Svarog Square or Star of Rus': the meaning of the symbol and tattoo

Star of Rus' or Svarog Square. Among the Slavic amulets, it is the Star of Rus' or, as it is often called, the square of Svarog that is one of the most ancient and filled with secret meaning. Due to the fact that it consists of several parts that are inseparable and pervasive. Most historians involved in the study of Slavic symbols agree that this is an encrypted symbol of the family hearth with four flames that burst out of it. In some sources you can find information that the Star of Rus' and the Star of Lada are one and the same. This statement is incorrect - they are very similar, but the significant difference is the intertwined ellipsoidal petals - in the Star of Rus' they are sharp, in the Star of Lada they are rounded. Accordingly, these two Slavic amulets have different meanings.

History and photo of the Svarog Square symbol

Legend claims that in the past our ancestors decided to create their own symbol. They wanted the centuries-old wisdom, experience and knowledge of their ancestors to be stored in the sacred sign.

As a result, the Svarog Square appeared. It has other names as well. It is also called the Seal of Svarog or the Star of Rus'.

There are sources that claim that the Star of Lada and the Star of Rus' are the same symbol. But researchers of Slavic mythology were able to prove that these are different signs. They are even dedicated to completely different deities.

The symbol was dedicated to the main deity - Svarog. It was this god who gave people fire and taught them agriculture. The life of the Slavs depended on these circumstances. Thanks to the knowledge they gained, they were able to raise children and continue their family line. That is why the deity is so revered among the Slavic people.

Our ancestors used symbolism as a talisman. The amulet imparted strength, determination, and attracted prosperity into the life of the owner.

How to make it yourself

An amulet with the Star of Rus' sign will only work if its owner is an admirer of the Slavic gods. A person must have pure thoughts and not wish to harm another person. Silver and gold are not used in the manufacture of the Svarog amulet; it is better to pay attention to copper.

Basic Rules

The Slavic amulet is made as a gift for a blood relative. When manufacturing, it is important to follow the rules:

  • the mind must be clear of negative thoughts;
  • only natural materials are used (stone, wood, natural fabrics and threads, etc.);
  • the manufacturing process must take place without prying eyes.

The meaning and use of the amulet – Star of Rus'

Do you use such an amulet?

Two eight-pointed stars symbolize the three worlds:

  • One world (Rule) is the territory of the gods.
  • The second (Yavi) is the world where people live.
  • The third world (Navi) is the kingdom of the dead.

In addition, it is the personification of harmony between a man and a woman.

Experts say that the symbol also expresses the connection between the Higher Powers and generations of the people. This is his culture, traditions, way of life and knowledge. Everything that was accumulated by the ancestors is expressed in this sign.

The owner of the amulet shows that he honors and respects the traditions of the family and ancestors. Moreover, he has sufficient knowledge to pass it on to his descendants. The main duty of a true Slav is procreation. The owner of the Svarog Square thereby expresses readiness for this.

The amulet will help you not to go astray and go towards your intended goal. It will protect the owner from bad influences and give wisdom to cope with enemies.

The mysterious power of the amulet

The Star of Rus' amulet carries great power because it combines the symbolism of the three worlds.

  • Reality is the reality around us, which we perceive with our senses. In other words, this is the material world.
  • Nav is a world inhabited by spirits. There is Light and Dark Nav. The first contains the souls of our ancestors, whose life on Earth is completed. The second is inhabited by spirits hostile to humans.
  • Prav are the highest spheres where the Slavic gods live. Only the most worthy have access there. Those who lived according to the rules prescribed by the Vedas.

The ancient Slavs tried to follow Vedic laws. From a young age, they revered the traditions of their ancestors and ancient gods. They respected their native land and nature, living with it in complete harmony. Therefore, the Slavs in those days were under the protection of the gods.

Their knowledge of the world around them was deeper than that of many modern scientists.
The Vedas provided our ancestors with a picture of the world in all its diversity. People believed that the three worlds had an invisible connection between each other, thanks to which there was a unity of the past, present and future. The Star of Rus' amulet embodies this inextricable connection between the material, spiritual and divine worlds. The talisman unites the forces of nature, ancestors and Slavic gods.
In addition, the source of strength is the age-old wisdom of many generations of Slavs. Therefore, the owner of the amulet can count on its power, which can protect against the influence of evil. But the properties of the amulet are not limited to the function of protection. With the help of the Star of Rus', a person gains access to the sacred wisdom of his ancestors and establishes a connection with ancestral origins. The talisman serves to receive information from the subtle worlds, but the Star of Rus' does not provide such an opportunity to every person. Purity of intentions is important here; only in this case the owner of the amulet will have access to sacred knowledge. If he is going to use this knowledge for selfish purposes, then the entrance to the space of the subtle worlds will be blocked.

Star of Rus' in the sun

The Star of Rus' is an amazing amulet. Its symbolism is deep and significant. A Kolovrat is depicted inside the star. He personifies the masculine principle. Moreover, this is a sign of the sun - the symbol of the god Svarog. The constant movement of the star ensures life on the planet.

The visible circle is a feminine sign. Thus, the amulet contains the unity of the masculine and feminine principles according to the principle of Chinese Yin and Yang.

You can see that all the elements in the picture are tightly intertwined. This is a confirmation of the power of the Slavic people.


Even a perfectly crafted talisman will remain a mere decoration if the ritual of its activation is not carried out. The purpose of this procedure is to fill this sacred symbol with the energy of the four Elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Air;
  • Fire.

To activate, the amulet should be placed on a clean, flat surface. Bending over the talisman, turn to the Slavic gods (Lada or Svarog) and ask them to endow the Star of Rus' with divine power. It is advisable that you indicate in detail the qualities that the talisman should have. The more precise your wishes are, the more effective your amulet will become.

After this, you should sprinkle some earth on the amulet and leave it there for a few minutes. For the next stage of activation, it is better to use water from a spring or well - simply sprinkle the Star of Rus' with water or dip it in a bowl of liquid. To activate with Air, take the amulet to an open place and hold it in your palm so that the wind blows on it. To activate Fire, use the hot light of the Sun or a candle flame. During the ritual, each element will nourish the Star of Rus' with its energy.

After the activation ritual, you should choose the correct name for the amulet. It all depends on the goal. If you intend to protect your family and your relatives with the help of an amulet, then the most appropriate name would be the Star of Rus'. In this case, the emblem is made large and placed at the entrance to the home.

Women usually wear a talisman called the Star of Lada and then receive the protection of the ancestor of all Slavic gods. Men, as a rule, name their talisman after Svarog and gain unity with this powerful deity.

Since an amulet with a different name has a specific shape, you need to think about the name before the amulet is made or purchased.

Who can wear such an amulet and how?

This is a very powerful talisman. It is not recommended for people with weak spirits to wear it. They may not be able to cope with the energy of the amulet. Therefore, it is contraindicated for children and teenagers to wear it.

First, a person must stand firmly on his feet and reach adulthood. Esotericists do not even recommend wearing clothes with the depicted Star of Rus'.

Svarog Square recommended:

  1. To male warriors. The amulet will make the defender of the Fatherland invulnerable, invincible.
  2. People who, as part of their duties, have to resolve important issues, make decisions when someone else’s life depends on them. The talisman will tell you the right path.
  3. Workers engaged in heavy physical labor, in particular cultivators and grain growers.
  4. Women who are looking for peace and home comfort.
  5. Historians and philosophers studying their native culture. The amulet will help you understand the traditions of your ancestors.
  6. Leaders and politicians. The Square of Svarog will give wisdom and allow us to unite the team (people).

Important! The amulet will not help villains who want to use the power of the symbol to achieve selfish goals.

The Star of Rus' is usually worn as a tattoo or as decoration (pendants, rings). Before use, the talisman must be cleared of negative energy and activated.

Clean the amulet immediately before wearing it. To eliminate negativity, you can hold the amulet over a candle flame or under running water. The power of the elements eliminates all negative energy.

They activate the Star of Rus' with their own breath or with the help of ancient prayers.

A damaged talisman cannot be worn. If scratches or chips appear on the amulet, you need to get rid of it. A suitable solution is to bury it in a deserted place. It is important to thank the used amulet for its work.

Meaning for men

Svarog is a god who knows the secrets of blacksmithing. Its symbol is fire. Petals of flame can be seen on the sign. The Svarog Square will be useful for men associated with military and blacksmithing. It is also suitable for those representatives of the stronger sex who are concerned about the continuation of their family line. The amulet will help you get an heir and preserve the traditions of the dynasty.

The owner of the amulet will be endowed with intuition and wisdom. These qualities will help a man follow the intended path, achieve his goals, and make the necessary and correct decisions.

The talisman will give the owner courage and bravery. Such qualities are necessary for a true protector, a successor of the family. In addition, the abilities and talents of a man wearing the Star of Rus' will develop and reach unprecedented heights.

The Svarog Square is also recommended to be worn by those who are faced with a choice and cannot make it. The amulet will tell you what to do. The Star of Rus' protects the owner from laziness, idleness, and debauchery. The amulet will also protect against evil spirits.

Wearing the Star of Rus' is allowed only upon reaching adulthood.

Men usually wear the Svarog Square as a tattoo or decoration. In the latter case, a pendant or ring with symbols applied would be a good solution. Craftsmen can make the amulet themselves. You can carve or burn a symbol on wood, and skilled craftsmen at home even make pendants or rings with the image of the Star of Rus'.

Is it possible for women to wear a talisman?

The atmosphere in the house depends on the woman. It gives comfort to the inhabitants. Therefore, it is important for every representative of the fair sex to possess purely feminine qualities of character: kindness, cordiality, wisdom and calmness. This is what the amulet will give to its owner.

The controversy over whether women are allowed to wear the amulet did not arise by chance. Many esotericists consider the Svarog Square to be a male symbol. But we must not forget that the sign also contains the personification of the feminine principle - a circle . Women can wear the talisman. He will endow them with the best qualities that a true keeper of family values ​​should have.

The Star of Rus' will give the owner:

  • Peace of mind and confidence in the future.
  • Prosperity and harmony.
  • Wisdom and prudence.
  • Health.

Moreover, all these gifts will extend not only to the fair sex, but also to her children. The amulet will help only the woman who honors the memory of her ancestors and respects the traditions of the family.

Women can wear the Star of Rus' in the form of jewelry: a pendant or ring. A good option would be embroidery on clothes. It is better to decorate a dress or blouse in a place where the sign does not catch the eye (from the reverse side, for example). A self-made amulet has even greater power.

Making a talisman

You can buy an amulet, but the most powerful amulet is one made with your own hands. Anyone who sincerely believes in the power of the gods and honors their ancestors can create a talisman. Operating rules :

  1. Work with pure thoughts.
  2. Making an amulet for a blood relative.
  3. Make an item from natural material. Metal, wood, leather or clay are preferred.
  4. While working, think about the recipient.
  5. When drawing details, take into account the proportions, making sure that the lines are not distorted, otherwise the energy will be disrupted.
  6. When working with wood, check the compatibility of the species and the person for whom the product is intended.
  7. Not knowing how to work with wood or metal, they embroider ornaments with natural threads or draw on thick paper, making wall panels or straw appliques.
  8. When choosing a metal for making the Star of Rus', they prefer copper to silver and gold.

Svarog Square will help a righteous person

The Slavs did not make amulets for themselves, but received them as gifts from blood relatives . You can make a talisman for yourself, but one given to loved ones is stronger. The recipient who honors the Slavic gods will receive the power and wisdom of their ancestors. In order for the amulet to preserve energy, you need to live correctly, without harming others. If the owner of the product goes against the laws of man and nature and harms another, the pattern will rebel against him.


The ritual is performed to saturate with energy. The item is placed on a clean surface, bent down, called on the patronizing gods and asked to imbue the talisman with power. The parameters of the amulet are listed sequentially, then sprinkled with earth and left for several minutes. Taking some spring or well water, water the object with it. Having finished, they take the product and go out into the open space, allowing the wind to blow on the amulet. Finally, place the talisman near a candle or leave it to lie in the sun.

During activation, be sure to say out loud the name chosen for the emblem . When determining, they focus on the plan, the goal.

Svarog - god-blacksmith

Tattoo Square of Svarog and its meaning for the owner

A tattoo in the form of the Square of Svarog is common. Drawing is more often used by men. It is important to apply the design to those areas of the body that are hidden from prying eyes by clothing.

You can choose areas of the shoulders, back, chest . The symbol cannot be displayed. It is worth remembering that this sign is not suitable for all people. It has powerful energy that not every person can handle.

The meaning of the tattoo is the same as that of a talisman made in the form of a pendant or ring. Symbolism gives the wearer strength and fortitude, enhances intuition, and develops creativity.

The Star of Rus' is suitable for people who are confused in life. A tattoo will help you make the right choice and return to the true path.

Under no circumstances should tattoos be applied to persons under the age of majority. This is a sign with powerful energy. The wearer may not be able to cope with the influence of the symbol. As a result, aggressive behavior will appear.

Question to the expert

How do I know if this tattoo is right for me?

Magicians recommend getting a temporary tattoo first. If the wearer feels uncomfortable or if negative character traits begin to appear and intensify, it is better to refuse the tattoo.

Features of use

It is important to choose the right amulet. If a man needs a talisman, then we are talking about the Square of Svarog, if a woman, then about the Star of Lada-Virgin, but if you need to protect your entire family, then you need to turn to the Star of Rus'.

It is important to hide the Star when worn - the sign has full power when hidden. The ring should be turned with the Star inward, the amulet should be put away under outer clothing. If you decide to get a corresponding tattoo, it is recommended to first check the effect of the symbol with an amulet - to be completely sure of compatibility with the sign. The place for the tattoo should also be chosen in such a way that it will be extremely rarely visible.

Carrying out active protection of the owner, the sign absorbs negative thoughts directed at the person. They are mostly neutralized in quantity, but some charge of evil remains. To remove it, you should heat the amulet at least once every 1-2 months over a live fire (candle, fire - natural materials, a lighter will not work), rinse it with spring water or bury it in the ground for a day.

Do I need to activate and charge?

For the Star of Rus' amulet to start working, it must be charged with the power of four main elements:

  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Earth;
  • Air.

When performing the ritual, the Star of Svarog talisman must be on a clean surface. The owner must say out loud what he wants to receive from the amulet (strength of spirit, physical strength, knowledge, etc.) After such manipulations, the amulet is put on the body and worn without taking it off.

Have you encountered such a talisman? Or maybe you use it yourself? Share your story with us below!

Interesting video on the topic

Other interpretations of the symbolism of the Svarog Square can be found in the video source:

From the video you can find out what the sign meant for our ancestors and what they associated it with. The author reveals the meaning of the symbol, talks about who this talisman is suitable for, and how to wear it correctly.

The Svarog Square is an exceptional Slavic symbol that will serve as a powerful amulet and become the protector of the owner for life. The ambivalent attitude towards the sign only adds to its mystery and makes it even more popular. The strong energy of the Star of Rus' will not allow a characterless person who has no connection with his ancestors to own the amulet. Only true admirers of family values ​​can confidently claim the right to become the owner of the Svarog Square.

Forms of amulet

The classic type of star is the Square of Svarog. With a slight change in the lines, the amulet turns into the Star of Lada. The circle and rhombus included in the ornament are associated with the hearth and hearth, kept by a woman. The female version of the symbol was used to bring harmony, balance, pacification of anger, and knowledge of wisdom into the home.

The Star of Lada, akin to the Square of Svarog and revered by others as its form, helps an unmarried woman find a spouse, and who has found a soul mate to comprehend female happiness. The symbol protects the family from harm, provides personal protection, and stabilizes personal life. The Svarog square, owned by the spouse, symbolizes the divine forge, protects the entire house and clan, and protects the owner in war. The power contained in it strengthens and unites relatives. The owner of the amulet gains the wisdom of his ancestors, feels divine support, gains confidence in his abilities, increases military and craft skills, becomes more hardworking and wiser.

The Square of Svarog is related to the Star of Lada


When purchasing a product, many people wonder which material is better, silver or gold. In fact, both metals can be used, as long as they are natural.

The Star of Rus' made of silver is suitable for reserved, peaceful, calm natures. They will radiate quiet, harmonious energy and give people warmth and care.

The Star of Rus' made of gold is more suitable for bright people who love to attract the attention of others. This symbol will channel their positive energy into love and kindness.

Lada Star

The importance of the amulet is rooted in old Russian beliefs. First of all, it is the protection of the home and all family members from various negative influences both physically and on the energetic level, but the name Lada of the Virgin Mary did not come for nothing.

This name is aimed primarily at mothers and wives. Even in ancient times, a large burden fell on women’s shoulders: maintaining a household, teaching various women’s skills, raising children, honoring traditions, keeping a home. A woman’s dignity was based on wisdom, understanding, following her husband, and the ability to give warmth and care to the whole family. The Lada Star helped in difficult times. For example, when a girl got married, she had to establish a connection with another family, absorb the energy of a new home, get used to a new environment and, perhaps, even learn to live by different rules, which did not have the best effect on her health and state of mind. It was believed that the amulet did not allow the spirit to weaken even in the most stressful moments in life. It eliminated irritation, fatigue, and heaviness in the soul. Slavic women believed that the Star of Lada would help one become like a goddess and would not allow them to fade away.


Among the ancient Slavs, embroidery served not just as decoration, but also carried a great sacred meaning. From its ornament one could learn a lot about a person’s character. The pattern can be applied to both women's and men's clothing. Protective embroidery requires compliance with certain rules:

  • it is desirable that it is performed not by the future owner himself, but by his closest relative;
  • work should begin on the waxing Moon;
  • the manufacturer’s thoughts should have a positive attitude, tuned to good wishes for the person for whom the embroidery is being done;
  • A lit candle should be placed nearby so that with its flame it cleanses the surrounding atmosphere of accumulated negative energy;
  • Before starting work, you should carefully study the pattern to avoid mistakes;
  • there should be no distracting sounds nearby;
  • all materials, including consumables, must be of natural origin;
  • there should be no tangled threads on the reverse side;
  • Until the work is finished, it cannot be shown to anyone.

Embroidery can be done not only on clothes, but also on linen and decorative pillows.


It is believed that the wearer of the amulet gains the protection of the gods. The magical symbol endows its owner with spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and establishes a strong connection with the ancestors. All the accumulated experience of previous generations is passed on to the current owner of the talisman.

The true meaning of the Star of Rus' lies in finding the right path and is a connecting link between past and future generations. The interweaving of the symbol resembles four petals, which represent honor, freedom, justice and faith. All these four components, like tongues of flame, burn away all restrictions on the path, protecting and protecting their carrier.

The Star of Rus' symbol has a positive effect on human qualities. Its owner becomes stronger and more courageous, and intuition quickly develops. All this is necessary for a person to find his purpose and fulfill his life goal.

Forms and powers of a magic item

An important role in determining the magical specialization of the star of Rus' is played by its size:

  1. A symbol embroidered on a carpet or a large rosette with a star of Rus' on the wall will bring financial well-being and the warmth of home. It will improve relationships between households and bring harmony and peace to the owners of the house.
  2. A pendant, ring or tattoo with Slavic symbols will help develop the positive aspects of personality and intuition. The amulet will protect you from adversity, help you find peace of mind, and learn the truth.

For men, the talisman is good because it will help you curb your will and achieve your goal. It will fill you with confidence, allow you to feel inner freedom, and strengthen your fortitude.

The star of Rus' will help women become more independent, stronger morally, and easier to endure adversity and unjustified expectations. Girls are advised to carry the amulet with them in case of lack of support, both financial and spiritual.

Watch the video what the symbol means:

Unique properties

Previously, the talisman had two names and, depending on its wearer, had certain properties. At first it was given the name Lada Star. Only women wore it; it brought them health and strength to support the family hearth. The amulet was also used to balance and harmonize energy. The star of Slavic Rus' helped women find feminine happiness; unmarried girls wore it on themselves to attract their betrothed.

Later, men began to wear it too. If the amulet belonged to the stronger sex, it was called Svarogov Square, and then the amulet betrayed strength, courage and fearlessness. It was worn by craftsmen and warriors, believing that the artifact brings good luck in business and protects against evil forces.

Nowadays, the Star of Ancient Rus' is recommended for people who are not too confident in themselves. This magical symbol will give wisdom, prudence, hard work, and will save you from other people’s negative energy. If there have been failures in the family, he will return peace and love to the house, help save the marriage and strengthen the family bond between relatives. It is suitable for craftsmen, craftsmen and military people.


The symbols of the Slavic amulet Star of Rus' were decorated with the robes of the ancient princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. In ancient times, the talisman had a different name - the Star of Lada the Virgin Mary, or the cross of Lada, which indicated that it belonged to the highest Slavic pantheon. Even then, the symbolism of the secret sign spoke of the connection of the gods with the human race. The goddess Lada called for harmony and peace, which is the main meaning of the amulet. The Star of Rus' also carries within itself the union between two gods - the woman Lada and the man Svarog. This is combined in the symbolism of a magical talisman, representing the unity of the two sexes and longevity. Historians draw here a mythological parallel between the Greek legend about the marital union of Hera and Zeus.

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