Peonies according to Feng Shui: what they mean and where to place paintings with peonies

The magical powers of peonies

Let's start with the fact that peony is a very beautiful flower. No, it’s not like that: he’s just gorgeous, alluring! It attracts attention so much that even with a fleeting glance at the image you begin to feel its magical aroma.

Positive emotions and seeing beauty are already good. But feng shui experts can tell you much more.

What does a flower give?

Peony generously shares with its owner, promising him all the best:

  • prosperity;
  • understanding;
  • Love;
  • wealth;
  • finding a soul mate.

Reference! In China, since ancient times, this flower has been considered a symbol of wealth and happiness. It was often mentioned in poetry and songs of the Middle Ages, and depicted on porcelain and other household items.

Peony symbolism

All flowers have emotional meaning. Some bring happiness, others good luck, and others contribute to family well-being. Peonies are a symbol of love. Moreover, we are talking about both sensual relationships between a man and a woman, and about family harmony.

Peony is also a symbol of good luck, which affects not only love, but also a person’s position in society. These flowers not only help to find love, but also restrain impulses of excessive passion, preventing relationships from deteriorating.

So peonies are best used if a man or woman believes that their personal life needs stimulation.

The meaning of peonies for women

The effect of peonies on the energy and fate of people is associated with their color. This is especially true for women. Please note that:

  • red flowers with bright, rich shades stimulate the emergence of love and the development of passion;
  • pink peonies are necessary for those who want to preserve or restore the romanticism of falling in love;
  • blue and purple shades create a state of peace and security;
  • yellow and cream colors make relationships stable;
  • White peonies should be used by those who lack kindness and trust.

Thus, for single women who want to find family happiness, red and pink peonies are best suited. Women in love can also afford cream and yellow shades.

The hardest thing is for married ladies. Their preferences depend on age and family situation. Red peonies can renew relationships. However, caution must be exercised as a man aroused by the power of flowers may be seduced by another woman. In this case, it is best to alternate peonies of different shades, not forgetting that family life needs stability and trust, so preference should be given to white, blue and yellow flowers.

The meaning of peonies for men

In the East, peony is considered the opposite of rose. This is the personification of male yang light energy. For the stronger sex, red peonies are a symbol of strong passion and great love, as well as:

  • fearlessness;
  • wealth;
  • health;
  • longevity;
  • ability to adapt to any conditions.

In Ancient Greece and medieval China, this flower symbolized belonging to the rich class.

Peonies in the house

Peonies in the home can be placed in a vase or present as a bright image in paintings, wallpaper or curtains. Young unmarried women are advised to place flowers in the living room. In this case, the peony will attract the man who is most suitable for the role of a caring husband. To create an atmosphere of happiness, peonies should be placed near the door or in the southwest corner of the room.

Single men are better off placing peonies in the bedroom. In this case, the southwestern part of the room is also suitable. Red or pink flowers should not only awaken yin energy, but also retain the woman who is most suitable for the owner of the home.

Peonies as a sign of power, career

Peony is a flower of energy that strives upward. This means that a person who falls into the power of such energy will move up the career and social ladder. In order for peonies to have the desired effect, place bouquets or images of these flowers in your workplace at home or in the office. To implement ambitious plans, you need to use red flowers.

Peonies for love and marriage

For spouses whose sexual relationship has gone wrong, who are bored with the intimate side of life, it is recommended to place a bouquet of red or pink peonies at the head of the bed on the nightstand. Moreover, they should be located on the side of the most bored partner. Then the magical qualities of the flower will awaken the former passion.

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Plants with pink buds will lead to a surge of romantic feelings, make you relive tender love and refresh the cooled feelings of spouses.

A small bouquet of pink flowers in the family zone according to Feng Shui will bring quick luck in love.

Painting in the bedroom

Artificial peonies

Bouquets with peonies, hand-painted on canvas or paper and framed in a beautiful frame, have great magical power.

Number of flowers in the picture

1 peony suggests that the wife and husband will be the only ones for each other throughout their lives. 3 flowers of a red or pink hue for a woman mean that a man will not notice anyone else except her. Yellow buds symbolize health and longevity.

5 plants – love in its prime, good luck, positive changes in life. 7 flowers are a universal classic option, so this number is given to newlyweds or on their wedding anniversary.

9, 11, 15 colors are a symbol of wealth, honor, respect; these numbers are more suitable for people of the older generation.

The effect of flowers on human health

Almost all living plants are generators of positive emotions. House flowers absorb negative energy, improve your mood, and fill your home with comfort. On this list is the fragrant orchid. It is very popular among indoor plants, despite its slight capriciousness during the growing process.

But, as stated above, the negative consequences of the influence of orchids on human well-being are noted:

  • insomnia;
  • fatigue, lethargy;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • decreased concentration;
  • headache.

A flower installed in an office can reduce a person’s performance with its pungent aroma. An orchid in the bedroom can cause discomfort if it is located close to you. Some types of flowers contain pollen that causes migraines, weakness, restless sleep, makes a person a little inhibited, as if lulls him to sleep.

Advice! The harmful properties of the plant can be avoided if you ventilate the room more often and do not allow the air to stagnate.

If you still want to decorate your bedroom with flowers, but the room is poorly ventilated, then you can purchase a painting or photo wallpaper depicting orchids. The idea is appropriate for high-tech design and classic style. Orchids - painted or live - will make the interior of the room cozy.

Modular paintings for the bedroom

Modular paintings for the bedroom have not left the pedestals of popularity. Their volumes and variety of shapes amaze with the breadth of choice.

Some recommendations for selecting modular paintings:

  1. If the walls of your bedroom are plain, and there is little decor in the interior elements, then you can hang large modular paintings of 3 or more elements.
  2. When choosing colors for a modular painting, rely on the shades already present in the interior. The picture may be several tones more intense, but several shades must match so that the feeling of harmony is not destroyed. For minimalism and hi-tech styles, which use a very limited color scheme, a modular painting can be of any color.
  3. For geometric and clear directions in interior design, choose the same paintings, rectangular or in the shape of 3 even squares.
  4. If your bedroom is designed in a classic style or Provence style or in any other gentle and free direction, then a modular painting, having an appropriate theme, can be of an unusual shape, for example, a kind of “spot” of small paintings of different shapes and sizes.
  5. Modular paintings look great without frames. It's economical. and creates a feeling of lightness.
  6. A modular painting can form a single composition, separated only by the distance between the paintings, and also modular paintings can only fit each other, but be completely separate in design. It’s up to you to decide which painting to hang in your bedroom.

Modular canvases are the latest in interior fashion. Such paintings will look equally harmonious and stylish in both spacious and small bedrooms.

Please note the possibility of purchasing a modular painting. If you love everything stylish and unusual.

Negative superstitions

There is a lot of debate about whether orchids are harmful to humans? All prejudices regarding the wonderful flower are based on the personal experience of our ancestors, which is worth listening to:

  • it is believed that the sophisticated inflorescence is a vampire that is fueled by the energy of other plants and people. Especially its harmful properties are activated at night, as well as when it begins to bloom;
  • An orchid is a lady’s flower, for this reason it is not advisable to place a houseplant where a man is. Under the influence of orchids, he becomes pampered;
  • some amateur flower growers note that, according to superstition, the plant drives the male representative out of the house.

Thus, it is necessary to take care of the men of the family. They should have less contact with this plant. Take the flower to a place where a woman is often found, for example, in the kitchen.

By the way! It is not recommended to give an orchid to a male boss, since this gesture will be interpreted by superstitious colleagues as a bad omen and bad manners.

Positive examples

If you take some precautions, the orchid will lose its negativity. A delicate and fragrant flower will help you overcome life's difficulties. It will serve as a reliable amulet for any woman, revealing her abilities and limitless creative potential.

It has been noticed that the orchid can improve the health of the female body and prolong youth. This luxurious plant gives a lady a touch of mystery, enhances her charm, charm and attractiveness.

Note! In order for a flower to treat its owner favorably, it requires care and careful care.

With the help of a sophisticated plant, you can cleanse your home of negative energy. The orchid will drive out a guest who is hiding evil intent from the apartment, making him want to immediately leave your home. A secret enemy who encounters a flower protecting its owners will feel malaise, fever, increased heart rate, anxiety, and depression.

How the meaning of peonies changes or is supplemented depending on their color

The wide range of colors of peonies allows you to achieve results by combining different shades in one bouquet or in a limited space.

The aggressiveness of red can be suppressed by the presence of white peonies. This combination is popular when creating bouquets of roses. Red peonies combined with light shades of roses give a very strong effect.

A similar effect is achieved by combining red with yellow or cream.

Paintings of a white bedroom: nuances for bright interiors

A white bedroom is stylish and modern. Many modern styles allow and even promote the ideal white tone of a bedroom set. But how to choose decor: this issue should not be ignored.

Which paintings are suitable for a white bedroom:

  • For a bedroom in a Scandinavian style, bright accent paintings are suitable, as is all decor in the Scandinavian direction.
  • Minimalism loves more restrained combinations in the interior. The paintings here should be dark in color.
  • For white bedrooms in Provence and Venetian style, paintings in corresponding light shades are suitable. The entire interior should breathe comfort and warmth.

For a white bedroom, there are several approaches to choosing decor. The main thing is that you like every element.

Painting with peonies for the bedroom

Since the flower mainly affects personal life, its image is usually placed in the bedroom. Feng Shui experts say that you should not show off your personal happiness.

A painting in a walk-through room or a noisy living room can attract trouble and discord. And in the kitchen it is not needed at all. Therefore, it is recommended to hide your happiness, protect it from prying eyes, and enjoy it together.

Important! There is an exception to the rule! If a woman is single, then the image can be hung in the living room or in the corridor, it will attract suitors to the house. After the appearance of the second half, you need to move the painting to the bedroom.

Peonies and their meaning

According to Feng Shui, peony belongs to the yang masculine energy. In China it is a symbol of power, wealth, passion, love. This is the flower of aristocrats and emperors.

On the other hand, the flower personifies feminine beauty, affection, and passionate love feelings. Therefore, it is often mentioned in Chinese poetry, its image can be seen on dishes and paintings.

In Feng Shui, the flower was given a special magical meaning. It is believed to have pure energy and strength. The Chinese use it as a talisman. Therefore, his image is often used to attract the energy of marriage, improve family relationships, and increase prosperity. The brighter the flower, the more active and stronger its effect.

Peonies are a symbol of what in Feng Shui?

Their color is of great importance. For example:

  • Purple flowers protect the family from bad energy.
  • Pink - brings freshness and romance to the relationship between spouses.

To do this, an image of pink peonies is placed in the bedroom for three to four days. After this, they need to be removed from the bedroom into the living room.

  • White peonies stop family discord and quarrels.
  • Yellow flowers help harmonize relationships.

Interestingly, according to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place not real flowers in the bedroom, but their image. Fresh flowers stand in a vase with water. And the symbol of water in the bedroom area is unfavorable for establishing and maintaining harmonious family relationships.

Who needs a painting with peonies

  • This is a great gift for newlyweds.
  • It is necessary for married couples who often quarrel, have problems in their intimate lives, or are on the verge of divorce.
  • The image will also help single ladies of marriageable age. It will enhance your attractiveness, put you in a romantic mood and will definitely attract your soulmate.
  • It is believed that the flower also helps single mature women. The painting relieves boredom, fills life with positive emotions, and brings new people.

Important! The image also has a beneficial effect on men. It helps to improve your personal life, bring new colors and sensations into it.

Peonies for married couples

Feng Shui experts cannot agree on whether it is acceptable to place fresh flowers or their images in your bedroom. Some masters are convinced that red peonies, if placed in the sector of marriage and love in the bedroom, will make family life more active, passionate and varied.

Others believe that flowers placed in the bedroom can force a more active spouse to look for love affairs on the side.

Peonies for unmarried ladies

Feng Shui attributes enormous magical powers to the spectacular flower. It is believed that if you place plants or an image with them in the living room of a house in which an unmarried girl lives, they will definitely attract her soul mate and help her successfully arrange her personal life. In this case, as soon as the wedding takes place, you will need to immediately remove the plant or its image from the house in order to protect yourself from harm.

If you're longing for marriage but don't have a living room to accommodate a plant, place it at the entrance to your bedroom. Then the flower will attract a flow of positive Qi energy to you and contribute to the fulfillment of your plans.

Peonies can also be made with your own hands - drawn or embroidered. Items made with your own hands will have even greater power, because in the process of implementation you will fill it with your energy and positive mental images.

Peonies for marriage according to Feng Shui - how many peonies should there be in the picture

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy based on the harmony of the five elements. The main thing in this teaching is to live in peace with nature and the people around you. To achieve this, as well as to enhance the influence of favorable energies on all areas of life, special feng shui rules have been used since ancient times. Of course, these rules also exist for such an important aspect of a person’s life as marriage. In ancient Eastern teachings, peony has been used since ancient times for a successful marriage. Moreover, both a living plant and an image.

Peonies for career success

Since ancient times, peony has been one of the “royal” flowers, the colors of rulers and lords of empires. The plant symbolizes selectivity, aristocracy, masculinity, sophistication, and also represents moving up the ladder of success and achievement.

Therefore, if you want to improve your career or want to take important steps in business, you should turn to these colors for help. For this purpose, you should put a bouquet of luxurious, fragrant flowers in your living room or workplace and you are guaranteed to receive a huge portion of positive energy and good luck. If you don’t like fresh flowers, it is quite possible to replace them with an image made in any way.

In the cold season, to maintain the flow of Yang success energy, it is recommended to place images of soft-colored peonies in the northern part of the home.

Peonies in the interior

Peonies, in addition to love relationships, personify wealth, honor and respect, so their successful placement in the interior contributes to prosperity.

In the house

An interesting modern option for decorating living rooms or bedrooms is photo wallpaper with a floral print covering the entire wall. In order not to create an excessive surge of energy in this room, the color scheme should be chosen in pastel colors. White flowers have a beneficial effect on the environment, ending family quarrels and dispelling grievances. Purple peonies will protect against negative energy, while yellow ones will bring harmony and stability.

It is believed that if you decorate the doors of the refrigerator and food cabinets in the kitchen with images of these colors, they will never be empty.

In the office

In the garden

According to Feng Shui, to attract wealth, strengthen business reputation and prosperity in business, bushes of this plant should be planted on the south side of the garden plot. But regardless of the cardinal directions, if you plant a peony directly under the window, this will give strength to all relatives living at the dacha and ensure a good mood.

What should the picture be like?

Since a painting with peonies is not purchased for the purpose of beautifying the interior, but has a deeper meaning, we approach its selection with the utmost caution. Don't grab the first image you see in the nearest market. We choose carefully, following all the rules.

Tidy up your bedroom

A single bed conveys to the Universe that you are focused on loneliness: replace it with a double bed.

Look what the bed looks like. She must have an attractive and seductive appearance. An unsightly, sloppily made bed with ugly bed linen are signs of a lack of personal life.

There should be nothing in the room that reminds you of loneliness. Furniture and accessories - armchairs, ottomans, floor lamps, sconces - must be paired.

There should be no thorny plants or objects with sharp corners in the bedroom - these are sources of negative energy. Fill the room with round objects. Do not keep dry or artificial flowers in the bedroom - they symbolize ashes and interfere with the emergence of relationships.

Prepare a place for your future partner. Clear out a few shelves in your wardrobe. If you sleep on half of an unassembled sofa, unfold it at night.

Buy items that symbolize eroticism: silk bed linen, a beautiful peignoir, candles with the scent of chocolate, roses, myrrh.

Accessories will attract the energy of love and help hold it.

What is important for the picture

  • Sharp image. Flowers should be in the foreground, no blurry effects or faded colors.
  • Odd number. You also need to count the buds.

Important! You can hang a picture of one flower. A woman will become the only one for her man. He won't look around.


As for color, all options carry positive energy.

  • Pink flowers are suitable for a young couple, they give tenderness, calmness, and mutual understanding.
  • Red peonies are a symbol of passion and sexuality.
  • White color will give fidelity, stable relationships, and protect the couple from the evil eye and bad thoughts.

DIY wall panel for the bedroom

If you like to do handicrafts, then a wall panel will decorate your bedroom. You can find diagrams for making wall panels online. The panel can be made from any available materials.

Suitable for the panel:

  1. fabric scraps;
  2. plywood or foam for the frame;
  3. baguette, moldings and frames;
  4. Materials for fastening and stitching are required.

A panel made from scrap materials will favorably emphasize the interior design of the bedroom and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

Floral design is one of the most common for panels.

Red peonies according to feng shui

Red peonies: natural flowers, artificial flowers, their images, are a powerful symbol of love and passion. They awaken love energy in a person and eliminate modesty in the sexual sphere.

It is believed that if a married couple's attraction to each other has weakened, then they should place a bouquet of red peonies at the head of the bed. Passion will resume with renewed vigor.

If a girl really wants to get married, then to attract successful and rich suitors, she should place a bouquet of red flowers in the living room.

If a man is looking for a wife, then he should place flowers in the southwest corner of his bedroom. This activates the feminine energy Yin.

Which flowers to choose?

It is not for nothing that peony is considered an imperial plant. In the palaces of Chinese rulers there were always fresh bouquets of them. Their internal and attracted energy is so great that even images can have an impact no worse than real flowers.

Of course, real plants are more attractive because they impart their unique aroma. But a painting of peonies or a drawing with a single bud has the same energy as living plants.

This flower has a luxurious range of colors. As a symbol in Feng Shui, it fulfills its purpose in any way. But each has its own characteristics and shades.

  1. Red is responsible for activity and passion. It should be chosen by those who want to attract their soul mate or awaken an extinguished feeling. Girls seeking to get married should keep bouquets of only red peonies at home.
  2. Pink promotes a romantic mood. It awakens tenderness rather than violent passion.
  3. White peonies are absolutely necessary where life together has cracked, quarrels and scandals are not uncommon. The calm and stability of white tones will smooth out negative energy.
  4. Yellow peonies are rare. But they are famous for not accepting and repelling lies and duplicity in human relationships.
  5. If you need not only to achieve harmony, but also protection from unwanted influences, then flowers of purple colors will cope best with this.

Additional flower characteristics

Peonies have one amazing skill: they attract good luck, joy and money into the house. Not only fresh flowers are capable of this, but also the same paintings depicting them. Both are best placed in sunny and bright rooms where there is always plenty of natural light. This condition will only double the effect of the flower.

Peonies also tend to bring active, lively and optimistic energy into the home. Not a single family member will succumb to apathy, melancholy and depression if these flowers are there. But to some, such energy may seem too active. Therefore, if you want to find peace and tranquility, you need to opt for some other plant, the choice of which, according to the science of Feng Shui, is quite large.

Charm and youth are a couple of other characteristics that are suitable to describe the energy of peonies. Their owners become just like that: charming and young! Both internally and externally.

These wonderful flowers are the familiar peonies. Let all the above-mentioned properties of peonies help you change your life, make it bright and full of feelings!

Color meaning

A flower in nature has many colors, and each of them has its own purpose.

Reds. The most common red color of peony is a symbol of sexuality and love passion. If there are red flowers in the house, it means that the owner intends to awaken a strong attraction in the man invited to the house.

White flowers mean calm and tranquility. Most often, they are intended to create a favorable environment in the family and relieve tense relationships. Their task is to stop family disagreements, quarrels and troubles.

Pink peonies carry the ability to renew family relationships and save a marriage from possible disintegration.

Purple flowers in China symbolize protection. They cleanse negative energy and protect against negative influence from the outside.

Yellows are able to bring harmony and stability to the home, get rid of lies and show the true situation.

Where to hang a picture with peonies

The bedroom is the best place for peonies. Just don’t hang the image on the first empty wall. The influence on fate directly depends on its location. What do experts say about this?

Feng Shui location

  • Above the family bed. Increases sexual desire and improves intimate life.
  • In the northern part of the bedroom, the image is placed by couples who want to improve their well-being.
  • In the southwest of the room. This arrangement is suitable for single men; the picture will help awaken Yin energy.

Important! If at the moment the couple has a bad relationship, the spouses have quarreled, then you can put the picture on the bedside table on the side of the man’s bed.

If the husband left his companion or did not spend the night at home, then the image of the flower is locked in the linen closet.

Peony is a luxurious flower. The painting will certainly bring great luck, love, family happiness and improve well-being. Just approach the choice and location taking into account all the rules.

Where to hang a picture of peonies for marriage

  1. Peonies according to Feng Shui for an unmarried girl. If a young girl wants to get married soon, she should place a picture of peonies in the living room, above the bedroom door or opposite the door that leads to the bedroom.
  2. Peonies according to Feng Shui for a single man. For a man, an image of peonies located in the southwestern zone of the bedroom will help him find a wife. It is believed that the image of these colors attracts energy flows. And this will attract a good bride or groom.

feng shui peonies for a single man

Correct placement of peonies

According to the principles of Feng Shui, it is very important to correctly arrange flowers in the house so that they successfully perform their function.

  • Single representatives of the fair sex who want to attract love need to remove from their space all unnecessary objects that interfere with the clean breathing of the flower.
  • You can place bouquets of peonies or paintings with images of these plants at the entrance to your bedroom or hang them on the walls. But when the goal is achieved, be sure to move the plant to the guest room.
  • To improve your career, you should place flowers at your workplace. If you are using a painting, hang it on a wall that faces north. The flowers on it should be white, pink or light lilac to ensure success.

It is important to clearly understand for yourself what problem you want to solve with the help of a beautiful and majestic flower. A magnificent lush plant will help fill your home with positive energy and improve your love, business or family spheres. Moreover, the more saturated the shade of a flower, the more powerful its impact. But do not forget that excess energy (even positive) can have a bad effect on a person, suppressing his personal strength, so everything is good in moderation.

Where to place it?

Those who want bright feelings in love can place bouquets in the bedroom. But the presence of peonies in it can lead to unexpected and unfavorable consequences. Being located in this room, they are able to increase sexual desire so much that it will look for a way out on the side. Such development of relations is not necessary, but possible. You need to think carefully before placing active flowers in the recreation room. For unmarried people, it is also better to keep peonies near the entrance to the bedroom, increasing its attractiveness, but not in it itself.

What not to do?

There are certain rules for using fresh flowers and their images. Despite the enormous positive energy, you can turn it against yourself if you use the symbol incorrectly. Professionals do not recommend the following.

  • There is no need to place flowers in your home or work if they are not attractive or are not your favorite. Such a symbol will not help people with a negative attitude, since a reaction is only possible to warm and sincere feelings.
  • If an image of a flower or bouquets of peonies were placed indoors to achieve a certain goal, for example, to find a husband, then after receiving what you wanted, you should remove the symbol from the house. If this is not done, the consequences may be negative.
  • There is no need to hang a picture with a bouquet in the room and leave it there forever, you need to change it or remove it for a while, otherwise there will be no effect, and in the worst case, it will be the opposite.
  • The described symbol does not like water around him, he is in disharmony with it, therefore it will not be possible to achieve a beneficial effect from the flower. This is one of the reasons why peonies are never planted in the garden near fountains or artificial ponds. There should not be an aquarium nearby in the room.




Peonies in Feng Shui: meaning and location in the apartment

In China, only red peonies are revered - they are considered a symbol of wealth and high status in society. You can use other colors, the main thing is to choose the most saturated ones, abandoning the faded ones.

According to Feng Shui, the best place for peonies in the house is the dining room, living room and bedroom. In the dining room located next to the kitchen (or in one room that unites them), a flower will help enhance the vital energy of all household members. Your vitality will increase and your appetite will increase. And the kitchen, decorated with a bouquet of peonies, will never be empty - both the refrigerator and the cabinets will be filled with provisions.

In the bedroom, you should give preference to white flowers, which symbolize moral purity (indirectly protecting spouses from infidelity), or red ones (they add novelty to sensations and enhance passion). But you shouldn’t overuse red flowers - their seething energy can push one of the spouses to look for additional entertainment on the side.

Placing the bouquet in the living room is the most neutral option. Here these flowers will be able to maintain the tone of all household members. They will also attract a male guest to the house, who will become a groom for an unmarried girl, if one lives here.

In the garden plot, the place for red peonies is south. According to Feng Shui, peonies in a garden plot will help strengthen your business reputation and position in society. If you plant a peony bush under the window, no matter which side of the world, then the inhabitants of the room will always have a good mood and a desire to discover new horizons in different areas of life.

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