Tattoo hieroglyphs with translation: 140+ designs and their meaning in Russian

Chinese and Japanese characters always carry a semantic load, reflecting individual meaning and purpose. Residents of these Asian countries endow each such symbol with special energy in order to get the desired result and fulfill their own dreams.

An important character in Japanese and Chinese writing is “strength,” which is of great importance to the people of China and Japan. These symbols are considered favorable and happy in both countries, but this sign must be used carefully so as not to upset the energy balance.

Tattoo hieroglyphs and their meaning

The term “tattoo” was brought to Europe by Captain Cook.
Before he introduced the public to the first “savage” with a large number of tattoos on his face and torso, “skin drawings” were not very common among the European population. They were mainly made by sailors and odious individuals from the underworld. Even in the recent past, tattoo bearers in Russia were the so-called “gentlemen of fortune.” Penitentiary inmates wear tattoos (portaki) not only for beauty. There is a whole system of signs and their location on the body, from which you can learn a lot about the owner of prison tattoos.

Nowadays, more and more often you can find a media personality or a representative of bohemia with a tattoo on the body. These small works of art (and body art already has the status of a culture and gathers its fans and artists at annual festivals) can be seen on the body of a housewife, businessman or student.

Patterns, portraits, images of real and mythological animals, inscriptions - all this not only decorates a person, bringing uniqueness to his image and image, but also conveys information about the owner to others.

Sometimes a tattoo is done as a reminder to oneself of some significant event or person.

In such cases, they choose inscriptions in an incomprehensible (for most people) language - this is why hieroglyph tattoos are so popular, their meaning will not be understood by an idle onlooker, but they remind the owner of something important

Artists recommend that the Russian-speaking public be sure to find out the meaning of tattoo hieroglyphs in Russian before proceeding with application. After all, the result will not be easy to delete later, and due to the specificity of the hieroglyphic language, embarrassment may occur. For example, someone wants to get a tattoo - hieroglyphs with the meaning of their name. In Chinese and Japanese, each character is not a letter, but a word or even a phrase or sentence

A European should be very careful when trying to reproduce his name in hieroglyphs - sounds consonant with the name can mean something unpleasant or even carry an offensive meaning

Are tattoo hieroglyphs popular in your homeland?

There are very few fans of tattoos with hieroglyphs among native speakers - the Chinese and Japanese. And this is understandable - for them, hieroglyphs are not beautiful and mysterious pictures that carry a sacred meaning, but just words, text. For them, the inscription in their native language seems as banal and vulgar as for the Russians: “Vasya was here” or “love to the grave.” Therefore, the Chinese, who understand the meaning of Chinese characters, often choose tattoos depicting exotic plants and fantastic animals - dragons, unicorns, two-headed snakes.

The history of tattooing in Japan goes back to ancient times. Members of the Japanese mafia - the Yakuza - acquired indelible drawings. The tattoos carried information about belonging to a criminal clan, status, regalia, and luck. Now the tattoo is a success among respectable and law-abiding citizens of Japan. Residents of the Japanese islands extremely rarely use Japanese characters in tattoos, preferring not to deviate from traditions and convey the meaning of the tattoo with images of mythical animals - dragons, sirens, sea monsters.

Among Europeans, hieroglyphs are popular not only because of their aesthetics (in the Russian opinion, these “krakozyabrs” look very nice), but also because of their sense of mystery. Tattoos of hieroglyphs on the neck look especially good. Their meaning is incomprehensible to others, but has a sacred meaning for the owner or owner.

Regardless of which tattoo was chosen: a hieroglyph with the meaning of love, fidelity or strength, it is worth carefully examining the sketch for visual attractiveness. There is no need to rush in such a matter - after all, only a beautiful and meaningful drawing will never be disliked, but will bring good luck to the owner. At the very least, many tattoo wearers (including celebrities such as Angelina Jolie) believe that their unusual, unique and stunning tattoo contributed to their success.

You can see:

Exercise "Big Tree"

Step-by-step implementation of the “Big Tree” exercise:

  • open your channels. To do this, fold the index and middle fingers of your right hand like a scraper, and slide the phalanges along the sides of the fingers of your left hand. At the same time, imagine that you are clearing karmic debris from your hand-channels. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands;
  • stand in the same position as in the first example when you awakened the Chi energy. But now it is necessary that the tongue touches the upper palate, the eyes are also closed;
  • now imagine that you become a huge powerful tree: your legs lengthen and penetrate deep into the ground, becoming roots, your arms turn into branches and stretch high towards the sun. In this exercise, it is important to concentrate on mental images, vividly imagining a picture of your transformation. Some practices even advise drawing these scenes on paper, because drawing is also a kind of meditation;
  • hands rise to the level of the lower back, elbows are placed perpendicular to the body, imagine that you are holding something fragile in the armpits, for fear of crushing the object;
  • your hands fold around an invisible energy ball, which gradually begins to nourish you with its warmth; rotate it with slow movements.

Speaking of painting, the Chinese Guohua style perfectly illustrates the concept that Qi energy is found not only in living beings, but even in works of art.

Exercise "Big Tree"

According to the author of the book “Chinese Brush Painting” Viv Foster, a good painting has spirit, and Qi energy is transmitted even through the slightest strokes, through highlights, colors, light and shade, and creates a unique atmosphere, forms the aura of the place where it is located.

Japanese characters

Japanese characters were borrowed from China, which is why locals call them “Chinese characters.” It is believed that writing in the Land of the Rising Sun appeared in the 5th century BC. e.

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School graduates must learn 2,136 characters that are constantly used in everyday life. The list is approved by the Japanese government. Europeans are often occupied with one question. Hieroglyphs are ideal for tattoos, but can they be used all the time? Why does such a system, inconvenient for writing, still exist and not lose its position?

The relevance of hieroglyphs lies in their advantages. Japanese, Koreans and Chinese read signs differently, but at the same time understand the meaning of what they read in the same way. In addition, compact writing is convenient because an entire story can be told with just a few characters. Japanese characters are more concise and simpler than Chinese ones. They can be applied not only with black paint.

Other colors are also popular:

  1. blue-green. Symbolizes the wind. At the same time, it embodies the calmness of the sky and trees, as well as the incredible power of a hurricane that sweeps away everything in its path;
  2. red. Represents fire, development and violent energy. The Japanese believe that this color can protect from evil and misfortune, attracting joy and tranquility into life;
  3. yellow. Inextricably linked with land, prosperity and permanence;
  4. white is a controversial color. It is associated in the Land of the Rising Sun with mourning, but at the same time protects from outside forces.

Tattoos of different colors are made to give them greater expressiveness and enhance energy. For the same purpose, hieroglyphs are sometimes outlined with a red line. Sometimes additional symbols and suitable images are included in the drawing.

Examples of hieroglyphs with translation

Tattoo parlors offer each client a standard set of hieroglyphs. Most often, these symbols are used as talisman tattoos.


Hieroglyph happiness

According to the Chinese, happiness depends on the protection of Heaven and the Gods. The tattoo is aimed at good luck, happiness and luck in any area.

Great happiness

Hieroglyph Great happiness

This tattoo is considered a very powerful talisman. Many believe that she grants wishes. It is best to use it to attract happiness in a relationship with your significant other.


Hieroglyph Love

Helps attract happy love. Helps to make love mutual, attract a life partner and gives happiness and tranquility.

Eternal love

Hieroglyph Eternal Love

Also used as a talisman, it represents “love to the grave”, mutual understanding, support, sincere and happy love. Keeps fiery love forever and supports the feelings of two people.

Hieroglyph Luck

Great idea for a talisman tattoo. Preserves luck and increases it, gives luck.


Hieroglyph Wealth

Helps create the right atmosphere to attract wealth and prosperity in the right area. Provides both material and spiritual wealth. Brings both money and good luck. It is a good amulet.


Hieroglyph Money

The most common tattoo option. Helps in attracting wealth and money. If this sign is placed indoors, it also attracts wealth. It looks like a hieroglyph for wealth, but it attracts only money, prosperity and good luck in such matters.


Hieroglyph Prosperity

Helps in matters of career advancement, regulates failures in life. Used to attract good luck in the desired field of activity. It is considered not only a talisman, but also a talisman.


Hieroglyph Abundance

Brings wealth to the home of the tattoo bearer, both monetary and moral. Similar to the hieroglyph of prosperity, it attracts good luck to the desired field of activity.

Hieroglyph Longevity

Improves health and increases life expectancy. It is considered a talisman and protects against death at a young age.


Hieroglyph Strength

Increases physical and spiritual strength, strengthens the moral foundation, helps the owner cope with problems more effectively and quickly. Suitable for exemplary family men.

Hieroglyph Joy

Used to achieve inner harmony, attract and maintain a good mood.


Hieroglyph Health

Helps in solving health problems, restores physical and mental strength. Extends life and its quality.


Hieroglyph World

It means great responsibility and power. Can be used for tattooing due to some personal beliefs.


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Hieroglyph Beauty

It is considered a talisman for attracting beauty and maintains external and internal attractiveness.

Hieroglyph Bravery

Makes the owner of the tattoo more courageous and courageous, helps to cope with difficulties.


Hieroglyph Independence

Represents freedom of action and the desire to do things your own way. Helps get rid of bad habits or activities.


Hieroglyph Courage

Characterizes the owner of the tattoo as a strong and strong-willed person and helps to maintain this quality.

Hieroglyph Dream

Represents sublimity, inspiration, promotes the fulfillment of desires.

Fulfillment of desires

Hieroglyph Fulfillment of wishes

Like the previous hieroglyph, it helps in the fulfillment of cherished desires and is a more powerful amulet in comparison.

Character traits

The style, motive, and plot of tattoos from different countries are completely different, each of them carries its own meaning. The Japanese tattoo style does not exactly come from Japan, but rather even from China; inspired artists put into their drawings the history of existence, the battle between man and the animal world, and the delights of flowering plants. Based on such images, the Japanese copied and added their own features, subtleties, and semantic prejudices, and a new style was established.

The main factors were curvy images, and the secondary factors were bright and colorful, with elaborate lines and sharp angles, thus helping to show the figure more clearly and complement it.

It should be noted that the symbolism and subtext of each sketch has been and will remain unchanged, in other words, a tattoo tattooed on your body will mean your life path or a comparison between you and a wild animal that unites you.

The Japanese believe that getting a tattoo changes you and your lifestyle through religion, spirituality, and myth. An image on the body promises a change in nature in the direction conveyed by the image.

What is Sha?

As with every positive action, so that the balance of natural forces is maintained, there is also a negative side, that is, counteraction. This category in the art of Feng Shui can be called Sha. If Qi is the gentle and light rustle of the wind, like the wings of a butterfly, then Sha is a cruel whirlwind that causes disasters.

There may be objects in or near your home that contribute to the development of this negative flow.

Sha-invoking objects:

  • power lines;
  • sharp corners of buildings, single protruding corners;
  • a cemetery near the house;
  • lonely rotten tree;
  • saber shaped road.

This is not a complete list, and objects may change depending on the circumstances around you. The main thing is that objects located in the yard or inside the house have a beneficial effect on your well-being and on the state of your household, bringing satisfaction in a metaphysical sense.

The most popular meanings of hieroglyph tattoos

The huge number of symbols used in hieroglyphic writing can confuse the uninitiated. The number of different characters in such languages ​​reaches several tens of thousands in each.

Some people do not want to spend too much time searching for an adequate translation of the desired word, thought or phrase and choose the most popular meanings of hieroglyph tattoos.

Very often there are words about love, family, harmony, wealth, happiness, luck, peace and dreams. Such tattoos are often applied by girls. Hieroglyphs with the meaning of fire, dragon, tiger, strength, courage, masculinity and warrior are also popular. They are mainly chosen by men.

Representatives of both sexes often also paint short phrases on their bodies that have a mystical and mysterious meaning. Their translation comes down to some philosophical categories. Hieroglyphs meaning karma, life and eternity, fate and aspirations, travel in search of truth are popular.

Types of hieroglyph tattoos

Tattoos of hieroglyphs and their meaning are a very subtle and complex topic. There are many cases where a person ordered one phrase and received a completely different one. Chinese calligraphy is very complex and every stroke affects the interpretation of the symbol.

Hieroglyphs tattoo

Therefore, if you decide to get a tattoo of Chinese characters, you should not unconditionally trust the artist, although in many salons they will provide you with a large catalog of tattoos of hieroglyphs with translation. Consult with a teacher, or better yet, a native Chinese speaker.

Chinese characters tattoo

The Chinese are very superstitious people, so their writing is perceived with a certain amount of mysticism and mystery. Many people believe that a hieroglyph on the body will help attract what it means into a person’s life. The most popular options:

• hieroglyph love tattoo – it is chosen by those who want to meet their soul mate and believe that the feeling will be mutual. Most often this is a variant of a female tattoo;

• family hieroglyph tattoo - it is applied both by those who are just striving to create a social unit, and by those who have already joined the legal community. People believe that this hieroglyph will help improve relationships within the family, mutual understanding and harmony;

• hieroglyph tattoo for happiness – this choice is made by those who strive to achieve inner harmony. The concept of happiness can include different categories and for each person this list will be different. In order not to split or make tattoos with several hieroglyphs, people choose a common word, and what is meant by it - everyone decides for himself;

New Old school tattoo

• hieroglyph luck tattoo – most often this is the choice of young people who dream of an easy and carefree life. They want good luck to accompany them in all their endeavors. The hieroglyph on the body is designed to lure capricious fortune into a person’s life;

• tattoo hieroglyph wealth - done by people striving for financial well-being and independence.

You can choose one of these hieroglyphs, or several at once. Usually they are placed one after another vertically.

Hieroglyphs can be used to encrypt not only abstract concepts. One of the most popular options is tattoos of hieroglyphs names. Behind beautiful oriental symbols a person can hide his own name or the names of loved ones.

Sketches of hieroglyphs for tattoos with translation

Entire phrases written in hieroglyphs are also popular. Most often, famous sayings of eastern philosophers Confucius and Lao Tzu are taken for this. Eastern philosophy is extremely popular in the world. In quotes from great thinkers you can find a suitable phrase for any occasion.

Men prefer to make hieroglyphs denoting masculine concepts such as strength, courage, power, power. Or encrypt animal symbols with these symbols. The most popular option is the dragon hieroglyph tattoo. This is a traditional eastern symbol of masculinity and energy.

In addition to Chinese tattoos, Japanese hieroglyphs are also popular. However, they are much less common. This is explained by the fact that fascination with Japanese culture can be considered a relatively new phenomenon.

Japanese hieroglyphs tattoo - photo

Japanese tattoos with hieroglyphs and inscriptions usually accompany large compositions in the oriental style. They are more popular among men.

How to recognize the Qi energy in yourself?

Have you ever observed a couple in which the spouses finish each other’s sentences or, without saying a word, start a sentence at the same time? Have you ever had a feeling of déjà vu, as if something has already happened to you and you know exactly what will happen next? "Mystic!" - you say. “Nature,” the masters of ancient practices will answer.

Hieroglyph Qi

Synchronization of the energies that nourish people, or correct functioning, which is directed in the right direction, gives a seemingly surprising result for us. But for the Chinese philosophers our surprise would be funny, as if the sun did not believe in the existence of its rays or a tree - in that which has branches.

It is no coincidence that the saying arose in Tibet: “He who has Qi blooms, but he who loses it dies . But if each of us has this powerful energy, how can we use it, how can we return it to its original channel and become that same source of happiness about which so many books and philosophical treatises have been written? The answer is simple: look inside yourself.

Application options

Of course it sounds great: “When a tattoo is applied to the neck, the aura is cleansed, the “cone” rises, and the chakras open.” But it is better to be guided by other criteria.

If you want others to see and know about the tattoo, if you want to say something with it, to attract attention, do it in an open place. If you want to please yourself and a loved one, you are not ready to advertise your “painting” to others, do it where it is easy to cover with clothes

If you want to please yourself and a loved one, but are not ready to advertise your “painting” to others, do it where it is easy to cover it with clothes.

Everything here is purely individual, depending on the person himself, the choice of sketch, style. Some designs look good on the arm, others on the chest or thigh.

Think about it, weigh it in any case, the choice will be yours.

Exercises to accumulate energy

So, you have decided to awaken your Qi energy. But first, masters of spiritual practices advise: do not identify this concept with some kind of superpower that will overnight bring all sorts of benefits into your life. Qi, like any category in Asian philosophy, is the fruit of long and persistent study, careful concentration and daily work on oneself.

Humbly starting the path, the warrior is ready to go to the end and only having reached the top can he return to his roots:

  • stand straight, feet should be at least 45 cm apart;
  • the next step is to bend your knees slightly so that they spring. The back remains straight;
  • spread your arms to the sides, palms raised, fingers pointing straight up;
  • close your eyes and concentrate on your inner sensations. You need to stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.

After the Qi energy has awakened, a phase begins during which it is necessary to pacify or curb the powerful flow of force that chaotically exists in a person. How to do it? To begin with, the masters instruct on general cleansing: getting rid of negative thoughts, feelings and the environment so that the body and soul are at peace.

You yourself will feel how something inside you gradually awakens and you begin to pay attention to pleasant little things, notice the smiles on the faces of passers-by and give them in return. The time is coming to get to know your Qi directly.

Traditional Chinese writing

Hanzi is the traditional Chinese script officially used in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and even outside the country. There are about 47 thousand hieroglyphs in this language, but not all are used. To write correctly, you need to know about four thousand characters.

Many Chinese words are made up of several characters, with one character representing one syllable. In addition to traditional Chinese writing, there is also a simplified one, which was invented to improve literacy in the country. In simplified writing, characters have fewer strokes than in traditional writing; such writing is used in China, Singapore and Malaysia.

Chinese characters are considered the most ancient compared to others; they are used in Chinese, as well as in Korean and Japanese. Until 1945, this script was used even in Vietnam.

No one knows how many hieroglyphs exist (it is assumed that about 50 thousand), since their number and type are constantly changing.

Around the world, about a thousand different hieroglyphs are used every day. This amount is enough for approximately 93% of printed material.


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