Mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui: how to hang it correctly

Directly behind the front door of the apartment there is an entrance hall. This is the place that greets us after a hard day of work or school; it is the place that forms the first impression of us and our apartment as a whole among guests who come to our home.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is a key point of philosophical teaching.

Therefore, it is important that the hallway is functional, has several additional storage spaces, is bright, clean and cozy.

The mirror attracts, transmits and distributes chi energy.

But you should also not forget that a mirror in the hallway is simply a necessary thing. After all, by looking into it we can evaluate our appearance, correct our makeup, style our hair and simply smile at ourselves, lifting our spirits.

Entering a house, a person lets an energy flow into it, which is subsequently distributed throughout all rooms.

In this article we will tell you where and how to place a mirror correctly from a Feng Shui point of view, so that only positive energy accumulates in your home!

A mirror is a mysterious object that can illusorily recreate missing space.

Feng Shui mirror in the hallway. Selection of photos

A mirror surface is an interior item that has been endowed with magical powers and sacred meanings for many centuries. The mysterious mirror easily recreates the missing area of ​​the room in which it is located on an illusory level.

You cannot take mirrors from loved ones or friends, or buy them from acquaintances.

But at the same time, very often the positive energy flow is distorted and already carries more negative energy, which has a bad effect on household members, their earnings and relationships with each other.

Enough negativity has already accumulated in old mirrors, which will negatively affect the well-being of household members.

To avoid such gross mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules that will help direct the flow of the light energy field in the right direction. And this needs to be done at the very beginning, so let’s get down to analyzing some important nuances.

  • Mirrors should never be bought second-hand, they should not be accepted as gifts from friends, loved ones, relatives, and especially from individuals you have never known before. This is because quite a lot of negative energy has already accumulated in the mirror space of such objects, which, when it enters a new environment, will immediately be projected onto it and bring troubles, misfortunes and numerous problems into your home.

The surface of the mirror must be kept perfectly clean.

  • The reflective surface should be kept perfectly clean. There should be no dust, no stains, no hand marks on the mirror. And the point here is not only in the general hygiene and tidiness of the hallway, but also in the positive energy that simply cannot accumulate and spread in a dirty, stained mirror.

Dust and pollution will disturb the balance of the house and increase problems.

  • Drawings and various engravings of inscriptions on mirrors are also prohibited among those people who adhere to the philosophical movement of Feng Shui. Even if something positive and motivational is written on a piece of decor, when reflected from the mirror the inscription will take on the opposite meaning. The same thing will happen with drawings that bring happiness and wealth.

Engravings and inscriptions must also be absent.

  • Don’t want all the bright positive energy to leave the mirror? Then we advise you not to install in the hallway a mirrored decorative element with chips, cracks without a frame, or with a frame but in poor condition.

Surfaces must be free of cracks, amalgam damage and broken frames.

  • Speaking of the frames themselves. It is desirable that they be made of metal or wood. After all, it is these materials that are capable of accumulating and giving you positive energy, and delaying negativity coming from the outside world.

Frames must be metal or wood.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the eastern current of Feng Shui allows you to accept new mirrors as gifts, especially from those people who wish you well and happiness.

Fragmented surfaces cannot be used. They will split the reflection into pieces and separate them visually.

So, here we are and we have figured out the basic rules that should definitely be taken into account when decorating the hallway of a room according to Feng Shui. But to understand how to apply all these numerous important nuances in practice, just look at the photographs that we have selected specifically to inspire you with new ideas and show in practice that following these rules is not at all difficult and is quite possible even in Russian city ​​apartment with a small hallway.

You should not hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the house, since qi energy penetrates through it.

Rectangular shape

Large rectangular mirrors can be part of a closet doorway. If the mirror is built into the wardrobe door and occupies the entire distance from floor to ceiling, then there are no questions about the installation height. It already covers the required height segment. Mirrors that are hung separately must meet certain parameters. So, for a person of average height, you will need a mirror of at least 140 cm. At the same time, it is hung so that the lower edge is at a height of 30 cm from the floor. Another condition is the presence of a free distance from the mirror to the place where the person is standing. It must be at least 1 m. If the walls of the corridor do not allow this condition to be met, you can install a mirror on the front door.

Why is it so important to correctly place a mirror in the hallway from a Feng Shui point of view?

Feng Shui is an Eastern philosophical teaching, and the correct installation of a mirror in the hallway is one of the key points in decorating a room according to Feng Shui. It is very important to place the mirror correctly, because with its help, positive chi energy will be attracted to your home, it will be transmitted and distributed, bringing happiness, success and financial well-being to your family.

Mirrors should not be placed opposite windows if there are any in this room.

It becomes clear that if you break the fundamental rules, then only one negative thing will come into your home. It will systematically destroy the strong bonds of marriage, love and goodness between your significant other and your children. Therefore, be careful when installing mirrors not only in the hallway, but throughout the entire house, otherwise it will be fraught with dire consequences.

The mirror surface should not hang opposite the front door.


Malicious sha energy may leak into your home. It tends to spread only in a straight line, so the longer the corridor, the more room it has to “accelerate” and the more disastrous the consequences it will bring.

It’s good when the area allows you to hang a mirror of any size and it’s easy to choose a suitable place.

Having placed a mirror in a convenient place, you do not want it to reflect a trash can or dirty shoes.

A beautiful frame will help accumulate energy and dissipate it throughout the living space.

Therefore, it is worth placing small symbolic obstacles on the path of the negative sha:

  • Visually “break up” a long corridor with floor mats;
  • Hang paintings, flowers, positive photographs on the walls;
  • Arrange several doorways in sequence.

It is best to place flowers in front of the mirror.

It will accumulate any positivity and saturate the room with positive energy.

You have the opportunity not only to neutralize harmful energy, but also to transform it into positive energy. To do this, it is worth using several crystal chandeliers or small lamps. If possible, it is better to decorate the environment with natural materials.

Light sources should be located along the entire length of the corridor.

A mirror can reflect light and color, which will make the room brighter or add the desired shade to the interior.

You can visually expand a narrow hallway not only with the help of light walls, but also with mirrors.

You can put small coins under the threshold of the front door. Crossing the threshold, the owners of the house and invited guests will activate energy flows of abundance, and prosperity and harmony will reign in the house.

Designer tips for placing mirrors in the hallway

You may not believe in fate, the magic of the stars, the balance of elements and energies. In the modern world, each person decides for himself what to believe in and what not. As many followers of Feng Shui as there are those who consider this movement to be children's pampering or old wives' tales.

The best option is to hang the mirror on the wall that runs at right angles to the entrance.

But almost all modern and pragmatic people trust designers, especially those who know their craft like the back of their hand, and for many it will be a real revelation that the advice that designers offer us often echoes the advice that is found in the popular movement of the East.

You can place mirrors on both sides of the hallway.

Let's look at designers' tips for placing mirrors in the hallway:

  • It is not recommended to place mirrors opposite the window. Sunlight can distort the reflection, ruin the mirror and expose any imperfections in the form of stains and dust.

It is advisable that when a person is reflected, there is a little space left above his head.

  • Also, designers are against placing this decorative element directly opposite the front door. This will not make your hallway feel cozy, because the person entering will immediately see himself, whether he wants it or not.

There should not be very narrow mirrors sandwiched between cabinets.

  • An excellent option for a small hallway would be to place a mirror directly on the door. This option may seem strange to you, but in fact there are many positive aspects to it. For example, visual expansion of space and ease of use.

It is best to hang a large reflective surface so that the person can see themselves completely.

  • Another great place to place a mirror is on a wall that forms a ninety-degree angle with the door. But only on condition that the door opens in the opposite direction from this wall.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in a hallway can have any shape.

How are they attached to the wall?

Models weighing up to 10 kg can be glued to any surface; heavier products require the selection of fasteners and accessories.


The simplest option is gluing it to a flat wall with liquid nails. This mount is suitable for products weighing no more than 10 kg. To securely attach to the wall, before starting work, all surfaces are cleaned and degreased. After that, glue is applied to them and distributed over the entire surface.

The mirror is pressed against the wall for 1 minute, then removed and set aside. The glue is dried for 7 minutes. Press it firmly against the wall again and leave it to dry for 24 hours. If you decide to attach the mirror to the wallpaper using glue, you need to make and glue an intermediate screen to the back of the mirror.

Double-sided construction tape is also used for gluing.

With the fashion for huge mirrors, the issue of securely fastening them has become relevant.

Fastening with dowels and screws

Some models are equipped with fittings for hanging on the wall. If not, then the accessories are purchased separately: clamps, metal strips, brackets.

To attach the product to drywall and wood, you will need dowels, and for a concrete wall, anchor bolts. When choosing the type of fastening, take into account the pull-out load and weight. To drill a concrete wall you will need a hammer drill, for drywall and wood - a drill. You also need a screwdriver, a ruler and a pencil.

This mounting option is difficult to do independently.

Stages of work:

  1. Make markings at the fastening points.
  2. Drill a hole and clear it of dust.
  3. The spacer sleeve of the anchor or dowel is inserted into the hole on the wall.
  4. A threaded pin or self-tapping screw is screwed into the hole of the dowel (anchor).
  5. When hanging from an anchor, the mirror's mounting loop is placed on the outer end of the part. In the case of dowels, after opening it, the screw is unscrewed. Then screw it back through the mounting loop, using fasteners with a wide head.

At the time of purchase, it is better to immediately purchase fittings and fasteners. Sales consultants will help you choose the necessary kit for the selected product.

What can you put in front of the mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. Feng Shui pays special attention to this item in the house. What to put in front of the mirror?

The best option is a rectangular or round shape, but this does not matter significantly.

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings purely positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive flows of qi and feed its main flow.

Household members should be comfortable looking at their reflection.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

A large mirror in the hallway promotes career advancement for adult family members and has a positive effect on wealth.

You should not place talismans and various Feng Shui objects in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

According to Feng Shui, a well-placed mirror in the hallway will definitely bring you prosperity.

Features of backlit products

It’s rare that an owner can boast of having a window in the hallway. Therefore, most often it is necessary to install additional lighting here. You can select the mirror area to place the backlight. Examples of successful solutions:

  • spotlights on the ceiling are a traditional option, but it is important to remember that light falling on the face directly from above leaves large shadows;
  • sconces on the sides, with which you can emphasize the color or stylistic design;
  • a floor lamp, which is the main attribute of creating comfort;
  • rotating spots, the lamps of which can become the main source of lighting;
  • LED strips creating a soft, pleasant light.

The choice of lighting devices should be made in accordance with the style of the hallway and the color of the walls. In a classic interior, where bronze color predominates, steel spots would be inappropriate. And in a high-tech style, it would not be the best idea to place cute sconces in folded fabric lampshades with ribbons.

Spotlights on the ceiling

Sconces on the sides

Floor lamp

Rotating spots

LED strips

Feng Shui taboo: prohibition of using old mirrors

If you want to increase your family budget, expel negative energy from your home that affects the well-being of your children and your relationship with your lover, then remember the basic rule of Feng Shui: mirrors should be new and not have sharp corners. These are powerful accumulators of negative and positive aura, they can tell about the life of previous owners, influence the surrounding atmosphere, cool the warmth of the home and mercilessly eliminate the cozy atmosphere in the house. Therefore, you should not decorate your apartment with antiques in the form of vintage mirrors.

You can decorate mirror surfaces yourself, artificially creating the effect of antiquity and the patina of time. You can choose an antique frame or baguette made of precious metal for your new mirror. But under no circumstances should you decorate your home with rare decorative items, even if they are a family heirloom. Otherwise, there is a high probability of repeating the fate of the previous owners.

If you accidentally break a mirror, you need to carefully collect the fragments, trying not to look at the reflection of your image in them. Then wipe them with a damp sponge, wrap them in cloth and dispose of them. Also, both dishes and mirrors fight for happiness. Therefore, you should not be upset if your favorite piece of interior decor suddenly becomes unsuitable for further use. In the WESTWING catalog you can easily find a worthy replacement that can fully eliminate the grief of losing a broken mirror sheet.

Fancy shapes, original design, chic frames, elegant stands, bright lighting - all these are unique features of the model range of mirrors presented in our catalog. At any time you can clearly see all kinds of options for floor, wall, table mirrors, among which it is easy to find the ideal model for a specific room interior.

Drawings and dimensions

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up drawings. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without them in this matter. Drawings can be taken from the Internet, but to make an unusual design it is preferable to use your own imagination:

  • first you need to think through the design of the structure, taking into account the required number of places and the method of transformation;
  • the parameters of the shop must correspond to the allocated territory;
  • the diagram indicates all structural elements and their dimensions;
  • All moving elements should also be presented there.

In general, the diagram of the transforming bench allows you to understand the principle of operation and sequence of actions

To calculate the required material, it is important to take into account the length and cross-section of the structure. With a beam thickness of 8 cm, at least 5 pieces are required to create the 1st leg

If the seat of the bench is made of boards 4 cm thick and 9 cm wide, the work will require 5 boards of 150 cm each.

Hanging, on the contrary, is convenient.

In everyday life, a mirror hanging next to the front door is a damn handy thing. Before leaving the house, you don’t need to run deep into the rooms in street shoes to give yourself a final critical or, on the contrary, completely satisfied look before leaving. You can urgently correct minor mistakes in makeup or spot flaws in clothing. Well, at the very least, just smile at yourself as a guarantee of a successful day.

Such a capricious mirror.

If the wall on which the mirror hangs is located in close proximity to the front door, then, of course, there is a significant risk of hitting it with something, if not this very door, then any object in the hands, with subsequent unpleasant consequences.

But if the mirror opposite the front door is located at a considerable distance from it, then what could be the problem? It turns out that this is what:

  • According to signs, a mirror is a special household item. It can steal your soul, drain your energy, drive you crazy, or take your mind forever through the looking glass. You can also see the deceased in it. Absurd? Not at all. Unless, of course, you are a follower of superstitions.
  • A mirror hanging opposite the door attracts evil spirits. The latter can be understood, there are no mirrors in hell, and she also wants to look decent, so she scours around in search of an open door, opposite which hangs the coveted mirror. This brings to mind the old Chinese proverb that says: “Don’t hang a mirror in the dining room - you’ll eat away your happiness.” Don't hang a mirror in your bedroom - you'll sleep through your happiness. And never hang a mirror in the toilet!” You can, in principle, clarify that in the bedroom you can not only sleep through happiness, but these are trifles.
  • By the way, about the Chinese. Recently, Feng Shui, the Taoist practice of space exploration, has been gaining momentum, according to which every thing should be in a place strictly defined by this very practice. So, this very practice also, in unison with our signs, does not recommend hanging a mirror opposite the front door because, you see, it reflects all the positive energy, which because of this simply does not have time to charge the room. And what, in this case, about the negative? Feng Shui does not answer this question, but weren’t we taught in childhood that evil spirits are not reflected in mirrors? Although then it is doubly unclear why they attract her so much.
  • A mirror hanging opposite the front door can attract unexpected and unexpected guests. We already know about evil spirits. It remains to be seen how bailiffs and tax inspectors know where the mirror hangs. Although, if you consider who comes first...

Actually, the mirror itself is just an object whose surface reflects light rays. Various magical manipulations with mirrors, mirror corridors, etc. only confirm this property. Mysticism is not in objects, it is in heads.

What's there at the front door?

In the old days, a mirror was a luxury item and not everyone could afford it. At one time, one mirror was worth the price of a small ship. Undoubtedly, the real reason for this ban was precisely that an expensive, rare item should not be displayed. In this case, this is the only reasonable explanation. But today it is difficult to surprise anyone with a mirror as such. And you can hang it anywhere, as long as it is convenient and at least minimal safety precautions are observed.

Design options

It is not necessary to decorate the mirror with a frame or using unusual shapes. Alternatively, you can apply a design directly to its surface. Execution techniques can be as follows:

  • sandblasting - the surface of the mirror will be matte and rough;
  • photo printing - the drawing will be colored, but the mirror surface will remain smooth.

Additionally, decor can be applied using the decoupage technique, which will give the mirror a stylistic direction. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of bringing the idea to life with your own hands. If you show your imagination, you can decorate the frame or mirror surface with multi-colored decorative stones, a beautiful oriental-style mosaic of broken tiles, or stucco elements.

The decor can also be themed. For example, on New Year's Eve, coniferous tree branches decorated with Christmas tree decorations and shiny ribbons will look spectacular at the top of the mirror. If there is any holiday taking place at home, you can further emphasize the event by placing a colorful inscription made from tinted toothpaste on a smooth surface. This technique will create a good mood immediately upon entering home.


Photo printing



Thematic design

Mysteries of Feng Shui: the magical abilities of mirrors

For a long time, psychics have used mirrors to predict people's destinies. During the Christmas holidays, girls carefully peered deep into the mirror surfaces, looking out for their betrothed grooms. Magicians made talismans from mirrors, which they recommended wearing to everyone who wanted to protect themselves from the negative energy of the environment. The Chinese have always used this magical item as a home talisman, capable of charging with positive energy, strengthening marriage bonds, increasing income, and healing from various ailments.

The magnetic attraction of all good things coming from people, objects, natural elements, landscapes, animals is the main ability of mirror objects in Feng Shui. The location of the mirrors should be such that the positive energy of Qi does not escape through the window, door, or sewer drain, but rushes towards the head of the family, the keeper of the hearth, heirs and other household members. Therefore, in no case should you place mirrors in front of doors, stairs, restrooms or bathrooms, if you strictly follow the rules of Feng Shui. Mirrors in an apartment are a store of negative and positive energy. Therefore, after the arrival of guests, be sure to wipe this decorative item. In this way, you will protect both yourself and your family from the negative message of unfriendly people.

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