harmony”, then this number is the fulfillment of any of your good desires and dreams, as well as help in business. 6 elephants - help in finding good luck and success in love. 5 elephants - help you rise above everyday life, forget about routine, and start a new, interesting business. 4 elephants - bring wealth, abundance, stability. 3 elephants - help in childbirth. 2 elephants - can help in finding and finding a loved one. Preserve existing relationships. 1 elephant - brings self-confidence, charm and faith in one’s own strength. And don’t forget about harmony and a sense of proportion. If you place two dozen elephants in each room, this will most likely introduce an imbalance in the energy of the premises and can cause harm.

Make a good talisman yourself.

Yes, in this article we have already looked at many types, colors, materials from which Elephant figurines are made. But what to do if you cannot find such a figurine or have found it, but it does not quite meet your requirements. Let's find a way out and try to improve the situation with our own hands. If you still can’t buy the elephant figurine you need, you can try making it yourself. Take plasticine, polymer clay, or as a last resort, make a very salty dough (pour salt into flour, the same amount as flour, gradually add water and knead the dough, knead well, then sculpt, just like from plasticine), sculpt an elephant (children they will help you with pleasure), then bake the clay or dough in the oven, once your product has cooled down, paint your Elephant with acrylic paints. But that is not all. For those who wish money, wealth, abundance, load your good talisman with symbols of wealth: hang coins, tiny gold bars (these are sold in Feng Shui stores and can be 1-2 cm in size) on the Elephant’s back, square golden beads (look like gold), small chocolate squares (sold in candy stores), tiny money toad (these are sold for wallets or as pendants for a keychain), if you don’t find any, take small stones (brought from the sea), paint them with gold paint and load your elephant with them. In principle, anything that you associate with wealth and is small in size (in relation to the size of the elephant, maybe you will make yourself a large elephant, therefore hang larger symbols of wealth on its back), for example, if you do not want to burden your Elephant , then using gold paint and a thin brush, draw the Chinese character “Wealth” or “Money” or “Abundance” on his back or sides. If you need good luck and success in business, as well as fame and honor, hang small red flags on the sides of the Elephant, which can be made from red paper, and insert a red triangular flag into the trunk (the Elephant’s trunk should be raised up) ( make it from a red triangle of paper, and the shaft from a toothpick, for example), you can also hang tiny bells or put a small figurine of an eagle or a kite on the Elephant’s back (such figurines are sold in toy stores, in sets with birds). Naturally, if your desire is to find your love, improve or preserve an existing relationship, then hang or attach hearts, angels, roses and flowers to the backs of your (two) elephants. For any desires and goals: attach a small elephant to the trunk

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