Feng Shui desktop wallpapers attract favorable energy (15 photos). 7 pictures on your phone that can become a magnet for luck and money

@daria.jameson Today there is probably not a person who does not know about Feng Shui. This is an ancient Chinese teaching about the energetic interaction of the surrounding world and man. According to him, by comfortably arranging the place of our existence, we attract good luck into our lives. An ancient Chinese proverb: “If you want to change your life, change twenty-seven items in your home.”

The art of Feng Shui combines elements of good taste, common sense and mysticism. According to this doctrine, there is a force in the world that connects a person with the environment. With the help of this art, you can make your life prosperous and happy, and turn your workplace into a source of success. To do this, you need to organize the Feng Shui of your desktop. By correctly arranging a place to work, you can increase efficiency, make work easier, increase the volume of work, which will lead to prosperity and well-being.


Flowing water symbolizes the movement of the energy of money. This is why the Chinese are so fond of paintings and embroideries depicting waterfalls.

A waterfall is a sign of wealth and financial independence.

For the screensaver, it is better to choose an animated picture, so the effect will be even better.

Desktop wallpaper depicting bamboo - a symbol of good health and longevity.

Oranges and tangerines are a wonderful feng shui symbol that encourages positive thinking, joy, success, and material well-being. Due to their orange color and ball shape, oranges have been associated with gold and wealth since ancient times.

Feng Shui ideas for you and your home

Mobile phone has become a very important part of our life.
It is no longer just a means of communication. This is an important connection with the outside world. You can also browse the Internet and do much more using your mobile phone. This is a real computer in miniature. We get used to our mobile phones and can no longer live without them. From a Feng Shui point of view, a mobile phone is not very useful and is even harmful, since it emits invisible electromagnetic waves. These waves are very harmful to our health and the best recommendation that can be given is to not place your mobile near your pillow when you go to bed. If you can’t live without a cell phone, then at least let it be at a distance of at least a meter.

And yet, we carry it with us all day, and it greatly affects our personal qi. In Feng Shui, every object has its own aura and has its own energy. Even inanimate objects are viewed through the lens of their constituent materials and energy levels.

Useful tips

Feng Shui recommendations for wealth should be used in combination. You can maintain cleanliness in the house, place talismans correctly, but the material flow is not activated, because, for example, the taps at home regularly flow. The water element plays a big role in gaining wealth, so it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of all pipes and valves.

Please note: Baba Nina’s amulet for wealth.

Any room needs regular ventilation. Fresh air will clean your home or office and allow good energy to circulate freely in the space.

The right attitude towards money

Attracting material wealth to your home largely depends on a person’s mood. Money Feng Shui will only work if a person feels deserving of wealth. It should be remembered that any monetary values ​​require respect. Banknotes and coins must be counted. You should know the sources of income and expenses, so it is better to keep a special notebook in which to reflect these transactions.

Using symbols in the home

Numbers are given great importance in the Feng Shui system. So, for example, the number 6 can bring wealth to your home. Lucky numbers can form combinations, for example, the number 78 is a symbol of wealth. These symbols can be applied to various objects.

Thoughts on ways to make money

Attracting a flow of monetary energy must be accompanied by a change in a person’s internal attitudes. You should set yourself up for new ways of earning money, look for ways through which you can improve your financial situation.

Successful environment

If you want to achieve financial well-being, you need to change your environment. You should spend more time around successful people who deserve respect. The energy exchange will lead to the activation of cash flow. If it is not possible to communicate with rich people in person, you can hang their photographs in prominent places.

Rules for purchasing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Don't underestimate where your money is stored. Banknotes and coins should be kept separate from each other. In this case, paper money should be stored unfolded.

The wallet is also an amulet for attracting money, so what it looks like is important. A monetary accessory should be associated with luxury and beauty. You should quickly get rid of old worn out wallets.

It matters what the wallet is made of. It is better to use leather items.

Hard work is the key to wealth

Even taking into account the implementation of all the Feng Shui recommendations that have come down to us from ancient times, we should remember that they will not work if a person does not take any action. Financial stability is guaranteed to people who are not afraid of work and know the value of money.


There is such a belief: whoever finds a four-leaf clover will have great luck and success in life.

Flowers and trees symbolize prosperity, abundance and well-being.

Put an image of a clover, a lush bouquet or a blooming apple orchard on your phone, and good luck will be with you.

Pictures that attract material well-being

Images of juicy citrus fruits not only encourage positive thinking, but also attract success in all endeavors. The noble color of oranges is often compared to gold, which is why these fruits help attract wealth and luxury.

The image of fluttering butterflies promises profit.

The mill is a symbol of endless abundance and fertility. A screensaver in the form of a mill will help make “everything spin and spin” around you and wealth will come into your hands.

If you have a cherished dream, set a screensaver that will charge you for success in the pursuit of your goal. Remember, thoughts are material. If you want to buy a car, then choose a picture of your dream car, the main thing is that in the photo it is new, without damage. If you dream of living in your own country house, set an image of your dream house.

Wallpaper in the form of a waterfall or fountain will be an excellent talisman for attracting positive energy of abundance. The main thing is that the flow of water in the picture is not very strong.

From the animal world, elephants are considered symbols of wealth and strength.

Goldfish screensaver will help make any dream come true and promises success in financial matters.

Desktop wallpaper with Dragon, hieroglyphs and Feng Shui talismans. The dragon is the ultimate symbol of luck and creativity.

Best place for mobile

The mobile element is metal.
Therefore, the best location for it is north, northwest and west of the house or office. It is also good to use a mobile phone while in the northwestern part of the house. This will help activate the helper zone and will work great in business. When your mobile phone rings, it takes you one step closer to new opportunities.

The North-West is the sector of mentors, friends and helpers. The element of metal reigns here, and this sector can be further strengthened by placing metal and round objects here.

In addition to a mobile phone, you can place a computer, printer and other electronic devices here, which also belong to the element of metal.

What is love in the teachings of Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, love is one of the main components of human life. According to Chinese teaching, a person without love is unhappy. Feelings and marriage are inseparable concepts, so only those who are ready for a family should start attracting a partner into their lives. But the teaching also convinces that a person is capable of attracting a partner into his life. And this should start with arranging the apartment. The necessary energy and atmosphere in the house can change your life.

Double Luck Symbol

Form and visual design

The shape of the phone matters a lot. A square-shaped phone will bring good luck to the people of Earth. A device with round or semicircular corners is suitable for people under the auspices of Metal. Rectangular phones are suitable for people who are ruled by Wood. Telephones with sharp corners bring good luck to the lives of people under the auspices of Fire. Water people prefer phones with moon-shaped protrusions.

When you come home, don't carry your phone with you. Place it in an area that matches your element. Your phone should be free of dirt and dust - keep your mobile device clean. Traces of chaos will prevent Qi from interacting with the device as it should. If a crack appears on the screen or case of a mobile phone, it must be replaced as soon as possible.

Your phone balance also matters. Try to spend funds in your account in such a way that the balance does not fall below zero. Negative numbers negatively affect the energy of the phone. Choose a number very responsibly - make sure that it contains as many lucky numbers as possible.

Mobile phones and smartphones have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. We can no longer imagine our life without them, but few people know that, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, the objects that we always carry with us and can no longer do without them directly and directly affect our energy. Therefore, there are criteria according to which you need to choose a mobile phone in order to attract positive energies into your life.

Pendants with coins

Chinese pendants with coins are truly miraculous talismans that have amazing powers. They symbolize the connection of the two most powerful energies on earth: Yin and Yang.

This is what helps to attract good luck and wealth into your life. They say that it is better to put three Chinese coins tied together with a red thread on the screensaver.

And if you own your own business, then soon things will go uphill, your capital will increase several times.

Experts' opinion

Astrologers advise to sincerely believe in your dream. If deep down you think support from above is stupid, then nothing will work out. The stars, whatever one may say, rule our world. Shocks and rewards are the work of their ray-hands.

Optimal installation on a birthday or new moon. The screensaver should be changed several times a year.

Bioenergetics experts know for sure about the interdependence of visualizations and financial situation. It is recommended to use the phone as an energy amplifier. For example, the Yera rune promotes wealth and maintains the budget.

Avoid saving photos with negative associations in your mobile memory - they hinder financial growth. It is not advisable to choose a family photo as a background. The screen is seen by others, among whom there are many envious, ogling, and simply angry people. The negative easily penetrates through the photograph into the family field. If you still decide, then turn the device upside down in the presence of colleagues, friends, and clients.

According to psychologists, the drawing expresses the state of the owner. This is our internal resource, a visualization of desire and a reminder of the goal. A successful process is built on faith in implementation. According to studies, those who have photos of families are more successful and less likely to find themselves in unpleasant situations. But provided that the picture was taken independently.

But in fact, when a person selects a picture, the request has already been generated. And if so, then it will definitely work.


gold fish

People whose zodiac sign belongs to the water element are especially recommended to use a picture of a goldfish as a screensaver.

Once you place the fish on the screen, activate it. To do this, make a simple wish, for example, “I want chocolate.”

It is better to do this on the waxing moon. Chocolate must be bought and eaten. And you will have fun, and the fish will start working.

Shape matters

Once again we are dealing with the elements. Each specific form has its own element. Previously, we were already able to determine which element we belong to; now we need to choose a form. Fortunately, in the current situation on the mobile phone market there is no shortage of this kind. Some useful information:

  1. Square shapes are related to the earth element.
  2. Round and semicircular - in harmony with Metal.
  3. Rectangular - here there is direct interaction with the Tree.
  4. Protruding corners in a triangle correspond to Fire.
  5. Moon-shaped protrusions are ideal for Water.

The most common shapes of mobile phones are: rectangular, square, semicircular (or oval). It is more difficult with triangular options, but there is a way out: use adhesive tape or a body of a certain shape and with an appropriate pattern. Color, size, shape - all these are external signs. What about the filling?


Citrus fruits such as lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit will not only show off on the screen of your mobile device and delight you with their warm colors, but will also bring you material benefits.

The bright colors of fruits can relieve you of stress. If you have a nervous job, in order not to lose control over yourself and the situation, it is better to put beautiful bright yellow lemons or oranges on your screensaver.

They will lift your spirits and set you on a positive wave. This is what will contribute to the growth of your capital. It is not without reason that according to Feng Shui, citrus fruits are the main symbol of wealth.

The twisted shell is a symbol of prosperity and good luck in travel.

According to Feng Shui symbolism, cherry blossoms are the embodiment of spring, love, fidelity and inseparability. The image of sakura in the South-West in the Love zone is especially appropriate. There she will help strengthen your marital relationship.

Mobile size

In addition to color design, Feng Shui also takes into account the size of all objects with which a person interacts. Here it would not be amiss to mention such an interesting tool as the Feng Shui ruler. It has certain segments that influence a person in one way or another. The usual size of a mobile phone is approximately 10-15 centimeters, so let's look at segments that are close to this range:

  • 5.37 cm - patronizes Wealth (symbol - chest of jewelry);
  • 10.74 cm - Illness (bad attitude of the authorities, prison or widowhood);
  • 16.11 cm - Separation (loss of money, deception, you can lose everything);
  • 21.48 cm - Generosity (excellent income, gifted descendants, happiness and prosperity).

As you can see, in order to choose a phone that will bring happiness with its size, you need to use either a completely micro model (5.37 cm) or use a true monster smartphone (21.48 cm). This does not seem very comfortable, so it is quite difficult not to fall into the range (10.74 and 16.11 cm) in order to avoid becoming a victim of Illness and Separation. But there is an original way out. You can use a beautiful plain adhesive tape or a special phone case, in which the symbolically real size is reduced and you can get 5.37 cm. Thus, Feng Shui for a mobile phone will be coordinated with the desired dimensions. But color and size are not everything either. What can you say about the shape of an object?

Talismans and symbols of love in pictures

Swans are a symbol of love

In Feng Shui there are many symbols and talismans of love, the images of which should be placed in your apartment.

A picture with peonies is considered the most powerful symbol. Single girls can hang it at the entrance to the bedroom, this will attract a man into their life. For married women, the painting can also be used to enhance the feelings of the spouse. But it is advisable for them to place the image in the living room, and not in the bedroom, otherwise the husband may begin to pay attention to other representatives of the fair sex. You can also use fresh flowers, purchasing them from time to time.

Crystals are considered another strong talisman; they should be placed in the southwest of the apartment, that is, in the love zone. They must be cleaned in advance with a saline solution, placed in it and left for a week. It is recommended to place the crystal in the bedroom in a suspended state.

Feng Shui for love, luck, money

In addition, it would be nice to place a bouquet of peonies in the activated sector - they symbolize a prosperous marriage. Flowers can be real, artificial or painted in a picture.

Choose for yourself those Feng Shui talismans that appeal to you the most. There is no need to overload the southwest with a huge number of iconic items. It is enough to put 2-3 things related to the elements there, supplement them with 1-2 symbols of love and hang a sheet of affirmations.

We will tell you how thought forms that attract love can sound. You can use our examples or come up with your own.

  • The universe gives me love.
  • I am moving towards love and am ready to accept it.
  • My heart is open to love.
  • The energy of love fills me.
  • All men find me attractive.
  • Everyone loves me.
  • I found love and am happy.

It is recommended to activate the love and marriage sector not only when you are looking for a love relationship, but also when you already have one. Feng Shui will help keep your feelings fresh and strengthen your loved one’s affection for you.

Feng Shui for good luck

Any talismans aimed at gaining good luck are placed in the center of the house or the room in which a person (or the whole family) spends the most time - it is this zone that is “responsible” for the Smiles of Fate.

Bamboo of happiness

If you dream of attracting good luck into your life that will accompany you in all your endeavors, then purchase the so-called “bamboo of happiness.” In order for it to contribute to the emergence of favorable circumstances in any area of ​​your existence, it must have exactly 21 stems. It is this number that is considered the number of Fortune.

Position the bamboo so that it is well lit. Keep an eye on his “health”. Take care of it, watch it grow. And if suddenly he begins to waste away, take note of this. As a rule, this happens when you do something wrong in your life, step on a “slippery” path, or methodically harm yourself with your actions.


Another energetic assistant for attracting good luck is the lotus flower. It helps you find favorable opportunities outside your home. You can use a lotus image or a flower made of glass or rock crystal. It is better to place it in the center of the room or home so that you can easily see it when you go on important matters. Or you can grow a living lotus yourself!


Red Dragon

A picture depicting a red dragon will help you gain material wealth without much effort.

Since ancient times, it was believed that this talisman controls four elements at once. This supernatural power will not only give you countless treasures and fulfill all your deepest desires, but will also make you wiser.

It is important to put the red dragon on the screensaver, because it has incredible and inexplicable power. It is a symbol of protection and abundance, and not just in money.

Screensavers to help you succeed in business, work or school

Peacock is one of the strongest talismans of wealth and prosperity. The many “eyes” on the peacock’s tail symbolize wisdom. It is perfect for career advancement and salary increases. For businessmen, he will help in concluding profitable contracts.

The horse will help you achieve your goals.

  • A running horse symbolizes quickly achieving a goal,
  • A horse rearing up is a victory over competitors.

To ensure that things always “go uphill”, the image of mountain peaks will help.

Also, a picture with predatory animals promises good luck in your studies and career.

The eagle screensaver will help you “always be on top.”

If you want to win in everything, install wallpaper that depicts a lion.

Put an image of a sailboat on your screensaver, with spread sails on calm water, and success in your career and business will be guaranteed.

To achieve a promotion and always be “at the helm,” a screensaver is suitable - the helm of a yacht or ship.

Pine forest or turtle

An image of a pine forest will help get rid of the disease. To enhance the effect, you can go to the forest (preferably in the morning), take a few successful shots and set it on your screensaver.

If nothing bothers the owner of the phone, but he would like to maintain health, then you need to use the image of a land turtle.

This same animal, but already floating in the water, will bring healing from psychological suffering. The best color for such thematic pictures is green.

Wallpaper pictures for your phone and computer to make your wishes come true

Feng Shui and modern gadgets are seemingly two incompatible concepts. However, ancient science keeps up with the times, and wallpaper pictures have long existed with which you can make all your dreams come true.

In our world, where there is not only success and happiness, but also difficulties and failures, achieving what you want is not so easy. Desires do not come true by themselves. However, there is a simple way that will help make any dream come true and make any desire come true - effective visualization using screensavers on your phone and computer.

Visualization effect

What is the picture on the screen of your smartphone or laptop? This is a kind of image that reflects your true desires and intentions. Not only esotericists, but also outright skeptics argue that digital media can help achieve goals. When a person writes a daily routine and makes a schedule, they work and the person becomes more organized over time. Almost the same thing happens with the screensaver on your phone.

This is confirmed not only by the teachings of Feng Shui, but also by psychology. Visualization is a subtle work with the subconscious. The most important thing is to make your unconscious work for your dream, and not against it. A correctly selected picture will “program” the consciousness for success, achieving goals and realizing intentions. Don’t be too lazy to conduct an audit and sort out your desires: the image in the picture must be associated with your dream.

Of course, a desktop screensaver won't make your wish come true for you. On its own, it can't do anything. But if the right picture constantly catches your eye, your subconscious will get involved in the work of making your dream come true. We make most of our actions and choices based on the voice of the unconscious. A screensaver on a mobile or computer screen “speaks” to the subconscious in its language - the language of images, and this is a scientifically proven fact.

Pictures-wallpapers for making wishes come true

Four-leaf clover - symbolizes luck, fulfillment of desires, hope and faith. This is one of the most common talismans that attracts success and prosperity in all areas of life.

Bunch of keys. Keys are considered a magical element. Our ancestors believed that it was most effective to carry them in a bunch of three or seven keys. Together they attract material well-being, good health and constant good luck.

The witch's pouch is a storage of energy. Can contain any intention, desire or vibration. To improve the effect, the editors of the site dailyhoro.ru suggest reading any conspiracy to make wishes come true over the screensaver.

Ladder. Each step symbolizes a goal achieved, so the more steps, the better. This picture serves to connect with the material world and helps in achieving practical goals.

Aladdin's lamp - this ancient amulet will bring good luck and prosperity, as well as happiness in all areas and will be very useful for achieving what you want.

The pyramid is a powerful magnet that attracts the energy of the Universe, which can be directed to make your dreams come true. In ancient times, they were used as a talisman against enemies and an amulet for good luck and the fulfillment of desires. In the modern world, a picture with a pyramid performs exactly the same functions.

Happy Buddha. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any image of Buddha attracts good luck, happiness, goodness and joy, and also fulfills wishes.

The art of Feng Shui makes us happier and, no less important, more successful. Even those who are far from esoteric and look at life pragmatically will find it useful to learn about the 10 rules of Feng Shui that will help change their life for the better.

Images of waterfalls to attract good luck, wealth and abundance to the home.

Wallpaper to attract money and good luck for your screensaver

Money symbols

Triskel. This is a shamanic amulet, used by them far to the present day. This symbol shows that life flows continuously. It improves human intuition and the gift of foresight. This ultimately affects making the right decisions in difficult situations, as well as quick and timely reactions.

Four leaf clover . It is considered to be a fairly powerful amulet for attracting money, wealth, love, luck and family well-being.

Key . It acts as a symbol that allows you to choose the right path in life and find your place. It will also open the door to success and wealth in your life. By putting a picture of a key on the wallpaper of your phone, tablet or computer, you can overcome the problems that have accompanied your life for quite a long time.

Money pictures

Money horseshoe. This symbol is known to almost everyone. And as a screensaver image, it can be with you everywhere and attract cash flow to you.


Chinese coins . Most often, they take three coins and tie them together. They differ in that there is a quadrangular hole inside them. Photos of tied coins are also good for attracting good luck and wealth.

All-seeing eye. Considered a talisman of wisdom. On the screensaver you can put either just a picture of this symbol or a one-dollar bill with an eye drawn on it.

Flower pictures. They represent growth, prosperity, luck. Luck is associated with spring because they are capricious. That's why she loves everything related to prosperity.

Fountain and waterfall . Symbol of dynamics, movement. The water amulet is recommended by psychologists. Wallpaper for attracting money on your phone screensavers will set you up for a stream of luck and success.

Infinity or figure eight. This symbol became widespread due to Feng Shui. There it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. It's a good idea to put it on your phone or computer screen.

Citruses. Bright juicy citrus fruits are used to lift the mood. But few people know that such pictures also attract financial flow. It is not for nothing that their color is often compared to gold.

Flying butterflies . They can attract money, success and luck into your life. The life of butterflies is compared to happiness because they are fleeting. Esotericists also recommend using the image of butterflies when there is a lack of love and joy in life.

A phone screensaver to attract money may also be your dream. For example, if you want to buy a house, put a photo of what you want. After all, thoughts are material.

Photo of Ganesh on your phone to attract money

Features of choice

Expert opinion

feng shui master

A Feng Shui painting to attract wealth should definitely please you. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to what will bring positivity and lift your spirits. It is very important that the image not only gives an effect, but also fits harmoniously into the interior.

Hang large pictures on the walls or place a framed photo on the table. It is useful to put a photo to attract money on your phone. Since you look at it quite often, screensavers attract luck more strongly. The picture may contain an image that denotes wealth according to Feng Shui or visualizes desires.

Toads and turtles

According to Feng Shui, the turtle and the toad (frog) are ancient and powerful eastern talismans. The turtle combines health, longevity and wisdom, and the frog personifies the element of water and brings wealth. These talismans will increase your confidence, help you achieve your goals, and even tell you how to spend your money correctly.

For such wallpaper to be useful, the computer or laptop must be directed to the east, only in this case the picture will have strong energy.

It's important to post images that speak to you to feel better, so surround yourself with nice things, even if they're not on this list.

Pictures of amulets for your phone and computer

During the day, a person involuntarily looks at the screen of his gadget over a hundred times. During these short-term moments, the brain manages to put into memory the message that the desktop wallpaper carries. And as you know, everything that is stored in memory programs further events. In order to set the correct message of your thoughts every day, you need to place a talisman on your computer or mobile phone desktop, which, like a magnet, will attract positive energy and good mood! Like ordinary amulets, talisman images have powerful magical properties that help protect a person from illness and the evil eye, as well as improve his financial condition and help him find harmony with himself.

A pair of mandarin ducks brings happiness in love and is a symbol of a long and happy marriage. Lotus flowers add purity and harmony to love relationships.

Desk location according to Feng Shui: basic rules

You should see your heroes, as well as your enemies, in person! And this tells us that you shouldn’t sit with your back to the door. For example, since childhood I have had discomfort with this arrangement. Then I still didn’t know anything about Feng Shui, and I couldn’t fall asleep with my back turned away from the entrance to my abode. That is, the feeling of danger arises in us at an instinctive level, which means that such a feeling throughout the entire working day cannot in any way contribute to productivity and success. Moreover, negative external influences in this position can easily sneak up on you and harm you.

There is no way to change seats - at least put a mirror on your desk. In general, the best location for you in relation to the entrance is considered to be a desk that stands diagonally from the door so that you can see it with your own eyes.

A workplace under looming threat in the form of shelves, ceiling beams and other heavy objects is considered not the best option. Feng Shui of a desktop in an office says that this, like the previous location, makes you tense up and feel somewhat cornered! You will also be treated disrespectfully if the table is near the entrance. Get a large and meaningful object that will make you more significant.

Feng Shui flower on the desktop

It is also undesirable to sit with your back to the window, as the Feng Shui of your office desk says, as you will doom your work to failure and neither your colleagues nor your superiors will consider it necessary to support you. It is better to cover your rear with a strong support - a wall. They banned the construction of brickwork - miracle partitions will help you! Well, if such a move is not possible, fence yourself with vegetation. A tall flower will be able to attract all the attention, thereby diverting glances from your back. Flowers at work symbolize prosperity and success.

Wallpaper to attract love and harmony to the family

Excellent talismans for success in matters of the heart will be screensavers with a pair of images, for example, two hearts, a pair of cooing doves, two swans or two cranes.

To achieve spiritual harmony and tranquility in the family, beautiful, calm natural landscapes are installed as wallpaper, for example, an image of a plain or calm water - as they say: “peace and quiet.”

Single women and men should put an image of two birds against a background of cherry blossoms. This bright Japanese tree blooming with pink flowers personifies all the delights of spring: joy, love and freshness, and two birds on the wings of love will bring long-awaited happiness.

To strengthen a love connection, a lotus image is suitable for spouses. Also, this water lily promotes success in creative activities and drives away negative energy.

If there are not enough warm and tender feelings in life, flowers such as juicy scarlet roses and peonies will come to the rescue. They are considered symbols of passion and love, capable of awakening passionate and strong feelings in the heart of any person.

The main thing is not to doubt the power of the talisman! The amulet helps only those who truly believe in it.

Crystal lotus is one of the strongest and most effective Feng Shui talismans. It harmonizes and strengthens marital relationships. On the desktop it accompanies financial and creative luck. Relieves negative thoughts. Helps to grow spiritually and harmonize all aspects of life.

In Feng Shui, blooming lilac symbolizes beauty, spring renewal, freshness and abundance of energy. The image of lilac, located in the southwestern sector of the house or bedroom, brings freshness and romance to marital relationships.

The beauty of nature symbolizes good luck in life in Feng Shui.

A boat full of Chinese coins surrounded by oranges on a red fabric background is one of the main symbols of material well-being in Feng Shui. A branch of cherry blossoms will add lightness and energy in achieving your goals. In the upper left corner is the Chinese character for “wealth.”

Feng Shui to attract love - signs, flowers, things in the apartment

Chinese traditions consider human feelings to be the most important area of ​​life, which helps to achieve complete harmony and happiness.

That is why feng shui for attracting love is a real science, including certain behavioral tactics and specific talismans.

It is worth noting that love, according to Feng Shui, is associated both with the search for a soul mate and with the establishment of already existing relationships.

Feng Shui for love in the apartment

First of all, experts from ancient teachings recommend optimizing the space around you to increase love energy. The right environment in your home will not only help you attract love into your life. Feng Shui of an apartment also allows you to harmonize the relationship between the sexes.

Apartment design

If you are looking for a partner or future spouse, even if you are looking for a close friend, try to follow these rules.

  • Keep pictures and photos of attractive people of the opposite sex indoors. They will help attract a soul mate. Decorate the eastern part of the workplace with red objects: vases, talismans, paintings.
  • According to Feng Shui, love requires a lot of luck, so hang pictures of birds, be it peacocks or phoenixes, in the living room. Avoid pictures of lonely people in the house. Such portraits only attract negative energy.
  • Promptly get rid of old things that remind you of your previous relationship. Past gifts, photographs, as well as romantic correspondence from the past - all this should not be in the house.
  • Get rid of the abundance of feminine energy in the house. Your partner may be put off in advance by the presence of cosmetics, jewelry and lace in every room. If you need to attract a specific man, decorate the interior taking into account his interests.

How to decorate your bedroom according to Feng Shui to attract love

When you are puzzled by the question of how to find love according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the design of your bedroom, especially if it has an advantageous placement in the love and marriage sector or in the family area.

  • Hang pictures with lunar paths near your bed, as well as images of this Earth satellite. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Moon significantly increases the chances of attracting a partner. Paintings with beautiful landscapes and floral motifs are also allowed.
  • Do not install mirrors in the sleeping room, especially on the wall opposite the bed. These items very quickly take away love luck from a person’s life. It is not advisable to keep potted flowers and images of autumn scenes and sunsets in the bedroom.
  • According to Feng Shui, love never comes to the home of single people. Therefore, the bed should be a double bed, with free access to both sides. The bed should consist of 2 pillows. The space above the bed itself should not be covered with shelves or decorative elements, because Qi energy should circulate freely in the room.
  • Don't place your bed so that your head is near the window and your feet are near the door. Please also note that the bed should have a clear view of everyone entering or leaving the room. There shouldn't be many corners in the bedroom. In addition, this room cannot be a walk-through room.
  • The southwest part of the sleeping room is an ideal place to store a seashell that will help improve relationships. At the same time, children's toys should not be stored in the bedroom.

Regardless of the location of the bedroom, it is important to know where the love corner is according to Feng Shui. This is the far right area in each apartment. This is where candles, incense and aphrodisiacs would be appropriate. Work documents, TV and computer gadgets are not desirable in this sector.

The love corner should always be clean and well lit.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage: basic actions

The correct search for a future partner is an important aspect of attracting love luck. According to Chinese teaching, one should take an active position and independently draw up a specific scenario for the development of events.

  • Make a list with the merits of your future chosen one. In addition to all the qualities you need, work on the list of your partner’s disadvantages. Please note that both lists must be varied. How to attract love according to Feng Shui in this way? Just send this information to your loving spirits. To do this, copy the data onto red or pink paper, roll it into a tube and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Keep this scroll in the far right corner of the door.
  • At midnight, in the southwest of the bedroom, light several red candles, maybe even scented ones. Place them in a wide vessel with water: let them float freely and create a romantic atmosphere in the house. It is advisable that the container with water should be a crystal or glass vase, with stones and a precious ring on its bottom. It is also worth putting a few rose or peony petals on the water.
  • On first dates, try not to forget about the need for red shades in clothes and accessories. This will increase positive energy.

Flower of Romance

Few fans of Chinese traditions know that Feng Shui for love and marriage is also a thorough study of a person’s destiny based on Bazi astrology. Getting to know the 4 Pillars of Destiny allows you to discover and activate the so-called Flower of Romance or Peach Flower. He, in turn, is one of the main creatures of the Chinese horoscope: Horse, Rat, Rooster or Rabbit.

First, find out what animal you were born on. This is determined by the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Remember the following ratio:

  • For Monkeys, Rats and Dragons, the Rooster is the flower.
  • Pigs, Rabbits, Goats should focus on the Rat.
  • Horses, Dogs or Tigers consider the Rabbit as the Peach Blossom.
  • Bulls, Roosters and Snakes have the Flower in the form of the Horse.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage involves the use of Flowers of Romance in the form of corresponding animal figures. You should always keep such a figurine with you. Also keep in mind that each creature is assigned its own cardinal direction, so everyone has individual romantic sectors in their house.

  • The horse occupies the center of the southern part of the apartment.
  • The rat belongs to the middle of the northern zone.
  • The rooster is identified with the center of the western sector.
  • The rabbit is assigned the middle of the eastern area of ​​the house.

A beautiful vase with fresh flowers and clean water should be placed in the right place. True, if the romantic sector is in the bathroom, it is better not to engage in activation, but to subtract the Peach Blossom not by the day, but by the year of birth.

Please note that the Flower of Romance only applies to new connections and acquaintances. It will not help improve contact with your old partner or spouse. On the contrary, this symbol is capable of developing infidelity and conflict in a couple. Therefore, the vase of flowers is removed immediately after finding love.

How to find love using feng shui using flying stars

In this case, we are talking about how to attract love according to Feng Shui using special types of energy. These streams are presented in the form of flying stars moving around the apartment.

For romance, it is best to keep an eye on the Green Four and Purple Nine Stars. These elements, when handled correctly, bring true love into life.

To know where the Flying Star is located in a given year or month, you should use a special map. Then the favorable energy must be activated. This is done simply: the room in which the Star is currently located should become the most visited in the house or even a place to sleep.

Please note that according to Feng Shui, love, family and romance are attracted by the Stars only if there are no negative objects around the apartment: dying trees, power lines, garbage dumps.

Feng Shui signs of love

It is difficult to imagine Chinese practices without numerous symbols of love and family well-being. Some of the talismans will help single people meet their soulmate, while others will ensure stability and peace in an existing marriage.

  • Mandarin ducks are a feng shui sign of love, as well as a symbol of tenderness and strong family ties. A pair of these birds expresses a happy cancer, but they also promise good luck in relationships for single people. The talisman is used to activate the love sector in the southwest, as well as to improve the atmosphere in the bedroom.
  • Crystals are earth elements that are very active in the southwest sector of the bedroom. Illuminating the crystal will ensure that your partner’s passionate feelings are revealed.
  • A pair of swallows in China is the personification of home comfort and cleanliness, large offspring and prosperity. Such birds would be appropriate in any sector of the apartment.
  • A Feng Shui photo to attract love should contain images of peonies. It is these flowers that are perceived as the strongest talismans. Therefore, such a picture or photograph would be appropriate at the entrance to a bachelor’s bedroom. Married partners should place images of peonies in the living room.
  • Butterflies are an expression of joy and fulfilled desires. A couple of such creatures or a whole flock must definitely decorate the walls of the bedroom so that the sexual relations of the partners do not fade.
  • For those who thirst for spiritual unity in marriage, figurines of geese are suitable. The paired image of these birds is especially appropriate in the southwest. In addition, a guarantee of marital fidelity is provided in the same sector by two kissing doves.
  • Feng Shui hieroglyphs are also very important for attracting love. The stability of relationships is ensured by the “double luck” symbol, which will also help you find a new partner. Activation of romantic luck is possible by placing this sign, drawn on red paper with gold, in the southwestern part of the house. It is also allowed to put the symbol under the bed, hide it in your purse and decorate bed linen with it.
  • Classic Chinese lanterns in red shades are also very useful in the love sector. If you hang such talismans in a couple, they will return the lost sensual fervor to the relationship. A great place for lanterns is near your front door as they will be able to attract positive energy.
  • The dragon-snail is a mythical symbol of harmony in the relationship of lovers. Such a talisman is necessary to reduce the number of conflicts and find the right way out of quarrels. The creature should be placed in the east of the apartment or in the living room.
  • Among the guardians of the hearth, Feng Shui for love and marriage advises placing a Zaoshen figurine at home. This talisman helps get rid of problems in the family, brings overall happiness and even improves well-being. As a rule, the figurine is found in the netsuke style, so it should be placed on the eastern side of the house.

Marriage relationships according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the love of a husband and wife is a special matter that requires reverent attitude and attention. The organization of space here plays no less a role than in a bachelor’s house.

  • Choose dates for dates, wedding registrations and weddings carefully. The energy matrix also implies that each person has several days when meeting the opposite sex is dangerous and pointless. Ideally, building relationships is difficult to imagine without analyzing the Bazi map and the Tong Shu calendar. On some days, it is also dangerous to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, especially the bed.
  • Try to activate the sectors in the southwest and northwest. These zones are identified with the place of the mother-housewife and the male patriarch, respectively. Please note that these areas suffer greatly when toilets, kitchens, and storage rooms are placed there. The same negative effect will be provided by disorder, an abundance of trash and the presence of things with Sha energy.
  • A Feng Shui family bedroom is ideal for attracting the love of your husband. In the southwest of the room there should be a massive object from the element of Earth, but only if the marriage relationship is not too conservative. Shades of orange will help refresh your senses. Sofas and photographs of children are not allowed in the bedroom. The bed itself should be with the head of the bed facing the wall, and old things should not be stored under it.
  • Pay attention to the overall layout of the house. If there are partitions and walls in the center of the room, this is not a very good sign. It’s even worse when the center of the house is littered with cabinets, surrounded by solid doors, or dedicated to a bathroom.
  • Regularly carry out energetic cleansing of the entire house so that stagnation of Qi or Sha is not possible. Use aroma lamps, candles, incense and even charged water for this. Don't forget about the importance of regular wet cleaning and changing bed linen.

Feng Shui for attracting love is equally important for both single and married people. Organizing a harmonious space that attracts good luck and happiness in your personal life is not a one-time process. That is why it is worth changing the layout and furniture in your apartment gradually. Also, never forget about your own positive attitude.

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Screensavers that will attract health

To improve health and gain longevity, you should install an image of bamboo or bamboo thickets on your desktop.

Health is symbolized by pictures depicting blooming gardens, beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers.

Baskets with ripe fruits, for example, images of ripe apples or peaches are symbols of youth, vitality and strength.

Pine is a symbol of health, long life and family happiness.

The turtle is another symbol of longevity, perseverance, strength, and endurance.

For health and longevity

The positive content of the background constantly corrects the subconscious. The process is a targeted effect on problematic areas of the body. Energy flows are straightened, the body is restored.


Tired of being sick? Feeling overwhelmed? Install wallpaper with our little brothers and get rid of oppressive ailments. You cannot use aggressive, pressing types.

Kittens, dolphins, puppies are the best option.

Strong image

Contemplation of a muscular body helps to reorganize the subconscious into a wave of health and endurance. A photo of a slender gymnast, favorite sports competitions, acquaintances who are associated with strong-willed personalities will do.


Indicated for elderly and energetically weakened people. Additionally, they are nourished with life-giving juices. At the same time they perform the function of protection against the evil eye.

According to Feng Shui, flora means:

Fruit basket

Ancient texts talk about it as the embodiment of a fortress. When choosing images of fruits, trust your intuition.

Baskets with ripe apples and peaches are the basis of youth and love of life.


Another analogue of perseverance and endurance. The best color for this theme is green:


The deity attracts happiness like a magnet, protects from envious eyes, damage, helping to achieve what you want. Especially shown to public, successful individuals.

Paintings by famous artists that bring good luck

If you do everything exactly according to Feng Shui, then what matters is not who painted the picture, but what is depicted on it. Therefore, look for paintings that have the following symbols that can give you good luck, wealth, and happiness:

  • Paintings and photographs depicting bamboo bring good luck and prosperity.
  • Koi fish are associated with prosperity. Therefore, these paintings can help increase wealth and abundance, especially in the money corner of your home.
  • Images of Buddha (either statues or paintings) bring good luck. However, there is a nuance here - you should definitely be given a painting or a figurine.
  • Paintings and photographs of positive events, such as beautiful landscapes or holidays, bring good energy to the entire home or office.

For material wealth

Today on the Internet you can find many pictures that help attract finance, prosperity and abundance, and increase wages. Among them:

You can use a wish-fulfilling mantra as wallpaper. The mantra font made up of symbols that are associated with wealth has powerful energy.

All these images can influence a person’s fate. They can be used as a screensaver on your computer desktop, and the original picture on your mobile will allow you to always carry good luck with you.


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