Photo wallpaper in the bedroom according to Feng Shui - happiness in your home

As you know, one of the most important and important rooms in the house is the bedroom. Why? Yes, because it is in the bedroom that a person rests, relaxes and gains fresh strength for new accomplishments and achievements. If you turn your attention to Feng Shui, then according to the philosophy, you should approach the harmonization of space in the bedroom with utmost attention.

If you wish, you can put up photo wallpaper in the bedroom according to Feng Shui - you should remember that they should depict a romantic or calm plot, since when you wake up and fall asleep, the first thing you see will be that.

Also, panels depicting couples in love, birds, animals and natural landscapes would be appropriate. As for photo wallpapers with sharp and even aggressive scenes, such as a volcanic eruption, waterfalls or the sight of a storm, then everything is somewhat different - you simply will not be able to completely relax and have a normal rest. Decorate the wall with views of a birch grove or a view of a quiet lake covered with lilies. Such stories will not only bring peace, but will also bring money into your home.

Nature and relaxation are inseparable

When choosing photo wallpaper for your bedroom wall, you should listen to your inner feelings - if the picture does not make you feel uncomfortable, then this is really what your bedroom needs!

Attention! You should not clutter the wall with all kinds of photos, paintings or shelves. You should also not choose photo wallpaper above the bed in the bedroom, which depicts bright and catchy abstract patterns.

By the way, I would also like to say that you should not place portraits of deceased relatives or other famous people who have passed away in the bedroom - this brings negativity and fills the bedroom with yin (militant/aggressive) energy.

Selecting the color of photo wallpaper for the bedroom according to Feng Shui

Transform your bedroom into something more

When attracting happiness and good luck to your bedroom, many people think about what color the ceilings and walls should be? Let's start with the fact that a bedroom in lilac tones with photo wallpaper should be calm and cozy .

So, first of all, you should take into account the following point - not only you, but also your loved one should like the color. Firstly, it will affect the quality of sleep, and secondly, the relationship and harmony of feelings between lovers.

If a person falls asleep easily and his sleep is peaceful, then he wakes up full of energy and strength. This suggests that a bedroom with photo wallpaper in beige, peach, pink or gold will be ideal.

For people with poor sleep, wallpaper in red or deep green tones is recommended. If the ceilings match the color of the walls, then the bedroom will be simply flawless. Also, to this color you can add dark, heavy curtains that will hide the bedroom space from prying eyes and the person will be able to fully relax. In such a room, streams of positive charges will constantly move and fill a person with life-giving energy.

Soft colors and correct adherence to Feng Shui rules

Attention! Feng Shui does not recommend sticking blue wallpaper in the bedroom!

If you started renovating your bedroom with photo wallpaper , then don’t forget about the white color. White ceilings and walls will create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness. But you should also take into account the fact that according to Feng Shui, a lot of white is still not desirable.

Attention! To create an atmosphere of warmth, peace and comfort in the bedroom, soft and warm colors are suitable.

The basis of Chinese teaching

The basis of this teaching speaks of four important walls in a room that carry a certain energy:

  1. in front of the entrance doors;
  2. opposite your bed;
  3. opposite the desktop (in front and behind);
  4. in front of the dining area.

Green color is calming, use it in a relaxation area

These walls can be covered with expensive wallpaper that reflects the main directions of Eastern teachings, as well as photo wallpaper.

Wallpaper in Feng Shui style: shades

The theme of wallpaper in Eastern teachings should reflect the internal state of the owner. But if it’s difficult to make an independent choice, I suggest you use my advice.

The most important role is played by the selected shades and colors, as well as the images on the photo wallpaper:


White color
Considered the purest. It is he who carries health, decency, and conceals goodness that will benefit the owners of the apartment.

Light shades are ideal for small spaces. For example, floral wallpaper on a snow-white background will have a beneficial effect on the creative development of your child.

Chinese teachings say that white color is necessary in the sleeping area, as it affects conception.

blue tint
It is important to use all shades of blue and cyan in sleeping areas. This color sets you up for relaxation and allows you to unwind.

Blue paints visually increase the space of the premises.

All shades of red
As you know, this is the color of passion and power. Red will fit perfectly into the corridor space opposite the front door.

Burgundy colors will symbolize happiness and fun.

The red color stimulates the appetite, so it can be used in the kitchen in the dining area.

All shades of yellow carry the warmth of the sun. This range must be present in every apartment.

Yellow shades add additional lighting to the rooms in the northern part of the houses.

Yellow fills the owner with vigor and optimism. I recommend using it in the kitchen and living room.

Green tones
The green color scheme is a reflection of nature. It is this that reduces aggressiveness and increases family harmony. Green is also good for eye health.

It is best to use green in the bedroom.

Black color
According to Chinese teachings, this shade reflects emptiness and spiritual severity.

The teaching warns that it should be used extremely rarely. But it goes well with bright shades.

Visually reduces the space of any room.

Violet color
One of the most fabulous and mysterious in Feng Shui. This color is loved by philosophers; it enhances the brain's ability to think.

Purple symbolizes the mystery and wisdom of the human soul.

A budget option would be Chinese-style wallpaper that you make yourself. To do this, you need to use the texts of mantras, sayings from ancient books and prayers, which you paste on the main wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper and the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui

I want to help you choose the necessary wallpaper options for all rooms of the house. If you can’t find simple wallpaper, then you can no less successfully use rich and beautiful photo wallpaper.

According to Eastern knowledge, the sea on the photo wallpaper symbolizes the full cup of the house

Wallpaper selection: 9 rules

How to choose photo wallpaper? Just looking at them is enough. If they attract you, this is your option. Photo wallpaper in the bedroom and living room, as well as in the kitchen, will be the most correct and correct option:


Rule 1
Do not use drawings that are aggressive.

They can cause frequent mood swings, ailments and causeless lethargy.

Rule 2
Do not use images of people who have passed away on wallpaper or paintings.

Even a loved one can carry negative energy.

Rule 3
Do not choose wallpaper with unknown designs.

Before purchasing an image, find out what it symbolizes.

Rule 4
Do not use images of dried flowers and trees; they are negative for people’s mental state and health.

Use photo wallpapers with bright and lush trees, green bushes and red flowers.

Rule 5
It is better to choose photo panels with people with paired images. One person symbolizes loneliness.

Wallpaper with two swans will affect your strong family relationships and strong love with your other half.

Rule 6
Choose architectural images, they will help develop your thoughts and feelings.

Rule 7
Use images of water flowing away to a minimum. Waterfalls and streams symbolize health and well-being leaving the home.

Choose a full cup of your home - these are photo wallpapers with seas and lakes.

Rule 8
Wallpaper with cartoon characters will have a positive effect on the well-being of apartment residents.

They will also have a positive effect on the psyche of children.

Rule 9
Flying birds and airplanes indicate energy activity. They can be pasted on the walls of the living room or office.

If you do not know the symbolism in the picture, it is better not to use it in the interior.

Nature in the house

Bonsai can be used as a unique decoration

As has already become clear from all of the above, the most comfortable and peaceful place in the house is the bedroom. That is why special attention should be paid to its arrangement. So, let's look at modern feng shui trends that will help turn a room into a real bundle of positive energy:

  • Let's start with the fact that the ideal bedroom should not be large and should not be filled with all kinds of furniture. Nobody argues - this is just a recommendation, but you should also take into account the fact that correctly selected photo wallpaper flowers in the bedroom can fill the space;
  • To visually increase the size of the room, use large-scale photo wallpaper, and to fill empty space, add pillows and bedside rugs;
  • You can also visually add space in the bedroom using photo wallpaper with perspective. If, upon entering the bedroom, your gaze immediately rests on the picture, then you should give preference to a vertical perspective, and if from the side, a horizontal one. This “maneuver” will help to visually enlarge the room;
  • If your bedroom is large, then wallpaper should be chosen in deeper and more saturated colors. At the same time, the furniture (as well as bedding) should be massive and dark, and the room itself can be divided into several separate zones (for example, for reading, for sleeping, for yoga, etc.).

Harmony and comfort in the bedroom

When renovating a bedroom with photo wallpaper, you should avoid too bright and aggressive designs . Huge eyes peeping out of the darkness or a tiger flying at its prey in an aggressive jump will look perfect in any other room, but not in a sleeping area. Flowers and leaves, architecture and nature will look perfect in the bedroom.

When arranging a room according to Feng Shui, before gluing photo wallpaper, you should decide on the cardinal directions. For a good sleep and a correct perception of the world, it is best to stick an image of a sunset on the western wall, and a sunrise on the eastern wall.

On the north side you should paste a view of the forest, mountains or night with your own hands, while on the south side a view of any sunny scene would look good.

Bagua: bedroom location and color choice

One way to choose a shade to ensure harmony in the home is to meet the energy needs of each bagua zone, a special area determined by the arrangement of rooms according to cardinal directions.

If you find it difficult to determine in which part of the house the bedroom is located, use a compass.

The Bagua scheme will help in choosing a color for the walls Source

There are 8 options for the location of the bedroom in the apartment:

  • East;
  • southeast;
  • south;
  • southwest;
  • west;
  • northwest;
  • north;
  • northeast.

According to the teaching, everything in the world consists of energy and everything is interconnected by it. Therefore, when you change the color schemes in your home, it directly affects your life. The effect can be very significant. For each cardinal direction, Feng Shui recommends using certain colors and their shades.


Cozy, comfortable and cute – what else do you need for romance?

That's basically all, now you know how to choose photo wallpaper for your bedroom. We hope that our instructions will be of use to you and you will be able to arrange your bedroom according to Feng Shui without any problems (especially since the price for “pleasant rest and prosperity in the home” is moderate and affordable for everyone).

The video in this article will tell you in more detail about all the advantages of the Feng Shui technique and demonstrate several original projects. Good luck!

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper with a water theme is ideal for any interior, because... Water, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is the element of wealth. All water symbols are placed in the northern part of the room. This contributes to a surge of finances.

Images with flowers are popular. They are pecked in the southwestern sector (health zone): this has a positive effect on human health. Such photo wallpapers should be chosen by people who have health problems.

According to Feng Shui, photo wallpapers depicting a city at night are recommended to be placed in the southern part to attract travel to life. Those that depict natural landscapes and sights of different cities around the world are suitable.

Walls and wallpaper

Arranging a living space according to the principles of Feng Shui is a rational solution. In this way, you will bring more positive energy into your home, which will significantly add harmony, luck and prosperity to your life. The first wallpaper appeared two hundred years BC in Ancient China. Of course, they were different from today's ones, being large sheets of rice paper. They began to be used in the modern world in the eighteenth century. Europeans saw wallpaper as an inexpensive replacement for expensive materials. And today, wallpaper is an affordable and effective way to decorate a living space. The circulation of positive energy and the luck of the residents in general depend on how we decorate the walls of our house. Walls play an important role, and among them there are a few major ones that have a strong impact on your life. Here they are:

  • the wall opposite the entrance to the house;
  • the wall opposite the bed;
  • wall in front and behind the workplace;
  • wall in the living room opposite the sofa;
  • the wall opposite the table in the kitchen.

Pay more attention to these walls and choose the right shades of wallpaper. They need to be decorated with photo wallpapers, paintings, photographs, mirrors so that they are useful.

The meaning of color in Feng Shui when choosing wallpaper

In Feng Shui, colors are divided into Yin color and Yang color. Let's take a closer look at what colors you should choose for a bedroom or bedroom-living room and what they mean.

Yin colors

  • White color is the color of purity, calmness and balance. It will allow you to get rid of aggression and feel calm.
  • Blue color is ideal for meditation and will open the inner channel of wisdom. It is also the color of the sky and the sea, which means it connects you with nature.
  • Black is the color of income and money. You can use it if you want to achieve success in your career or power.
  • Purple. This color promotes spiritual harmony as well as physical healing.

All Yin colors motivate and stimulate a person, filling him with enthusiasm and desire for a dream.

Color spectrum

What color should wallpaper, furniture, bedding and other items be? According to Feng Shui, all colors are divided into Yin and Yang.

The energy of passion (Yang) is attracted to bright red, pink and burgundy hues.

This could be bed linen, curtains, decorative elements. At the same time, Yang energy in the bedroom should not be predominant; after all, this place is the concentration of Yin energy. When everything is good in the family, a bright talisman will be enough.

It will be comfortable to relax and sleep in the bedroom if it is made in pastel, delicate shades.

Beige, coffee, light pink and milky colors also visually expand the bedroom space.

When designing a bedroom, you need to take into account the Bagua sector in which it is located.

  • If the room coincides with the money or family sector, green shades will be appropriate.
  • On the western side, metallic, silver, and gold shades are used.

The color of wallpaper, furniture and textiles is a compromise solution; first of all, the composition should please the owner of the apartment and not irritate the visual organs.

Favorable colors:

  1. white – symbolizes a state of perfection and purity. This color can cleanse a person, make his thoughts brighter, lift his spirits and change his life for the better. By choosing snow-white wallpaper, you unquestioningly invite good luck and harmony into your home;
  2. red is the color of life, joy and passion. This color is a powerful stimulant; it activates a person’s energy and sets him up to achieve goals. This shade has a great effect on family relationships. Wallpaper of this color awakens passion. Red color has a positive effect on the general condition;
  3. orange - becomes a source of optimism, pushes people to perform noble deeds. This shade is considered a symbol of freedom according to Feng Shui. Orange relieves depressive thoughts and negative mood;
  4. yellow – serves as a source of confidence and determination. Color has a beneficial effect on shy people. Helps add more color and fun to life. Yellow promotes fruitful work and helps in achieving goals. Has a beneficial effect on moving up the career ladder;
  5. green is a pleasant color that is synonymous with balance and contentment. This color helps people find spiritual harmony. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  6. blue – wallpaper of this shade can fulfill almost any person’s desires. The color itself symbolizes inspiration and achieving your goals. Blue lures luck into the house.

How not to make a mistake in choosing

Radical renovation is an important part of many apartment and house owners. It requires not only concentration in choosing a design, but immaterial costs. It’s a shame if after the renovation it will be difficult to stay in the bedroom. And this is quite possible if expectations do not coincide with reality. How to make sure that the selected colors fulfill their function and give the owner of the bedroom peace and tranquility.

Depending on your mood, the style of the room can be changed at least every quarter Source

A few tips before starting a renovation:

  1. Decide on the color you want in your bedroom and head to the hardware store. It is advisable to have a sketch of the future premises with you.
  2. Having chosen the necessary shades, do not rush to make your purchase. The patterns on your wall may look completely different from what you imagine. Buy several samples.
  3. At home, apply strokes to the bedroom walls, or better yet, draw squares, combining the selected colors on all walls.
  4. Leave it for several days, looking at the flowers at different times of the day and in different moods. It is quite possible that your opinion will change.
  5. Having finally decided on the shades, proceed to complete painting or wallpapering.

Add accents with details Source

Photo wallpaper in the bedroom: learning to choose harmonious images

In order to expand the space, you can choose photo wallpaper with a perspective for the bedroom.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that stripes and small patterns can negatively affect your perception of the sleeping place. Also, you should not choose photo wallpapers with cities or nature views. Options and prints that use macro photography are best suited.

Large flowers or drops, as well as abstract elements, fit well into the Feng Shui bedroom interior.

The fact is that you will focus on them before bed and set your body up for long rest and sound sleep. You can also choose monograms or simple shapes.

What to do if the bedroom and living room are one space? How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom-living room so that it looks harmonious?

You can choose floral photo wallpapers or turn your attention to the bedroom-living room in a natural style. This option will satisfy both the male and female half.

Avoid bright colors and small stripes. Despite the fact that the room performs two functions at once, you still need to relax in it.

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