How to properly place a mirror in the bedroom: we take into account signs, Feng Shui traditions and designer recommendations

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Irina Klimova

I am 29 years old. I'm an interior designer. I love my profession and have been doing this activity for more than 8 years. About 100 projects have been implemented. I provide professional advice.

A mirror in the bedroom is a frequently encountered accessory. But, given the ambiguous attitude towards the mirror, which is the source of mystical beliefs, legends, fortune telling, and omens, there are some nuances to its placement in the room. In this article we will look at them in more detail and you can decide for yourself which mirror and where to place it in the bedroom.

Mirror in the bedroom - what do the signs say?

Many beliefs say that mirrors have special magical powers. Even how often a mirror becomes an attribute of various magical rituals and energy sessions is further proof of this. Now imagine what it will be like to relax if the mirror in the bedroom hangs opposite the bed. However, for some these are just games of light and imagination, and they do not experience any emotions about this. Let's try to understand what signs exist in this regard.

The bedroom is a difficult place. In it, the owner rests, replenishes his strength, during sleep he is freed from fatigue and negativity, and, accordingly, is as open and vulnerable as possible. Some peoples have long believed that dark forces live inside mirrors, which are able to emerge at night and absorb the energy of the sleeping person.

Others, on the contrary, have a belief that a person’s soul leaves the body during sleep and travels in the astral plane, and the presence of a mirror in the bedroom prevents its return, confusing the reflection with reality.

Another superstition is that the mirror itself is capable of drawing beauty, health, and strength out of a person; it is not recommended to admire your reflection for a long time, sit with your back to the mirror, or eat food in front of it.

It is advisable to exclude mirror attributes in the rooms of children under one year old, otherwise the child will become capricious and restless.

You should not purchase mirrors whose history you are not sure about or which were inherited. Because they can accumulate and retain within themselves the troubles and sorrows of their former owners. This can subsequently greatly affect the atmosphere in the house.

It is not entirely clear what underlies these legends. Perhaps this is an attempt by people to explain to themselves chronic lack of sleep, unreasonable loss of strength, insomnia, lethargic sleep at a time when there was no justification for this from the point of view of science and medicine.

General information about the energy of mirrors

It was unusual for ancient people to see their face not on the surface of the water, but reflected from a metal object. Therefore, since ancient times, mirrors have been considered magical objects, full of mysticism and secrets. They were credited with supernatural abilities, varying depending on the time and place of origin of the beliefs.

Modern science is not yet ready to explain the impact of reflections on a person’s fate. But the very existence of such a possibility of influence is undeniable. Mirrors have an impact on people's health and behavior, so they should be used with some caution.

There is an esoteric theory that the mirror surface serves as a kind of accumulator of subtle energies, which have not yet been learned to be measured using instruments. It is capable of accumulating both positive and negative energy. It all depends on which type predominated in the aura of the person reflected in it.

Old mirrors have a special influence. Over tens and hundreds of years, many people were reflected in them, and they did not always impart positive energy to the reflection.

If it is unknown what kind of person the previous owner of the item was, it would be better to refuse to use it or at least use it as little as possible.

An indirect sign of the negative energy prevailing in the mirror are cracks and chips on its glass. This indicates that the drive is full of negative energy. This energy will inevitably be transmitted to people peering into the mirror surface.

Experts do not advise immediately throwing away an old mirror with signs of accumulated negative energy. In this case, a powerful energy release may occur and people will suffer.

In order to protect an antique object, it is hung with a reflective surface on the wall in a room that is rarely visited by people. After a couple of years, the surface will fade - this is a sign that the accumulated negativity has gradually discharged without causing harm to anyone. Next, the reflective surface is sealed or painted over. It is recommended to bury a discharged energy storage device away from housing.

How to best place a mirror in the bedroom

When thinking about purchasing a mirror for the bedroom, you should first decide on its location, because the configuration, decor and style of choice will depend on this.

Let's consider various variations in terms of design and impact on space.

Mirror on the wall

Mirrors are often used as a decorative element when realizing a designer’s ideas. The interior solution as a mirror wall in the bedroom has a special property - it visually changes the proportions, expands and brightens the space.

Hanging a mirror on the wall is not always safe, especially if, according to your plan, it is supposed to be of a large format. The risk of falling can be neutralized by decorating the walls with mirror panels.

The configuration and design of the mirror can perfectly complement the overall style of the room and set compositional accents. For example, combinations of randomly scattered small mirrors or mirror inserts on a matte surface. The highlight can be a “sun” mirror; the sun’s rays reflected in it will create a real dance of glare in the room.

Mirrors on the walls provide an amazing opportunity to play with light and provide food for the imagination.

Mirror in the area of ​​the bedside tables

The interior of a bedroom with mirrors can be interestingly played out by placing them on the wall adjacent to the head of the bed - in the area of ​​the bedside tables. With this design solution, you definitely won’t see your reflection in the mirror. However, this will help to visually highlight your bed and make it the center around which the entire surroundings will be played out.

An additional effect can be achieved by placing light sources in such a way that they are reflected in mirrors. Decorating a bedside wall with mirrors can take the most extraordinary forms, for example, a scattering of mirror mosaics coming from the sides of the bed and closing in a dome over the headboard, or outlines of leaves, flowers, birds, puzzles and other objects.

Mirror above the head of the bed

The mirror placed at the head of the bed is purely decorative. Since in itself it does not complement the interior with shades and color schemes, the main role is played by its geometric shape, decoration and frame style. When chosen correctly, these three elements will help refresh even the most boring room.

The mirror above the bed can be a real work of art. For example, British artist David Smith hand-paints the mirror surface with gilding, creating interior items reminiscent of luxurious items of the Victorian era.

Or an antique mirror made in the form of an open fan, where the mirror surfaces act as plates, and the guards made of silver are also the frame of the mirror.

Floor mirror

Floor mirrors for a woman's bedroom are the most suitable choice. After all, their large surface allows you to look at yourself from head to toe and evaluate the entire image at the same time.

In addition, they can be rearranged closer to light sources - to the window during the day, and to the floor lamp in the evening.

On a note! A floor mirror requires a lot of open space, otherwise it will weigh down the interior.

In a small bedroom you can install a psyche - a more compact, but less versatile option that will well emphasize bedrooms in the Baroque, vintage, and classicist styles.

In floor mirrors, the main emphasis is on the design and style of the massive frame.

Mirror on cabinet or dressing table doors

For many, the bedroom is not only a room for relaxation, but also a place where preparation for the coming day takes place. Here you really can’t do without a mirror.

However, space does not always allow. After all, it is known that furniture in a room should occupy no more than 45 percent of the space. Only in this case will it be comfortable and free in such a bedroom.

To save space, you should use the idea of ​​a cabinet with a mirrored facade - it will visually expand and increase the volume of the room. For the same purpose, the doors of a wardrobe built into a niche can be transformed into a mirror wall.

However, if you do not want to see a mirror opposite the bed, then an option with two narrow mirrored cabinets on either side of it (in place of the bedside tables) is suitable.

Bedrooms often include a dressing table with a mirror on it in a general style. It is often removable, which allows you to move it to another, more convenient place if desired.

A mirror with dim lighting, located on the dressing table, will create the desired twilight and a unique feeling of comfort in the room.

An original and modern design of a dressing table with a folding mirror. When closed, it turns into a tabletop, but as soon as you open the lid, a mirror and a secretary with small divisions for various women’s little things appear in front of you, as if by magic.

Mirror on the ceiling

A mirror on the ceiling is at least original and bold. It can be either solid and reflect the full version of the room, or assembled from fragments that reflect only the areas necessary in the bedroom. A mirror located on the ceiling in the bed area adds a special touch to the bedroom.

In a room with low ceilings, it neutralizes the feeling of bulkiness and constriction. Caring for a mirrored ceiling requires constant effort and skill, otherwise the whole impression will be ruined due to streaks and stains.

What to do if the mirror cabinet is poorly placed

Sometimes it is impossible to place a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not reflect sleeping people. Furniture with similar surfaces is a practical and convenient solution. The place for its location is selected in accordance with the amount of free space in the room.

A massive wardrobe is difficult to move to another place, even if it mirrors the bed. It is worth trying to minimize the negative impact. Various methods are used for this:

  1. The simplest solution would be to use movable screens to mask products with a mirror at night.
  2. Some people prefer to install a canopy over their bed. This method solves practical problems and protects against the energy vampire-mirror. An extraordinary detail serves as an excellent decorative element. Draperies create a feeling of security and will definitely appeal to romantic people.
  3. If the furniture is located close to the bed, you can decorate those parts of it that reflect the sleepers. Sandblasting will do the job perfectly and will also add charm and elegance. Fancy patterns, engravings, diamond edges, appliqués will highlight the style of the interior. Matte surfaces look interesting.
  4. If it was not possible to place the mirrors correctly, stained glass windows will come to the rescue. Today, different technologies are used: mixes of multi-colored glass pieces, film methods. Rhinestones look great as they complement matted designs, making them more expressive and brighter.

In the bedroom with mirrors on the sides of the bed, you can use the easiest way to neutralize the harmful effects. To do this, the elements are hung with pieces of fabric overnight.

The canopy creates a feeling of security

Sandblasting decor will add charm to the interior and eliminate sleep disorders

Stained glass windows protect from negative influences

Sliding curtains neutralize negative energy

How to properly place a mirror in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

According to the Chinese practice of Feng Shui, a mirror for the bedroom is an undesirable accessory. During sleep, a person is freed from negativity or QI energy. However, the presence of a mirror in the bedroom, in which the reflection of the sleeping person is visible, doubles this energy, which can have a detrimental effect on the person.

A similar situation for a couple threatens regular quarrels and resentments, even divorce. The fact that two people are already displayed in the mirror, respectively, together with the reflections in the room there will be four, greatly aggravates the situation in the family and latently pushes partners to cheat.

However, there is no need to be upset for those who adhere to this teaching. There is a way out, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

Now you will learn how to correctly place a mirror in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

  1. When arranging your bedroom, remember that the bed should under no circumstances be visible in the mirrors. This can negatively affect a couple's relationship and even destroy a marriage. For a lonely person, this promises exhaustion of strength, exacerbation of chronic diseases and loss of mental balance.
  2. Do not place mirror surfaces opposite doors or windows. This arrangement can repel positive energy directed into the room.
  3. Avoid a large number of mirrors in the bedroom - no more than two.
  4. If the interior is intended to install a large or floor-length mirror, it is necessary to select such a format that there is a free zone above the reflection of the viewer. This will contribute to personal, material and career growth, as well as the development of spirituality.
  5. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of mirror surfaces.

Creating positive energy in the home

It is important to know how to position mirrors correctly, as well as the main features of handling them to create positive energy in the home:

  1. A broken, cracked, old object foreshadows future misfortunes, so it is necessary to remove it as soon as possible.
  2. When looking at your own reflection, you should smile more often, charging the product with a positive attitude.
  3. The mirror placed at the head of the bed must be kept clean. The smooth surface quickly accumulates not only the energy of people looking at it, but also dust.
  4. After a visit from an unpleasant person or a family quarrel, reflective objects are thoroughly washed to remove the memory of negative events.
  5. If you decide to hang a mirror in the bedroom, you should take care in advance of a beautiful frame that will harmoniously fit into the interior.
  6. Products with sharp corners are unacceptable. Square and triangular elements bring a large amount of yang energy into the home, making rest restless. Round and oval products, according to Feng Shui sages, help to harmonize space and improve marital relationships.

A mirror above the bed or next to the bed is beautiful and stylish, but, as ancient signs and the teachings of Feng Shui testify, it is dangerous for energy and health. To neutralize the negative impact, it is necessary to be guided not only by design ideas, but also by special rules that have existed for many centuries. You can learn more about them from specialized sources.

The mirror at the head should be kept clean

Beautiful framing improves sleep quality

Products with open corners are not acceptable

The round shape of the product creates harmony of space

Mirror tiles in the bedroom

Mirror tiles in the interior of any bedroom are an extraordinary decoration that can radically change and complicate the space. It is usually made from two materials - glass or heavy-duty plastic.

There are quite a lot of options:

  • smooth texture, fits perfectly, seams are almost invisible;
  • with decorative bevel, easy to install;
  • imitating various metals: gold, silver, chrome, bronze;
  • using sandblasting technology;
  • decorated with various designs;
  • textured, decorated with three-dimensional images

However, you should approach the arrangement of a bedroom with mirror tiles especially delicately. Before laying the tiles, try hanging a mirror in test mode to see if having a reflective surface in this place will cause unnecessary embarrassment. And if this causes discomfort, then the easiest way is to use tiles to decorate the space above the head of the bed, which will increase the amount of light and volume in the bedroom, but will not cramp anyone.

For brave and open-minded people, various finishing options are possible, from the ceiling to the floor.

What to do if the mirror breaks?

If a mirror breaks, then this is considered a bad sign and this applies not only to Feng Shui. There is a version that negative energy accumulates and it breaks. According to another version, in the mirror there is a second part of the person who most often looks into this mirror, and if it breaks, our peculiar double also dies.

According to the Feng Shui technique, it is believed that if you take some measures, everything will quickly be neutralized. After the mirror breaks, you need to collect all the fragments as quickly as possible and rinse them well under cold water. In addition, it is believed that in this way all the information that was concentrated in this mirror will be washed away. Only by following these simple procedures can you easily throw away all the fragments. It is not recommended to leave a broken mirror, even if you glued it back up or a very small piece broke off.

Bedroom interior with mirrors

Mirrors in the bedroom interior give us a unique opportunity to play with the dimensions of the space, the flow of light and the beauty of reflections. How many magnificent ideas are realized with the help of a mirror - the effect of a secret room using mirrored recesses between tiles, disguising a massive wardrobe, using a mirror panel as a way to elevate a discreet bedroom. And many more wonderful ideas, some of which you can see in the photographs below.

Despite the ambiguous signs and rules, it is obvious that a mirror is an amazing accessory that provides great opportunities in interior design. Therefore, feel free to turn on the flight of fancy and start creating the space of your bedroom.

Photo of design in the interior of the room

Photos of the original mirror design.


The rhombuses connected together represent a harmonious composition, which undoubtedly becomes the main accent, attracts the main attention, and also, thanks to such an unusual geometry, brings a certain charm to the atmosphere.

With facet

Facet cutting has an unusual and noble design, giving this product special originality and solemnity. Mirror edges, when light hits them, create refraction and glare interestingly.

From squares

A reflective composition of squares plays in an unusual way with the light flux, effectively complements the design, attracts the eye and is distinguished by not only decorative, but also practical qualities.

The photo shows a bedroom and a mirror made of square elements framed in gray.

Combined with furniture

A mirror product combined with furniture is an excellent practical, functional and universal solution for any style direction.

  • With boxes.
  • With a hanger.
  • With a table.

Such combined options allow not only to solve the problem of mirror placement, but also to visually expand and enlarge the space.

Panel of mirrors

This design option can easily add originality and versatility to the interior. Each facet of the mirror panel element shimmers and reflects light in an unusual way, creating a chic and sophisticated atmosphere filled with gloss.

In a baguette

Decorating a reflective canvas using a baguette will turn this decorative product into a real artistic value, which will become the central decoration of the entire space.

The photo shows a floor mirror in a wenge-colored baguette in the interior of a small bedroom.

With drawings

Mirrors decorated with various designs, in the form of openwork flowers, ornate monograms or other ornaments, will add special sophistication, uniqueness, style and excellent taste to the bedroom. In addition, certain patterns can visually change the geometry and perception of space.

Mirror reflection

The most favorable place for a mirror is the one on which any object with a positive charge will be reflected in it. For example, a peaceful picture of mountainous spaces, a photograph from a forest, paintings symbolizing well-being. Naturally, the mirror should not reflect clutter or broken furniture. It is believed that all phenomena reflected in the mirror are multiplied by two. In specialized stores you can buy talismans that can be deliberately placed in front of a mirror.

These amulets can represent happiness, success, material well-being and health. It is not good if your workplace is visible in the mirror. According to Feng Shui, because of this, the person using this place may experience “squirrels in a wheel” syndrome. One mirror should not be placed opposite another. A so-called “magic corridor” is formed, which can provoke apathy and panic attacks among family members.

Examples of mirror decor

A variety of decor, in the form of beads, sequins, branches, flowers, leather or various fabrics, provides an opportunity to give the mirror more charm, character and attractiveness, create accents on proportions and make it truly spectacular.

Frame color palette

Popular colors used in frame design.


Thanks to its versatility, the white color of the frame looks very harmonious, restrained and elegant, and adds aristocracy and elitism to the atmosphere.


This shade has subtle golden notes that allow you to breathe newness into the interior and create a charming atmosphere in it.


Silver color has a clear, clean and concise appearance, characterized by multi-color reflection, delicate and slightly mysterious radiance.

The photo shows a modern bedroom with a floor mirror decorated with a massive patterned frame in a silver tone.


Represents a natural palette, has natural beauty and simplicity in perception. A mirrored canvas framed with a brown frame will add warmth and coziness to the atmosphere.

Favorable colors

In a place where there is a constant struggle between the elements of fire and water, a harmoniously selected color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui can establish a balance of energy; the rules suggest the following shades, favorable in any case:

White (metal) and shades of beige (ivory, bleached linen, coffee with milk). Light colors symbolize purity, freshness of plans and success in their implementation. They are chosen to decorate a kitchen in the style of minimalism, classic or Provence. Not only the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings can be light, but also kitchen furniture, upholstery, and curtains. It is easy to select household appliances for a bright interior, and maintaining cleanliness, thanks to a variety of detergents, is not difficult at all.

White and creamSource

Yellow (earth) and its shades. Color fills the space with positive energy, while protecting against negative emotions and events. The color yellow is associated with the sun, so it evokes a feeling of comfort and also awakens the appetite. It can be made main or accent, combined with white and beige; yellow decorative elements are good for any kitchen decorated according to Feng Shui.

With yellow accentSource

Green (tree). This color symbolizes nature, and therefore is considered optimal for decorating a kitchen space. It has a positive effect on the psyche, improves physical condition, relaxes and soothes the eyes. The combination of green and white carries especially a lot of vital energy qi; in such a kitchen the mood is lifted, an atmosphere of kindness and comfort is formed.

Combination of white and greenSource

About the Feng Shui kitchen stove in the following video:

Design elements

For a positive effect, a Feng Shui painting for a kitchen should bring peace.
Paintings depicting water in any form, from the sea to a jug, have a particularly good effect on the atmosphere of the kitchen. Any positive landscapes and still lifes are also suitable. A clock on the wall will help establish a favorable flow of energy, not to mention help with cooking. Water and fish are one of the feng shui symbols of abundance, so it is good if there is a place for an aquarium in the kitchen. The shape of the aquarium can be any, but the number of fish must be odd.

Feng Shui ideas have many similarities with the ideas of minimalism. Free space also plays an important role here, so the less cluttered the room, the better. The rule applies to both work surfaces and the table: dishes, containers with bulk products and kitchen small items should be stored in cabinets, pencil cases and cabinets.

Light as a decorative elementSource

About tips for your kitchen in the following video:

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